[go: nahoru, domu]

Release 5

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0: R5 - STU). This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2

Example Patient/example (Narrative)

Patient Administration Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

This is the narrative for the resource. See also the XML, JSON or Turtle format. This example conforms to the profile Patient.

Jim male, DoB: 1974-12-25 ( Medical record number: 12345 (use: USUAL, period: 2001-05-06 --> (ongoing)))

Alt Names:
  • Peter James Chalmers (OFFICIAL)
  • Peter James Windsor (MAIDEN)
Contact Details:
  • -unknown-(HOME)
  • ph: (03) 5555 6473(WORK)
  • ph: (03) 3410 5613(MOBILE)
  • ph: (03) 5555 8834(OLD)
  • 534 Erewhon St PeasantVille, Rainbow, Vic 3999(HOME)
  • Bénédicte du Marché (female)
  • 534 Erewhon St PleasantVille Vic 3999 (HOME)
  • +33 (237) 998327
  • Valid Period: 2012 --> (ongoing)


Other examples that reference this example:

  • Account/Guarantor
  • Account/Example
  • AllergyIntolerance/Food Allergy
  • AllergyIntolerance/Fish Allergy with notes
  • AllergyIntolerance/Medication Allergy
  • AllergyIntolerance/No Known Latex Allergy
  • Appointment/Example2docs
  • Appointment/Example
  • Appointment/ExampleRequest
  • AppointmentResponse/Example
  • AuditEvent/Advanced audit for a create
  • AuditEvent/BreakGlass Start
  • AuditEvent/Consent Permit Authorization
  • AuditEvent/Disclosure
  • AuditEvent/RESTful Operation
  • AuditEvent/RESTful create
  • BodyStructure/Fetus
  • BodyStructure/Skin Patch
  • BodyStructure/Tumor
  • CarePlan/Weight Loss
  • CarePlan/Narrative
  • CareTeam/Care Team
  • ChargeItem/General
  • ClinicalImpression/General
  • Communication/Alert Message
  • CommunicationRequest/Alert Message
  • Condition/General
  • Condition/Linkage
  • Condition/2nd Case
  • Condition/Family History
  • Condition/Stroke
  • Consent/Consent-In
  • Consent/Consent from Patients Know Best
  • DeviceRequest/Wheelchair
  • DeviceRequest/Left lens
  • DeviceRequest/Right lens
  • DeviceUsage/Wheelchair
  • DiagnosticReport/Ultrasound
  • DocumentReference/DICOM example
  • DocumentReference/Xray example
  • Encounter/emergency
  • Encounter/example
  • Encounter/example-home
  • EncounterHistory/example
  • EpisodeOfCare/example
  • FamilyMemberHistory/Father
  • Flag/General
  • Flag/Encounter
  • Goal/Weight Loss
  • Goal/Stop Smoking
  • GuidanceResponse/Example illustrating request for additional data for diabetes guideline
  • GuidanceResponse/Example guidance response for appropriate use criteria assessment
  • Immunization/General
  • Immunization/Historical
  • Immunization/Not Given
  • Immunization/Applied Protocol
  • Immunization/Reaction
  • Immunization/Subpotent
  • ImmunizationEvaluation/Valid
  • ImmunizationEvaluation/Not Valid
  • ImmunizationRecommendation/General
  • ImmunizationRecommendation/General
  • Invoice/General
  • List/Allergies List
  • List/General
  • List/Family History- double cousin relationship
  • List/Empty List
  • List/Family History - genetic
  • List/Long List
  • List/Med List
  • MessageHeader/General Example
  • MolecularSequence/Example of MolecularSequence
  • MolecularSequence/TPMT sequence refer to a haplotype obs. -1
  • MolecularSequence/TPMT sequence refer to a haplotype obs. -2
  • MolecularSequence/Variant refer to a haplotype observation
  • MolecularSequence/Another variant refer to a haplotype observation
  • NutritionOrder/Low Sodium and Fiber Restricted Diet
  • NutritionOrder/Diabetic Diet
  • NutritionOrder/Diabetic Supplement
  • NutritionOrder/Energy Supplement
  • NutritionOrder/Enteral Bolus
  • NutritionOrder/Enteral Continuous Feeding
  • NutritionOrder/Low Fat and Fiber Restricted Diet
  • NutritionOrder/Infant Enteral
  • NutritionOrder/Protein Supplement
  • NutritionOrder/Pureed Diet
  • NutritionOrder/Pureed Diet Simple
  • NutritionOrder/Renal Diet
  • NutritionOrder/Texture Modified Diet
  • Observation/abdo-tender
  • Observation/Type of alcohol consumed
  • Observation/Blood Pressure
  • Observation/cancelled
  • Observation/Blood Pressure with Data Absent
  • Observation/BMI
  • Observation/BMI Height and Weight
  • Observation/Body Height
  • Observation/Body Length
  • Observation/Body Temperature
  • Observation/body-weight-with-arabic-code
  • Observation/Clinical Gender
  • Observation/Example
  • Observation/Eye Color
  • Observation/Glasgow Score 2
  • Observation/Glasgow Score 1
  • Observation/Head Circumference
  • Observation/Heart Rate
  • Observation/MAP Sitting
  • Observation/Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
  • Observation/Respiratory Rate
  • Observation/Oxygen Saturation (SpO2)
  • Observation/Vitals Signs Panel
  • Person/General
  • Procedure/HCBS
  • Procedure/Ambulation
  • Procedure/Appendectomy
  • Procedure/Biopsy
  • Procedure/Colon Biopsy
  • Procedure/Colonoscopy
  • Procedure/General
  • Procedure/Device Example
  • Procedure/Physical Therapy
  • Provenance/Consent Signature
  • Provenance/Advanced Provenance
  • Provenance/Consent Workflow
  • Provenance/CWL Workflow
  • Provenance/Provenance on imported Resources from a document
  • QuestionnaireResponse/Glasgow Coma Score
  • RelatedPerson/Benedicte
  • RequestOrchestration/Offset Actions Example
  • RequestOrchestration/KDN5 Example
  • RiskAssessment/breastcancer-risk
  • RiskAssessment/prognosis
  • RiskAssessment/risk example
  • ServiceRequest/Ambulation
  • ServiceRequest/Bench Press
  • ServiceRequest/Colon Biopsy
  • ServiceRequest/Colonoscopy
  • ServiceRequest/Do Not Turn
  • ServiceRequest/Head CT
  • ServiceRequest/Device Example
  • ServiceRequest/Lipids
  • ServiceRequest/Physical Therapy
  • ServiceRequest/Physiotherapy
  • ServiceRequest/Mechanical Ventilation
  • Specimen/General
  • Specimen/Isolate
  • Specimen/Urine
  • Task/Do not administer a questionnaire
  • Task/In Progress Lipid Panel Task 1
  • Task/Accepted Specimen Collection Task
  • Task/Prescription Task
  • Task/Completed Specimen Collection Task
  • Task/in Progress Lipid Panel Task 2
  • Task/Completed Lipid Panel Task
  • TestScript/General
  • TestScript/History Test
  • TestScript/Search Test
  • TestScript/Update Test
  • VisionPrescription/Glasses
  • VisionPrescription/Contacts

    Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.