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Other Workshops and Events (2012)



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Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH

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Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH
Miriam Butt | Sheelagh Carpendale | Gerald Penn | Jelena Prokić | Michael Cysouw

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Miriam Butt | Jelena Prokić | Thomas Mayer | Michael Cysouw

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Lexical Semantics and Distribution of Suffixes - A Visual Analysis
Christian Rohrdantz | Andreas Niekler | Annette Hautli | Miriam Butt | Daniel A. Keim

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Looking at word meaning. An interactive visualization of Semantic Vector Spaces for Dutch synsets
Kris Heylen | Dirk Speelman | Dirk Geeraerts

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First steps in checking and comparing Princeton WordNet and Estonian Wordnet
Ahti Lohk | Kadri Vare | Leo Võhandu

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Visualising Typological Relationships: Plotting WALS with Heat Maps
Richard Littauer | Rory Turnbull | Alexis Palmer

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Automating Second Language Acquisition Research: Integrating Information Visualisation and Machine Learning
Helen Yannakoudakis | Ted Briscoe | Theodora Alexopoulou

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Visualising Linguistic Evolution in Academic Discourse
Verena Lyding | Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski | Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb | Henrik Dittmann | Chris Culy

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Similarity Patterns in Words (Invited talk)
Grzegorz Kondrak

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Language comparison through sparse multilingual word alignment
Thomas Mayer | Michael Cysouw

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Recovering dialect geography from an unaligned comparable corpus
Yves Scherrer

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Detecting Shibboleths
Jelena Prokić | Çağrı Çöltekin | John Nerbonne

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Estimating and visualizing language similarities using weighted alignment and force-directed graph layout
Gerhard Jäger

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Explorations in creole research with phylogenetic tools
Aymeric Daval-Markussen | Peter Bakker

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Tracking the dynamics of kinship and social category terms with AustKin II
Patrick McConvell | Laurent Dousset

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Using context and phonetic features in models of etymological sound change
Hannes Wettig | Kirill Reshetnikov | Roman Yangarber

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LexStat: Automatic Detection of Cognates in Multilingual Wordlists
Johann-Mattis List


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection
Eileen Fitzpatrick | Joan Bachenko | Tommaso Fornaciari

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Linguistic Cues to Deception Assessed by Computer Programs: A Meta-Analysis
Valerie Hauch | Iris Blandón-Gitlin | Jaume Masip | Siegfried Ludwig Sporer

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I Don’t Know Where He is Not”: Does Deception Research yet Offer a Basis for Deception Detectives?
Anna Vartapetiance | Lee Gillam

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Seeing through Deception: A Computational Approach to Deceit Detection in Written Communication
Ángela Almela | Rafael Valencia-García | Pascual Cantos

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In Search of a Gold Standard in Studies of Deception
Stephanie Gokhman | Jeff Hancock | Poornima Prabhu | Myle Ott | Claire Cardie

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Building a Data Collection for Deception Research
Eileen Fitzpatrick | Joan Bachenko

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On the Use of Homogenous Sets of Subjects in Deceptive Language Analysis
Tommaso Fornaciari | Massimo Poesio

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Invited Talk: Current and Future Needs for Deception Detection in a Government Screening Environment
Daniel Baxter

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The Voice and Eye Gaze Behavior of an Imposter: Automated Interviewing and Detection for Rapid Screening at the Border
Aaron Elkins | Douglas Derrick | Monica Gariup

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Let’s Lie Together: Co-Presence Effects on Children’s Deceptive Skills
Marc Swerts

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Argument Formation in the Reasoning Process: Toward a Generic Model of Deception Detection
Deqing Li | Eugene Santos

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Pastiche Detection Based on Stopword Rankings. Exposing Impersonators of a Romanian Writer
Liviu P. Dinu | Vlad Niculae | Maria-Octavia Sulea

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Making the Subjective Objective? Computer-Assisted Quantification of Qualitative Content Cues to Deception
Siegfried Ludwig Sporer

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Modelling Fixated Discourse in Chats with Cyberpedophiles
Dasha Bogdanova | Paolo Rosso | Thamar Solorio

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Detecting Stylistic Deception
Patrick Juola

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Identification of Truth and Deception in Text: Application of Vector Space Model to Rhetorical Structure Theory
Victoria L. Rubin | Tatiana Vashchilko


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data
Natalia Grabar | Marie Dupuch | Amandine Périnet | Thierry Hamon

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Experiments on Hybrid Corpus-Based Sentiment Lexicon Acquisition
Goran Glavaš | Jan Šnajder | Bojana Dalbelo Bašić

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A Study of Hybrid Similarity Measures for Semantic Relation Extraction
Alexander Panchenko | Olga Morozova

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Hybrid Combination of Constituency and Dependency Trees into an Ensemble Dependency Parser
Nathan Green | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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Describing Video Contents in Natural Language
Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan | Yoshihiko Gotoh

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An Unsupervised and Data-Driven Approach for Spell Checking in Vietnamese OCR-scanned Texts
Cong Duy Vu Hoang | Ai Ti Aw

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Multilingual Natural Language Processing
Rada Mihalcea

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Contrasting Objective and Subjective Portuguese Texts from Heterogeneous Sources
Michel Généreux | William Martinez

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A Joint Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking System
Rosa Stern | Benoît Sagot | Frédéric Béchet

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Collaborative Annotation of Dialogue Acts: Application of a New ISO Standard to the Switchboard Corpus
Alex C. Fang | Harry Bunt | Jing Cao | Xiaoyue Liu

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Coupling Knowledge-Based and Data-Driven Systems for Named Entity Recognition
Damien Nouvel | Jean-Yves Antoine | Nathalie Friburger | Arnaud Soulet

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A Random Forest System Combination Approach for Error Detection in Digital Dictionaries
Michael Bloodgood | Peng Ye | Paul Rodrigues | David Zajic | David Doermann

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Methods Combination and ML-based Re-ranking of Multiple Hypothesis for Question-Answering Systems
Arnaud Grappy | Brigitte Grau | Sophie Rosset

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A Generalised Hybrid Architecture for NLP
Alistair Willis | Hui Yang | Anne De Roeck

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Incorporating Linguistic Knowledge in Statistical Machine Translation: Translating Prepositions
Reshef Shilon | Hanna Fadida | Shuly Wintner

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Combining Different Summarization Techniques for Legal Text
Filippo Galgani | Paul Compton | Achim Hoffmann


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss
Robert Berwick | Anna Korhonen | Thierry Poibeau | Aline Villavicencio

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Distinguishing Contact-Induced Change from Language Drift in Genetically Related Languages
T. Mark Ellison | Luisa Miceli

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Empiricist Solutions to Nativist Puzzles by means of Unsupervised TSG
Rens Bod | Margaux Smets

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Probabilistic Models of Grammar Acquisition
Mark Steedman

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A Morphologically Annotated Hebrew CHILDES Corpus
Aviad Albert | Brian MacWhinney | Bracha Nir | Shuly Wintner

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An annotated English child language database
Aline Villavicencio | Beracah Yankama | Rodrigo Wilkens | Marco Idiart | Robert Berwick

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Searching the Annotated Portuguese Childes Corpora
Rodrigo Wilkens

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Webservices for Bayesian Learning
Muntsa Padró | Núria Bel

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Unseen features. Collecting semantic data from congenital blind subjects
Alessandro Lenci | Marco Baroni | Giovanna Marotta

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PHACTS about activation-based word similarity effects
Basilio Calderone | Chiara Celata

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I say have you say tem: profiling verbs in children data in English and Portuguese
Rodrigo Wilkens | Aline Villavicencio

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Get out but don’t fall down: verb-particle constructions in child language
Aline Villavicencio | Marco Idiart | Carlos Ramisch | Vítor Araújo | Beracah Yankama | Robert Berwick

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Phonologic Patterns of Brazilian Portuguese: a grapheme to phoneme converter based study
Vera Vasilévski


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay | Manabu Okumura

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A functional linguistic perspective on evaluation
J R Martin

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A CCG-based Approach to Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis
Phillip Smith | Mark Lee

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Categorical Probability Proportion Difference (CPPD): A Feature Selection Method for Sentiment Classification
Basant Agarwal | Namita Mittal

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Classification of Interviews - A Case Study on Cancer Patients
Braja Gopal Patra | Amitava Kundu | Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Analyzing Sentiment Word Relations with Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation
Alena Neviarouskaya | Masaki Aono

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Entity Centric Opinion Mining from Blogs
Akshat Bakliwal | Piyush Arora | Vasudeva Varma

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Classifying Hotel Reviews into Criteria for Review Summarization
Yoshimi Suzuki

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Emotiphons: Emotion Markers in Conversational Speech - Comparison across Indian Languages
Nandini Bondale | Thippur Sreenivas

