[go: nahoru, domu]

Other Workshops and Events (2000)



bib (full) NAACL-ANLP 2000 Workshop: Automatic Summarization

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NAACL-ANLP 2000 Workshop: Automatic Summarization

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Concept Identification and Presentation in the Context of Technical Text Summarization
Horacio Saggion | Guy Lapalme

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Mining Discourse Markers for Chinese Textual Summarization
Samuel W. K. Chan | Tom B. Y. Lai | W. J. Gao | Benjamin K. T’sou

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Centroid-based summarization of multiple documents: sentence extraction, utility-based evaluation, and user studies
Dragomir R. Radev | Hongyan Jing | Malgorzata Budzikowska

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Extracting Key Paragraph based on Topic and Event Detection Towards Multi-Document Summarization
Fumiyo Fukumoto | Yoshimi Suzuki

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Multi-Document Summarization By Sentence Extraction
Jade Goldstein | Vibhu Mittal | Jaime Carbonell | Mark Kantrowitz

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Text Summarizer in Use: Lessons Learned from Real World Deployment and Evaluation
Mary Ellen Okurowski | Harold Wilson | Joaquin Urbina | Tony Taylor | Ruth Colvin Clark | Frank Krapcho

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Evaluation of Phrase-Representation Summarization based on Information Retrieval Task
Mamiko Oka | Yoshihiro Ueda

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A Comparison of Rankings Produced by Summarization Evaluation Measures
Robert L. Donaway | Kevin W. Drummey | Laura A. Mather

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Multi-document Summarization by Visualizing Topical Content
Rie Kubota Ando | Branimir K. Boguraev | Roy J. Byrd | Mary S. Neff

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Using Summarization for Automatic Briefing Generation
Inderjeet Mani | Kristian Concepcion | Linda Van Guilder


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Proceedings of the COLING-2000 Workshop on Semantic Annotation and Intelligent Content

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Proceedings of the COLING-2000 Workshop on Semantic Annotation and Intelligent Content
Paul Buitelaar | Kôiti Hasida

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Semantic Annotation of a Japanese Speech Corpus
John Fry | Francis Bond

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Exploring Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation with Decision Lists and the Web
Eneko Agirre | David Martinez

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Improving Natural Language Processing by Linguistic Document Annotation
Hideo Watanabe | Katashi Nagao | Michael McCord | Arendse Bernth

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Building an Annotated Corpus in the Molecular-Biology Domain
Yuka Tateisi | Tomoko Ohta | Nigel Collier | Chikashi Nobata | Jun-ichi Tsujii

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Semantic Annotation for Generation: Issues in Annotating a Corpus to Develop and Evaluate Discourse Entity Realization Algorithms
Massimo Poesio

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An Environment for Extracting Resolution Rules of Zero Pronouns from Corpora
Hiromi Nakaiwa

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Discourse Structure Analysis for News Video
Yasuhiko Watanabe | Yoshihiro Okada | Sadao Kurohashi | Eiichi Iwanari

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Alignment of Sound Track with Text in a TV Drama
Seigo Tanimura | Hiroshi Nakagawa

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Semantic Transcoding: Making the WWW More Understandable and Usable with External Annotations
Katashi Nagao | Shingo Hosoya | Yoshinari Shirai | Kevin Squire

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From Manual to Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotation: About Ontology-Based Text Annotation Tools
Michael Erdmann | Alexander Maedche | Hans-Peter Schnurr | Steffen Staab


bib (full) Second Chinese Language Processing Workshop

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Second Chinese Language Processing Workshop

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Two Statistical Parsing Models Applied to the Chinese Treebank
Daniel M. Bikel | David Chiang

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Sense-Tagging Chinese Corpus
Hsin-Hsi Chen | Chi-Ching Lin

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Knowledge Extraction for Identification of Chinese Organization Names
Keh-Jiann Chen | Chao-jan Chert

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Using Co-occurrence Statistics as an Information Source for Partial Parsing of Chinese
Elliott Franco Drabek | Qjang Zhou

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Sinica Treebank: Design Criteria, Annotation Guidelines, and On-line Interface
Chu-Ren Huang | Feng-Yi Chen | Keh-Jiann Chen | Zhao-ming Gao | Kuang-Yu Chen

