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amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative Social Audit Program with UL Solutions

Leverage UL Solutions’ strong network of amfori BSCI qualified auditors, dedicated to improving worker conditions in factories and farms worldwide.

Manager reviewing a tablet while overlooking a factory floor

Take advantage of the leading supply chain management system that supports companies in driving social compliance and improvements in their global supply chains. 

The amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in factories and farms worldwide. The amfori BSCI helps implement the principal international labor standards protecting workers’ rights such as:

  • International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions and declarations 
  • United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 
  • Guidelines for multinational enterprises of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 

While not a certification scheme, amfori BSCI offers a single code of conduct and one implementation system.

Full audit scope

Physical areas covered under the scope of the assessment include:

  • Production areas
  • Storage areas
  • Living and eating areas for non-management employees

The 13 amfori BSCI performance areas

  • Social management system and cascade effect
  • Workers involvement and protection
  • The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • No discrimination
  • Fair remuneration
  • Decent working hours
  • Occupational health and safety
  • No child labor
  • Special protection for young workers
  • No precarious employment
  • No bonded labor
  • Protection of the environment
  • Ethical business behavior

The amfori BSCI audit methodology

UL Solutions’ amfori BSCI assessment findings are identified through visual observation, worker and management interviews, and documentation review conducted by the auditor(s) on the date(s) of the facility's on-site visit. 

Experience the UL Solutions advantage

We continually seek to expand our current amfori BSCI coverage by training and qualifying the right auditors in the most needed clusters and the right countries to meet our customer need. We continue to have the strongest network of amfori BSCI qualified auditors by cluster. 

Integrated customer partnerships

Our primary advantage is our team members — energetic, positive and dedicated professionals with a strong service culture and in-field expertise. 

UL Solutions also specializes in delivering innovative, customized and data-driven solutions and is a leader in the luxury brands segment. 

An expanding global network

As amfori BSCI auditing expands outside of Asia, UL Solutions expands and focuses on social compliance auditing in Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and the Americas. As a result, we are concentrating on qualifying Responsible Sourcing (RS) auditors in all of the former Soviet Union, Ukraine, Armenia, as well as South America - Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Italy.

Our extensive global network allows us to have a presence in countries that not every service provider has the capacity to be in, for example, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Guyana, Suriname and Guatemala. 


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