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How Human Analyse Lexical Indicators of Sentiments- A Cognitive Analysis Using Reaction-Time
Marimuthu K | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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A Pilot Study of Hindustani Music Sentiments
M.R. Velankar | H.V. Sahasrabuddhe

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Affect Proxies and Ontological Change: A finance case study
Xiubo Zhang | Khurshid Ahmad

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Rule-Based Sentiment Analysis in Narrow Domain: Detecting Sentiment in Daily Horoscopes Using Sentiscope
Zeljko Agic | Danijela Merkler


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian Languages

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian Languages
Dipti Misra Sharma | Prashanth Mannem | Joseph vanGenabith | Sobha Lalitha Devi | Radhika Mamidi | Ranjani Parthasarathi

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Automatic Annotation of Genitives in Hindi Treebank
Nitesh Surtani | Soma Paul

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Semantic Parsing of Tamil Sentences
Balaji Jagan | Geetha T V | Ranjani Parthasarathi

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Tamil NER - Coping with Real Time Challenges
Malarkodi C.S | Pattabhi RK Rao | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Sublexical Translations for Low-Resource Language
Khan Md. Anwarus Salam | Setsuo Yamada | Tetsuro Nishino

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Introducing Kashmiri Dependency Treebank
Shahid Mushtaq Bhat

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A Diagnostic Evaluation Approach Targeting MT Systems for Indian Languages
Renu Balyan | Sudip Kumar Naskar | Antonio Toral | Niladri Chatterjee

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An Approach to Discourse Parsing using Sangati and Rhetorical Structure Theory
Subalalitha C.N. | Ranjani Parthasarathi

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Clause Boundary Identification for Malayalam Using CRF
Lakshmi S. | Vijay Sundar Ram R | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Disambiguation of pre/post positions in English - Malayalam Text Translation
Jayan V | Sunil R | Bhadran V K

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Resolution for Pronouns in Tamil Using CRF
Akilandeswari A | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Morphological Processing for English-Tamil Statistical Machine Translation
Loganathan Ramasamy | Ondřej Bojar | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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Dative Case in Telugu: A Parsing Perspective
Umamaheshwar Rao Garapati | Rajyarama Koppaka | Srinivas Addanki

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Evaluation of Two Bengali Dependency Parsers
Arjun Das | Arabinda Shee | Utpal Garain

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CUNI: Feature Selection and Error Analysis of a Transition-Based Parser
Daniel Zeman

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Parsing Hindi with MDParser
Alexander Volokh | Günter Neumann

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A Three Stage Hybrid Parser for Hindi
Sanjay Chatterji | Arnad Dhar | Sudeshna Sarkar | Anupam Basu

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Two-stage Approach for Hindi Dependency Parsing Using MaltParser
Naman Jain | Karan Singla | Aniruddha Tammewar | Sambhav Jain

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Hindi Dependency Parsing using a combined model of Malt and MST
B. Venkata Seshu Kumari | Rajeswara Rao Ramisetty

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Ensembling Various Dependency Parsers: Adopting Turbo Parser for Indian Languages
Puneeth Kukkadapu | Deepak Malladi | Aswarth Dara

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ISI-Kolkata at MTPIL-2012
Arjun Das | Arabinda Shee | Utpal Garain


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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid MT

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid MT
Josef van Genabith | Toni Badia | Christian Federmann | Maite Melero | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Tsuyoshi Okita

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Hybrid Adaptation of Named Entity Recognition for Statistical Machine Translation
Vassilina Nikoulina | Agnes Sandor | Marc Dymetman

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Confusion Network Based System Combination for Chinese Translation Output: Word-Level or Character-Level?
Maoxi Li | MingWen Wang

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Using Cross-Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis for Improving Ontology Translation
Kartik Asooja | Jorge Gracia | Nitish Aggarwal | Asunción Gómez Pérez

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System Combination with Extra Alignment Information
Xiaofeng Wu | Tsuyoshi Okita | Josef van Genabith | Qun Liu

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Topic Modeling-based Domain Adaptation for System Combination
Tsuyoshi Okita | Antonio Toral | Josef van Genabith

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Sentence-Level Quality Estimation for MT System Combination
Tsuyoshi Okita | Raphaël Rubino | Josef van Genabith

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Neural Probabilistic Language Model for System Combination
Tsuyoshi Okita

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System Combination Using Joint, Binarised Feature Vectors
Christian Federmann

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Results from the ML4HMT-12 Shared Task on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid Machine Translation
Christian Federmann | Tsuyoshi Okita | Maite Melero | Marta R. Costa-Jussa | Toni Badia | Josef van Genabith


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech and Language Processing Tools in Education

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech and Language Processing Tools in Education
Radhika Mamidi | Kishore Prahallad

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Effective Mentor Suggestion System for Online Collaboration Platform
Advait Raut | Upasana Gaikwad | Ramakrishna Bairi | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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Automatically Assessing Free Texts
Yllias Chali | Sadid A. Hasan

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Automatic pronunciation assessment for language learners with acoustic-phonetic features
Vaishali Patil | Preeti Rao

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An Issue-oriented Syllabus Retrieval System using Terminology-based Syllabus Structuring and Visualization
Hideki Mima

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Real-Time Tone Recognition in A Computer-Assisted Language Learning System for German Learners of Mandarin
Hussein Hussein | Hansjörg Mixdorff | Rüdiger Hoffmann

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Textbook Construction from Lecture Transcripts
Aliabbas Petiwala | Kannan Moudgalya | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Enriching An Academic knowledge base using Linked Open Data
Chetana Gavankar | Ashish Kulkarni | Yuan Fang Li | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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Automatic Pronunciation Scoring And Mispronunciation Detection Using CMUSphinx
Ronanki Srikanth | Bo Li | James Salsman

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Content Bookmarking and Recommendation
Ananth Vyasarayamut | Satyabrata Behera | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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A template matching approach for detecting pronunciation mismatch
Lavanya Prahallad | Radhika Mamidi | Kishore Prahallad

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Automatic Easy Japanese Translation for information accessibility of foreigners
Manami Moku | Hidekazu Yamamoto

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Genre-oriented Readability Assessment: a Case Study
Felice Dell’Orletta | Giulia Venturi | Simonetta Montemagni


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Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries

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Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries
Rafael E. Banchs

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Rediscovering ACL Discoveries Through the Lens of ACL Anthology Network Citing Sentences
Dragomir Radev | Amjad Abu-Jbara

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Towards a Computational History of the ACL: 1980-2008
Ashton Anderson | Dan Jurafsky | Daniel A. McFarland

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Discovering Factions in the Computational Linguistics Community
Yanchuan Sim | Noah A. Smith | David A. Smith

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He Said, She Said: Gender in the ACL Anthology
Adam Vogel | Dan Jurafsky

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Discourse Structure and Computation: Past, Present and Future
Bonnie Webber | Aravind Joshi

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Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles: A comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis
Melanie Reiplinger | Ulrich Schäfer | Magdalena Wolska

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Applying Collocation Segmentation to the ACL Anthology Reference Corpus
Vidas Daudaravičius

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Text Reuse with ACL: (Upward) Trends
Parth Gupta | Paolo Rosso

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Integrating User-Generated Content in the ACL Anthology
Praveen Bysani | Min-Yen Kan

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Towards an ACL Anthology Corpus with Logical Document Structure. An Overview of the ACL 2012 Contributed Task
Ulrich Schäfer | Jonathon Read | Stephan Oepen

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Towards High-Quality Text Stream Extraction from PDF. Technical Background to the ACL 2012 Contributed Task
Øyvind Raddum Berg | Stephan Oepen | Jonathon Read

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Combining OCR Outputs for Logical Document Structure Markup. Technical Background to the ACL 2012 Contributed Task
Ulrich Schäfer | Benjamin Weitz

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Linking Citations to their Bibliographic references
Huy Do Hoang Nhat | Praveen Bysani


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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX)

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX)
James Fan | Raphael Hoffman | Aditya Kalyanpur | Sebastian Riedel | Fabian Suchanek | Partha Pratim Talukdar

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Towards Distributed MCMC Inference in Probabilistic Knowledge Bases
Mathias Niepert | Christian Meilicke | Heiner Stuckenschmidt

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Collectively Representing Semi-Structured Data from the Web
Bhavana Dalvi | William Cohen | Jamie Callan

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Unsupervised Content Discovery from Concise Summaries
Horacio Saggion

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Automatic Evaluation of Relation Extraction Systems on Large-scale
Mirko Bronzi | Zhaochen Guo | Filipe Mesquita | Denilson Barbosa | Paolo Merialdo

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Relabeling Distantly Supervised Training Data for Temporal Knowledge Base Population
Suzanne Tamang | Heng Ji

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Web Based Collection and Comparison of Cognitive Properties in English and Chinese
Bin Li | Jiajun Chen | Yingjie Zhang

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Population of a Knowledge Base for News Metadata from Unstructured Text and Web Data
Rosa Stern | Benoît Sagot

