Determined or Deflated: How You Feel is a State of Mind

Determined or Deflated: How You Feel is a State of Mind

Today you may find yourself feeling highly motivated and ready to take on any task, challenge, problem, or responsibility which requires your attention. In contrast, there is a distinct possibility you may also feel the exact opposite, and wish it were the end of the day. Regardless of how you feel, or the conditions you find yourself in, what matters most is your state of mind, which you have an ability to adjust. As you know, this can be easier said than done, especially when you are faced with many challenges.

Without question, our lives have experienced greater challenges than we could have ever imagined, since the beginning of 2020. Now two years later, there is a level of uncertainty as to how and when a new normal may occur, and for many, a sense of pandemic fatigue has set in. What I've found this unprecedented time has done is to cause greater self-reflection and concern for the future than ever before. Many people are looking back and wishing they would have made better choices. Others are now of a belief their future options are going to be greatly limited because of changes to numerous industries. For me to state anyone can simply adjust their mindset and all will be well is something I cannot do. However, I can state you are likely to feel better if you take control of how you think and respond to circumstances.

I believe if you control what you have a capacity to take charge of right now, and release the desire to be responsible for what you cannot control, your outlook on life will change. This is a lesson I am still having to remind myself of on a regular basis. There have been events that occurred in my life, which were unexpected and upsetting, and it took time for me to move from feeling deflated to determined. What many people state is something to the effect that you need to pivot your thinking, yet what does this really mean? There are strategies I've been using to change how I feel, and recommend as a mindset coach, and perhaps these will help you as well.

Questions Related to Positivity

Whenever anyone talks about adjusting their mindset, and becoming more focused on happiness, there are questions and concerns that arise, as related to the topic of positivity. For many, thinking about becoming a positive person seems like an unrealistic solution, or something that is not based in reality. As a mindset coach, important questions come up when I'm trying to help others change how they're thinking.

For example, how can you develop a positive frame of mind when everything around you, or the reality of life itself, cannot allow you to feel good? What right do you have to be happy, when you have so many problems or issues that do not seem to be readily or easily fixed? Why should you be happy when other people are suffering? The most common question of all is this: How will an affirmation change how I feel? This is when I use some of the following, highly recommended strategies.

From Deflated to Determined: Transforming Your State of Mind

There is no quick fix or cure for problems that exist in your life. The conditions of the world are not going to change overnight either. As we know, there is always one aspect you can control, and that is your state of mind. I realize many people feel as if they have been forced into a situation they do not want to be in, and this is why their mindset has become what it is now. Yet you are the one who determines each day what it is you're going to focus upon, the attitude you'll develop, and the disposition you'll maintain as you interact with others.

Regardless of how good, or completely awful, your situation may be or become, you can decide how to think your way through each day. For example, if you are feeling happy, and hear news that might make you feel sad, you can still choose how you want to feel the rest of the day. Once you recognize and accept this ability, then you are able to transform how you think and what becomes of your day or week. These are the strategies I've used to transform my mindset, and help others transform theirs as well, for the four most common mindset problems.

Strategy #1: I Wish I Would Have (Deflated) To Now I'm Going To (Transformed)

Any time a person begins a statement with "I Wish", it is meant as a form of regret. A feeling of regret can become a weight that holds a person down mentally and emotionally. The way to transform any statement or feeling like this is to develop new goals for the future. Any time you think of something you wish you would have, or could have done in your life, convert it into an action plan. What you do now, or in the future, may not be identical to what you wished for in the past; however, the purpose is to take away the power of regret and create something meaningful you can look forward to.

Strategy #2: There's So Much I Could Have Done With (Deflated) To For My Future I Will (Transformed)

This is another statement about the past and something that could have been or should have been. Another view of these types of statements is to see them as being hypothetical. A person will often develop the "I Could Have" statements when they are in a negative frame of mind, and want evidence to support retaining that disposition. There may not be actual proof to support a statement like this one, or any of these statements, and this realization can help you transform it. The easiest method of transforming this statement is to now say: "There is so much I am going to do now and in my future". What this will do is to open up possibilities within your mind, and create a positive disposition.

Strategy #3: I've Wasted So Much Time (Deflated) To I'm Going to Make the Most of My Time (Transformed)

Any statement related to time wasted is another feeling of regret, or attempt to support a negative mindset. If you find yourself feeling this way, it could be a reminder to evaluate how you are spending your time. Perhaps you could use some new or improved time management techniques. Maybe you are neglecting aspects of your life, simply because your priorities have not been examined in a while.

