[go: nahoru, domu]


1.0.0 • Public • Published


Quick Start

  • clone this repository
  • run npm i && npm start
  • now server is running...


  • setEventListener(string: eventName, function: callback)
  • broadcast(function: callback(connection))
  • array[] connectionsKey getAllConnectionsKey()
  • get(string: connectionKey, function: callback(Connection))
  • listen(number: port, string: host, function: callback)
  • setActionMap(actionMap)
    const actionMap = {
      actionName(Message, connection) {
        // Use Message and connection to do something
        const jumpEvent = true;
        return jumpEvent;
  • setAction(string: actionName, callback(Message, Connection: current connection))
  • send(object|string: message, Connection: target connection)

    Not support binary data, if you want to send binary data you can use Connection object.

Event Support

  • beforeJoin new connection join manage before
  • afterJoin new connection join manage after
  • beforeQuit connection quit manage before
  • afterQuit connection quit manage after
  • create when connection create
  • json when connection receive a json string

    when json event listener is undefined, will try to call text event listener.

  • text when connection receive a text
  • error WebSocket event
  • close WebSocket event

Event Params

Event params
beforeJoin/afterJoin (connection, allConnectionsKey)
beforeQuit/afterQuit (connection, allConnectionsKey)
create (connection)
json (Message, connection)
text (Message, connection)
error (WebSocketErrorEvent)
close (connection)

Data Flow

  1. The request will transform to JSON object,
  2. If request transform failed will call text event and over.
  3. If request has SYS_ACTION property, will try to map action
  4. If action mapper return true to jump event then over this request
  5. Else will call json event.



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npm i @kyuuseiryuu/websocket-handler

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  • kyuuseiryuu