[go: nahoru, domu]

Some pics from Spring 2016 STAC Summits

It was great to see packed houses in London, Chicago, and New York at the STAC Summits this past May and June (in fact, there was 15% higher attendance by user firms than 2015!). For those who couldn’t make it, I thought I’d share a few photos.






New York


We were pleased to have two tech legends in this round of STAC Summits: Andy Bechtolsheim in Chicago and Bjarne Stroustrup in New York. Each gave a compelling talk and engaged in lively Q&A with attendees.



True to form, each STAC Summit was full of content-rich talks, thought-provoking presentations, and spirited panel discussions. Topics ranged from business issues like MiFID2, FRTB, and the competitive tension between long-haul latency and exchange determinsm, to technical subjects such as time sync and event capture, data-center scale computing, new hardware for compute and big data, Spark for market risk calcs and time series analytics, and directions in C++ for high-frequency trading. Members can view the slides and videos by browsing to the agenda page for each event.



It was also great to see so many cool technical advances in the Innovation Roundups. The audience seemed to agree. Attendee responses per vendor more than doubled the previous average.



Outside the conference halls, vendor booths in the STAC Exchange were bustling with 1:1 interaction.



We look forward to seeing you at the Fall 2016 STAC Summits!

About the STAC Blog

STAC and members of the STAC community post blogs from time to time on issues related to technology selection, development, engineering, and operations in financial services.

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