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Archive for November, 2019

Friedrich Engels (28 Nov 1820 – 5 Aug 1895)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Friedrich Engels (28 Nov 1820 – 5 Aug 1895))
(Castellano) Nuestro Mundo que se Desvanece: Insectos
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Nuestro Mundo que se Desvanece: Insectos)
A New Cycle of Gaza/Israel Violence
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on A New Cycle of Gaza/Israel Violence)
(Português) Amazónia Desaparece a um Ritmo de 2000 Campos de Futebol por Dia
Visão – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Amazónia Desaparece a um Ritmo de 2000 Campos de Futebol por Dia)
Fighting for America’s Soul
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Fighting for America’s Soul)
After Evo, the Lithium Question Looms Large in Bolivia
Vijay Prashad | Peoples Dispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on After Evo, the Lithium Question Looms Large in Bolivia)
(Português) Brasil: Manchas de Petróleo Derramado Chegam à Costa do Rio de Janeiro
MadreMedia / Lusa – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Brasil: Manchas de Petróleo Derramado Chegam à Costa do Rio de Janeiro)
Pax Gandhiana: The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
Bullfighting in 60 Seconds Flat
PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Bullfighting in 60 Seconds Flat)
(Português) Como Tirar Seus Sonhos do Papel–e Ser Feliz no Processo
Felipe Zamana – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Como Tirar Seus Sonhos do Papel–e Ser Feliz no Processo)
Upholding Freedom of Conscience and Belief at the UN
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Upholding Freedom of Conscience and Belief at the UN)
Beaten and Blinded, Chile’s Protesters Face “Policy of Punishment,” Says Amnesty International
Flora Charner - CNN
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Beaten and Blinded, Chile’s Protesters Face “Policy of Punishment,” Says Amnesty International)
Monsanto Is Not Gandhi: Crimes against Nature and Society Are Not “Satyagraha”
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Oil Spill Hits 643 Areas in 116 Cities in Northeast and Southeast Brazil
Igor Carvalho | Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ENERGY, BRICS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Oil Spill Hits 643 Areas in 116 Cities in Northeast and Southeast Brazil)
Bruce Lee (27 Nov 1940 – 20 Jul 1973)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Bruce Lee (27 Nov 1940 – 20 Jul 1973))
Evil Hour in Honduras: A Banana Republic Lives On
Joseph Grosso | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Evil Hour in Honduras: A Banana Republic Lives On)
(Castellano) La Transformación de la Estructura Cultural Básica (ECB): Nada Menos nos Salvará
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) La Transformación de la Estructura Cultural Básica (ECB): Nada Menos nos Salvará)
Et Tu, Macron?
Khalil Bendib | OtherWords – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Et Tu, Macron?)
The Yin & Yang of Authentic Being-In-The-World
Stefan Schindler – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on The Yin & Yang of Authentic Being-In-The-World)
(Castellano) En Bolivia como en Palestina
Carlos Aznárez | Resumen Latinoamericano – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) En Bolivia como en Palestina)
Shut Down the School of the Americas/WHINSEC
Dévora González and Azadeh Shahshahani - Jacobin Magazine
November 25th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Shut Down the School of the Americas/WHINSEC)
(Português) Oliveira Mais Antiga de Portugal Nasceu Há 3350 Anos
Carlos Dias | Público [Portugal] - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Oliveira Mais Antiga de Portugal Nasceu Há 3350 Anos)
Capitalism’s Suicidal Trajectory Can’t Be Ignored
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Capitalism’s Suicidal Trajectory Can’t Be Ignored)
(Português) Touro Aterrorizado Luta para se Libertar Enquanto É Amarrado e Tem Seus Chifres Incendiados
Eliane Arakaki - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Touro Aterrorizado Luta para se Libertar Enquanto É Amarrado e Tem Seus Chifres Incendiados)
China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium
F. William Engdahl | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium)
Julian Assange Rape Charge Dropped in Sweden
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
(Português) Imagens Expõem Crueldade da Exportação de Gado Vivo
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Imagens Expõem Crueldade da Exportação de Gado Vivo)
How Western Media Bias Allows Israel to Get Away with Murder in Gaza
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, MEDIA | Comments Off on How Western Media Bias Allows Israel to Get Away with Murder in Gaza)
How to Save the Planet and Ourselves
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on How to Save the Planet and Ourselves)
Con Artist Trick #1: Make Cruel and Inhumane Behavior Sound Morally Justifiable
Joe Kandra (cartoonist) & Kathie MM - Engaging Peace
November 25th, 2019 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Con Artist Trick #1: Make Cruel and Inhumane Behavior Sound Morally Justifiable)
What Happened (or What Is Happening) to the US Empire?
