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ESG Performance eBook: Driving Business Value

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure is a way for companies to share performance beyond financial results.

Silhouettes of a green tree and a business man walking on a passage through glass

In an increasingly interconnected world on the cusp of positive change and, at the same time, rife with uncertainty, stakeholders want true visibility into companies’ activities and impacts on the environment, people and the world around them. Gaining momentum over the last decade and particularly in the past five years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is a way for companies to share performance beyond financial results and better assess investment risks and opportunities associated with impacts and contributions on the environment, people and communities.

A growing contingent of stakeholders including investors, governments, employees and consumers demand that companies disclose a breadth of sustainability, social responsibility and risk data in addition to their regular, annual financial reporting regimen.

In this UL ebook, we will:

  • Explore critical components of ESG reporting specific to manufacturers of building materials and furnishings.
  • Consider the requirements for embarking on a successful ESG reporting journey.
  • Understand how proactive management of your products’ sustainability contributes to your ESG strategy.
  • Identify resources to facilitate the process.

Through ESG disclosure, you can take steps to achieve the kind of visibility that engenders trust among stakeholders and benefits you with a profound understanding of your business.

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ESG Performance eBook

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