Doo Bui’s Post

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Mobile Developer

Last year, Hixie left Google due to "internal politics", and Google’s recent "structural simplification" led to many people on the Flutter team losing their jobs. I thought there was something wrong with the future of Flutter - not just me, I guess. Then the I/O 2024 event surprised me because they introduced so many interesting things. Canonical has been using Flutter to rebuild the Ubuntu Installer, and now LG has decided to join the game by choosing Flutter to enhance their smart TV OS, webOS. Also: • The Impeller engine, which did a great job for iOS & macOS, is now available for Android. • The Platform views on iOS have been performance-optimized, reducing CPU usage by up to 50%, which is crazy. • Although I'm not a big fan of web development, the improvement in rendering UI using Wasm instead of JavaScript is significant. • Last but not least, I'm still waiting for desktop apps to support multiple windows, LOL. I write this post for myself and to answer my question, "Should I continue with Flutter as my professional job or go back to native development as in the good old days?" The answer now is, "Yes, I should" It’s not just because of the recent release but because of the community. To understand how big the Flutter community is, read this article: At the end of the day, even if Google decided to stop supporting Flutter, I still believe that the future is Flutter. "In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny." - Linus Torvalds

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Flutter 3.22 has landed! ✈️ Dive in to see how we're going beyond development velocity to help you maximize app quality, performance, and flexibility. Read the #GoogleIO blog. →

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