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Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff v. Student Debt Doctor LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and Gary Brent White, Jr., individually and as an officer of Defendant Student Debt Doctor LLC, Defendants.
FTC Matter/File Number
172 3055
Civil Action Number
17-CV-61937 WPD
Enforcement Type
Federal Injunctions
Federal Court
Southern District of Florida

Case Summary

In December 2018, the Federal Trade Commission announced that the operators of Florida-based student loan debt relief scheme Student Debt Doctor are banned from the debt relief business as part of agreements settling allegations that they collected illegal upfront fees and falsely promised to help some consumers enroll in government programs that would reduce or forgive their student loan debt. In June 2022, the agency announced that it is sending 22,817 checks totaling more than $2 million to borrowers who lost money to the scheme.