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Real-time Population of Knowledge Bases: Opportunities and Challenges
Ndapandula Nakashole | Gerhard Weikum

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Adding Distributional Semantics to Knowledge Base Entities through Web-scale Entity Linking
Matt Gardner

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KrakeN: N-ary Facts in Open Information Extraction
Alan Akbik | Alexander Löser

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Structural Linguistics and Unsupervised Information Extraction
Ralph Grishman

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A Context-Aware Approach to Entity Linking
Veselin Stoyanov | James Mayfield | Tan Xu | Douglas Oard | Dawn Lawrie | Tim Oates | Tim Finin

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Evaluating the Quality of a Knowledge Base Populated from Text
James Mayfield | Tim Finin

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Constructing a Textual KB from a Biology TextBook
Peter Clark | Phil Harrison | Niranjan Balasubramanian | Oren Etzioni

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Knowledge Extraction and Joint Inference Using Tractable Markov Logic
Chloé Kiddon | Pedro Domingos

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Entity Linking at Web Scale
Thomas Lin | Mausam | Oren Etzioni

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Human-Machine Cooperation: Supporting User Corrections to Automatically Constructed KBs
Michael Wick | Karl Schultz | Andrew McCallum

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Annotated Gigaword
Courtney Napoles | Matthew Gormley | Benjamin Van Durme

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Rel-grams: A Probabilistic Model of Relations in Text
Niranjan Balasubramanian | Stephen Soderland | Mausam | Oren Etzioni

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Automatic Knowledge Base Construction using Probabilistic Extraction, Deductive Reasoning, and Human Feedback
Daisy Zhe Wang | Yang Chen | Sean Goldberg | Christan Grant | Kun Li

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Monte Carlo MCMC: Efficient Inference by Sampling Factors
Sameer Singh | Michael Wick | Andrew McCallum

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Probabilistic Databases of Universal Schema
Limin Yao | Sebastian Riedel | Andrew McCallum

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Using Textual Patterns to Learn Expected Event Frequencies
Jonathan Gordon | Lenhart Schubert


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Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources

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Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources
Ruvan Weerasinghe | Sarmad Hussain | Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Rachel Edita O. Roxas

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Korean NLP2RDF Resources
YoungGyun Hahm | KyungTae Lim | Jungyeul Park | Yongun Yoon | Key-Sun Choi

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Building Large Scale Text Corpus for Tibetan Natural Language Processing by Extracting Text from Web Pages
Huidan Liu | Minghua Nuo | Jian Wu | Yeping He

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A Structured Approach for Building Assamese Corpus: Insights, Applications and Challenges
Shikhar Kr. Sarma | Himadri Bharali | Ambeswar Gogoi | Ratul Deka | Anup Kr. Barman

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Corpus Building of Literary Lesser Rich Language-Bodo: Insights and Challenges
Biswajit Brahma | Anup Kr. Barman | Shikhar Kr. Sarma | Bhatima Boro

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Dependency Parsers for Persian
Mojgan Seraji | Beata Megyesi | Joakim Nivre

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A New DOP Model for Phrase-structure Parsing of Persian Sentences
Zahra Sarabi | Morteza Analoui

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A Hybrid Dependency Parser for Bangla
Arnab Dhar | Sanjay Chatterji | Sudeshna Sarkar | Anupam Basu

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Repairing Bengali Verb Chunks for Improved Bengali to Hindi Machine Translation
Sanjay Chatterji | Nabanita Datta | Arnab Dhar | Biswanath Barik | Sudeshna Sarkar | Anupam Basu

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Domain Specific Ontology Extractor For Indian Languages
Brijesh Bhatt | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Constrained Hidden Markov Model for Bilingual Keyword Pairs Alignment
Denny Cahyadi | Fabien Cromieres | Sadao Kurohashi

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N-gram and Gazetteer List Based Named Entity Recognition for Urdu: A Scarce Resourced Language
Faryal Jahangir | Waqas Anwar | Usama Ijaz Bajwa | Xuan Wang

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Developing a POS tagger for Magahi: A Comparative Study
Ritesh Kumar | Bornini Lahiri | Deepak Alok

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Enhancing Lemmatization for Mongolian and its Application to Statistical Machine Translation
Chimeddorj Odbayar | Atsushi Fujii

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Translations of Ambiguous Hindi Pronouns to Possible Bengali Pronouns
Sanjay Chatterji | Sudeshna Sarkar | Anupam Basu


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Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP

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Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP
Joel Tetreault | Jill Burstein | Claudia Leacock

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Question Ranking and Selection in Tutorial Dialogues
Lee Becker | Martha Palmer | Sarel van Vuuren | Wayne Ward

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Identifying science concepts and student misconceptions in an interactive essay writing tutor
Steven Bethard | Ifeyinwa Okoye | Md. Arafat Sultan | Haojie Hang | James H. Martin | Tamara Sumner

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Automatic Grading of Scientific Inquiry
Avirup Sil | Angela Shelton | Diane Jass Ketelhut | Alexander Yates

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Modeling coherence in ESOL learner texts
Helen Yannakoudakis | Ted Briscoe

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Exploring Grammatical Error Correction with Not-So-Crummy Machine Translation
Nitin Madnani | Joel Tetreault | Martin Chodorow

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HOO 2012: A Report on the Preposition and Determiner Error Correction Shared Task
Robert Dale | Ilya Anisimoff | George Narroway

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Measuring the Use of Factual Information in Test-Taker Essays
Beata Beigman Klebanov | Derrick Higgins

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Utilizing Cumulative Logit Model and Human Computation on Automated Speech Assessment
Lei Chen

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PREFER: Using a Graph-Based Approach to Generate Paraphrases for Language Learning
Mei-Hua Chen | Shi-Ting Huang | Chung-Chi Huang | Hsien-Chin Liou | Jason S. Chang

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Using an Ontology for Improved Automated Content Scoring of Spontaneous Non-Native Speech
Miao Chen | Klaus Zechner

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Predicting Learner Levels for Online Exercises of Hebrew
Markus Dickinson | Sandra Kübler | Anthony Meyer

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On using context for automatic correction of non-word misspellings in student essays
Michael Flor | Yoko Futagi

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Judging Grammaticality with Count-Induced Tree Substitution Grammars
Francis Ferraro | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme

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Scoring Spoken Responses Based on Content Accuracy
Fei Huang | Lei Chen | Jana Sukkarieh

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Developing ARET: An NLP-based Educational Tool Set for Arabic Reading Enhancement
Mohammed Maamouri | Wajdi Zaghouani | Violetta Cavalli-Sforza | Dave Graff | Mike Ciul

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Generating Diagnostic Multiple Choice Comprehension Cloze Questions
Jack Mostow | Hyeju Jang

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Generating Grammar Exercises
Laura Perez-Beltrachini | Claire Gardent | German Kruszewski

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A Comparison of Greedy and Optimal Assessment of Natural Language Student Input Using Word-to-Word Similarity Metrics
Vasile Rus | Mihai Lintean

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On Improving the Accuracy of Readability Classification using Insights from Second Language Acquisition
Sowmya Vajjala | Detmar Meurers

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An Interactive Analytic Tool for Peer-Review Exploration
Wenting Xiong | Diane Litman | Jingtao Wang | Christian Schunn

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Vocabulary Profile as a Measure of Vocabulary Sophistication
Su-Youn Yoon | Suma Bhat | Klaus Zechner

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Short Answer Assessment: Establishing Links Between Research Strands
Ramon Ziai | Niels Ott | Detmar Meurers

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Detection and Correction of Preposition and Determiner Errors in English: HOO 2012
Pinaki Bhaskar | Aniruddha Ghosh | Santanu Pal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Informing Determiner and Preposition Error Correction with Hierarchical Word Clustering
Adriane Boyd | Marion Zepf | Detmar Meurers

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NUS at the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Daniel Dahlmeier | Hwee Tou Ng | Eric Jun Feng Ng

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VTEX Determiner and Preposition Correction System for the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Vidas Daudaravičius

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Precision Isn’t Everything: A Hybrid Approach to Grammatical Error Detection
Michael Heilman | Aoife Cahill | Joel Tetreault

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HOO 2012 Error Recognition and Correction Shared Task: Cambridge University Submission Report
Ekaterina Kochmar | Øistein Andersen | Ted Briscoe

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Korea University System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Jieun Lee | Jung-Tae Lee | Hae-Chang Rim

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A Naive Bayes classifier for automatic correction of preposition and determiner errors in ESL text
Gerard Lynch | Erwan Moreau | Carl Vogel

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KU Leuven at HOO-2012: A Hybrid Approach to Detection and Correction of Determiner and Preposition Errors in Non-native English Text
Li Quan | Oleksandr Kolomiyets | Marie-Francine Moens

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The UI System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task on Error Correction
Alla Rozovskaya | Mark Sammons | Dan Roth

