"cmd line tool" to handle unix milisecond timestamps
npm install -g ms2s
motivation / usage
In a world of unix timestamps i missed a tool to handle timestamp conversions from unix miliseconds to unix seconds
convert miliseconds to seconds
pipe into ms2s
echo "1556010294140 1556011611129 1556011676909 1556012468524 1556012864512 1556013128494 1556014052720 1556014184611 1556014382759 1556014646585 1556014712679 1556014976661 1556015240959 1556015372779 1556015504692 1556015702705 1556016494927 1556016560895 1556016627231 1556016693227 1556016758816" | ms2s | while read s; do date -d "$s" "+%s"; done