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Enhancement of a Chinese Discourse Marker Tagger with C4.5
Benjamin K. T’sou | Tom B.Y Lai | Samuel W.K. Chan | Weijun Gao | Xuegang Zhan

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Statistically-Enhanced New Word Identification in a Rule-Based Chinese System
Andi Wu | Zixin Jiang

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Comparing Lexicalized Treebank Grammars Extracted from Chinese, Korean, and English Corpora
Fei Xia | Chunghye Han | Martha Palmer | Aravind Joshi

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The Research of Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based on Co-occurrence Frequency of Hownet
Erhong Yang | Guoqing Zhang | Yongkui Zhang

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A Trainable Method for Extracting Chinese Entity Names and Their Relations
Yimin Zhang | Joe F. Zhou

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Statistics Based Hybrid Approach to Chinese Base Phrase Identification
Tie-jun Zhao | Mu-yun Yang | Fang Liu | Jian-min Yao | Hao Yu

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A Block-Based Robust Dependency Parser for Unrestricted Chinese Text
Ming Zhou

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Annotating Information Structures in Chinese Texts Using HowNet
Kok Wee Gan | Ping Wai Wong

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Machine Learning Methods for Chinese Web page Categorization
Ji He | Ah-Hwee Tan | Chew-Lim Tan

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Semantic Annotation of Chinese Phrases Using Recursive Graph
Donghong Ji

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Text Meaning Representation for Chinese
Wanying Jin

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How Should a Large Corpus Be Built?-A Comparative Study of Closure in Annotated Newspaper Corpora from Two Chinese Sources, Towards Building a Larger Representative Corpus Merged from Representative Sublanguage Collections
John J. Kovarik

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A Clustering Algorithm for Chinese Adjectives and Nouns
Yang Wen | Chunfa Yuan | Changning Huang

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Extraction of Chinese Compound Words - An Experimental Study on a Very Large Corpus
Jian Zhang | Jianfeng Gao | Ming Zhou

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An Algorithm for Situation Classification of Chinese Verbs
Xiaodan Zhu | Chunfa Yuan | K.F. Wong | Wenjie Li

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Zero Anaphors in Chinese Discourse Processing
Chin-Chuan Cheng


bib (full) Fourth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning and the Second Learning Language in Logic Workshop

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Fourth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning and the Second Learning Language in Logic Workshop

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Learning in Natural Language: Theory and Algorithmic Approaches
Dan Roth

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Corpus-Based Grammar Specialization
Nicola Cancedda | Christer Samuelsson

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Pronunciation by Analogy in Normal and Impaired Readers
R.I. Damper | Y. Marchand

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The Role of Algorithm Bias vs Information Source in Learning Algorithms for Morphosyntactic Disambiguation
Guy De Pauw | Walter Daelemans

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Increasing our Ignorance’ of Language: Identifying Language Structure in an Unknown ‘Signal’
John Elliot | Eric Atwell | Bill Whyte

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A Comparison between Supervised Learning Algorithms for Word Sense Disambiguation
Gerard Escudero | Lluís Màrquez | German Rigau

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Incorporating Position Information into a Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model
George Foster

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Memory-Based Learning for Article Generation
Guido Minnen | Francis Bond | Ann Copestake

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Overfitting Avoidance for Stochastic Modeling of Attribute-Value Grammars
Tony Mullen | Miles Osborne

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Learning Distributed Linguistic Classes
Stephan Raaijmakers

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Modeling the Effect of Cross-Language Ambiguity on Human Syntax Acquisition
William Gregory Sakas

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Knowledge-Free Induction of Morphology Using Latent Semantic Analysis
Patrick Schone | Daniel Jurafsky

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Using Induced Rules as Complex Features in Memory-Based Language Learning
Antal van den Bosch

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Using Perfect Sampling in Parameter Estimation of a Whole Sentence Maximum Entropy Language Model
F. Amaya | J. M. Benedí

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Experiments on Unsupervised Learning for Extracting Relevant Fragments from Spoken Dialog Corpus
Konstantin Biatov

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Generating Synthetic Speech Prosody with Lazy Learning in Tree Structures
Laurent Blin | Laurent Miclet

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Inducing Syntactic Categories by Context Distribution Clustering
Alexander Clark

