World Cities Day

World Cities Day

The World Cities Day this year is dedicated to  Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience.  Climate-related disasters such as floods, droughts, sea level rise, heat waves, landslides, and storms are becoming more common in cities across the world. Adaptation plans are needed at the local, regional, national, EU, and worldwide levels to predict and minimize the negative consequences of climate change. These methods frequently have an urban dimension, and cities play a significant role in their implementation.

Adaptation is complementary to efforts to cut greenhouse-gas emissions in cities, which are covered by other topics such as:

-Energy transition in cities

The energy transition is a move from a system dominated by finite (fossil and fissile) energy to a system dominated by (renewable) flow energy. Energy transition in cities, in particular, strives to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy, and improve energy efficiency.

-Urban mobility

Cities and regions must establish a long-term urban mobility strategy that includes efficient public transportation and strong connections across their home country. They must also promote active transportation alternatives such as walking and cycling to improve the quality of life in cities. Last but not least, cities should be accessible to all inhabitants and commuters, including the elderly and those with disabilities. Future Needs is working on Urban Air Mobility as part of the SAFIR-Med project, testing drones for medical deliveries.

-Circular economy in cities

We need to develop a specific action plan that includes steps that cover the entire cycle, from manufacturing to consumption to waste management and the secondary raw material market. Cities must find innovative ways to encourage the reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling of existing materials and goods.

-Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions in cities: 

Communities must work to guarantee the efficient and sustainable use of land and other natural resources, supporting the adoption of nature-based solutions and assisting in the creation of compact, liveable, and inclusive cities for all.

Are you working on any of the topics above? Please contact us to establish a collaboration and learn from each other for a better, more sustainable future for all.

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