Type name: application Subtype name: private-token-issuer-directory Required parameters: N/A Optional parameters: N/A Encoding considerations: binary Security considerations: See Section 7 of RFC 9578. Interoperability considerations: N/A Published specification: RFC 9578 Applications that use this media type: Services that implement the Privacy Pass Issuer role, and Client applications that interact with the Issuer for the purposes of issuing or redeeming tokens. Fragment identifier considerations: N/A Additional information: Deprecated alias names for this type: N/A Magic number(s): N/A File extension(s): N/A Macintosh file type code(s): N/A Person & email address to contact for further information: See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9578. Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: N/A Author: See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9578. Change controller: IETF