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ALLiS: a Symbolic Learning System for Natural Language Learning
Hervé Déjean

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Combining Text and Heuristics for Cost-Sensitive Spam Filtering
José M. Gómez Hidalgo | Manual Maña López | Enrique Puertas Sanz

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Genetic Algorithms for Feature Relevance Assignment in Memory-Based Language Processing
Anne Kool | Walter Daelemans | Jakub Zavrel

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Shallow Parsing by Inferencing with Classifiers
Vasin Punyakanok | Dan Roth

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Minimal Commitment and Full Lexical Disambiguation: Balancing Rules and Hidden Markov Models
Patrick Ruch | Robert Baud | Pierrette Bouillon | Gilbert Robert

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Learning IE Rules for a Set of Related Concepts
J. Turmo | H. Rodriguez

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A Default First Order Family Weight Determination Procedure for WPDV Models
Hans van Halteren

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A Comparison of PCFG Models
Jose Luis Verdú-Mas | Jorge Calera-Rubio | Rafael C. Carrasco

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Introduction to the CoNLL-2000 Shared Task Chunking
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang | Sabine Buchholz

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Learning Syntactic Structures with XML
Hervé Déjean

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A Context Sensitive Maximum Likelihood Approach to Chunking
Christer Johansson

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Chunking with Maximum Entropy Models
Rob Koeling

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Use of Support Vector Learning for Chunk Identification
Taku Kudoh | Yuji Matsumoto

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Shallow Parsing as Part-of-Speech Tagging
Miles Osborne

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Improving Chunking by Means of Lexical-Contextual Information in Statistical Language Models
Ferran Pla | Antonio Molina | Natividad Prieto

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Text Chunking by System Combination
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang

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Chunking with WPDV Models
Hans van Halteren

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Single-Classifier Memory-Based Phrase Chunking
Jorn Veenstra | Antal van den Bosch

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Phrase Parsing with Rule Sequence Processors: an Application to the Shared CoNLL Task
Marc Vilain | David Day

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Hybrid Text Chunking
GuoDong Zhou | Jian Su | TongGuan Tey

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Extracting a Domain-Specific Ontology from a Corporate Intranet
Jörg-Uwe Kietz | Raphael Volz | Alexander Maedche

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Learning from a Substructural Perspective
Pieter Adriaans | Erik de Haas

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Incorporating Linguistics Constraints into Inductive Logic Programming
James Cussens | Stephen Pulman

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Learning from Parsed Sentences with INTHELEX
F. Esposito | S. Ferilli | N. Fanizzi | G. Semeraro

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Inductive Logic Programming for Corpus-Based Acquisition of Semantic Lexicons
Pascale Sébillot | Pierrette Bouillon | Cecile Fabre

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The Acquisition of Word Order by a Computational Learning System
Aline Villavicencio

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Recognition and Tagging of Compound Verb Groups in Czech
Eva Zácková | Luboš Popelínský | Miloš Nepil


bib (full) 2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora

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2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora

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Pattern-Based Disambiguation for Natural Language Processing
Eric Brill

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What’s Yours and What’s Mine: Determining Intellectual Attribution in Scientific Text
Simone Teufel | Marc Moens

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Japanese Dependency Structure Analysis Based on Support Vector Machines
Taku Kudo | Yuji Matsumoto

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Coaxing Confidences from an Old Freind: Probabilistic Classifications from Transformation Rule Lists
Radu Florian | John C. Henderson | Grace Ngai

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Topic Analysis Using a Finite Mixture Model
Hang Li | Kenji Yamanishi

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Sample Selection for Statistical Grammar Induction
Rebecca Hwa

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A Uniform Method of Grammar Extraction and Its Applications
Fei Xia | Martha Palmer | Aravind Joshi

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Enriching the Knowledge Sources Used in a Maximum Entropy Part-of-Speech Tagger
Kristina Toutanvoa | Christopher D. Manning

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Error-driven HMM-based Chunk Tagger with Context-dependent Lexicon
GuoDong Zhou | Jian Su

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Nonlocal Language Modeling based on Context Co-occurrence Vectors
Sadao Kurohashi | Manabu Ori

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Detection of Language (Model) Errors
K.Y. Hung | R.W.P. Luk | D. Yeung | K.F.L. Chung | W. Shu