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NAIST at the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Yuta Hayashibe | Shuhei Kondo | Lis Kanashiro | Tomoya Mizumoto | Mamoru Komachi | Yuji Matsumoto

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Memory-based text correction for preposition and determiner errors
Antal van den Bosch | Peter Berck

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Helping Our Own: NTHU NLPLAB System Description
Jian-Cheng Wu | Joseph Chang | Yi-Chun Chen | Shih-Ting Huang | Mei-Hua Chen | Jason S. Chang

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HOO 2012 Shared Task: UKP Lab System Description
Torsten Zesch | Jens Haase

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Crowdsourced Comprehension: Predicting Prerequisite Structure in Wikipedia
Partha Talukdar | William Cohen

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Sense-Specific Lexical Information for Reading Assistance
Soojeong Eom | Markus Dickinson | Rebecca Sachs

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Evaluating the Meaning of Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions: A Semantics-Based Approach
Michael Hahn | Detmar Meurers


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BioNLP: Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

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BioNLP: Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Kevin B. Cohen | Dina Demner-Fushman | Sophia Ananiadou | Bonnie Webber | Jun’ichi Tsujii | John Pestian

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Graph-based alignment of narratives for automated neurological assessment
Emily Prud’hommeaux | Brian Roark

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Bootstrapping Biomedical Ontologies for Scientific Text using NELL
Dana Movshovitz-Attias | William W. Cohen

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Semantic distance and terminology structuring methods for the detection of semantically close terms
Marie Dupuch | Laëtitia Dupuch | Thierry Hamon | Natalia Grabar

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Temporal Classification of Medical Events
Preethi Raghavan | Eric Fosler-Lussier | Albert Lai

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Analyzing Patient Records to Establish If and When a Patient Suffered from a Medical Condition
James Cogley | Nicola Stokes | Joe Carthy | John Dunnion

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Alignment-HMM-based Extraction of Abbreviations from Biomedical Text
Dana Movshovitz-Attias | William W. Cohen

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Medical diagnosis lost in translation – Analysis of uncertainty and negation expressions in English and Swedish clinical texts
Danielle L Mowery | Sumithra Velupillai | Wendy W Chapman

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A Hybrid Stepwise Approach for De-identifying Person Names in Clinical Documents
Oscar Ferrández | Brett South | Shuying Shen | Stéphane Meystre

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Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Timothy Miller | Dmitriy Dligach | Guergana Savova

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PubMed-Scale Event Extraction for Post-Translational Modifications, Epigenetics and Protein Structural Relations
Jari Björne | Sofie Van Landeghem | Sampo Pyysalo | Tomoko Ohta | Filip Ginter | Yves Van de Peer | Sophia Ananiadou | Tapio Salakoski

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An improved corpus of disease mentions in PubMed citations
Rezarta Islamaj Doğan | Zhiyong Lu

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New Resources and Perspectives for Biomedical Event Extraction
Sampo Pyysalo | Pontus Stenetorp | Tomoko Ohta | Jin-Dong Kim | Sophia Ananiadou

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Combining Compositionality and Pagerank for the Identification of Semantic Relations between Biomedical Words
Thierry Hamon | Christopher Engström | Mounira Manser | Zina Badji | Natalia Grabar | Sergei Silvestrov

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Domain Adaptation of Coreference Resolution for Radiology Reports
Emilia Apostolova | Noriko Tomuro | Pattanasak Mongkolwat | Dina Demner-Fushman

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What can NLP tell us about BioNLP?
Attapol Thamrongrattanarit | Michael Shafir | Michael Crivaro | Bensiin Borukhov | Marie Meteer

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A Prototype Tool Set to Support Machine-Assisted Annotation
Brett South | Shuying Shen | Jianwei Leng | Tyler Forbush | Scott DuVall | Wendy Chapman

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MedLingMap: A growing resource mapping the Bio-Medical NLP field
Marie Meteer | Bensiin Borukhov | Mike Crivaro | Michael Shafir | Attapol Thamrongrattanarit

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Exploring Label Dependency in Active Learning for Phenotype Mapping
Shefali Sharma | Leslie Lange | Jose Luis Ambite | Yigal Arens | Chun-Nan Hsu

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Evaluating Joint Modeling of Yeast Biology Literature and Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
Ramnath Balasubramanyan | Kathryn Rivard | William W. Cohen | Jelena Jakovljevic | John L. Woolford

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RankPref: Ranking Sentences Describing Relations between Biomedical Entities with an Application
Catalina Oana Tudor | K Vijay-Shanker

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Finding small molecule and protein pairs in scientific literature using a bootstrapping method
Ying Yan | Jee-Hyub Kim | Samuel Croset | Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann

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Grading the Quality of Medical Evidence
Binod Gyawali | Thamar Solorio | Yassine Benajiba

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Classifying Gene Sentences in Biomedical Literature by Combining High-Precision Gene Identifiers
Sun Kim | Won Kim | Don Comeau | W. John Wilbur

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Effect of small sample size on text categorization with support vector machines
Pawel Matykiewicz | John Pestian

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PubAnnotation - a persistent and sharable corpus and annotation repository
Jin-Dong Kim | Yue Wang

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Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Drug-Drug Interaction Information from Package Inserts
Richard Boyce | Gregory Gardner | Henk Harkema

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Automatic Approaches for Gene-Drug Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Text: Corpus and Comparative Evaluation
Nate Sutton | Laura Wojtulewicz | Neel Mehta | Graciela Gonzalez

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A Preliminary Work on Symptom Name Recognition from Free-Text Clinical Records of Traditional Chinese Medicine using Conditional Random Fields and Reasonable Features
Yaqiang Wang | Yiguang Liu | Zhonghua Yu | Li Chen | Yongguang Jiang

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Scaling up WSD with Automatically Generated Examples
Weiwei Cheng | Judita Preiss | Mark Stevenson

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Boosting the protein name recognition performance by bootstrapping on selected text
Yue Wang | Jin-Dong Kim


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Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature

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Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature
David Elson | Anna Kazantseva | Rada Mihalcea | Stan Szpakowicz

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Computational Analysis of Referring Expressions in Narratives of Picture Books
Choonkyu Lee | Smaranda Muresan | Karin Stromswold

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A Computational Analysis of Style, Affect, and Imagery in Contemporary Poetry
Justine Kao | Dan Jurafsky

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Towards a Literary Machine Translation: The Role of Referential Cohesion
Rob Voigt | Dan Jurafsky

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Unsupervised Stylistic Segmentation of Poetry with Change Curves and Extrinsic Features
Julian Brooke | Adam Hammond | Graeme Hirst

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Aligning Bilingual Literary Works: a Pilot Study
Qian Yu | Aurélien Max | François Yvon

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Function Words for Chinese Authorship Attribution
Bei Yu

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Mining wisdom
Anders Søgaard

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Literary authorship attribution with phrase-structure fragments
Andreas van Cranenburgh

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Digitizing 18th-Century French Literature: Comparing transcription methods for a critical edition text
Ann Irvine | Laure Marcellesi | Afra Zomorodian

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A Dictionary of Wisdom and Wit: Learning to Extract Quotable Phrases
Michael Bendersky | David Smith

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A Pilot PropBank Annotation for Quranic Arabic
Wajdi Zaghouani | Abdelati Hawwari | Mona Diab

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Trend Analysis in Harper’s Bazaar
Sophie Kushkuley

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Social Network Analysis of Alice in Wonderland
Apoorv Agarwal | Augusto Corvalan | Jacob Jensen | Owen Rambow

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Towards a computational approach to literary text analysis
Antonio Roque


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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
Michael Zock | Reinhard Rapp

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Like a Lexicographer Weaving Her Lexical Network
Alain Polguère

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Long Tail in Weighted Lexical Networks
Mathieu Lafourcade | Alain Joubert

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On discriminating fMRI representations of abstract WordNet taxonomic categories
Andrew Anderson | Tao Yuan | Brian Murphy | Massimo Poesio

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Automatic index creation to support navigation in lexical graphs encoding part_of relations
Michael Zock | Debela Tesfaye

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Modeling Word Meaning: Distributional Semantics and the Corpus Quality-Quantity Trade-Off
Seshadri Sridharan | Brian Murphy

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Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes
Francesca Frontini | Irene De Felice | Fahad Khan | Irene Russo | Monica Monachini | Gloria Gagliardi | Alessandro Panunzi

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Dictionary-ontology cross-enrichment
Emmanuel Eckard | Lucie Barque | Alexis Nasr | Benoît Sagot

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Automatic Construction of a MultiWord Expressions Bilingual Lexicon: A Statistical Machine Translation Evaluation Perspective
Dhouha Bouamor | Nasredine Semmar | Pierre Zweigenbaum

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Hand-Crafting a Lexical Network With a Knowledge-Based Graph Editor
Nabil Gader | Veronika Lux-Pogodalla | Alain Polguère

