[go: nahoru, domu]


0.0.3 • Public • Published


Combine style-tags and CSS-files linked by HTML-file into one or several files or style-tags.

Uniator scans contents of HTML-file, searches for style-tags and link-tags pointing to CSS-files, gathers contents of found tags together, removes source tags and creates one or several files or style-tags containing collected contents.

There is Grunt plugin.

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var uniator = require("uniator");
var result = uniator.collectCSS(htmlContent, settings);   // settings are optional
uniator.collectCssInFile(filePath, settings);   // settings are optional; also returns result (see below)


Source files

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/a.css" type="text/css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/b.css">
        h3 {
            color: #ff0;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/subdir/c.css">
        div {
            font-size: 14px;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/extra/unknown.css">
    <h3>This is header</h3>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/subdir/empty.css">
        This is content.
    <link href="style/d.css" rel="stylesheet">
.a {
    position: relative;
/* This is b.css */
.b {
    color: #0000ff;
.b__mod {
    font-size: 20px;
.c {
    width: 50%;
.delta {
    animation-name: delta;


uniator.collectCssInFile("index.html", {cssFile: "css/combined", minifyCss: true});

Output files

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/combined.css" type="text/css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/extra/unknown.css">
    <h3>This is header</h3>
        This is content.

See test/uniator.js for additional examples.


collectCSS(content: String, [settings: Object]): Object

Process the given content and gather all styles together into file(s) or style-tag(s).


  • content: String - The content that should be processed.
  • settings: Object - Optional operation settings. Keys are settings names, values are corresponding settings values. The following settings are supported:
    • baseDir: String - path to directory relative to which files should be searched and created; can be used when sourceDir and destDir are equal; current working directory by default

    • callback: Function - function that should be called to process the result; the following arguments will be passed into function:

      • error: Array | null - list of errors that were detected during processing
      • result: Object - the object that is returned as result of collectCSS function (see below)
    • collectStyle: Boolean - whether contents of style-tags should be collected; true by default

    • cssFile: String - base of name of file into which collected styles will be saved; should not contain an extension; for example, all or path/to/style; style by default

    • destDir: String - path to directory relative to which files should be created; current working directory by default

    • encoding: String - files encoding; "utf8" by default

    • include: Boolean - whether collected styles should be included into content; false by default

    • minifyCss: Boolean | Object - whether collected styles should be minified; false by default; you can use an object as option value to specify options for minification; see How to use clean-css programmatically? for list of available options

    • removeEmptyRef: Boolean - whether link-tags pointing to empty CSS-files should be removed; true by default

    • removeEmptyStyle: Boolean - whether empty style-tags should be removed; true by default

    • removeSourceFile: Boolean - whether collected source CSS-files should be removed; false by default

    • skipCssFile: Array | String - a CSS-file or list of CSS-files that should not be collected; each file can be specified by name or by path; if file has .css extension the extension can be omitted

    • sourceDir: String - path to directory relative to which files should be searched; current working directory by default

    • updateUrl: Boolean | Function - whether URLs found in CSS-files should be updated to be accessible from destination file; false by default; a function can be used as the setting value; in the latter case the function will be called instead of predefined function to get new URL; if the function returns a string value, that value will be used as new URL; a non-string value returned by the function will be ignored (i.e. the source URL will not be changed); data object will be passed into the function (see getUpdatedUrl to consult object' structure)

    • warnNotFound: Boolean - whether to include warning about CSS-file that is not found; true by default

Returns the result object that contains the following fields:

  • error: Array | null - list of errors that were detected during processing
  • result: String - the processed content
  • warning: Array | null - list of warnings that were found during processing; each warning is an object that contains message field and maybe another fields representing warning details

collectCssInFile(file: String, [settings: Object]): Object

Process the given file and gather all styles together into file(s) or style-tag(s).


  • file: String - Path to file that should be processed.

  • settings: Object - Optional operation settings. Keys are settings names, values are corresponding settings values. The following settings are supported:

    • destFile: String - path to destination file into which the processed content will be saved; the source file by default

    All other settings are equal to settings of collectCSS function. The only exception is that baseDir, destDir and sourceDir are directory of source or destination file by default.

Returns the result object. Contains the same fields as the result of collectCSS plus the following fields:

  • file: String - absolute path to file that contains operation result.

getUpdatedUrl(data: Object): String

Determine new value of relative URL.


  • data: Object - Represents data about URL and environment. Contains the following fields:

    • destDir: String - path to directory of destination CSS-file
    • sourceDir: String - path to directory of source CSS-file
    • url: String - source URL

Returns string that represents the new URL, or source URL when URL is not relative.

Special Thanks

It would be much more difficult to implement uniator without usage of the following great libraries:

  • cheerio is used for HTML parsing and transformation.
  • fs-extra is used for file system operations.
  • rework is used for CSS processing.
  • clean-css is used for CSS minifying.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2014 Denis Sikuler
Licensed under the MIT license.

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