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on What Happened (or What Is Happening) to the US Empire?)
In Bolivia as in Palestine
Carlos Aznarez | Resumen – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on In Bolivia as in Palestine)
At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone)
Rising Seas Threaten US Pacific Nuclear Dump
John Braddock | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, ASIA--PACIFIC, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Rising Seas Threaten US Pacific Nuclear Dump)
“They’re Killing Us like Dogs” – A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help
Medea Benjamin | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on “They’re Killing Us like Dogs” – A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help)
The Answer Is in the End: George Harrison, a Prophet for Our Time
Ben Jolliffe | Resurgence Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ARTS, MUSIC, INSPIRATIONAL, RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY | Comments Off on The Answer Is in the End: George Harrison, a Prophet for Our Time)
UN ‘Regrets’ New US Position on Legality of Israeli Settlements
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN ‘Regrets’ New US Position on Legality of Israeli Settlements)
Amazon Rainforest Sees Biggest Spike in Deforestation in Over a Decade
Colin Dwyer | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Amazon Rainforest Sees Biggest Spike in Deforestation in Over a Decade)
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Music Video of the Week)
Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (Music Video of the Week | 2 Comments »)
Canada Reverses UN Stance on Palestinians in Break with U.S. over Settlements
Evan Dyer - CBC News [Canada]
November 25th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Canada Reverses UN Stance on Palestinians in Break with U.S. over Settlements)
Victoire Ingabire Walks a Knife Edge in Rwanda
Ann Garrison | SF Bay View – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Victoire Ingabire Walks a Knife Edge in Rwanda)
US Pardons for Accused War Criminals, Contrary to International Law: UN Rights Office
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, JUSTICE | Comments Off on US Pardons for Accused War Criminals, Contrary to International Law: UN Rights Office)
Conference at European Parliament Defends Julian Assange
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, JUSTICE, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Conference at European Parliament Defends Julian Assange)
‘Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7’ – Review of the Book by Nick Kollerstrom
Antony C. Black – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on ‘Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7’ – Review of the Book by Nick Kollerstrom)
Palestinians Slam US Policy Reversal on Israeli Settlements
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestinians Slam US Policy Reversal on Israeli Settlements)
Festivals and Features Related to Our Moon
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Festivals and Features Related to Our Moon)
India: Intimations of an Ending
Arundhati Roy – The Nation
November 25th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on India: Intimations of an Ending)
Don’t Call Me a Pessimist on Climate Change. I Am a Realist (Part 1)
William E. Rees | The Tyee – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Don’t Call Me a Pessimist on Climate Change. I Am a Realist (Part 1))
Memo from a Climate Crisis Realist: The Choice before Us (Part 2)
William E. Rees | The Tyee – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Memo from a Climate Crisis Realist: The Choice before Us (Part 2))
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: Review of the Book by Graeme MacQueen
Antony C. Black | OffGuardian – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on The 2001 Anthrax Deception: Review of the Book by Graeme MacQueen)
The Trials of Julian Assange–and Why He Is Vital to Our Future
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on The Trials of Julian Assange–and Why He Is Vital to Our Future)
“We Refuse to be Burned”: 500 Years of Resistance, Colonization, and Coups in Bolivia
Maya Ajchura Chipana | The Red Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on “We Refuse to be Burned”: 500 Years of Resistance, Colonization, and Coups in Bolivia)
Remembering JFK: Voices from a Smoldering Grave . . . Memorial Prose Poem