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A Procedural DTD Project for Dictionary Entry Parsing Described with Parameterized Grammars
Neculai Curteanu | Mihai Alex Moruz

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Automatic Generation of the Universal Word Explanation from UNL Ontology
Khan Md. Anwarus Salam | Hiroshi Uchida | Tetsuro Nishino

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Towards merging common and technical lexicon wordnets
Raquel Amaro | Sara Mendes

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Building Multilingual Lexical Resources using Wordnets: Structure, Design and Implementation
Shikhar Kr. Sarma | Dibyajyoti Sarmah | Biswajit Brahma | Himadri Bharali | Mayashree Mahanta | Utpal Saikia

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A New Semantic Lexicon and Similarity Measure in Bangla
Manjira Sinha | Abhik Jana | Tirthankar Dasgupta | Anupam Basu

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Where’s the meeting that was cancelled? existential implications of transitive verbs
Patricia Amaral | Valeria de Paiva | Cleo Condoravdi | Annie Zaenen

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SEJFEK - a Lexicon and a Shallow Grammar of Polish Economic Multi-Word Units
Agata Savary | Bartosz Zaborowski | Aleksandra Krawczyk-Wieczorek | Filip Makowiecki

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The Compreno Semantic Model as Integral Framework for Multilingual Lexical Database
Ekaterina Manicheva | Maria Petrova | Elena Kozlova | Tatiana Popova


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Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL - Shared Task

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Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL - Shared Task
Sameer Pradhan | Alessandro Moschitti | Nianwen Xue

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CoNLL-2012 Shared Task: Modeling Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes
Sameer Pradhan | Alessandro Moschitti | Nianwen Xue | Olga Uryupina | Yuchen Zhang

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Latent Structure Perceptron with Feature Induction for Unrestricted Coreference Resolution
Eraldo Fernandes | Cícero dos Santos | Ruy Milidiú

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Data-driven Multilingual Coreference Resolution using Resolver Stacking
Anders Björkelund | Richárd Farkas

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Combining the Best of Two Worlds: A Hybrid Approach to Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Chen Chen | Vincent Ng

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Using Syntactic Dependencies to Solve Coreferences
Marcus Stamborg | Dennis Medved | Peter Exner | Pierre Nugues

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ICT: System Description for CoNLL-2012
Hao Xiong | Qun Liu

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A Mixed Deterministic Model for Coreference Resolution
Bo Yuan | Qingcai Chen | Yang Xiang | Xiaolong Wang | Liping Ge | Zengjian Liu | Meng Liao | Xianbo Si

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Simple Maximum Entropy Models for Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Xinxin Li | Xuan Wang | Xingwei Liao

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UBIU for Multilingual Coreference Resolution in OntoNotes
Desislava Zhekova | Sandra Kübler | Joshua Bonner | Marwa Ragheb | Yu-Yin Hsu

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Chinese Coreference Resolution via Ordered Filtering
Xiaotian Zhang | Chunyang Wu | Hai Zhao

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A Multigraph Model for Coreference Resolution
Sebastian Martschat | Jie Cai | Samuel Broscheit | Éva Mújdricza-Maydt | Michael Strube

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Incorporating Rule-based and Statistic-based Techniques for Coreference Resolution
Ruifeng Xu | Jun Xu | Jie Liu | Chengxiang Liu | Chengtian Zou | Lin Gui | Yanzhen Zheng | Peng Qu

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Illinois-Coref: The UI System in the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task
Kai-Wei Chang | Rajhans Samdani | Alla Rozovskaya | Mark Sammons | Dan Roth

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System paper for CoNLL-2012 shared task: Hybrid Rule-based Algorithm for Coreference Resolution.
Heming Shou | Hai Zhao

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BART goes multilingual: The UniTN / Essex submission to the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task
Olga Uryupina | Alessandro Moschitti | Massimo Poesio

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Learning to Model Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes
Baoli Li


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics
Roser Morante | Caroline Sporleder

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Disfluencies as Extra-Propositional Indicators of Cognitive Processing
Kathryn Womack | Wilson McCoy | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Cara Calvelli | Jeff B. Pelz | Pengcheng Shi | Anne Haake

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How do Negation and Modality Impact on Opinions?
Farah Benamara | Baptiste Chardon | Yannick Mathieu | Vladimir Popescu | Nicholas Asher

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Linking Uncertainty in Physicians’ Narratives to Diagnostic Correctness
Wilson McCoy | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Cara Calvelli | Jeff B. Pelz | Pengcheng Shi | Anne Haake

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Factuality Detection on the Cheap: Inferring Factuality for Increased Precision in Detecting Negated Events
Erik Velldal | Jonathon Read

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Improving Speculative Language Detection using Linguistic Knowledge
Guillermo Moncecchi | Jean-Luc Minel | Dina Wonsever

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Bridging the Gap Between Scope-based and Event-based Negation/Speculation Annotations: A Bridge Not Too Far
Pontus Stenetorp | Sampo Pyysalo | Tomoko Ohta | Sophia Ananiadou | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Statistical Modality Tagging from Rule-based Annotations and Crowdsourcing
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Michael Bloodgood | Mona Diab | Bonnie Dorr | Lori Levin | Christine D. Piatko | Owen Rambow | Benjamin Van Durme

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Annotating the Focus of Negation in terms of Questions Under Discussion
Pranav Anand | Craig Martell

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Hedge Detection as a Lens on Framing in the GMO Debates: A Position Paper
Eunsol Choi | Chenhao Tan | Lillian Lee | Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil | Jennifer Spindel

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Recognizing Arguing Subjectivity and Argument Tags
Alexander Conrad | Janyce Wiebe | Rebecca Hwa


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Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing
Iñaki Alegria | Mans Hulden

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Effect of Language and Error Models on Efficiency of Finite-State Spell-Checking and Correction
Tommi A Pirinen | Sam Hardwick

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Practical Finite State Optimality Theory
Dale Gerdemann | Mans Hulden

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Handling Unknown Words in Arabic FST Morphology
Khaled Shaalan | Mohammed Attia

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Urdu - Roman Transliteration via Finite State Transducers
Tina Bögel

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Integrating Aspectually Relevant Properties of Verbs into a Morphological Analyzer for English
Katina Bontcheva

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Finite-State Technology in a Verse-Making Tool
Manex Agirrezabal | Iñaki Alegria | Bertol Arrieta | Mans Hulden

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DAGGER: A Toolkit for Automata on Directed Acyclic Graphs
Daniel Quernheim | Kevin Knight

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WFST-Based Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion: Open Source tools for Alignment, Model-Building and Decoding
Josef R. Novak | Nobuaki Minematsu | Keikichi Hirose

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Kleene, a Free and Open-Source Language for Finite-State Programming
Kenneth R. Beesley

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Implementation of Replace Rules Using Preference Operator
Senka Drobac | Miikka Silfverberg | Anssi Yli-Jyrä

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First Approaches on Spanish Medical Record Classification Using Diagnostic Term to Class Transduction
A. Casillas | A. Díaz de Ilarraza | K. Gojenola | M. Oronoz | Alicia Pérez

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Developing an Open-Source FST Grammar for Verb Chain Transfer in a Spanish-Basque MT System
Aingeru Mayor | Mans Hulden | Gorka Labaka

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Conversion of Procedural Morphologies to Finite-State Morphologies: A Case Study of Arabic
Mans Hulden | Younes Samih

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A Methodology for Obtaining Concept Graphs from Word Graphs
Marcos Calvo | Jon Ander Gómez | Lluís-F. Hurtado | Emilio Sanchis

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A Finite-State Temporal Ontology and Event-Intervals
Tim Fernando

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A Finite-State Approach to Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Jorge González

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Finite-State Acoustic and Translation Model Composition in Statistical Speech Translation: Empirical Assessment
Alicia Pérez | M. Inés Torres | Francisco Casacuberta

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Refining the Design of a Contracting Finite-State Dependency Parser
Anssi Yli-Jyrä | Jussi Piitulainen | Atro Voutilainen

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Lattice-Based Minimum Error Rate Training Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers with Tropical Polynomial Weights
Aurelien Waite | Graeme Blackwood | William Byrne


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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)
Marta R. Costa-jussà | Patrik Lambert | Rafael E. Banchs | Reinhard Rapp | Bogdan Babych

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Semantic Web based Machine Translation
Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer | Timm Heuss

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Measuring Comparability of Documents in Non-Parallel Corpora for Efficient Extraction of (Semi-)Parallel Translation Equivalents
Fangzhong Su | Bogdan Babych

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Full Machine Translation for Factoid Question Answering
Cristina España-Bonet | Pere R. Comas

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An Empirical Evaluation of Stop Word Removal in Statistical Machine Translation
Tze Yuang Chong | Rafael Banchs | Eng Siong Chng

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Natural Language Descriptions of Visual Scenes Corpus Generation and Analysis
Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan | Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab | Yoshihiko Gotoh

