Herbert Bachant looking at his wife and new born tripletsHerbert Bachant looking at his wife and new born triplets

Triplets Born to American WWII Soldier, stationed in Devizes

A set of American triplets born on the 30th of March 1944, have an interesting connection to Devizes. Their father Private First Class Herbert Bachant was stationed here, deployed as a mechanic with the 94th Armoured filed artillery Battalion of General Patton’s 4th Armoured Division during WWII. Devizes was the

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Two ladies holding a hand-made banner saying 'Everyhone is Equal'Two ladies holding a hand-made banner saying 'Everyhone is Equal'

Join a ‘Votes for Women’ parade in Devizes Carnival on 1 September!

People in Devizes are being invited to cry “Votes for Women!” and join Wiltshire Museum in a colourful entry in the Town Carnival on Saturday 1st September, as they celebrate 100 years of women being able to vote. To find out more, email Rachael Holtom  – rachael.holtom@wiltshiremuseum.org.uk . Rachael Holtom,

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