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Cross-lingual Information Retrieval Using Hidden Markov Models
Jinxi Xu | Ralph Weischedel

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Query Translation in Chinese-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Yibo Zhang | Le Sun | Lin Du | Yufang Sun

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Word Alignment of English-Chinese Bilingual Corpus Based on Chucks
Le Sun | Youbing Jin | Lin Du | Yufang Sun

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Empirical Term Weighting and Expansion Frequency
Kyoji Umemura | Kenneth W. Church

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A Machine Learning Approach to Answering Questions for Reading Comprehension Tests
Hwee Tou Ng | Leong Hwee Teo | Jennifer Lai Pheng Kwan

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Automated Construction of Database Interfaces: Intergrating Statistical and Relational Learning for Semantic Parsing
Lappoon R. Tang | Raymond J. Mooney

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Automatic WordNet Mapping Using Word Sense Disambiguation
Daniel M. Bikel

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A Real-time Integration Of Concept-based Search and Summarization of Chinese Websites
Joe F. Zhou | Weiquan Liu

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A Statistical Model for Parsing and Word-Sense Disambiguation
Daniel M. Bikel

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Reducing Parsing Complexity by Intra-Sentence Segmentation based on Maximum Entropy Model
Sung Dong Kim | Byoung-Tak Zhang | Yung Taek Kim

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An Empirical Study of the Domain Dependence of Supervised Word Disambiguation Systems
Gerard Escudero | Lluis Marquez | German Rigau

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Combining Lexical and Formatting Cues for Named Entity Acquisition from the Web
Christian Jacquemin | Caroline Bush

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A Query Tool for Syntactically Frame Acquisition
Laura Kallmeyer

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Statistical Filtering and Subcategorization Frame Acquisition
Anna Korhonen | Genevieve Gorrell | Diana McCarthy

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One Sense per Collocation and Genre/Topic Variations
David Martinez | Eneko Agirre

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Using Semantically Motivated Estimates to Help Subcategorization Acquisition
Anna Korhonen

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Author Index


bib (full) INLG’2000 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Natural Language Generation

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INLG’2000 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Michael Elhadad

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Evaluation Metrics for Generation
Srinivas Bangalore | Owen Rambow | Steve Whittaker

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A Task-based Framework to Evaluate Evaluative Arguments
Giuseppe Carenini

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An empirical study of multilingual natural language generation: What Should a Text Planner Do?
Daniel Marcu | Lynn Carlson | Maki Watanabe

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Document structure and multilingual authoring
Caroline Brun | Marc Dymetman | Veronika Lux

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DTD-driven bilingual document generation
Arantza Casillas | Joseba Abaitua | Raquel Martínez

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Towards the Generation of Rebuttals in a Bayesian Argumentation System
Nathalie Jitnah | Ingrid Zukerman | Richard McConachy | Sarah George

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A strategy for generating evaluative arguments
Giuseppe Carenini | Johanna Moore

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Using Argumentation Strategies in Automated Argument Generation
Ingrid Zukerman | Richard McConachy | Sarah George

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An extended architecture for robust generation
Tilman Becker | Anne Kilger | Patrice Lopez | Peter Poller

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Reinterpretation of an Existing NLG System in a Generic Generation Architecture
Lynne Cahill | Christy Doran | Roger Evans | Chris Mellish | Daniel Paiva | Mike Reape | Donia Scott | Neil Tipper

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An integrated framework for text planning and pronominalisation
Rodger Kibble | Richard Power

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Incremental Event Conceptualization and Natural Language Generation in Monitoring Enviroments
Markus Guhe | Christopher Habel | Heike Tappe

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The hyperonym problem revisited: Conceptual and lexical hierarchies in language generation
Manfred Stede

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Generating Referring Quantified Expressions
James Shaw | Kathleen McKeown

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An Empirical Analysis of Constructing Non-restrictive NP Modifiers to Express Semantic Relations
Hua Cheng | Chris Mellish

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On identifying sets
Matthew Stone

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Content aggregation in natural language hypertext summarization of OLAP and Data Mining Discoveries
Jacques Robin | Eloi L. Favero

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Optimising text quality in generation from relational databases
Michael O’Donnell | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Chris Mellish

