Mohammed Alhams’ Post

View profile for Mohammed Alhams, graphic

Software Engineer | Android | Jetpack Compose | KMP

Hey there! 😊 Are you using Compose Navigation and struggling with managing route string patterns and navigation arguments? I've got great news for you! 🎉 The latest release of Navigation 2.8.0-alpha08 has made things a lot easier. Now, you don't have to worry about managing them and their types because Compose Navigation is now completely type-safe! 🔒 Check it out in the release reference: #Stand_with_Gaza 🇵🇸 #JetBrains #IntelliJ #AndroidStudio #Android #Jetpack #Compose #Jetpack_Compose #Compose_Navigation #Type_safety #Navigation_Compose

Tariq Hussain

Software Engineer III at Metric


what if we have 30 screens with arguments are we going to create 30 data classes for it ? and we may have to create 10 classes for rest api responses doesn't sound good to me we may have to look into this how much space a data class takes and cons of using many data classes

Jordan Mungujakisa

Software Engineer | Android Developer | FlutterFlow | AI | QA | 2+ years experience


Oh wow, this is so much better than utilizing Strings to define the navigation destinations and pass parameters between pages 👏👏👏 Can I pass an entire data class as a parameter to a destination class?

Raheem Hammed Junior

Mobile Developer at Woodchuck | Kotlin Multiplatform|Software Engineer


Why didn't you use a sealed class instead of using a data class??

Aakash Porwal

Senior Experience Engineer at Publicis Sapient

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