🚀 Enhance Your Development Efficiency: Mastering API Automation in Flutter with Proven Best Practices and Scripts 🚀

🚀 Enhance Your Development Efficiency: Mastering API Automation in Flutter with Proven Best Practices and Scripts 🚀

I’m excited to share a streamlined process we’ve been using in our team to handle API calls efficiently. This architecture not only adheres to best practices but also significantly boosts our development speed!

Preview the script output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD7jX1RssDI

🌟 Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring Your API Call(Ex. Login):

Step 1: Define the Request Body

Create a LoginBody class using the `freezed` and `json_serializable` packages for immutability and easy JSON serialization.

Step 2: Define the Response Data Structure

Create LoginResponse and LoginData classes to handle the API response, ensuring all fields are properly serialized and deserialized.

Step 3: Create the API Service

Utilize `retrofit`, `retrofit_generator` and `dio` packages to define the API endpoints in LoginService.

Step 4: Implement State Management

Manage API call states using Cubit from the `flutter_bloc` package. This ensures a clean and reactive architecture.



📂 Folder Structure

To keep the project organized, we follow this folder structure:

🎉 Introducing Automation with Script

To further optimize our workflow, we created a shell script to automate the generation of Dart files for new features. This script takes inputs like feature name, path, API endpoint, and HTTP method then generates all necessary files and runs `build_runner` to handle code generation.This script takes the hassle out of writing boilerplate code, leaving you with more time for creativity and innovation. This has doubled our development speed! 💡

How to Use the Script:

1. Save the following script as generate_feature.sh in root folder.

2. Make the script executable:

3. Run the script:

4. Follow the prompts to input the feature name, path, and API endpoint.


This script will generate the following files for you for the feature named "login".

Benefits of the Script:

  • Consistency: Ensures all developers follow the same structure and best practices.

  • Efficiency: Reduces manual coding and setup time, allowing developers to focus on core functionality.

  • Scalability: Easily extendable to new features or API endpoints.

  • Prevents Repetition: Automates repetitive tasks, preventing errors and saving time.

By automating repetitive tasks and adhering to a clean architecture, we've enhanced our productivity and code quality. This approach is a game-changer for any team working on Flutter and Dart projects!

Happy coding! 👩💻👨💻

#Dart #Flutter #APIDevelopment #CleanArchitecture #Automation #Productivity

Walid Ashik

Senior Software Engineer | UI Designer | Almost A Writer


great stuff!!

Md Naimur Hasan

Flutter Developer | Full-Stack Software Engineer


This is great! Thanks for sharing.

Mamun Morshed

CEO at Audacity IT Solutions Ltd. | Empowering businesses to realize their vision with technology solutions


Good Guide Enamul Haque. Cheers 🎉 Keep it up.

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