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Eating Wasps
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Read between June 30 - July 8, 2019
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Love fades. Love does, no matter what we believe. All that’s left are the what-ifs.
Elizabeth Thomas liked this
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Their marriage was a contractual obligation determined by their mutual usefulness. Had
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Who was this man? How could she share roof and bed with him, let her undies tumble with his in the washing machine, split a biryani and do all those countless mundane but intimate things one does with a husband and yet not know him?
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Not an unspecified, yet overwhelming disappointment in the other person.
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‘A gift should be about what the receiver needs. Not about displaying the giver’s largesse. Don’t you think so, ma’am?’
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Any man can father a child, but to be a father requires commitment, it means giving some bit of yourself every day, without tiring.
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The scientist, the writer and the lover have one thing in common: they will be thwarted at every step. That is the reality of their choice.
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The scientist knows. The writer imagines. The lover tries to read between the lines.