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dpreece at paradise dot net dot nz
22 years ago
To set up a custom log file via the syslog daemon (FreeBSD in this case)...

Add to /etc/syslog.conf a line that says all errors from the httpd process are to go to a file called (for example) /var/log/httpd-php.log

*.* {tab} /var/log/httpd-php.log

Note the tab, being a tab character! Next create a blank file to be written to. I'm sure there are 1e+6 ways to do this, but I choose

# cat > httpd-php.log << EOF

Finally find your syslog daemon and send it a sighup to inform it of the change:

# ps ax | grep syslogd
133 ?? Ss 0:07.23 syslogd -s
# kill -1 133

Et voila! Php syslog calls will now arrive in /var/log/httpd-php.log

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