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, POETRY FORMAT | Comments Off on Remembering JFK: Voices from a Smoldering Grave . . . Memorial Prose Poem)
Peoples’ BRICS Summit Closing Statement: “We Demand Changes so We Can Have a Future”
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Peoples’ BRICS Summit Closing Statement: “We Demand Changes so We Can Have a Future”)
10 Years of BRICS: What Keeps 5 Headstrong Powers Together in Times of Global Disunion
Fyodor Lukyanov - RT
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on 10 Years of BRICS: What Keeps 5 Headstrong Powers Together in Times of Global Disunion)
ICC Gives Green Light for Probe into Violent Crimes against Rohingya
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on ICC Gives Green Light for Probe into Violent Crimes against Rohingya)
(Castellano) Chile Despertó, pero Chile no Despertó
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Chile Despertó, pero Chile no Despertó)
Muslim Nations Bring Genocide Suit against Myanmar over 2017 Expulsion of Rohingya
Radio Free Asia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (HUMAN RIGHTS, AFRICA, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Muslim Nations Bring Genocide Suit against Myanmar over 2017 Expulsion of Rohingya)
Deathly Silence: An Inside Look at Kashmir
Laura Höflinger and Sunaina Kumar – Der Spiegel
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Deathly Silence: An Inside Look at Kashmir)
(Français) Ce que vous devez savoir sur les bombardements à Gaza
Mike Merryman-Lotze | Agence Média Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | 1 Comment »)
Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing
George Galloway - RT
November 18th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ASIA--PACIFIC, BRICS | Comments Off on Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing)
Industrial Agriculture, Based on War Technologies, Kills Millions of Species: Agroecology Is the Future
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
(Italiano) Le parole come armi. Spunti per un’etica informatica
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Le parole come armi. Spunti per un’etica informatica)
Climate Change Is Breaking Open America’s Nuclear Tombs in Marshall Islands and Johnston Island
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
Engineering or Technology?
Naresh Jotwani | Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Engineering or Technology?)
Stay or Go? Hong Kong’s International Students Pack Their Bags amid Protest Chaos
John Power and Meaghan Tobin – South China Morning Post
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Stay or Go? Hong Kong’s International Students Pack Their Bags amid Protest Chaos)
The Importance of Gambia Invoking Genocide Convention against Myanmar
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, AFRICA, ASIA--PACIFIC, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on The Importance of Gambia Invoking Genocide Convention against Myanmar)
Political Prisoner: Brazil’s Ex-President Lula Freed after 580 Days in Prison
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Political Prisoner: Brazil’s Ex-President Lula Freed after 580 Days in Prison)
Death by Oligarchy
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Death by Oligarchy)
Bolivia Coup Led by Christian Fascist Paramilitary Leader and Millionaire–with Foreign Support
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Bolivia Coup Led by Christian Fascist Paramilitary Leader and Millionaire–with Foreign Support)
Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth
Official Trailer – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | 1 Comment »)
The Lonely Genius Arthur Eddington Who Confirmed Einstein’s Relativity
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on The Lonely Genius Arthur Eddington Who Confirmed Einstein’s Relativity)
(Italiano) LIBERATI ma NON LIBERI. Dedicato a Liliana Segre
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) LIBERATI ma NON LIBERI. Dedicato a Liliana Segre)
(Português) Brutalidade: Touro é cruelmente esfaqueado diversas vezes por toureiro na Espanha
Eliane Arakaki - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Brutalidade: Touro é cruelmente esfaqueado diversas vezes por toureiro na Espanha)
Rwanda Exports 2,163 kg of Gold, UAE Imports 12,539 kg of It (!?)
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Rwanda Exports 2,163 kg of Gold, UAE Imports 12,539 kg of It (!?))
