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Articles by Jonathan Power

We found 18 results.

We Must Stop America and Russia Going MAD
Jonathan Power – The Transnational, 12 Aug 2019

August 6, 2019 – Hiroshima Day. If MAD was Mad then the decision of Donald Trump to renounce the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty is MADDER. MAD is Mutually Assured Destruction, a concept which underlay the nuclear deterrence of the Cold War. Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan began the hard work of dismantling MAD with the INF, a treaty affecting the land-based missiles of Europe.

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Being Anti-Russia Will Take the West Nowhere
Jonathan Power – Other News, 20 Mar 2017

The truth is the West would be enjoying the same benign relationship with Russia if under presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the US hadn’t, step by step, put Russia under the hammer by expanding NATO and breaking its solemn promise not to. (Neither Ronald Reagan nor George H.W. Bush, who understood Russia, saw fit to expand NATO. Richard Nixon, a Russophile, would never have.)

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Why Everyone but NATO Live Happily with Russia
Jonathan Power | Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

Jonathan Power turns around the perspective – something seldom done in Western debate: What’s the reason that NATO is the only one around the world that has a negative relation to Russia today? And insists on having it? Trump proposes a huge increase in military spending but the U.S. already spends more than the next seven biggest spenders combined, China and Russia included!

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Moscow & Washington – Last Chance to Get It Right?
Jonathan Power | Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

Russia and the US have never fought each other in the 200 years of their relationship. Russia aided the North during the Civil War and sent warships to prevent England and France supporting the confederacy. During the World Wars the two were close allies.

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Cheating Moscow – NATO’s Dangerous Expansion
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 11 Jul 2016

On Sunday [26 Jun] the foreign minister of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said, “Anyone who believes the symbolic tank parades on the Alliance’s eastern border will increase security is wrong”. Apart from the appalling fact that the West is contemplating all out war against Russia there is the plain fact that it has expanded NATO in contravention of the solemn understandings given the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War.

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Breaking the Promise to Russia
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 8 Jun 2015

President Bill Clinton decided to expand NATO’s membership to former members of the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact. George Kennan, America’s elder statesman on Russian issues, characterized it as the most dangerous foreign policy decision that the US had made since the end of the Second World War.

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Islam Is Not the Problem – But Keep Your Own House in Order
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 9 Feb 2015

The revolts of the so-called Arab Spring show that most Muslims of the Middle East want democracy even though they also want their country to be Islamist. An overwhelming majority of the worldwide community of close to 2 billion Muslims abhor both authoritarianism and terrorism. (Not to be overlooked is that as recently as 1945 there were only 10 democracies in the Western world.)

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Solve the Ukraine Crisis Now
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 5 Jan 2015

Moscow no longer trusts verbal understandings that can be broken, as when the Reagan Administration gave President Mikhail Gorbachev the distinct impression that the US would not take advantage of the Soviet Union now that the Cold War was over. But it did. President Bill Clinton provocatively began the expansion of NATO which has now reached right up to Russia’s borders.

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Misleading the World on Iran’s “Bomb”
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 23 Dec 2014

Over many years the US with European connivance most – not always – of the time manufactured and manipulated the whole crisis. To overcome the suspicions aroused by that, now past, tactic is not easy. That is not just my opinion after following this subject for 30 years.

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Why Russia Is Growing Tough • Berlin Wall Down 25 Years
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 10 Nov 2014

Is it his early economic success? Or is it because of a new stability? Or the nation’s growing self-respect after the ignominious years that followed the demise of the Soviet Union? Or is it a sense of besieged defensiveness because of the advantage the West undoubtedly took of Russia after that demise. The answer is a bit of all these. Now Russia, not just Putin, is in a very assertive mood.

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US-Russia Talks in Moscow: Hot
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 22 Sep 2014

There seems to have been a total breakdown in communication compared with the Cold War when high-level discussions were held at regular intervals.

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Violence against Children Has Become an Epidemic
Jonathan Power – Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 14 Jul 2014

Three Israeli teenagers murdered. One Palestinian boy burnt to death whilst alive. Violence against children is seen as an easy way of cowing a population and as a cheap means of recruiting disposable soldiers. The UN membership must refer errant countries or the movements within them to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.

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The West’s Hypocrisy in Ukraine
Jonathan Power – Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, 5 May 2014

When it comes to Ukraine the US and the EU are adopting a holier than thou attitude which, unfortunately, leads them not to worship at the altar of truth. Take the issue of the fuss made over alleged soldiers wearing Russian uniforms.

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Challenging China
Jonathan Power – TFF Associates, 27 Jan 2014

Over the long run the US will be diluting its political authority in Asia. It must be prepared to accept Chinese equality. America must shunt aside its long held policy of “exceptionalism”. If it wants China to follow the rules of the global community it must set a better example itself.

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Preventing More Ethnic Disputes
Jonathan Power – Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, 22 Nov 2010

Just before he died at the end of the twentieth century, the philosopher Isaiah Berlin said, “It was the worst century that Europe ever had. Worse, I suspect, even than the days of the Huns. And why? Because in our modern age nationalism is not resurgent; it never died. Neither did racism. They are the most powerful movements in the world today cutting across many social systems”.

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Kolkata – The Legacy of Empire
Jonathan Power, TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2010

I have spent eight months now in the glorious city of Kolkata. You wouldn’t think it is glorious from those who still pedal the story of “The Black Hole” and quote Kipling. Paul Theroux, an exceptional novelist, in his new book, “A Dead Hand, A Crime in Calcutta”, continues the myth. The city “went on growing, yet it still looked rickety and ruinous, and in areas of faded elegance and dramatic misery a bad smell lingered, haunted and human”, he writes.

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Jonathan Power – The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, 11 Dec 2009

LONDON – Enlargement of the European Union to bring in Turkey was never meant to be so tense an affair. When the Berlin Wall came down opinion makers in Western Europe were breathless before the quite unexpected overthrow of tyranny and were falling over themselves in their attempt to wave broadly stretched arms of welcome […]

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Jonathan Power, 12 Oct 2008

Does America know what a dangerous game its leaders are playing? Does it know its history? And do the leaders of Europe, who should be a brake on American determination, go along with Washington because they are almost equally ignorant? After all none of the present crop of European leaders have had time to study […]

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