[go: nahoru, domu]

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1.10.3 • Public • Published


Fastest crc32 implement in Node.js

The 4 tested implementations are:

  • @node-rs/crc32 Hardware accelerated CRC-32C from crc32fast
  • sse4_crc32c Hardware accelerated CRC-32C from sse4_crc32
  • js_crc32c Javascript implemented CRC-32C
  • js_crc32 Javascript implemented CRC-32 from buffer-crc32


@node-rs/crc32 for inputs 1024B x 5,108,123 ops/sec ±1.86% (89 runs sampled)
@node-rs/crc32 for inputs 16931844B, avg 2066B x 271 ops/sec ±1.15% (85 runs sampled)
sse4_crc32c_hw for inputs 1024B x 3,543,443 ops/sec ±1.39% (93 runs sampled)
sse4_crc32c_hw for inputs 16931844B, avg 2066B x 209 ops/sec ±0.78% (76 runs sampled)
sse4_crc32c_sw for inputs 1024B x 1,460,284 ops/sec ±2.35% (90 runs sampled)
sse4_crc32c_sw for inputs 16931844B, avg 2066B x 93.50 ops/sec ±2.43% (69 runs sampled)
js_crc32c for inputs 1024B x 464,681 ops/sec ±0.46% (91 runs sampled)
js_crc32c for inputs 16931844B, avg 2066B x 28.25 ops/sec ±1.64% (51 runs sampled)
js_crc32 for inputs 1024B x 442,272 ops/sec ±2.66% (93 runs sampled)
js_crc32 for inputs 16931844B, avg 2066B x 22.12 ops/sec ±5.20% (40 runs sampled)
|                     │ 1024B             │ 16931844B, avg 2066B |
| @node-rs/crc32      │ 5,108,123 ops/sec │ 271 ops/sec          |
| sse4_crc32c_hw      │ 3,543,443 ops/sec │ 209 ops/sec          |
| sse4_crc32c_sw      │ 1,460,284 ops/sec │ 93.50 ops/sec        |
| js_crc32c           │ 464,681 ops/sec   │ 28.25 ops/sec        |
| js_crc32            │ 442,272 ops/sec   │ 22.12 ops/sec        |

Support matrix

node12 node14 node16 node18
Windows x64
Windows x32
Windows arm64
macOS x64
macOS arm64
Linux x64 gnu
Linux x64 musl
Linux arm gnu
Linux arm64 gnu
Linux arm64 musl
Android arm64
Android armv7
FreeBSD x64


The type of input initial crc and output crc number is u32

export function crc32(input: Buffer, crc?: number): number
export function crc32c(input: Buffer, crc?: number): number


const { crc32 } = require('@node-rs/crc32')
const { readFileSync } = require('fs')

const content = readFileSync('./avatar.png')


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  • dxd_sjtu
  • broooooklyn