A Brief Account of «the Destruction of the Indians» in Brazil
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (INDIGENOUS RIGHTS, HUMAN RIGHTS, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on A Brief Account of «the Destruction of the Indians» in Brazil)
The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion
Prof. Neta C. Crawford - Global Research
November 18th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion)
UN Envoy’s Grim Warning over Assange’s Life in British Prison
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (HUMAN RIGHTS, ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, JUSTICE, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on UN Envoy’s Grim Warning over Assange’s Life in British Prison)
Imagine (Music Video of the Week)
John Lennon – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Imagine (Music Video of the Week))
Former Israel Commander Says Israel’s ‘Unjust’ War in Palestine Fuels ‘Anti-Semitism around the World’
Philip Weiss | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Former Israel Commander Says Israel’s ‘Unjust’ War in Palestine Fuels ‘Anti-Semitism around the World’)
The Berlin Wall and General Pyrrhus
Victor Grossman | Berlin Bulletin, Monthly Review – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (EUROPE | Comments Off on The Berlin Wall and General Pyrrhus)
Dangers and Questions of the Zuckerberg Era
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TECHNOLOGY | Comments Off on Dangers and Questions of the Zuckerberg Era)
CIA Manual: Instructions for Guerrilla/Urban Terror Activities
CNN – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (SPOTLIGHT, MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on CIA Manual: Instructions for Guerrilla/Urban Terror Activities)
Becoming 89
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (POETRY FORMAT | Comments Off on Becoming 89)
Change of Players, Change of Game: How States Got Left Behind on Climate Change
Charlotte Hulme | E-IR – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (FEATURED RESEARCH PAPER, UNITED NATIONS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Change of Players, Change of Game: How States Got Left Behind on Climate Change)
Breaking! Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Story Is Highly Unprofessional!
Susie Day – CounterPunch
November 18th, 2019 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, JUSTICE, MEDIA | Comments Off on Breaking! Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Story Is Highly Unprofessional!)
Good Old US of A
Tango Gao – Other Words
November 18th, 2019 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Good Old US of A)
The Coup That Ousted Morales
Chandra Muzaffar | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Cultural History
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Cultural History)
Bolivia in Crisis: How Evo Morales Was Forced Out
Angus McNelly – The Conversation
November 18th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Bolivia in Crisis: How Evo Morales Was Forced Out)
How the Hand of Israeli Spy Tech Reaches Deep into Our Lives
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE, TECHNOLOGY | Comments Off on How the Hand of Israeli Spy Tech Reaches Deep into Our Lives)
Hollow Promises of a Better Life: Modern-Day Slavery
Kyodo News | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (HUMAN RIGHTS, IN FOCUS, EXPOSURES - EXPOSÉS | Comments Off on Hollow Promises of a Better Life: Modern-Day Slavery)
Top Bolivian Coup Plotters Trained by US Military’s School of the Americas, Served as Attachés in FBI Police Programs
Jeb Sprague | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Top Bolivian Coup Plotters Trained by US Military’s School of the Americas, Served as Attachés in FBI Police Programs)
The Basic Cultural Structure: A Comment from Chile as It Burns
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | 3 Comments »)
Bolivian Coup Comes Less Than a Week After Morales Stopped Multinational Firm’s Lithium Deal
Eoin Higgins | Common Dreams – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Bolivian Coup Comes Less Than a Week After Morales Stopped Multinational Firm’s Lithium Deal)
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Lawless)
Confucius (c. 551 BC – 21 Nov 479 BC)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Confucius (c. 551 BC – 21 Nov 479 BC))
The War in Syria
Prof. Richard Falk | TRT – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | 1 Comment »)
Some Challenges, Some Thoughts on Life and Death
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Some Challenges, Some Thoughts on Life and Death)
Scent of Musk: The Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson’s
Timofey Neshitov and Daniel Etter – Der Spiegel
November 18th, 2019 (HEALTH | 1 Comment »)
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (24 Nov 1864 – 9 Sep 1901)
Toulouse-Lautrec Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (24 Nov 1864 – 9 Sep 1901))
What You Need to Know about the Bombings in Gaza
Mike Merryman-Lotze | American Friends Service Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on What You Need to Know about the Bombings in Gaza)
Israel Killed 222 Gaza Protestors Since 2018. Only One Soldier Has Been Indicted
Eyal Sagiv | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Killed 222 Gaza Protestors Since 2018. Only One Soldier Has Been Indicted)
The Poisoning of American Political Discourse
Stefan Schindler – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Poisoning of American Political Discourse)
Revealed: Danger and Squalor for Cleaners Who Remove Human Waste by Hand
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Revealed: Danger and Squalor for Cleaners Who Remove Human Waste by Hand)
U.S., UK, & France Certainly Committed an International War Crime against Syria on 14 April 2018
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on U.S., UK, & France Certainly Committed an International War Crime against Syria on 14 April 2018)
Are the UN and the International Community Both Brain Dead?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
“Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on “Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November)
What’s Joker’s Joke?