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Combining EBMT, SMT, TM and IR Technologies for Quality and Scale
Sandipan Dandapat | Sara Morrissey | Andy Way | Josef van Genabith

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Two approaches for integrating translation and retrieval in real applications
Cristina Vertan

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PRESEMT: Pattern Recognition-based Statistically Enhanced MT
George Tambouratzis | Marina Vassiliou | Sokratis Sofianopoulos

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PLUTO: Automated Solutions for Patent Translation
John Tinsley | Alexandru Ceausu | Jian Zhang

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ATLAS - Human Language Technologies integrated within a Multilingual Web Content Management System
Svetla Koeva

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Tree-based Hybrid Machine Translation
Andreas Søeborg Kirkedal

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Were the clocks striking or surprising? Using WSD to improve MT performance
Špela Vintar | Darja Fišer | Aljoša Vrščaj

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Bootstrapping Method for Chunk Alignment in Phrase Based SMT
Santanu Pal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Design of a hybrid high quality machine translation system
Bogdan Babych | Kurt Eberle | Johanna Geiß | Mireia Ginestí-Rosell | Anthony Hartley | Reinhard Rapp | Serge Sharoff | Martin Thomas

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Can Machine Learning Algorithms Improve Phrase Selection in Hybrid Machine Translation?
Christian Federmann

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Linguistically-Augmented Bulgarian-to-English Statistical Machine Translation Model
Rui Wang | Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov

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Using Sense-labeled Discourse Connectives for Statistical Machine Translation
Thomas Meyer | Andrei Popescu-Belis


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INLG 2012 Proceedings of the Seventh International Natural Language Generation Conference

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INLG 2012 Proceedings of the Seventh International Natural Language Generation Conference
Barbara Di Eugenio | Susan McRoy

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Natural Language Generation and Assistive Technologies
Kathleen McCoy

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Expressive NLG for Next-Generation Learning Environments: Language, Affect, and Narrative
James Lester

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Learning Preferences for Referring Expression Generation: Effects of Domain, Language and Algorithm
Ruud Koolen | Emiel Krahmer | Mariët Theune

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Referring in Installments: A Corpus Study of Spoken Object References in an Interactive Virtual Environment
Kristina Striegnitz | Hendrik Buschmeier | Stefan Kopp

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MinkApp: Generating Spatio-temporal Summaries for Nature Conservation Volunteers
Nava Tintarev | Yolanda Melero | Somayajulu Sripada | Elizabeth Tait | Rene Van Der Wal | Chris Mellish

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Towards a Surface Realization-Oriented Corpus Annotation
Leo Wanner | Simon Mille | Bernd Bohnet

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Generation for Grammar Engineering
Claire Gardent | German Kruszewski

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Perceptions of Alignment and Personality in Generated Dialogue
Alastair Gill | Carsten Brockmann | Jon Oberlander

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Optimising Incremental Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems: Reducing the Need for Fillers
Nina Dethlefs | Helen Hastie | Verena Rieser | Oliver Lemon

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Linguist’s Assistant: A Multi-Lingual Natural Language Generator based on Linguistic Universals, Typologies, and Primitives
Tod Allman | Stephen Beale | Richard Denton

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“Hidden semantics”: what can we learn from the names in an ontology?
Allan Third

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On generating coherent multilingual descriptions of museum objects from Semantic Web ontologies
Dana Dannélls

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Extractive email thread summarization: Can we do better than He Said She Said?
Pablo Duboue

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Rich Morphology Generation Using Statistical Machine Translation
Ahmed El Kholy | Nizar Habash

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Reformulating student contributions in tutorial dialogue
Pamela Jordan | Sandra Katz | Patricia Albacete | Michael Ford | Christine Wilson

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Working with Clinicians to Improve a Patient-Information NLG System
Saad Mahamood | Ehud Reiter

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Sign Language Generation with Expert Systems and CCG
Alessandro Mazzei

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Planning Accessible Explanations for Entailments in OWL Ontologies
Tu Anh T. Nguyen | Richard Power | Paul Piwek | Sandra Williams

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Interactive Natural Language Query Construction for Report Generation
Fred Popowich | Milan Mosny | David Lindberg

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Blogging birds: Generating narratives about reintroduced species to promote public engagement
Advaith Siddharthan | Matthew Green | Kees van Deemter | Chris Mellish | René van der Wal

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Natural Language Generation for a Smart Biology Textbook
Eva Banik | Eric Kow | Nikhil Dinesh | Vinay Chaudhri | Umangi Oza

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Generating Natural Language Summaries for Multimedia
Duo Ding | Florian Metze | Shourabh Rawat | Peter Schulam | Susanne Burger

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Midge: Generating Descriptions of Images
Margaret Mitchell | Xufeng Han | Jeff Hayes

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Preface to Papers for GenChal
Generation Challenge

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The Surface Realisation Task: Recent Developments and Future Plans
Anja Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Simon Mille | Leo Wanner | Michael White

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KBGen – Text Generation from Knowledge Bases as a New Shared Task
Eva Banik | Claire Gardent | Donia Scott | Nikhil Dinesh | Fennie Liang

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Content Selection From Semantic Web Data
Nadjet Bouayad-Agha | Gerard Casamayor | Leo Wanner | Chris Mellish

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Shared Task Proposal: Syntactic Paraphrase Ranking
Michael White


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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)

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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)
Cyril Grouin | Dominic Forest | Gilles Sérasset

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Indexation libre et contrôlée d’articles scientifiques. Présentation et résultats du défi fouille de textes DEFT2012 (Controlled and free indexing of scientific papers. Presentation and results of the DEFT2012 text-mining challenge) [in French]
Patrick Paroubek | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Dominic Forest | Cyril Grouin

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Key-concept extraction from French articles with KX
Sara Tonelli | Elena Cabrio | Emanuele Pianta

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Acquisition terminologique pour identifier les mots-clés d’articles scientifiques (Terminological acquisition for identifying keywords of scientific articles) [in French]
Thierry Hamon

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Indexation à base des syntagmes nominaux (Nominal-chunk based indexing) [in French]
Amine Amri | Maroua Mbarek | Chedi Bechikh | Chiraz Latiri | Hatem Haddad

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Détection de mots-clés par approches au grain caractère et au grain mot (Keywords extraction by repeated string analysis) [in French]
Gaëlle Doualan | Mathieu Boucher | Romain Brixtel | Gaël Lejeune | Gaël Dias

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Participation de l’IRISA à DeFT2012 : recherche d’information et apprentissage pour la génération de mots-clés (IRISA participation to DeFT2012: information retrieval and machine-learning for keyword generation) [in French]
Vincent Claveau | Christian Raymond

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Participation du LINA à DEFT2012 (LINA at DEFT2012) [in French]
Florian Boudin | Amir Hazem | Nicolas Hernandez | Prajol Shrestha

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Algorithme automatique non supervisé pour le Deft 2012 (Automatic unsupervised algorithm for Deft 2012) [in French]
Murat Ahat | Coralie Petermann | Yann Vigile Hoareau | Soufian Ben Amor | Marc Bui

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Enrichir et raisonner sur des espaces sémantiques pour l’attribution de mots-clés (Enriching and reasoning on semantic spaces for keyword extraction) [in French]
Adil El Ghali | Daniel Hromada | Kaoutar El Ghali


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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)

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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)
Annelies Braffort | Leïla Boutora | Gilles Sérasset

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Défi d’annotation DEGELS2012 : la segmentation (DEGELS2012 annotation challenge: Segmentation) [in French]
Annelies Braffort | Leïla Boutora

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Critères de segmentation de la gestualité co-verbale (Segmentation criteria for the annotation of co-speech gestures) [in French]
Gaëlle Ferré

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Par où couper pour aller à la plage ? (Where do you switch to get the band ?) [in French]
Dominique Boutet | Karine Martel | Marion Blondel

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Segmentation et annotation du geste : Méthodologie pour travailler en équipe (Gesture segmentation and coding: a methodology for team working) [in French]
Marion Tellier | Brahim Azaoui | Jorane Saubesty

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Segmenter et annoter le discours d’un locuteur de LSF : permanence formelle et variablité fonctionnelle des unités (Segment and annotate a discourse of a French Sign Language speaker: formal continuity and fonctional variation of units) [in French]
Agnès Millet | Isabelle Estève

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Influence de la segmentation temporelle sur la caractérisation de signes (Influence of the temporal segmentation on the sign characterization) [in French]
François Lefebvre-Albaret | Jérémie Segouat

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SPPAS : un outil << user-friendly >> pour l’alignement texte/son (SPPAS : a tool to perform text/speech alignement) [in French]
Brigitte Bigi

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Un système de segmentation automatique de gestes appliqué à la Langue des Signes (An automatic gesture segmentation system applied to Sign Language) [in French]
Matilde Gonzales Preciado


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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)

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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)
Chantal Enguehard | Mathieu Mangeot | Gilles Sérasset

