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Net Zero Water Validation

Water scarcity is an increasing concern for enterprises. UL Solutions’ Net Zero Water Validation for sites and facilities can help businesses showcase environmental leadership in water use management.

Baby holding hand under running water

Using UL Solutions to validate water neutral claims

A net-zero water claim is a significant achievement for a site or facility. The UL Environmental Claim Validation provides buyers confidence  in the reliability of manufacturers’ claimed statements. We are one of the world's most trusted names in product safety and certification. Through our Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) program, your business can leverage the UL ECV Mark to differentiate your products and services in your industry.

Increasing water scarcity concerns

Water scarcity is increasingly an area of sustainability concern linked to climate change. 

The World Health Organization estimated that in less than four years, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas. (Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water.)

While policy related to enterprise water conservation is fragmented, investors point to water scarcity as the next underestimated physical risk category, according to Blackrock from an interview with Bloomberg. Consumers are starting to awaken to the issue, especially in high water use industries.

As interest grows, manufacturers, brand owners, retailers and building owners need tools to be able to measure, manage and communicate their performance to stakeholders. Market leaders who have achieved water neutrality at their facilities seek a third party to validate their claims.

Overview of UL Environmental Claim Validation Procedure (ECVP) for Net Zero Water

UL Solutions' net zero water validation is an innovative procedure that benefits water resources.

UL 1397, UL Environmental Claim Validation Procedure (ECVP) for Net Zero Water, outlines the measurement of net zero freshwater use. The procedure provides a framework for the evaluation and validation of net zero water claims for sites, facilities, campuses, or any defined system of contiguous or discontinuous sites.

The goal of the procedure is to test and measure the impact of water use on the watershed where the site or building is located. The procedure helps validate lower demand for water and increasing water resiliency by minimizing withdrawals and returning an equal volume of water to the source from which it was withdrawn, without degradation to the watershed or aquifer.  A net zero water system reduces the demand for fresh water sourced from surface or groundwater, which is offset by alternative water sources and water returned to the original watershed.  

The UL Environmental Claim Validation Mark 

Sites that comply with UL 1397 requirements may use the UL Environmental Claim Validation Mark to showcase their commitment to water conservation and differentiate in the marketplace.