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on What’s Joker’s Joke?)
Did the West Win the Cold War?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Inside a Foie Gras Farm
Animal Equality – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | 1 Comment »)
Deforestation in Brazil Jumped by 80% in One Year: Study
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Deforestation in Brazil Jumped by 80% in One Year: Study)
(Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro)
Sierra Club Takes a Commendable Turn on Population, Climate Change, and Inequality
Roger D. Harris – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Sierra Club Takes a Commendable Turn on Population, Climate Change, and Inequality)
We Need Biodiversity-Based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Is the Run on the Dollar Due to Panic or Greed?
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Is the Run on the Dollar Due to Panic or Greed?)
UN Member States Overwhelmingly Support End of US Embargo against Cuba
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on UN Member States Overwhelmingly Support End of US Embargo against Cuba)
Gandhi after His Anniversary
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Gandhi after His Anniversary)
Brazil: Lula Is Free!
Ana Paula Vargas and Vijay Prashad | Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (NEWS, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, JUSTICE | Comments Off on Brazil: Lula Is Free!)
NATO Is Suffering ‘Brain Death’, Argues French President Macron
AFP | France 24 – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (EUROPE | 1 Comment »)
Trump’s Worst Impeachable Offense Hurts the Whole World–Climate
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!
November 11th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Trump’s Worst Impeachable Offense Hurts the Whole World–Climate)
A Tight Grip on Our Nuclear Toys
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service
US Seizure of Oil Fields Escalates Tensions in Syria
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on US Seizure of Oil Fields Escalates Tensions in Syria)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (11 Nov 1821 – 9 Feb 1881)
Gary Saul Morson | Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Fyodor Dostoyevsky (11 Nov 1821 – 9 Feb 1881))
Rwanda: Victoire Ingabire Endures Relentless Interrogation
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Rwanda: Victoire Ingabire Endures Relentless Interrogation)
On Moving to Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on On Moving to Palestine)
The RCEP Train Left the ASEAN Station Leaving India Behind
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
November 11th, 2019 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on The RCEP Train Left the ASEAN Station Leaving India Behind)
Casteism: Is It the Scourge of Hinduism, or the Perversion of a Legitimate Vedic System?
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (RELIGION | Comments Off on Casteism: Is It the Scourge of Hinduism, or the Perversion of a Legitimate Vedic System?)
‘Our only Aim Is to Go Home’: Rohingya Refugees Face Stark Choice
Sarah Marsh and Redwan Ahmed – The Guardian
November 11th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on ‘Our only Aim Is to Go Home’: Rohingya Refugees Face Stark Choice)
Choose Your Constitution!
Joe Kandra (cartoonist) and Kathie MM - Engaging Peace
November 11th, 2019 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | 1 Comment »)
WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!
Federico Pieraccini | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!)
Protests in Haiti Signal Change Needed in US Foreign Policy
Jonathan Molina | The Daily Californian – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Protests in Haiti Signal Change Needed in US Foreign Policy)
Wall Street at Record Highs as Global Growth Slows
Nick Beams | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Wall Street at Record Highs as Global Growth Slows)
U.S. Global Pirate!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on U.S. Global Pirate!)
The Weighing
Jane Hirshfield – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (POETRY FORMAT | Comments Off on The Weighing)
Ah … The Best People: Ignoring the Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years
Marc A. Cirigliano| The Eastern Woodlands Fusion – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Ah … The Best People: Ignoring the Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years)
Teach Your Children (Music Video of the Week)
Crosby, Stills & Nash – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Teach Your Children (Music Video of the Week))
US and Israel Were Lone Votes against UN Resolutions Opposing Space Arms Race and Nuclear Middle East
Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on US and Israel Were Lone Votes against UN Resolutions Opposing Space Arms Race and Nuclear Middle East)
Babri Masjid Verdict: My House Demolished, I Go to Court, It Awards the Land to the Demolisher. Is This Justice?
