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Thoughts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thoughts" Showing 241-270 of 3,932
Thaddeus of Vitovnica
“Our life depends on the kind of thoughts we nurture. If our thoughts are peaceful, calm, meek, and kind, then that is what our life is like. If our attention is turned to the circumstances in which we live, we are drawn into a whirlpool of thoughts and can have neither peace nor tranquility.”
Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica

C. JoyBell C.
“Living is about capturing the essence of things. I go through my life every day with a vial, a vial wherein can be found precious essential oils of every kind! The priceless, fragrant oils that are the essence of my experiences, my thoughts. I walk inside a different realm from everybody else, in that I am existing in the essence of things; every time there is reason to smile, I hold out my glass vial and capture that drop of oil, that essence, and then I smile. And that is why I have smiled, and so you and I may be smiling at the same time but I am smiling because of that one drop of cherished, treasured oil that I have extracted. When I write, I find no need to memorize an idea, a plot, a sequence of things: no. I must only capture the essence of a feeling or a thought and once I have inhaled that aroma, I know that I have what I need.”
C. JoyBell C.

Terry Goodkind
“Are we our bodies? Is a small person less than a big person, then? If we were our bodies, then when we lost an arm, or a leg, would we be less, would we begin to fade from existence? No. We are the same person.

We are not our bodies; we are our thoughts. As they form, they define who we are, and create the reality of our existence.”
Terry Goodkind, Blood of the Fold

Megan Miranda
“My mother always wanted to live near the water," she said. "She said it's the one thing that brings us all together. That I can have my toe in the ocean off the coast of Maine, and a girl my age can have her toe in the ocean off the coast of Africa, and we would be touching. On opposite sides of the world.”
Megan Miranda, Vengeance

Phoebe Stone
“A great idea should always be left to steep like loose tea leaves in a teapot for a while to make sure that the tea will be strong enough and that the idea truly is a great one.”
Phoebe Stone, The Romeo and Juliet Code

Anaïs Nin
“We are more severe judges of our own acts... We judge our thoughts, our intents, our secret curses, our secret hates, not only our acts.”
Anaïs Nin, A Spy in the House of Love

Frances Hodgson Burnett
“One of the new things people began to find out in the last century was that thoughts--just mere thoughts--are as powerful as electric batteries--as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. To let a sad thought or a bad one get into your mind is as dangerous as letting a scarlet fever germ get into your body. If you let it stay there after it has got in you may never get over it as long as you live.”
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
“Thoughts and feelings change sometimes, as one crosses the frontiers.”
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Tomorrow's Eve

Dejan Stojanovic
“Dream by making and make by dreaming.”
Dejan Stojanovic

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“She turned to examine Dr. Breed, looking at him with helpless reproach. She hated people who thought too much. At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate representative for almost all mankind.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

Peter Kreeft
“Saint Thomas Aquinas says, wisely, that the only way to drive out a bad passion is by a stronger good passion. The same is true of thoughts as of passions. When your mind wanders, like a child, your will must bring it back, like a mother. [. . .] The will-parent must discipline the mind-child, avoiding both the opposite extremes commonly made in disciplining either children or thoughts: tyranny or permissiveness.”
Peter Kreeft, Prayer for Beginners

“O Heavenly Children, do not forget that God is here, there and everywhere. The birds are his eyes and the air is his ears. And as you sleep, your heart and soul rest naked before him. He can drink from the rivers of your thoughts, and even feel the wetness of your tears.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“You set up your place in my thoughts, moved in and made my thinking crowded.”
Emily Saliers

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Strength is incomprehensible by weakness, and, therefore, the more terrible.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables

W.Y. Evans-Wentz
“Our past thinking has determined our present status, and our present thinking will determine our future status; for man is what man thinks.”
W.Y. Evans-Wentz, The Tibetan Book of the Dead or The After-death Experiences on the Bardo Plane

