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For Training Grant Directors

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Attend the Chicago KUH FORWARD Annual Symposium

May 13, 2024
Co-hosted by Chicago KUH Forward and the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, this free conference will feature a keynote presentation and a networking reception, and also invites proposals for a scientific poster session. Trainees from other training programs are welcome to attend and invited to present a poster on research that is relevant to benign or non-cancerous kidney, urology, or hematology research.
Announcements; Opportunities for Trainees 2024

RCR Course Registration Now Open

December 18, 2023
Registration is available for the upcoming Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course hosted by the NUCATS Center for Education and Career Development.
Announcements; Opportunities for Trainees 2023

Announcing the PhD and Postdoc Success Website!

September 21, 2023
PhD and Postdoc Success serves as a landing place for doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, regardless of discipline, to find guidance that supports their success on campus and in their careers.
Announcements 2023

Announcing the New Training Grant Support Office Website

May 11, 2023
The Training Grant Support Office recently launched a new dedicated microsite for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, training grant directors, and administrators.
Announcements 2023

Registration is Open for Responsible Conduct of Research Training

December 09, 2022
Registration is available for the upcoming Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course. Classes take place from February 2 to April 20, 2023, on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5 PM CST.
Announcements; Opportunities for Trainees 2022

Navigating the Research Enterprise Seminar Series - Online via Zoom this Fall – Begins October 5

September 22, 2020
Navigating the Research Enterprise is an annual seminar series for early-career faculty and postdoctoral fellows at Northwestern University who have protected research time.
Announcements 2020

Taking Responsibility for the Responsible Conduct of Research Training Moved to Spring

August 19, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the "Taking Responsibility for the Responsible Conduct of Research" course, which typically takes place in fall, has been moved to the first quarter of 2021.
Announcements 2020

LIMITED SUBMISSION: National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT)

September 13, 2019
The NRT Program is dedicated to supporting highly effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas through the use of comprehensive traineeship models that are innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs.
Announcements; Opportunities for Trainees 2019

2019 AAMC Group on Graduate Research Education and Training (GREAT) Annual Meeting and 25th Anniversary Celebration

July 10, 2019
The AAMC’s Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) Annual Meeting this fall in Seattle will discuss contemporary topics and emerging issues, and build upon the values and best practices established over the past 25 years.
Announcements 2019

Grantsmanship for the Research Professional Course on December 5 & 6

July 10, 2019
The next offering of the Grantsmanship for the Research Professional Course through Northwestern’s School of Professional Studies will be Thursday and Friday, December 5-6. Grantsmanship for the Research Professional is a two-day executive education-style workshop that introduces and enhances skills associated with effective grant opportunity identification, proposal preparation, grant review process, and team science.
Announcements 2019

Register for the GREAT/GRAND Community Forum

July 10, 2019
The AAMC is providing a series of GREAT/GRAND Community Forums as a platform for sharing important policy updates and other timely information with the GREAT Group and GRAND communities.Teaser
Announcements 2019

Limited Submission Funding Opportunity: NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program

June 21, 2019
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is accepting proposals for the Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program.
Opportunities for Trainees 2019

Explore xTRACT Before Its Required Use in FY 2020

June 21, 2019
Beginning with NIH RPPRs due on or after October 1, 2019 (FY2020), recipients must use the xTRACT system to create the required training tables for submission with NIH and AHRQ T15, T32, T90/R90 and TL1 progress reports. While it is not mandatory to use xTRACT for new and renewal applications for these types of training grants, it may be required in future years. 
Funding Agency Updates 2019

Save the Date: Training Grant Directors Meeting on July 26, 2019

June 21, 2019
The next Training Grant Directors Meeting will take place on Friday, July 26th from 12:00 – 1:00 PM in the Baldwin Auditorium on the Chicago campus and in The Graduate School Conference Room, GSCR, (first floor of the North Tower in the Rebecca Crown Center, 633 Clark Street, Evanston campus).
Announcements 2019

New xTRACT System Requirement for All NIH and AHRQ Training Grant Progress Reports

June 03, 2019
NIH and AHRQ have announced that training grant recipients will be required to use the xTRACT system in the eRA Commons to prepare the required data tables for Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) for pre- and postdoctoral research training grants beginning in FY 2020
Announcements 2019

Kidney Technology Development Research Education Program (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

April 04, 2019
The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that help recruit individuals with specific specialty or disciplinary backgrounds to research careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical sciences.
Opportunities for Trainees 2019

