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Dead Reckoning

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A heinous murder sends Florida tabloid reporter Rayne Dawson sniffing for details. But when he discovers that a supernatural force may be responsible for both this death and a string of others, he enlists the help of the beautiful owner of the local history center. Together, they learn of an explosive element to the case that, like the tragic race riot that happened in the town a century before, the local citizenry wishes to bury and forget.

While continuing to battle his own personal demons, Rayne discovers that he is the only one able to stop the troubled spirit, and realizes he must find a way to destroy it before his own soul and those closest to him are lost forever. Fans of Watchmen and Candyman are sure to love this new crime thriller, a powerful and entertaining story of death and personal tragedy, and how the indomitable human will to survive comes face-to-face with evil that hides where we least expect it.

490 pages, Paperback

First published March 5, 2022

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About the author

Jacob Moon

3 books112 followers
Lifelong lover of books, fictional and true life. I read all genres but have a special affinity for historical non-fiction, mysteries, and psychological thrillers. I'm an army veteran, and current correctional officer at a large county jail. Father of two adult children. Sports, great food, and travel are some of my favorite pastimes. Huge bonus if I can combine all three.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Nichole Winsor.
28 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2022
Given that I read 50-60 books a year and the majority of them are horror/thriller type books, I am seldom surprised by much of what happens. For the second book in a row, this author has kept me confused and I am absolutely loving it. Not only was I repeatedly surprised, but I couldn't even decide if I liked some of the characters! If you are a fan of thrillers (this one has a bit of a supernatural element to it), you should definitely set aside some time to read this fantastic book. I look forward to reading more in the future, fingers crossed that there will be many more.
Profile Image for Jason Pettus.
Author 12 books1,376 followers
March 19, 2022
So to disclose my connection to this book right away, I was its copy editor, and I also contributed some developmental notes to author Jacob Moon, the same thing I did with his previous novel, the jailbreak thriller Furlough , and the same thing I plan on doing with his future books too. So please keep that in mind when judging my enthusiastic recommendation of this book; but I also hope you'll believe me when I say that this is one of the better books I've edited in the last year, one I would've really loved even if I had just been some random customer like the rest of you.

Set like his last book in western Florida, this is a cross-genre story that bleeds back and forth between crime and horror; but what really sets it apart is its racial-justice angle, in that much of the story occurs around a race riot that was supposed to have happened in the fictional small town in the years immediately following World War One, just like what happened in real life across the American South in these same years (most notoriously in Tulsa, Oklahoma). Moon has an assured, witty, veteran writing style, particularly notable since he's only starting his literary career here in middle age, after spending the first 30 years of his adult life initially in the Army and then as a Corrections officer (which is where he came up with the crazy, clever storyline behind Furlough, basically a look from an experienced jail expert at what strange set of circumstances might actually in theory lead to someone being able to accidentally escape from one). He's not trying to be as deliberately funny as his Floridian crime peer Carl Hiaasen, but his books share the latter's penchant for wild but believable plot turns, deep characterization, and for baking the sun-drenched, trash-filled Florida culture into the stories being told.

If you liked the movie Candyman or the HBO series Watchmen, then there's a high chance you'll love this too, and those references should give you a good general idea of what you're about to get into without me having to divulge any spoilers (and many intelligent surprises are indeed afoot here, make no mistake). I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy when you have a chance, or register for a chance at a giveaway copy of this thick 500-page paperback here at Goodreads during the month of April, 2022.
Profile Image for Victoria |.
76 reviews11 followers
May 8, 2022
If you're looking for a murder mystery with elements of history. Look no further! Dead Reckonig starts off running with the depiction of a gruesome murder. A voice is telling a child to stab and kill his mother as she sleeps. Rayne Dawson, a reporter for a local magazine, visits the apartment complex, where the young boy killed his mother, to gain more details about what happened and ultimately why a child could have done something so gruesome.
Throughout the book we go from 2020, to the 1920s in a time when racism was prevalent. We follow the story of an orphaned young black man who endures racism and gets himself in some real trouble. As Rayne investigates, he finds that the present day murder and this boy's story are connected, supernaturally.
The author's writing is really great and detailed. Although, I felt at some points that it did drag on a bit and is a little bit of a slow burn. Otherwise, a great story and executed well.

Thank you to the author, Jacob Moon, for offering a free copy to read and review.
All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Antonia.
71 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2022
This book was good, don’t get me wrong it really was, but it definitely felt like it was trying to be many things at once. I really liked Jacobs writing and it was incredibly clean. However his portrayals of women felt often empty, like he couldn’t figure out dialogue at times and blurted random trauma dumping from them or on them as if rushing a bond between characters when those characters already had chemistry.

I found it hard to care about the murders centring this story, it felt like they were an afterthought at times and that the need to justify the supernatural end of things shadowed the fact that people had died. People die and loved ones are left behind, but this story shows no connections to actual humanity through murder, especially with it opening on an 8 year old killer.

I felt really drawn to the flashbacks they were incredibly detailed and a very strong suit for the author in my opinion, I’m not fully familiar with Jacob’s work other than this but he has a great eye for period settings!