Richard P. Feynman
“I happen to know this, and I happen to know that, and maybe I know that;and I work everything out from there. Tomorrow I may forgot that this is true, but remember that something else is true, so I can reconstruct it all again. I am never quite sure of where I am supposed to begin or where I am supposed to end. I just remember enough all the time so that as the memory fades and some of the pieces fall out I can put the thing back together again every day”
Richard P. Feynman, The Character of Physical Law

Clarice Lispector
“Beyond thought I reach a state. I refuse to divide it up into words - and what I cannot and do not want to express ends up being the most secret of my secrets. I know that I'm scared of the moments in which I don't use thought and that's a momentary state that is difficult to reach, and which, entirely secret, no longer uses words with which thoughts are produce. Is not using words to lose your identity? is it getting lost in the harmful essential shadows?”
Clarice Lispector

Paulette Jiles
“Then took the quilt out of its linen wrapper for the pleasure of the brilliant colors and the feel of the velvet. The needlework was very fine and regular. Adair hated needlework and she could not imagine sitting and stitching the fine crow’s-foot seams.
Writing was the same, the pinching of thoughts into marks on paper and trying to keep your cursive legible, trying to think of the next thing to say and then behind you on several sheets of paper you find you have left permanent tracks, a trail, upon which anybody could follow you. Stalking you through your deep woods of private thought.

Paulette Jiles, Enemy Women

Amaka Imani Nkosazana
“I Am ! Two powerful words.... You must confess... I Am who God called me to be. I Am a Success. I Am not what you think of me. I Am more than a conqueror. I Am walking by Faith. I Am a Gift.”
Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Release The Ink

“If only [there] really was a door and [you] could walk through it into another life, where threads didn't snarl and stitches didn't go all tight and tiny. Where people loved you and didn't leave you for someone else.”
Karen Hancock, The Shadow Within

Robin Hobb
“This is philosophy, Fool. I have never had time to study such things.’ ‘No, Fitz, this is life. And no one has time not to think of such things. Each creature in the world should consider this thing, every moment of the heart’s beating. Otherwise, what is the point of arising each day?”
Robin Hobb, Royal Assassin

“Mathilde made an effort to use the more intimate form; she was evidently more attentive to this unusual way of speaking than to what she was saying. This use of the singular form, stripped of the tone of affection, ceased, after a moment, to afford Julien any pleasure, he was astonished at the absence of happiness; finally, in order to feel it, he had recourse to his reason. He saw himself highly esteemed by this girl who was so proud, and never bestowed unrestricted praise; by this line of reasoning he arrived at a gratification of his self-esteem.”
Stendhal, The Red and the Black

William Gibson
“There are tumults of the mind, when, like the great convulsions of Nature, all seems anarchy and returning chaos; yet often, in those moments of vast disturbance, as in the strife of Nature itself, some new principle of order, or some new impulse of conduct, develops itself, and controls, and regulates, and brings to an harmonious consequence, passions and elements which seem only to threaten despair and subversion.”
William Gibson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Poetry is inspired by the elements of random thoughts, an overflow of gazing at the unseen.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.”
Roy Bennett

Salman Rushdie
“Beware the man (or jinni) of action when he finally seeks to better himself with thought. A little thinking is a dangerous thing.”
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights

Mircea Eliade
“Nu mă pot lăsa posedat de un eveniment, oricât ar fi el de actual și de catastrofal. Îl discut un ceas, două, încerc să-l înțeleg, mă acomodez sau nu mă acomodez cu el, dar apoi trec mai departe și mă ocup de altceva. Măcar atâta libertate să mai profităm cât ni se îngăduie: libertatea de a ne alege subiectele de reflecție, de conversație sau glumă...”
Mircea Eliade, Noaptea de Sânziene

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not
realities and creators, but names and customs.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance: An Excerpt from Collected Essays, First Series

Gillian Dance
“How strange that in my thoughts I should accept of myself that as a woman, I was a charge, belonging to another, not permitted to come and go unaccounted for.”
Gillian Dance, The Ultimate Religion
