Open source game engine - Godot

Godot is a free an open source game engine released under MIT license.

C#,C++ are the primary programming language for game development.Godot also supports scripting interface - GDScript and VisalScript.

On starting Godot, it opens with the below UI for project manager. Project manager allows us to create a new Godot project or to import an existing project.

Once the project is opened, Godot presents an editor window(3D by default but we can switch to 2D mode using the options at the top of the screen).

Nodes are fundamental building blocks for creating a game.

A scene is composed of a group of nodes organized hierarchically (in tree fashion).  A project can contain several scenes, but for the game to start, one of them must be selected as the main scene.Starting a game means running the main scene.

Scene file is saved with a .tscn extension. A .tscn File format is the “Text SCeNe” file format and represents a single scene-tree inside Godot.The tscn file is compiled into a binary .scn file. Godot provides support for 3D scenes in collada format with dae extension( dae - digital asset exchange).When you save the project, a project.godot file gets created which represents the top level container file for the game application. A sample project layout can be viewed at .

A script adds behavior to a node. It is used to control how the node functions as well as how it interacts with other nodes. You can add script to a node using the Attach Script context menu.

Scripts can be used to handle signals emitted by nodes (e.g, button press).

using Godot;

// IMPORTANT: the name of the class MUST match the filename exactly.
// this is case sensitive!
public class sayhello : Panel
    public override void _Ready()
        GetNode("Button").Connect("pressed", this, nameof(_OnButtonPressed));

    public void _OnButtonPressed()
        var label = (Label)GetNode("Label");
        label.Text = "HELLO!";

Once a game has been developed and tested, Godot provides export option for the following platforms.

A large number of games have already been created with GoDot and these can be referenced at .

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