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Electric Vehicle Onboard Equipment and Charging Infrastructure Standards

A comprehensive guide to safety and performance standards in the rapidly growing EV infrastructure industry.

Electric car charging  at power station

Certification for electric vehicle infrastructure

Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is gaining speed and manufacturers don’t want to be left behind. Knowing the industry’s emerging safety and performance standards is critical to building EV infrastructure into your product’s future.

Manufacturers can help fuel this demand by developing EV infrastructure components that meet emerging standards for safety and performance, as well as interoperability with smart grid technologies.

Electric Vehicle Onboard Equipment and Charging Infrastructure Standards.

Enter new markets  

Compliance solutions for country or regional regulations are available through UL. Meet today’s regulatory and compliance requirements with certifications for electric vehicle (EV) onboard and infrastructure components. Please contact us for more details.

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Illustration - Comprehensive safety and performance testing and certification services for EV and EVSE

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