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Insight Quotes

Quotes tagged as "insight" Showing 151-180 of 866
“You can use all the hundred dollar words you want,” said Vic, “women like that are like TNT. You go after their man, they’d sooner kill you than look at you.”

Erik Pevernagie
“So often, we want to be part of the big picture and “understand” what all the hassle is about in our lives. We feel we are missing out on the essential pieces of the puzzle, permanently struggling with the confrontation of the absence of awareness. Still, so often, we do not make the time nor have the guts to take the plunge to experience the enlightening inner transformation that gives us the insight we have longed for so badly. ("A character's hidden sides ")”
Erik Pevernagie

“When you’re in The System, like after being arrested, you’re no longer a participant. You’re being processed. Instead of an easy to ignore, well-greased cog, you become a sharp edge that needs to be ground down.”
Edward Williams, Framed & Hunted: A True Story of Occult Persecution

Robert         Reid
“Often the wise way is to seek the need, not the want. Want is often tainted by greed and is often wholly self-centred. Need by contrast is often the wish of the heart or soul for something better, something more whole.”
Robert Reid, The Empress:

Erik Pevernagie
“While navigating our blind dates and relationships, let us not hesitate to apply critical thinking and maintain an offset between idealism and realism. When we balance our aspirations with the constraints of reality, we can steer the unpredictability of life with insight and resilience. ("Blind Date")”
Erik Pevernagie

William Gaddis
“Then, what is sacrelige [sic]? If it is nothing more than a rebellion against dogma, it is eventually as meaningless as the dogma it defies, and they are both become hounds ranting in the high grass, never see the boar in the thicket. Only a religious person can perpetrate sacrelige: and if its blasphemy reaches the heart of the question; if it investigates deeply enough to unfold, not the pattern, but the materials of the pattern, and the necessity of a pattern; if it questions so deeply that the doubt it arouses is frightening and cannot be dismissed; then it has done its true sacreligious [sic] work, in the service of its adversary: the only service that nihilism can ever perform.

(unused 1949 prefatory note to The Recognitions) ”
William Gaddis

Henry David Thoreau
“Philanthropy is. . . greatly overrated. A pain in the gut is not sympathy for the underprivileged, but the result of eating a green apple; the philanthropist gives to ease his own pain.”
Henry David Thoreau

E. Nesbit
“There was a pleasant party of barge people round the fire. You might not have thought it pleasant, but they did; for they were all friends or acquaintances, and they liked the same sort of things, and talked the same sort of talk. This is the real secret of pleasant society.”
E. Nesbit, The Railway Children

R. Scott Bakker
“Hoga Gothyelk no longer felt anger, not truly -- only varieties of sorrow.”
R. Scott Bakker, The Darkness That Comes Before

Paul David Tripp
“Insightful people are insightful not because they have the right answers but because they have asked the right questions.”
Paul David Tripp

“Ponieważ Sun Tzu nigdzie nie sugeruje, że piszę o czymś więcej niż wojna. Nie daje do zrozumienia, że jego książka ma być podręcznikiem, mówiącym jak żyć, pracować czy uruchamiać biznes - ani jak dawać sobie radę jako rodzina lub koledzy, albo jak być farmerem, dyrektorem naczelnym, przedsiębiorcą czy lekarzem. My sami musimy wybrać.

To nie jego wina, że współcześni komentatorzy biznesu próbują stosować jego idee do biznesu.”
John Vincent, Winning Not Fighting: Why you need to rethink success and how you achieve it with the Ancient Art of Wing Tsun

“Knowledge itself is power!”
Sir Frances Bacon

“I'd rather ascend mountains on repeat, with a home encircled by eagles, than dwell among city gazes, witnessing gossip and indifference towards fellow humans. For humans construct mountains, complicating lives, whereas a real mountain is simpler for me to conquer.”
Yvonne Padmos

Angel  A.
“From the prison of your own mind, it’s difficult to admit who it is that’s guarding the gate.”
Angel A., Holy Parrot

“As night falls, I crumble under the weight of my inability to save you. My insight, intuition, perception, awareness, and understanding deepen my sense of despair, compelling me to journey towards you across space and time.”
Kenan Hudaverdi

“To define happiness we need two powers of
perspective and acceptance and two Constants that are love and respect.