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Generating a controlled language
Laurence Danlos | Guy Lapalme | Veronika Lux

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Multilingual Summary Generation in a Speech-To-Speech Translation System for Multilingual Dialogues
Jan Alexandersson | Peter Poller | Michael Kipp | Ralf Engel

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Planning word-order dependant focus assignments
Cornelia Endriss | Ralf Klabunde

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Enriching partially-specified representations for text realization using an attribute grammar
Songsak Channarukul | Susan W. McRoy | Syed S. Ali

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Coordination and context-dependence in the generation of embodied conversation
Justine Cassell | Matthew Stone | Hao Yan

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Generating Vague Descriptions
Kees van Deemter

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Capturing the Interaction between Aggregation and Text Planning in Two Generation Systems
Hua Cheng | Chris Mellish

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Can text structure be incompatible with rhetorical structure?
Nadjet Bouayad-Agha | Richard Power | Donia Scott

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Robust, applied morphological generation
Guido Minnen | John Carroll | Darren Pearce

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Integrating a Large-Scale, Reusable Lexicon with a Natural Language Generator
Hongyan Jing | Yael Dahan | Michael Elhadad | Kathy McKeown

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Knowledge Acquisition for Natural Language Generation
Ehud Reiter | Roma Robertson | Liesl Osman

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From Context to Sentence Form
Sabine Geldof

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The CLEF semi-recursive generation algorithm
Rodrigo Reyes

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Sentence Generation and Neural Networks
Kathrine Hammervold

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Rhetorical Structure in Dialog
Amanda Stent

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RSTTool 2.4 - A markup Tool for Rhetorical Structure Theory
Michael O’Donnell

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Demonstration of ILEX 3.0
Michael O’Donnell | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Chris Mellish

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A development Environment for an MTT-Based Sentence Generator
Bernd Bohnet | Andreas Langjahr | Leo Wanner

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YAG: A Template-Based Generator for Real-Time Systems
Susan W. McRoy | Songsak Channarukul | Syed S. Ali

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An Efficient Text Summarizer using Lexical Chains
H. Gregory Silber | Kathleen F. McCoy

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Invited Talk: From lexica-aspectual components to syntax
Nomi Erteschik-Shir | T.R. Rapoport

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Discussion Panel on Evaluation in Generation Research
Inderjeet Mani


bib (full) 1st SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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1st SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Japanese Dialogue Corpus of Multi-Level Annotation
Shu Nakazato

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ADAM- An Architecture for xml-based Dialogue Annotation on Multiple levels
Claudia Soria | Roldano Cattoni | Morena Danieli

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The MATE Markup Framework
Laila Dybkjaer | Niels Ole Bernsen

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Issues in the Transcription of English Conversational Grunts
Nigel Ward

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Identifying Prosodic Indicators of Dialogue Structure: Some Methodological and Theoretical Considerations
Ilana Mushin | Lesley Stirling | Janet Fletcher | Roger Wales

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From Elementary Discourse Units to Complex Ones
Holger Schauer

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Abstract Anaphora Resolution in Danish
Costanza Navarretta

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Using decision trees to select the grammatical relation of a noun phrase
Simon Corston-Oliver

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A Common Theory of Information Fusion from Multiple Text Sources Step One: Cross-Document Structure
Dragomir Radev

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Social Goals in Conversational Cooperation
Guido Boella | Rossana Damiano | Leonardo Lesmo

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Dynamic User Level and Utility Measurement for Adaptive Dialog in a Help-Desk System
Preetam Maloor | Joyce Chai

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Dialogue Management in the Agreement Negotiation Process: A Model that Involves Natural Reasoning
Mare Koit | Haldur Oim

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Document Transformations and Information States
Staffan Larsson | Annie Zaenen

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Dialogue and Domain Knowledge Management in Dialogue Systems
Annika Flycht-Eriksson | Arne Jonsson

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Flexible Speech Act Based Dialogue Management
Eli Hagen | Fred Popowich

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Dialogue Helpsystem based on Flexible Matching of User Query with Natural Language Knowledge Base
Sadao Kurohashi | Wataru Higasa

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WIT: A Toolkit for Building Robust and Real-Time Spoken Dialogu Systems
Mikio Nakano | Noboru Miyazaki | Norihito Yasuda | Akira Sugiyama | Jun-ichi Hirasawa | Kohji Dohsaka | Kiyoaki Aikawa

