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Chemical Regulatory Compliance

Simplify chemical management with help from UL Solutions’ global regulatory experts and our hazard communication and compliance software.

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Many companies often find their regulatory compliance and environmental health and safety (EHS) teams challenged by limited staff and time. Despite a lack of resource and expertise, the need to remain compliant persists and is often exacerbated as regulations continue to change. 

Despite well-intentioned efforts to standardize chemical regulations across the globe through the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), companies still have to navigate guidelines that vary widely from state to state and country to country. In response to these challenges, chemical companies must find solutions to help ensure accurate and sustained global regulatory compliance. 

Our worldwide team of more than 50 regulatory experts are available to support your efforts to achieve chemical regulatory compliance. Additionally, we offer hazard communication and compliance software that empower your team to manage EHS initiatives and mitigate the risks of noncompliance.


We help you manage your chemical compliance needs.

We can help you further your company’s EHS goals while expanding the marketability of your products. Our software solutions and experienced global network of scientists, consultants and regulatory experts are ready to help you establish internal programs for chemical compliance across all phases of your products’ life cycle.

  • More than 30 years of experience with global chemical supply chain customers
  • Software options for every size of business and budget
  • Platforms are scalable, configurable and flexible and can be integrated with other business systems


WERCS Studio

Efficiently manage your EHS initiatives and mitigate the risks of noncompliance with our sophisticated WERCS Studio software.


Create affordable GHS-compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) documents with self-service SDS authoring on ULGHS.com.

Supply chain network

Reduce the manual efforts of product questionnaires and increase accuracy and integrity while building data equity with Supply Chain Network.


Go beyond regulatory compliance and streamline the process of creating and meeting retailer sustainability standards with our dynamic PurView platform.


Connect retailers with their supply chain to meet critical compliance and safety needs, while protecting a supplier’s intellectual property with WERCSmart.

ChemADVISOR® Regulatory Database

Quickly access accurate chemical regulatory data on more than 600,000 substances to navigate regulatory compliance challenges and enable global market access for your products.


Gain instant self-service access to high-quality chemical regulatory data monitoring


Learn and monitor the main chemical regulatory requirements of today’s chief economies with Navigator, an invaluable reference tool which is continuously updated by UL Solutions’ regulatory experts


Seamlessly create and deliver SDSs in more than 45 languages using a secure, company-specific, web-based platform.

Chemical Compliance Training

UL Solutions provides a series of chemical regulatory training programs designed to help understand the diverse set of requirements and how to confront them.

Why UL Solutions 

We help thousands of companies pursue accurate chemical regulatory compliance every day. Through that experience, we have become a world leader in supplying comprehensive regulatory services to across many industries around the globe. 

Our experienced global network of scientists, consultants and regulatory experts can help you develop a robust compliance strategy, understand the impact of regulations, and offer real-time insights and monitoring tools. 

With more than 30 years of market leading experience in helping companies of all sizes achieve global regulatory compliance, we have earned the trust of many.

Regulatory Roundup Newsletter

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UL, the global safety science leader, can keep you updated on the latest events with a variety of materials, ranging from the latest regulatory news, webinars, white papers, events, industry insights and more. 

Subscribe to our monthly Regulatory Roundup Newsletter and stay up to date on current and upcoming regulations and all the latest chemical industry news. 

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