I've worked with students who used this phrase, and what it does is to create a defeatist attitude, as if time or age makes a difference regarding their capacity to set and achieve any goal now, which it does not. The point is this: Any time you find yourself looking back and feeling regret, turn that negative thought into a powerful action statement of something you will complete now or in the future.

Strategy #4: This Negative Event Happened and My Day is Ruined (Deflated) To I'll Adjust My Mindset (Transformed)

This can happen to everyone. An email is received. The phone rings. A request is received. There is something which occurred and it may be bad news, an ill-timed message, a negative comment, or any other number of possible factors that are possible during a day. You may have started out feeling good about yourself, on the verge of a bad mood, or already in a negative mindset. Then something happens and now you feel as if the day has been completely ruined. What this means is you feel a complete loss of control.

When you decide your day has been ruined, or you give into a bad mood, it means you have given into the feeling of loss of control, and believe you are entitled to do so. Does this mean you are wrong in doing so? No. However, does it serve you well in the long-term? Not really. If you can decide to give yourself some breathing room, allow yourself to vent or feel the negative emotions for some time, and then course-correct, you will develop much more productive feelings. You don't have to force yourself to feel better. Just decide you have an ability to feel better, and find resources to help you adjust, whether this is stress management tools, online resources, or other meaningful tools.

Being Determined is a State of Mind, and It Changes Everything

There's a feeling you can accomplish anything, and you tap into it with your sense of strength, willpower, and inner resilience. This is called becoming determined. You are determined to find a solution to problems that arise, obstacles that interrupt your life, or challenges that want to deter you from ever believing life is going to get better for you again. This sense of determination is a state of mind, something you develop because you know what the alternative will be if you don't develop it, and this means you give into becoming deflated, or feeling despair, dejected, hopeless, and allowing negative emotions to become the central focus of your every day.

A determined or positive state of mind doesn't mean you're becoming unrealistic, rather you are now going to give yourself every opportunity possible to try to create better outcomes for your future. My greatest successes occurred when I thought it was not going to be possible to feel good again. I took a first step forward towards managing my thoughts, made an effort to change how and what I was thinking, continued to try to focus on feeling hopeful about my future, and believed it was possible to be optimistic. Through the power of concentration and focus, it was then changes took place. It began with my outlook on life, continued with my disposition, and even influenced opportunities that came my way, as I was feeling determined and hopeful.

You don't need a magical answer to solve your life. What you need is a belief in yourself that you can be happy, no matter what is transpiring in or around your life. To be happy does not mean ignoring the problems and challenges that exist in your life. Instead, it's about maintaining a state of well-being, a feeling of being content with yourself, and an acknowledgement of the internal resources you possess to address any area of your life that requires attention. You are never going to be able to feel a sense of real accomplishment and satisfaction about yourself or your life, until you have managed your mindset. This means you have taken steps to transform negative patterns of thought into those that uplift you, and empower you to feel capable, determined, and optimistic about yourself and your future.

About Dr. Johnson

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson has been working in the field of higher education and distance learning since 2005, with roles including Faculty Development Manager, Core Faculty, Doctoral Mentor and Committee Member, and Faculty Development Specialist. Dr. J's background also includes work as a Human Performance Improvement Consultant, and prior to 2005, he was a Manager of Training and Development.

Dr. Johnson is an inspirational author, writer, and educator. His life mission to teach, mentor, write, and inspire others. He has earned a PhD in Postsecondary and Adult Education, a Certificate in Training and Performance Improvement (TPI), a Master's in Adult Education, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA).

As a scholar practitioner, Dr. J was published in a scholarly journal and he has been a featured presenter at an international distance learning conference. He has published three books related to higher education, including two about online teaching. Dr. J has also published over 230 online articles about adult learning, higher education, distance learning, online teaching, and mindset development.

Come join Dr. J's new group, Motivation for Transformation:

• Any time of the day, visit this group to find your source of motivation, to be inspired and more importantly, have your mindset transformed:

Dr. J offers the following transformative resource:

• New: Mindset Tune-Up Inspirational Card Deck. Start your morning or transform your day with words of encouragement. These are more than affirmations; these cards are personal self-empowerment statements. Mindset Tune-Up Inspirational Card Deck Set

Dr. J also offers the following resources:

• Transform Online Teaching: Expert Strategies and Essential Resources Every Educator Needs

• Getting Down to Business: A Handbook for Adjunct Faculty Who Teach Business

Please Visit: Dr. J's Resources Page

You can also find Dr. J on the following social media sites:



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