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Possession Quotes

Quotes tagged as "possession" Showing 241-270 of 348
Guy de Maupassant
“I reason everything out, and usually analyze my tastes too well to succumb to them blindly. And that's my chief defect, the real cause of my weakness. But this woman has taken possession of me in spite of myself, in spite of my fear and my knowledge of her; and she possesses me as if she had plucked out, one after the other, my every last aspiration.”
Guy de Maupassant, Alien Hearts

Marcel Proust
“Among all the methods by which love is brought into being, among all the agents which disseminate that blessed bane, there are few so efficacious as the great gust of agitation which, now and then, sweeps over the human spirit. For then the creature in whose company we are seeking amusement at the moment, her lot is cast, her fate and ours decided, that is the creature whom we shall henceforward love. It is not necessary that she should have pleased us, up till then, any more, or even as much as others. All that is necessary is that our taste for her should become exclusive. And that condition is fulfilled so soon as - in the moment when she has failed to meet us - for the pleasure which we were on the point of enjoying in her charming company is abruptly substituted an anxious torturing desire, whose object is the creature herself, an irrational, absurd desire, which the laws of civilised society make it impossible to satisfy and difficult to assuage - the insensate, agonising desire to possess her.”
Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann

J.A. Ironside
“Every time I had things straight in my head about
him, I saw him smile or crook an eyebrow, and all my sensible reasons on why I couldn’t have feelings for him seemed redundant.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

Ahmet Şerif İzgören
“Sahiplenme için özellikle dokunmayı kullanırız. Bir düğün salonuna girerken, sevgilimize, eşimize sarılır veya dokunuruz. Bu dokunuşu “Bu benim ona göre!” anlamında kullanırız. Genelde hanımlar bu mesajı etrafa vermede bizden daha kibar oldukları için, bizim yaptığımız gibi kollarıyla bir boğma harekâtına girmek yerine, üzerinizden olmayan kepekleri silkelerler ya da ceketinizden hayali saçlar toplarlar. Zaten sıkı olan kravatınızı dilinizi dışarı çıkaracak şekilde sıkarlar. Bu, diğer dişilere “Bu adam benim, bulana kadar canım çıktı, kimse yanaşmasın” mesajını verir. Siz saf saf “Dün kafa üstü düştüm, dönüp bakmadı. Şimdi kravatımı düzeltiyor, değerimi anladı. Rabbime şükürler olsun!” diye düşünürken, o etrafa gerekli mesajı vermektedir.”
Ahmet Şerif İzgören, Dikkat Vücudunuz Konuşuyor

J.A. Ironside
“Oh r-really? Do t-tell?” I quirked an eyebrow back at him.

“Well, usually it’s best to take your shoes and socks off before you step in the stream, better balance on an uneven surface. Also, you avoid that unpleasant squelchy feeling when you wear the shoes againlater.” He paused, smirking. “Also, if
I was going to paddle barefoot “I was going to paddle barefoot upstream in Yorkshire, I’d wait until at least May before I tried it. But you go ahead, love. You’re clearly a Spartan lass.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“Tangled onto the shuttle, we were being woven back and forth to create the same tapestry of despair and heartbreak and loss. It was so much
bigger than I could see before, and all I had done was stand at the centre of the web and feed it my anger and frustration and jealousy.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“Maybe because I knew Haze and Kate so well by then the passage leapt out at me, clear and sharp as diamond.

“My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath…He’s always,
always in my mind: not as a pleasure any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.”

A love that was terrifying in its depth, but all the more enticing because of that. I thought I understood. Love could be just as destructive as hate if it became poisoned or twisted.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“Oh r-really? Do t-tell?” I quirked an eyebrow back at him.

“Well, usually it’s best to take your shoes and socks off before you step in the stream, better balance on an uneven surface. Also, you avoid that unpleasant squelchy feeling when you wear the shoes again later.” He paused, smirking. “Also, if
I was going to paddle barefoot upstream in Yorkshire, I’d wait until at least May before I tried it. But you go ahead, love. You’re clearly a Spartan lass.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“How did you get so scratched up then, Emlynn?” He looked at me uncertainly again.

I felt wildly like laughing. Too many swooping highs and plummeting lows. What a weird few
days. Weird being a massive understatement.

“Cr-Crawling through gorse bushes.” I took a perverse delight in answering his questions in a way that told him nothing at all. I’d never paid much attention to boys before. Maybe Grace was onto something after all.

“Crawling through gorse,” he repeated. “Part of your action-girl antics, no doubt?”

“N-no doubt.” I smirked again.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“This is m-me.” I indicated the lonely track.

“Really? What’s up there?” He peered over my shoulder in genuine curiosity. “Is there a house up there? You’re not a sylph or something that really does live wild, are you?”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

J.A. Ironside
“Hey now, wait a second. When will I see you again? You can’t leave a poor lad dangling like that!”

His look of bewilderment made me bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“Why would you w-want to?” The words were out before I could stop them. A rare occurrence for me. And now I seemed pathetically needy. Very attractive.

“Because I love a pair of pretty green eyes.” He grinned.”
J.A. Ironside

J.A. Ironside
“Dad looked more sheepish than I had ever seen him look in his life. It made him appear younger.

“A scent. Your mother’s shampoo.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

Emmanuelle de Maupassant
“He is a man-beast, carnivore incarnate, motivated by carnal avarice and wearing only the mask of civility.

She could sip from that cup.

It is his presumption that deters her: his belief that he has already caught Maud in his paw.”
Emmanuelle de Maupassant, The Gentlemen's Club

J.A. Ironside
“Oh r-really? Do t-tell?” I quirked an eyebrow back at him.

“Well, usually it’s best to take your shoes and socks off before you step in the stream, better balance on an uneven surface. Also, you avoid that unpleasant squelchy feeling when you wear the shoes again later.” He paused, smirking. “Also, if
I was going to paddle barefoot upstream in Yorkshire, I’d wait until at least May before I tried it. But you go ahead, love. You’re clearly a Spartan lass.”
J.A. Ironside, I Belong to the Earth

Israelmore Ayivor
“Success is not in the possession of multitudes of dreams; it is in the art of processing dreams into multiple realities!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“Seek knowledge, getting as much of it as you can and meditate on it, then you will become a
happy possessor of wisdom.”
Sunday Adelaja

“All resources in your possession is an opportunity for service.”
Sunday Adelaja

“There is no increase without possession.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Our multiplication must increase to fill the earth. That right there, is a possession”
Sunday Adelaja

“You professors, what do you teach your students? Do you instil in them the spirit of possession?”
Sunday Adelaja

“You leaders, where do you lead your people to? Do you sow in them the seed of possession?”
Sunday Adelaja

“The kingdom of this world will come closer into becoming the kingdom of the world if we all take possession of our spheres”
Sunday Adelaja

“There is no possession without increase, every increase must lead to possession”
Sunday Adelaja

“We came to this earth to labour and work for increase, which would lead to possession.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your ideas about possession must increase until you get to a state of full possession of the land, city and nation”
Sunday Adelaja

“Good could become the enemy of the best. That best is possession.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Always be challenged to build your life intentionally for possessions.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Every increase has a purpose, the purpose is possession!”
Sunday Adelaja

“Preoccupy your mind more and more thinking of strategies, methods of attaining possession in all areas of your life’s endeavour.”
Sunday Adelaja

“You professors, what do you teach your students? Do you instill in them the spirit of possession?”
Sunday Adelaja
