Cybertronix Technologies LLC’s Post

The next Apple Watch will reportedly add 3 new health sensors for diabetes, blood pressure, and sleep apnea. The ever-evolving Apple Watch is rumored to be getting even more health monitoring features in 2024, with reports that the devices will expand to three additional sensors that can warn users if they are prediabetic, sense rising blood pressure, and alert someone if they may have sleep apnea. The portable devices, Apple's tentpole health and fitness offering, have undergone similar health-centered upgrades in recent years, including the addition of fertility tracking tools and a body temperature sensor in 2022. Earlier this year, the company was rumored to be working on an AI-powered health coach capable of designing custom health plans based on biometric and behavioral data gathered by the watch — an indication that Apple is looking to further its reach in the billion-dollar healthcare industry.The device's rumored blood glucose monitoring system will warn Apple Watch users if they are prediabetic using a noninvasive light shined through the skin that measures blood glucose levels. The device won't offer actual blood sugar readings to users already diagnosed with diabetes. The blood pressure sensor will be able to detect when a wearer's blood pressure is elevated, accompanied by a "blood pressure journal" (similar to Apple's other personal tracking offerings) to help track external factors leading to hypertension. It won't be able to show a user their exact systolic and diastolic measurements for treatment purposes.A new sleep apnea sensor will measure breathing patterns during sleep to estimate if a user has the condition, as well as suggestions when they should see a physician, building on the watches current sleep tracking tools. Follow our WhatsApp channel for your daily dose of technical news updates. #cybertronixllc #google #applewatch #sensors #features #health #tracking #measurement

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