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UL Prospector

Royal® Vanilla Pudding

Royal® Vanilla Pudding is a versatile, easy-to-prepare dessert. This creamy, vanilla dessert is made simply by combining pudding mix with cold milk. It is quick and delicious. This product is great on its own, or it can be a terrific foundation for countless other delicious dessert creations such as pies, cakes or parfaits.


Clabber Girl Corporation is prominent manufacturer of quality baking ingredients for food and beverage applications. Best known for its Clabber Girl® Baking Powder, the company also offers Clabber Girl® Corn Starch and a full line of Royal® Dessert products. Additionally, Clabber Girl Corporation supplies baking powders under the Rumford®, Fleischmann's®, Hearth Club®, and Davis® Brand labels.


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