Now start your definition.”
Arash Ghods

“Some people, even those with great insight are occasionally blind to things in front of their noses.”
William Scott

Sunil Gangopadhyay
“এই দেহ নিয়ে জন্মাবার প্রায় সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই, মোমবাতির ওপরে শিখাটুকুর মতন, মানুষের জীবনের সঙ্গে জুড়ে থাকে আকাঙ্ক্ষা। সেই আকাঙ্ক্ষার অলৌকিক চোখ দিয়ে দুর্দান্ত অবাধ্য বালকের মতো সে ঘুরিয়ে ফিরিয়ে দেখে চারদিক, সে আরও কিছু চায়। জীবন যেখানে থেমে আছে, তা ছাড়াও আরও কিছু। কী সেটা? যশ, অর্থ, ভোগ বা ভালোবাসাও শেষ কথা নয়।”
Sunil Gangopadhyay, একা এবং কয়েকজন

Sunil Gangopadhyay
“ন্যায়-অন্যায়ের যে সূক্ষ্ম সীমারেখা রয়েছে, সেটাও কী রকম হঠাৎ হঠাৎ বদলে যায়। পরিস্থিতি অনুযায়ী নতুন যুক্তি খাড়া করতে একটুও দেরি হয় না। একটু দূর থেকে, নির্লিপ্ত দর্শক হিসাবে লক্ষ করলে বোঝা যায়, মানুষের তৈরি করা নিয়মনীতি, বিবেক, আদর্শ- এগুলো শিশুর অযৌক্তিকতা থেকে বেশি দূরে নয়। এমনকী সত্যও এক ও অবিচল হতে পারে না।”
Sunil Gangopadhyay, একা এবং কয়েকজন

“Suffering awakens us. Insight ignites resolve. Will empowers action. Action sculpts change. We are the architects of our own metamorphosis.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Harry Ricketts
“…but I was really much more like Mrs Munt in Howards End, who ‘collected new ideas as a squirrel collects nuts, and was especially attracted by those that are portable.’ Pg172”
Harry Ricketts, First Things

Harry Ricketts
“I wrote in my diary: ‘Suddenly to be not Harry but just a foreigner – a Britisher in an alien world – a representative of an exploiting dominant power.’ Reading that comment now is a reminder of the thinness of the Hong Kong University world I almost exclusively inhabited… pg203”
Harry Ricketts, First Things

“Being drawn to intelligence is like having a secret crush on the brainiest person in the room. It's like finding the smartest cookie in the jar and wanting to devour every last crumb of their knowledge. When someone's intellect shines bright, it's like a beacon calling you to explore the depths of your mind. So, if you're attracted to intelligence, own it! Dive into stimulating conversations. After all, who needs cupid's arrow when you've got the allure of a brilliant mind?”
Life is Positive

Marianne Wiggins
“That’s the nature of revelation: it makes its own pronouncement. It says: the world you see before you is brand-new. The world you've known is gone.”
Marianne Wiggins, Evidence of Things Unseen

“I wish I could run free with the horses and never again be the daughter of dropped miracles.”
Tiffany McDaniel, On the Savage Side

Satoshi Yagisawa
“I was carrying this feeling around—like there was a gaping hole left open inside me. And instead of disappearing, the emptiness inside me seemed to grow day by day. I started to think that being with him when I was feeling this way was almost a betrayal.”
Satoshi Yagisawa, Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

“Adults should prioritize responsibilities over idle gossip.”
Jason Langella

Alan    Bradley
“From the vaulted arches several stories above us, entire, mature trees were growing, reaching leafy boughs down into the open air between the floor and ceiling. There was a full glade growing up there, oak, birch, maple, and elm, like someone had carved out a few acres of the park and fixed it there upside down.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

“Negotiation is less about winning arguments and more about finding the wisdom in every perspective."

"In negotiation, the smallest gestures of respect can pave the way for the greatest agreements."

"The strength of a negotiator lies in their ability to turn conflict into collaboration."

"Every negotiation should aim to build bridges that outlast the deals made upon them."

"A skilled negotiator knows when to be firm and when to yield, understanding both are part of progress."

"Negotiation thrives on curiosity—it's the willingness to explore options beyond the obvious."

"To negotiate well is to understand that compromise is not about losing, but about mutual gain."

"The true art of negotiation is finding a path where everyone’s needs are met, even if the routes are different."

"Negotiation is a dance of give and take, where rhythm matters as much as the steps."

"The most effective negotiators are those who see through positions to the interests that lie beneath.”
Vorng Panha

“Research is the art of turning curiosity into discovery and discovery into understanding."
"Every great research starts with a question that refuses to be ignored."
"Research is not just about finding answers; it’s about challenging assumptions and expanding horizons."
"True research doesn’t just seek to explain what is known but dares to explore what is yet unknown."
"To research is to journey through uncertainty with a compass of curiosity."
"Great research is fueled by doubt and driven by a relentless pursuit of truth."
"Research is a dance between intuition and evidence, where both are needed to find balance."
"The power of research lies not in the data it collects, but in the stories it reveals."
"Research is a commitment to ask the difficult questions and accept the complex answers."
"To research is to see the world not just as it is, but as it could be.”
Vorng Panha