AAMC/FASEB Hosting Webinar on NAS Sexual Harassment Report

April 04, 2019
The AAMC and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) are hosting the sixth and final webinar in their 2018 National Academies reports webinar series. Study Director Frazier Benya, PhD, of the National Academies, will unpack the key findings of the report "Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine," focusing on two essential recommendations: 1) addressing the most common form of sexual harassment – gender harassment and 2) moving beyond legal compliance to address culture and climate change. This webinar will also feature examples of institutional implementation. The webinar is being held on April 22, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET and free registration is required.
Announcements 2019

NIGMS Posts New Emphasis on Reproducibility in Training Grant Applications

April 04, 2019
The NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) posted a notice on a change to Evaluation of Plans for ‘Training in Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility’ in NIGMS Training Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements including the NIGMS Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Institutional Research Training Grant (T32), Medical Scientist Training Program (T32), Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (T32), and Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) (T32). To emphasize “the importance of instruction in rigorous experimental design and transparency to enhance reproducibility,” this notice updates the review criteria in these FOAs such that the evaluation of plans for ‘Training in Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility’ will now factor into the Overall Impact score of applications.
Funding Agency Updates 2019

NSF Releases 2019 Report on Underrepresented Groups in Science and Engineering

April 04, 2019
The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) National Center of Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) released its 2019 Biennial Report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. The report discusses trends for women and minorities underrepresented in Science and Engineering education and employment, breaking down the data by discipline - grouping psychology, biological sciences, and social sciences. The report states that continuing disparities “may be rooted in differences in recollected course taking, participation in Science & Engineering higher education, and overall educational attainment.”
Announcements 2019

Call for Proposals - 25th Annual AAMC GREAT Professional Development Meeting

February 08, 2019
Celebrate 25 years of meeting with colleagues to share innovations in biomedical research training, discuss strategies and mentoring practices. The program committee for the 25th Annual GREAT Professional Development Meeting is now accepting proposals for concurrent sessions and poster presentations that will inspire, challenge, and engage our learning community.
Announcements 2019

NIGMS Hosting Webinars on Training Grants

February 01, 2019
The NIH's National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) is hosting two pre-application webinars on training grants.
Funding Agency Updates 2019

NASEM Hosting Symposium to Address the Underrepresentation of Women

February 01, 2019
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is hosting a Symposium Highlighting Evidence-Based Interventions to Address the Underrepresentation of Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine. This symposium will focus on strategies to remove institutional barriers to representation of women in STEMM from the 2007 Academies report Beyond Bias and Barriers that have proved effective.
Announcements 2019

Unconscious Bias Train-the-Trainer Workshop

February 01, 2019
This evidence‐based, intensive and dynamic 4-day course provides a hands-on experience that prepares you to deliver an unconscious bias workshop. This unique professional development opportunity is aimed at leaders in academic medicine and other professionals in healthcare and biomedical research who are looking to integrate unconscious bias learning opportunities into their organizations.
Announcements 2019

NIH Requests Input on Definition of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research

February 01, 2019
The NIH is seeking broad community input on a revised definition of behavioral and social sciences research (BSSR) for use by the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) in the NIH Director's Office Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) to assess and monitor NIH BSSR funding.
Funding Agency Updates 2019

iBiology Provides New Course on Working at the Bench

February 01, 2019
A new six-week course is freely available from iBiology, called "Let's Experiment: A Guide for Scientists Working at the Bench." This course "features scientists from a variety of backgrounds, who provide concrete advice on how to design and carry out experiments in biological research" and uses case studies for tangible examples.
Opportunities for Trainees 2019

Nature Article: How Four Winning Mentors Help to Build Skills and Dispel Doubt

February 01, 2019
A Nature article describes the efforts that its four 2018 Nature Awards for Mentoring in Science winners have put forth to support their trainees. The article states that "conversations and words of encouragement aren't as easy to quantify as grants or publications, but great mentorship deserves to be recognized." The four winners, who will split two $10,000 prizes between them, are two senior researchers being recognized for lifetime achievements and two mid-career researchers.
Opportunities for Trainees 2019

Management for Scientists and Engineers Certificate Program Information Session on February 13

January 24, 2019
Doctoral students enrolled in science, engineering, math, and quantitative social science programs are invited to an information session for the Management for Scientists and Engineers Certificate Program. This session will provide the opportunity to hear about the program from professors and former students and to ask any questions you may have.
Opportunities for Trainees 2019