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Mbochi : corpus oral, traitement automatique et exploration phonologique (Mboshi: oral corpus, automatic processing & phonological mining) [in French]
Annie Rialland | Martial Embanga Aborobongui | Martine Adda-Decker | Lori Lamel

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Élaboration d’un dictionnaire bilingue kanouri-français (Construction of the Kanuri-French bilingual dictionary) [in French]
Chérif Ari Abdoulkarim | Arimi Boukar | Kevin Anthony Jarrett | Maï Moussa Maï | Manoua Djibir | Taweye Aïchéta Chégou Koré

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Vers l’informatisation de quelques langues d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Towards the computerization of some west-african languages) [in French]
Chantal Enguehard | Soumana Kané | Mathieu Mangeot | Issouf Modi | Mamadou Lamine Sanogo

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La transcription phonétique au bout des doigts, claviers et polices ergonomiques pour la transcription en API (Phonetic transcription at fingertips, ergonomics keyboards and fonts) [in French]
Bernard Gautheron | Antonia Simon-Colazo

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Analyse des performances de modèles de langage sub-lexicale pour des langues peu-dotées à morphologie riche (Performance analysis of sub-word language modeling for under-resourced languages with rich morphology: case study on Swahili and Amharic) [in French]
Hadrien Gelas | Solomon Teferra Abate | Laurent Besacier | François Pellegrino

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Règles de formation des noms en hausa (Formation rules of names in Hausa) [in French]
Abdou Mijinguini | Harouna Naroua

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Vers un analyseur syntaxique du wolof (Towards a syntactic analyzer of Wolof) [in French]
Mar Ndiaye | Cherif Mbodj

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Formalisation de l’amazighe standard avec NooJ (Formalization of the standard Amazigh with NooJ) [in French]
Fatima Zahra Nejme | Siham Boulaknadel

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Décrire la morphologie des verbes en ikota au moyen d’une métagrammaire (Describing the Morphology of Verbs in Ikota using a Metagrammar) [in French]
Denys Duchier | Brunelle Magnana Ekoukou | Yannick Parmentier | Simon Petitjean | Emmanuel Schang

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Extraction de lexiques bilingues à partir de Wikipédia (Bilingual lexicon extraction from Wikipedia) [in French]
Rahma Sellami | Fatiha Sadat | Lamia Hadrich Belguith


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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)

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JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)
François Portet | Michel Vacher | Gilles Sérasset

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Conférence invitée: Nouveaux paradigmes et technologies pour la santé et l’autonomie (Invited Conference: New Paradigms and Technologies for Health and Autonomy) [in French]
Alain Franco

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Les technologies de la parole et du TALN pour l’assistance à domicile des personnes âgées : un rapide tour d’horizon (Quick tour of NLP and speech technologies for ambient assisted living) [in French]
François Portet | Michel Vacher | Solange Rossato

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Interactions sonores et vocales dans l’habitat (Acoustic Interaction At Home) [in French]
Pierrick Milhorat | Dan Istrate | Jérôme Boudy | Gérard Chollet

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Reconnaissance d’ordres domotiques en conditions bruitées pour l’assistance à domicile (Recognition of Voice Commands by Multisource ASR and Noise Cancellation in a Smart Home Environment) [in French]
Benjamin Lecouteux | Michel Vacher | François Portet

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Voix HD : un nouvel enjeu pour le traitement de la parole chez les personnes âgées (HD Voice : a new issue for voice processing in elderly) [in French]
Anne Vanpé | Hervé Provost | Nicolas Vuillerme

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Contribution à l’étude de la variabilité de la voix des personnes âgées en reconnaissance automatique de la parole (Contribution to the study of elderly people’s voice variability in automatic speech recognition) [in French]
Frédéric Aman | Michel Vacher | Solange Rossato | François Portet


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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities

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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Kalliopi Zervanou | Antal van den Bosch

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Lexicon Construction and Corpus Annotation of Historical Language with the CoBaLT Editor
Tom Kenter | Tomaž Erjavec | Maja Žorga Dulmin | Darja Fišer

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A high speed transcription interface for annotating primary linguistic data
Mark Dingemanse | Jeremy Hammond | Herman Stehouwer | Aarthy Somasundaram | Sebastian Drude

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BAD: An Assistant tool for making verses in Basque
Manex Agirrezabal | Iñaki Alegria | Bertol Arrieta | Mans Hulden

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Toward Language Independent Methodology for Generating Artwork Descriptions – Exploring FrameNet Information
Dana Dannélls | Lars Borin

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Harvesting Indices to Grow a Controlled Vocabulary: Towards Improved Access to Historical Legal Texts
Michael Piotrowski | Cathrin Senn

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Ontology-Based Incremental Annotation of Characters in Folktales
Thierry Declerck | Nikolina Koleva | Hans-Ulrich Krieger

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Advanced Visual Analytics Methods for Literature Analysis
Daniela Oelke | Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Mats Malm

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Distributional techniques for philosophical enquiry
Aurélie Herbelot | Eva von Redecker | Johanna Müller

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Linguistically-Adapted Structural Query Annotation for Digital Libraries in the Social Sciences
Caroline Brun | Vassilina Nikoulina | Nikolaos Lagos

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Parsing the Past - Identification of Verb Constructions in Historical Text
Eva Pettersson | Beáta Megyesi | Joakim Nivre

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A Classical Chinese Corpus with Nested Part-of-Speech Tags
John Lee

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Computing Similarity between Cultural Heritage Items using Multimodal Features
Nikolaos Aletras | Mark Stevenson

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Enabling the Discovery of Digital Cultural Heritage Objects through Wikipedia
Mark Michael Hall | Oier Lopez de Lacalle | Aitor Soroa Etxabe | Paul Clough | Eneko Agirre

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Adapting Wikification to Cultural Heritage
Samuel Fernando | Mark Stevenson

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Natural Language Inspired Approach for Handwritten Text Line Detection in Legacy Documents
Vicente Bosch | Alejandro Héctor Toselli | Enrique Vidal

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Language Classification and Segmentation of Noisy Documents in Hebrew Scripts
Alex Zhicharevich | Nachum Dershowitz


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Proceedings of the Sixth Linguistic Annotation Workshop

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Proceedings of the Sixth Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Nancy Ide | Fei Xia

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The Role of Linguistic Models and Language Annotation in Feature Selection for Machine Learning
James Pustejovsky

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Who Did What to Whom? A Contrastive Study of Syntacto-Semantic Dependencies
Angelina Ivanova | Stephan Oepen | Lilja Øvrelid | Dan Flickinger

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Prague Markup Language Framework
Jirka Hana | Jan Štěpánek

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Exploiting naive vs expert discourse annotations: an experiment using lexical cohesion to predict Elaboration / Entity-Elaboration confusions
Clémentine Adam | Marianne Vergez-Couret

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Pair Annotation: Adaption of Pair Programming to Corpus Annotation
Isin Demirşahin | İhsan Yalcinkaya | Deniz Zeyrek

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Structured Named Entities in two distinct press corpora: Contemporary Broadcast News and Old Newspapers
Sophie Rosset | Cyril Grouin | Karën Fort | Olivier Galibert | Juliette Kahn | Pierre Zweigenbaum

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Intra-Chunk Dependency Annotation : Expanding Hindi Inter-Chunk Annotated Treebank
Prudhvi Kosaraju | Bharat Ram Ambati | Samar Husain | Dipti Misra Sharma | Rajeev Sangal

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A Model for Linguistic Resource Description
Nancy Ide | Keith Suderman

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A GrAF-compliant Indonesian Speech Recognition Web Service on the Language Grid for Transcription Crowdsourcing
Bayu Distiawan | Ruli Manurung

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Towards Adaptation of Linguistic Annotations to Scholarly Annotation Formalisms on the Semantic Web
Karin Verspoor | Kevin Livingston

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Intonosyntactic Data Structures: The Rhapsodie Treebank of Spoken French
Kim Gerdes | Sylvain Kahane | Anne Lacheret | Paola Pietandrea | Arthur Truong

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Annotation Schemes to Encode Domain Knowledge in Medical Narratives
Wilson McCoy | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Cara Calvelli | Rui Li | Jeff B. Pelz | Pengcheng Shi | Anne Haake

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Usability Recommendations for Annotation Tools
Manuel Burghardt

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Search Result Diversification Methods to Assist Lexicographers
Lars Borin | Markus Forsberg | Karin Friberg Heppin | Richard Johansson | Annika Kjellandsson

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Simultaneous error detection at two levels of syntactic annotation
Adam Przepiórkowski | Michał Lenart

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Exploring Temporal Vagueness with Mechanical Turk
Yuping Zhou | Nianwen Xue

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Developing Learner Corpus Annotation for Korean Particle Errors
Sun-Hee Lee | Markus Dickinson | Ross Israel