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Some Notes on the Complexity of Dialogues
Jan Alexandersson | Paul Heisterkamp


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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+5)

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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+5)

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The current status of FTAG
Anne Abeillé | Marie-Hélène Candito | Alexandra Kinyon

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A redefinition of Embedded Push-Down Automata
Miguel A. Alonso | Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie | Manuel Vilares

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Practical aspects in compiling tabular TAG parsers
Miguel A. Alonso | Djamé Seddah | Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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Using TAGs, a Tree Model, and a Language Model for Generation
Srinivas Bangalore | Owen Rambow

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Lexik: a maintenance tool for FTAG
Nicolas Barrier | Sébastien Barrier | Alexandra Kinyon

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Adapting HPSG-to-TAG compilation to wide-coverage grammars
Tilman Becker | Patrice Lopez

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Engineering a Wide-Coverage Lexicalized Grammar
John Carroll | Nicolas Nicolov | Olga Shaumyan | Martine Smets | David Weir

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Some remarks on an extension of synchronous TAG
David Chiang | William Schuler | Mark Dras

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Bidirectional parsing of TAG without heads
Víctor J. Díaz | Miguel A. Alonso | Vicente Carrillo

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Punctuation in a Lexicalized Grammar
Christine Doran

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A faster parsing algorithm for Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Jason Eisner | Giorgio Satta

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Economy in TAG
Robert Frank

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The Sino-Korean light verb construction and lexical argument structure
Chung-hye Han | Owen Rambow

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Complexity of Linear Order Computation in Performance Grammar, TAG and HPSG
Karin Harbusch | Gerard Kempen

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Relationship between strong and weak generative power of formal systems
Aravind K. Joshi

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An alternative description of extractions in TAG
Sylvain Kahane | Marie-Hélène Candito | Yannick de Kercadio

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How to solve some failures of LTAG
Sylvain Kahane

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Scrambling in German and the non-locality of local TDGs
Laura Kallmeyer

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Contextual Tree Adjoining Grammars
Martin Kappes

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Even better than Supertags: Introducing Hypertags!
Alexandra Kinyon

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Building a class-based verb lexicon using TAGs
Karin Kipper | Hoa Trang Dang | William Schuler | Martha Palmer

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LTAG Workbench: A general framework for LTAG
Patrice Lopez

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Derivational minimalism in two regular and logical steps
Jens Michaelis | Uwe Mönnich | Frank Morawietz

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A logical approach to structure sharing in TAGs
Adi Palm

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From intuitionistic proof nets to Interaction Grammars
Guy Perrier

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A comparison of the XTAG and CLE Grammars for English
Manny Rayner | Beth Ann Hockey | Frankie James

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Practical experiments in parsing using Tree Adjoining Grammars
Anoop Sarkar

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Lexicalized grammar and the description of motion events
Matthew Stone | Tonia Bleam | Christine Doran | Martha Palmer

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Extending Linear Indexed Grammars
Christian Wartena

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A Corpus-based evaluation of syntactic locality in TAGs
Fei Xia | Tonia Bleam

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Customizing the XTAG system for efficient grammar development for Korean
Juntae Yoon | Chung-hye Han | Nari Kim | Meesook Kim

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Deriving polarity effects
Raffaella Bernardi

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Un outil pour calculer des arbres de dépendance à partir d’arbres de dérivation
Lionel Clément

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Elementary trees for syntactic and statistical disambiguation
Rodolfo Delmonte | Luminita Chiran | Ciprian Bacalu

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How problematic are clitics for S-TAG translation?
Mark Dras | Tonia Bleam

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Reuse of plan-based knowledge sources in a uniform TAG-based generation system
Karin Harbusch | Jens Woch

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CDL-TAGs: A grammar formalism for flexible and efficient syntactic generation
Anne Kilger | Peter Poller

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Predicative LTAG grammars for Term Analysis
Patrice Lopez | David Roussel

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Reliability in example-based parsing
Oliver Streiter

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LFG-DOT: a probabilistic, constraint-based model for machine translation
Andy Way

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Comparing and integrating Tree Adjoining Grammars
Fei Xia | Martha Palmer