Binu Mathew | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Babri Masjid Verdict: My House Demolished, I Go to Court, It Awards the Land to the Demolisher. Is This Justice?)
(Português) Leonardo DiCaprio elogia documentário vegano que aborda o impacto do consumo de carne no planeta
Eliane Arakaki - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais
November 11th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Leonardo DiCaprio elogia documentário vegano que aborda o impacto do consumo de carne no planeta)
Israel Is Silencing the Last Voices Trying to Prevent Abuse of Palestinians
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Is Silencing the Last Voices Trying to Prevent Abuse of Palestinians)
Aaron Webster – Reader’s Digest
November 11th, 2019 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Heart-Stopping)
Bolsonaro Puts Up Brazilian Richest Oil Wells for Sale to Foreign Companies
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ENERGY, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, CAPITALISM, ECONOMICS, TRADE | Comments Off on Bolsonaro Puts Up Brazilian Richest Oil Wells for Sale to Foreign Companies)
E.F. Schumacher’s “A Guide for the Perplexed”: Mapping the Meaning of Life and the Four Levels of Being
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on E.F. Schumacher’s “A Guide for the Perplexed”: Mapping the Meaning of Life and the Four Levels of Being)
(Português) Rainha Elizabeth II Abandona Uso de Casacos de Pele
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Rainha Elizabeth II Abandona Uso de Casacos de Pele)
Chile: Bachelet Upholds Pinochet’s Call for Oblivion
Ramona Wadi | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Chile: Bachelet Upholds Pinochet’s Call for Oblivion)
How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson from 1933
Matthew Ehret | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities?
Dr Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (DEVELOPMENT | Comments Off on Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities?)
Popular Resistance in Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, HISTORY, PALESTINE - ISRAEL, LITERATURE, REVIEWS | Comments Off on Popular Resistance in Palestine)
Ending Violence, Exploitation, Ecological Destruction and War: Creating a Culture of Peace
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | 6 Comments »)
UN Rapporteur Nils Melzer Warns: Julian Assange May Die in British Prison
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (EUROPE, UNITED NATIONS, JUSTICE, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on UN Rapporteur Nils Melzer Warns: Julian Assange May Die in British Prison)
The School of the Americas
Larry Romanoff - Global Research
November 11th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The School of the Americas)
United States vs Moby Dick
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | 5 Comments »)
(Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro)
Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq)
Baghdadi Story Reveals Divided–and Broken–News Media
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
November 4th, 2019 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Baghdadi Story Reveals Divided–and Broken–News Media)
“Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on “Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November)
Politicians Protect Meat Industry by Making Activists Criminals
Leighton Akio Woodhouse and David Zlutnick -The Intercept
November 4th, 2019 (CAPITALISM, ECONOMICS, ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM, ENVIRONMENT, SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Politicians Protect Meat Industry by Making Activists Criminals)
Casting Doubt: Trusting Whistleblowers More Than International Institutions–Syrian Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack on Douma
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Our Vanishing World (Part 3): Insects
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Our Vanishing World (Part 3): Insects)
A Conspiracy of Decency
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (POETRY FORMAT | Comments Off on A Conspiracy of Decency)
Education and Knowledge Can Stop the Fake “Science” of Multinationals That Is Leading the Planet and Society to Collapse
Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Education and Knowledge Can Stop the Fake “Science” of Multinationals That Is Leading the Planet and Society to Collapse)
The Meaning of Chile’s Explosion
Camila Vergara – Jacobin Magazine
November 4th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The Meaning of Chile’s Explosion)
The Venice Future Dialogues
Jan Oberg | Oberg Photo Graphics – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Venice Future Dialogues)
Pillow Talk
Joe Kandra (cartoonist) and Kathie MM – Engaging Peace
November 4th, 2019 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Pillow Talk)
By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS
Dan Cohen | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, HISTORY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS)
(Français) Haïti: entre complicité et ingérence
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Haïti: entre complicité et ingérence)