Jacob I would have never forgiven you if the dog died.
Profile Image for Amber Herbert.
Author 3 books17 followers
April 9, 2022
*I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

I thoroughly enjoyed Dead Reckoning. Jacob Moon is a new-to-me author, so I went into this novel almost completely blind.

This book gripped me from the start. Sure, there might have been a few side plots I wasn't 100% invested in, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the prose and the case at the forefront of the novel.

I appreciated the focus on racial justice issues because it's not something I typically come across in this genre. There were also many moments in the novel where I wasn't sure what was happening, or why, and I love when a thriller/suspense delivers that level of uncertainty.

I would recommend this book to fans of thrillers/mysteries with a dash of the paranormal.
Profile Image for Lori.
106 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2022
I won this books from Goodreads and this is my own opinion.
Although I don’t often read this genre, I was intrigued by the write-up to enter a contest to win said book from Goodreads and Jacob Moon. The history behind the book is something that I had always been interested in, racism and the stories hidden behind cemetery stones. I will certainly look for Mr. Moon’s other books as well.
Profile Image for Monique.
12 reviews4 followers
April 12, 2022
This book has every element you can think of.
We start with a murder of a mother by her 7 year old son. Oohh we are starting strong guys.
A very talented writer by the name of Rayne Dawson is on the scene reporting the tragedy that just happened.
What we think is a simple murder turns out to be much deeper and darker then anyone could have suspected and turns in to a search for the truth on why there have been strange murders in that one apartment.
As if that was not enough he gets involved with a young woman from a historical center to further look in to the property.
And what do we find 👀 a long lost cemetery.!!!! 👻 hmm. Hauntings? Possession?

Ladies and gentleman this book is well worth the read it has twists, turns, obsession and down right unexpected.
There is historical elements to it which I think complimented the story very well! i loved that the story despite the thriller/ fiction / historic non fiction / that was going on it shed light on the injustice to the African american community.
This also has me curious about long forgotten and hidden graves that may be lingering about in the world.
Profile Image for Hot Flash Horror.
105 reviews25 followers
August 7, 2022
A murder/mystery with a historical back story. This book had a lot of elements to it. We go back forth to the modern day murders that are being investigated by our main character to the disturbing history that seems to be playing a part in it.
I really enjoyed this book and the historical chapters were excellent. They were a few side plots I wasn’t completely invested in but I still was intrigued by the story and how the civil injustice of the past was affecting the current situation.

My only con really was that there was a point where things just went a little too perfectly. Not bad but just a bit to on the nose for me personally. But overall this was a great book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a crime thriller with a haunting twist.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
189 reviews
March 28, 2023
It a good murder-thriller, with a little bit of horror and paranormal thrown in. The flashbacks about Titus were the best part of the book, while the final twist in the plot provided a nice change of pace.
It is an interesting and well written novel, with a final showdown that was a bit unfulfilling in my opinion.
May 28, 2022
*win from Goodreads*
I am very grateful for having won this book on a Goodreads giveaway. It has everything I love about great fiction!!
Relateable, human, imperfect characters, a story line both thrilling and a little supernatural, a history lesson on a subject as a Canadian in small town Ontario might never have.

Jacob Moon has really captured the horror and continued fall out of a dark time in America, specifically southern USA. I think everyone needs to read this story, even if you don't like the supernatural aspect, learning about "lost or stolen" African American graveyards, resonated deeply for me. A Metis woman, in Canada, having lived with the knowledge of lost graves of children who were stolen and brought to residential schools. Names lost forever.

My hope is that all people can come to the same conclusion; we MUST learn from history if we want this world to be a better place for the next generation.
2 reviews
July 28, 2022
A gem that I couldn't stop reading

This was definitely a page turner. I couldn't put it down. I never knew what was coming next and I love that. I also really appreciate the nod to history in this book.

Ready for your next book Jacob!
Profile Image for Evelyn.
1,334 reviews3 followers
January 26, 2023

I really enjoyed this book. I also pretty much cringed when reading it! The evil but romance! I am lucky I have not experienced a lot of the events that occurred in this book! I do wish more people would appreciate how far we have come in race relations!!! You definitely won't be sorry reading this book - you won't want to put it down!
Profile Image for Lucian Miner.
153 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2022
I was sent a copy of this book by the author. However, my review is my own personal impression of the story. I was torn for some time on this book. If you are looking at reading this book my advice is to finish it. There are times where Rayne’s dialogue is super cringe. Overall I just didn’t care about him. I loved the Titus chapters and completely devoured them, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Jacob Moon knows how to build characters but I feel like he needs to cut back on some of the pointless details and dialogue. I get it Rayne loves to grill and all the ladies love and respect him from the get go. These might sound like huge things but really it doesn’t stop the story from still being enjoyable. This was my first book that I have read by Jacob Moon but it won’t be my last.
Profile Image for Casey.
94 reviews12 followers
April 23, 2022
I want to start off with saying that this is a slow burn book BUT don’t let that turn you away from reading it. I tend to stay clear of those types of books but this one kept me hooked the entire time! The story is filled with history that I found myself looking into deeper on my own and discovering things I didn’t know about and the combination of the history and supernatural sprinkled with romance was perfect! I loved every second of this book! I would definitely read something from this author again!
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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