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PSE, PSC and S-Marks for Japan

Unlock one of the world’s biggest electronic markets by meeting safety requirements for technology products in Japan.

Consumer using a coffee maker


Japan has a culture of safety that extends to the technology products sold in the country. To unlock one of the world’s biggest electronics markets, manufacturers and importers need to ensure their electrical appliances comply with mandatory PSE and PSC standards and consider voluntary standards like the S-Mark.

Why are the PSE, PSC and S-Marks important?

PSE Marks – Diamond PSE and Circle PSE

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) established the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN) to regulate the safety of electronic and electrical products (Categories A and B).

Products classified under Category A need to pass conformance testing with a Registered Conformity Assessment Body before the manufacturer or importer can affix the Diamond PSE Mark on the product.

The Circle PSE Mark applies to the products classified under Category B. The manufacturer and importer of these products can self-declare conformity by testing to DENAN’s technical requirements at the manufacturing stage and keeping a copy of the test report.

PSE Image
PSC Mark

The objective of the Consumer Products Safety Law is to ensure the safety of consumer products. Like DENAN, products need to pass a conformance test in order to obtain the PSC Mark.

P S C Mark

The S-Mark is a voluntary safety certification scheme established by the Steering Council of Safety Certification for Electrical and Electronic Appliances and Parts of Japan (SCEA) for electrical products. The certification demonstrates your commitment to product safety.

UL Japan mark

Why UL Solutions 

Fully Accredited – UL Solutions is a registered Certification Body for the PSE and PSC Marks as well as a Certification Body participating in SCEA for the S-Mark.

Proven Expertise – UL Solutions engineers apply their deep knowledge of global regulatory requirements to each project.

Efficient Turnaround Time – With UL Solutions, you can expect prompt product testing and comprehensive reports so you can get to market on time.


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