Johan Galtung—TRANSCEND: Methods and Solutions
AlternateFocus – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on Johan Galtung—TRANSCEND: Methods and Solutions)
‘This Charge Is 100% False’: Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal Arrested Months after Reporting on Venezuelan Opposition Violence
Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (JUSTICE, MEDIA | Comments Off on ‘This Charge Is 100% False’: Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal Arrested Months after Reporting on Venezuelan Opposition Violence)
(Italiano) La «Madre terra» trasformata in colonia delle multinazionali
Manlio Masucci | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) La «Madre terra» trasformata in colonia delle multinazionali)
The Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
Street Pianos – Rondo Alla Turca (Music Video of the Week)
the5brownsmusic's channel – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Street Pianos – Rondo Alla Turca (Music Video of the Week))
How the US Regime ‘Justifies’ the Theft of Syria’s Oil
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, CAPITALISM | Comments Off on How the US Regime ‘Justifies’ the Theft of Syria’s Oil)
Decisive International Action Needed to End Israeli Occupation: UN Rights Expert
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Decisive International Action Needed to End Israeli Occupation: UN Rights Expert)
Today’s Protests Indicate the Scale of Troubles in Our Paradise
Slavoj Zizek - RT
November 4th, 2019 (ACTIVISM | Comments Off on Today’s Protests Indicate the Scale of Troubles in Our Paradise)
(Castellano) Parlamento de los Pueblos en Ecuador: Una Minga para Cambiar el País
Raúl Zibechi – La Jornada [Mexico]
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Parlamento de los Pueblos en Ecuador: Una Minga para Cambiar el País)
Regarding American Decadence: A Revealing President in a New Geopolitical Context
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Regarding American Decadence: A Revealing President in a New Geopolitical Context)
The Writing of “Silent Spring”: Rachel Carson and the Culture-Shifting Courage to Speak Inconvenient Truth to Power
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on The Writing of “Silent Spring”: Rachel Carson and the Culture-Shifting Courage to Speak Inconvenient Truth to Power)
Israeli Occupation of Palestine: Disinformation, Denials, Distortions, Distractions, and Destruction of Human Rights
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Israeli Occupation of Palestine: Disinformation, Denials, Distortions, Distractions, and Destruction of Human Rights)
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Really?)
Why Do So Many People Hate the U.S.?
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Why Do So Many People Hate the U.S.?)
Britain Obstructs Spanish Investigation into CIA Spying on Julian Assange
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, JUSTICE, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Britain Obstructs Spanish Investigation into CIA Spying on Julian Assange)
Russia Isn’t Getting the Recognition It Deserves on Syria
Scott Ritter – Truthdig
November 4th, 2019 (CONFLICT RESOLUTION - MEDIATION, BRICS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Russia Isn’t Getting the Recognition It Deserves on Syria)
A Foie Gras Ban Was Overdue – but What About Other Foods Made from Animal Suffering?
Jacy Reese – The Guardian
November 4th, 2019 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on A Foie Gras Ban Was Overdue – but What About Other Foods Made from Animal Suffering?)
(Français) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Fabriqué et Tué par la CIA
Marc Vandepitte | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Fabriqué et Tué par la CIA)
UN Expert’s Call to Stop Israeli Settlement of Palestinian Territories Falls on Deaf Ears
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN Expert’s Call to Stop Israeli Settlement of Palestinian Territories Falls on Deaf Ears)
The Lasting Impact of the Islamic State
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Lasting Impact of the Islamic State)
Banana Party–Serving Divinity
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Banana Party–Serving Divinity)
(Português) 70 Anos da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos 1948-2018
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS, POETRY FORMAT, ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) 70 Anos da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos 1948-2018)
CIA Death Squads Responsible for Spike in Afghan Civilian Casualties
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on CIA Death Squads Responsible for Spike in Afghan Civilian Casualties)
The Metamorphosis of the Deep State
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Metamorphosis of the Deep State)
(Português) A Vantagem da Imperfeição
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) A Vantagem da Imperfeição)
Leon Trotsky (7 Nov 1879 – 21 Aug 1940)
Robert V. Daniels | Encyclopædia Britannica - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (BIOGRAPHIES | Comments Off on Leon Trotsky (7 Nov 1879 – 21 Aug 1940))