Aus dem Kurs: Effective Listening

Getting the most out of the course

Aus dem Kurs: Effective Listening

Getting the most out of the course

- Listening is a skill, that like any other skill, can be learned. With some new information, some increased self-awareness, and some new practice strategies, you can definitely enhance your listening. You'll get the most out of this course if you approach it with the firm belief that your listening has room to improve, as we all do, and that it's a learned behavior, not just an inherent talent that you either were born with or not. It's instead something you can learn and you can improve. - We begin the course with a self-assessment. Now be brutally honest with yourself or even ask for some insights from those around you about your listening habits. We move on to look at common challenges people face when they are listening. Practice listening through this section of the course, even if you think one of the challenges doesn't apply to you. You may find that the strategy to overcome that challenge can be useful technique for you regardless of your specific listening obstacle. Finally, we share and demonstrate six effective listening behaviors. You can't focus on all six at once, so choose a few that you want to practice over the next few weeks or months. Complete the 30 day listening challenge and hang it, along with your tip sheet, somewhere that you will see it every day for the next 30 days. You can find the coordinating worksheets in the Exercise Files for this course. - We're excited to be on this listening challenge with you and we look forward to hearing from you about the growth we hope you will notice in your own listening.
