Bolaji Alabi’s Post

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Mobile Developer

Day 73 of #100daysofcode Continued the Hyperskill Android Developer with Kotlin track. Topics covered today; - State Mangement - Dependency Injection - Coupling and Cohesion Also began working on Stage 2 of the Music player project. This stage is pretty intensive as it involves setting up a lot of actions (for example, adding models, recyclerview adapter with two itemview types, viewmodel, managing various states across the app, setting up play/pause and playlist selection). I decided to start with the data classes and recycler view. So far I've setup the recyclerview adapter and next, I need to setup communication between the viewmodel, recyclerview adapter and the activity #android #androiddev #buildinginpublic

Oluwaseun Emmanuel Adesina

Frontend Manager at SecureID Limited


I'd love to hear more about coupling and coheson


Hey Dear ❤️ Sent Me Connection Plz🥰

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