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Jamie's Reviews > Diving Into the Wreck

Diving Into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich
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bookshelves: poetry, read-in-2011

I'm perpetually torn with Rich. There's a studied, formal quality to even her mid-career, furious work - and I rarely enjoy tight-wound poetry, at least on a sort of affective level. My other frustration with Rich is that she can envision striking images, but so many of her poems seem to me to be endless series of absolutely disconnected images, and not in a surrealist, avant-garde way, either. Just disjointed attempts at stating the same idea again and again, which can be tedious. The latter parts of this book, particularly "The Phenomenology of Anger" and "Meditations for a Savage Child," were the most consistent and compelling pieces. And obviously, the title poem is worth the price of admission alone. For that poem I'll always give Rich another chance.
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Reading Progress

December 5, 2009 – Shelved
December 5, 2009 – Shelved as: poetry
July 27, 2011 – Started Reading
July 29, 2011 – Finished Reading
August 1, 2011 – Shelved as: read-in-2011

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Moira Ohh (and I know I always say this, people must laugh at me - I just don't share my SEARING HATRED of stuff on GoodReads) this is one of my favourites, ever ever. Oh that title poem, oh man. I think I first encountered it in a school anthology and was just stunned.

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