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Opinions & Insights

Sharing our favorite open-source projects from 2023

Image showing our favorite open-source software from 2023

Opinions & Insights

Sharing our favorite open-source projects from 2023

Image showing our favorite open-source software from 2023

You know the drill: The end of a year is a great time for reflection. But not all reflection has to be so introspective. Instead, we’re curious about what open-source projects got people excited, inspired, motivated, and everything in between over the last year. So we asked them. Here’s what we uncovered.

1. The A11Y Project

Sam Kapila (@samkap), one of Netlify’s Senior Product Designers shared The A11Y Project with us:

“It’s something I used as early as my university teaching days to help students understand the importance of accessibility at the start of their coding education. It’s been maintained for years by wonderful people in the community and it’s hosted on Netlify.”

Though not an open-source project new to 2023, accessibility is something that we agree should be at the forefront of UI/UX/web design year in and year out.

2. External Secrets

Patrick D’appollonio (@marlex), is a Staff Engineer here at Netlify. He shared a GitHub called External Secrets. Here’s what he had to say about it:

“[It’s] great software that we use to manage certificates and secrets for Netlify internals! Makes it a breeze to integrate with the tooling we use to manage security and secret lifecycle.”

3. Developer Roadmap

Our next open-source project shoutout comes from Karin Hendrikse (@k_henhey), Senior Software Engineer at Netlify. She calls out this Developer Roadmap because:

“It’s a wonderful resource for people trying to self-learn software development. It provides a (somewhat opinionated) curriculum that can really help guide you through the different things you don’t know.”

4. OpenAI Cookbook

Next on the docket is the OpenAI Cookbook. Tiff Janzen (@tiffintech_), Developer Advocate at Netlify calls this one out because:

“It’s a great collection of resources to help you build with the OpenAI API. Whether you’re an experienced developer or someone who likes to build in your free time just for fun, there are examples and use cases you can learn from.”

5. Snort

Here’s one with a fun name: Snort. Cat Allen (@iamcatallen), Senior Product Marketing Manager with Netlify calls attention to Snort because:

“[It] provides high-quality IPS/IDS that even enterprises use because it’s just that good!”

Let’s hear from you! What open-source projects do y’all love?

We took to X to find out.

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