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Annotating Archaeological Texts: An Example of Domain-Specific Annotation in the Humanities
Francesca Bonin | Fabio Cavulli | Aronne Noriller | Massimo Poesio | Egon W. Stemle

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Annotating Preferences in Chats for Strategic Games
Anaïs Cadilhac | Nicholas Asher | Farah Benamara

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Morpheme Segmentation in the METU-Sabancı Turkish Treebank
Ruket Cakici

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AlvisAE: a collaborative Web text annotation editor for knowledge acquisition
Frédéric Papazian | Robert Bossy | Claire Nédellec

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CSAF - a community-sourcing annotation framework
Jin-Dong Kim | Yue Wang

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Dependency Treebank of Urdu and its Evaluation
Riyaz Ahmad Bhat | Dipti Misra Sharma

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Annotating Coordination in the Penn Treebank
Wolfgang Maier | Sandra Kübler | Erhard Hinrichs | Julia Krivanek

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Annotating Particle Realization and Ellipsis in Korean
Sun-Hee Lee | Jae-young Song

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Annotation of Adversarial and Collegial Social Actions in Discourse
David Bracewell | Marc Tomlinson | Mary Brunson | Jesse Plymale | Jiajun Bracewell | Daniel Boerger


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NAACL-HLT Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)

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NAACL-HLT Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)
Maxine Eskenazi | Alan Black | David Traum

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Up from Limited Dialog Systems!
Giuseppe Riccardi | Philipp Cimiano | Alexandros Potamianos | Christina Unger

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Directions for Research on Spoken Dialog Systems, Broadly Defined
Nigel G. Ward

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Position Paper: Towards Standardized Metrics and Tools for Spoken and Multimodal Dialog System Evaluation
Sebastian Möller | Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht | Florian Kretzschmar | Stefan Schmidt | Benjamin Weiss

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Dialogue Systems Using Online Learning: Beyond Empirical Methods
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl | Nina Dethlefs

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Statistical User Simulation for Spoken Dialogue Systems: What for, Which Data, Which Future?
Olivier Pietquin

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The Future of Spoken Dialogue Systems is in their Past: Long-Term Adaptive, Conversational Assistants
David Schlangen

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Towards Situated Collaboration
Dan Bohus | Ece Kamar | Eric Horvitz

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Incremental Spoken Dialogue Systems: Tools and Data
Helen Hastie | Oliver Lemon | Nina Dethlefs

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After Dialog Went Pervasive: Separating Dialog Behavior Modeling and Task Modeling
Amanda Stent

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Future Directions in Spoken Dialog Systems: A Community of Possibilities
Alan W. Black | Maxine Eskenazi

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Bridging Gaps for Spoken Dialog System Frameworks in Instructional Settings
Gina-Anne Levow

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A belief tracking challenge task for spoken dialog systems
Jason Williams

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Framework for the Development of Spoken Dialogue System based on Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources
Masahiro Araki | Daisuke Takegoshi

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The InproTK 2012 release
Timo Baumann | David Schlangen

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A Simulation-based Framework for Spoken Language Understanding and Action Selection in Situated Interaction
David Cohen | Ian Lane

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Mining Search Query Logs for Spoken Language Understanding
Dilek Hakkani-Tür | Gokhan Tür | Asli Celikyilmaz

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HRItk: The Human-Robot Interaction ToolKit Rapid Development of Speech-Centric Interactive Systems in ROS
Ian Lane | Vinay Prasad | Gaurav Sinha | Arlette Umuhoza | Shangyu Luo | Akshay Chandrashekaran | Antoine Raux

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One Year of Contender: What Have We Learned about Assessing and Tuning Industrial Spoken Dialog Systems?
David Suendermann | Roberto Pieraccini

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Towards Quality-Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Management
Stefan Ultes | Alexander Schmitt | Wolfgang Minker


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Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure

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Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure
Trevor Cohn | Phil Blunsom | Joao Graca

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Unsupervised Induction of Frame-Semantic Representations
Ashutosh Modi | Ivan Titov | Alexandre Klementiev

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Transferring Frames: Utilization of Linked Lexical Resources
Lars Borin | Markus Forsberg | Richard Johansson | Kristiina Muhonen | Tanja Purtonen | Kaarlo Voionmaa

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Capitalization Cues Improve Dependency Grammar Induction
Valentin I. Spitkovsky | Hiyan Alshawi | Daniel Jurafsky

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Toward Tree Substitution Grammars with Latent Annotations
Francis Ferraro | Benjamin Van Durme | Matt Post

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Exploiting Partial Annotations with EM Training
Dirk Hovy | Eduard Hovy

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Using Senses in HMM Word Alignment
Douwe Gelling | Trevor Cohn

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Unsupervised Part of Speech Inference with Particle Filters
Gregory Dubbin | Phil Blunsom

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Nudging the Envelope of Direct Transfer Methods for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
Oscar Täckström

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The PASCAL Challenge on Grammar Induction
Douwe Gelling | Trevor Cohn | Phil Blunsom | João Graça

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Two baselines for unsupervised dependency parsing
Anders Søgaard

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Unsupervised Dependency Parsing using Reducibility and Fertility features
David Mareček | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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Induction of Linguistic Structure with Combinatory Categorial Grammars
Yonatan Bisk | Julia Hockenmaier

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Turning the pipeline into a loop: Iterated unsupervised dependency parsing and PoS induction
Christos Christodoulopoulos | Sharon Goldwater | Mark Steedman

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Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions
Grzegorz Chrupała

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Combining the Sparsity and Unambiguity Biases for Grammar Induction
Kewei Tu


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Proceedings of the 4th Named Entity Workshop (NEWS) 2012

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Proceedings of the 4th Named Entity Workshop (NEWS) 2012
Min Zhang | Haizhou Li | A Kumaran

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Whitepaper of NEWS 2012 Shared Task on Machine Transliteration
Min Zhang | Haizhou Li | A Kumaran | Ming Liu

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Report of NEWS 2012 Machine Transliteration Shared Task
Min Zhang | Haizhou Li | A Kumaran | Ming Liu

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Accurate Unsupervised Joint Named-Entity Extraction from Unaligned Parallel Text
Robert Munro | Christopher D. Manning

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Latent Semantic Transliteration using Dirichlet Mixture
Masato Hagiwara | Satoshi Sekine

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Automatically generated NE tagged corpora for English and Hungarian
Eszter Simon | Dávid Márk Nemeskey

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Rescoring a Phrase-based Machine Transliteration System with Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
Andrew Finch | Paul Dixon | Eiichiro Sumita

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Syllable-based Machine Transliteration with Extra Phrase Features
Chunyue Zhang | Tingting Li | Tiejun Zhao

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English-Korean Named Entity Transliteration Using Substring Alignment and Re-ranking Methods
Chun-Kai Wu | Yu-Chun Wang | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai

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Applying mpaligner to Machine Transliteration with Japanese-Specific Heuristics
Yoh Okuno

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Transliteration by Sequence Labeling with Lattice Encodings and Reranking
Waleed Ammar | Chris Dyer | Noah Smith

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Transliteration Experiments on Chinese and Arabic
Grzegorz Kondrak | Xingkai Li | Mohammad Salameh

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Cost-benefit Analysis of Two-Stage Conditional Random Fields based English-to-Chinese Machine Transliteration
Chan-Hung Kuo | Shih-Hung Liu | Mike Tian-Jian Jiang | Cheng-Wei Lee | Wen-Lian Hsu


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Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

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Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
Gary Geunbae Lee | Jonathan Ginzburg | Claire Gardent | Amanda Stent

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Multi-modal Sensing and Analysis of Poster Conversations: Toward Smart Posterboard
Tatsuya Kawahara

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An End-to-End Evaluation of Two Situated Dialog Systems
Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Alejandra Lorenzo | Claire Gardent

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“Love ya, jerkface”: Using Sparse Log-Linear Models to Build Positive and Impolite Relationships with Teens
William Yang Wang | Samantha Finkelstein | Amy Ogan | Alan W Black | Justine Cassell

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Enhancing Referential Success by Tracking Hearer Gaze
Alexander Koller | Konstantina Garoufi | Maria Staudte | Matthew Crocker

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Unsupervised Topic Modeling Approaches to Decision Summarization in Spoken Meetings
Lu Wang | Claire Cardie

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An Unsupervised Approach to User Simulation: Toward Self-Improving Dialog Systems
Sungjin Lee | Maxine Eskenazi

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Hierarchical Conversation Structure Prediction in Multi-Party Chat
Elijah Mayfield | David Adamson | Carolyn Penstein Rosé

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Rapid Development Process of Spoken Dialogue Systems using Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources
Masahiro Araki

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The Effect of Cognitive Load on a Statistical Dialogue System
Milica Gašić | Pirros Tsiakoulis | Matthew Henderson | Blaise Thomson | Kai Yu | Eli Tzirkel | Steve Young

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Predicting Adherence to Treatment for Schizophrenia from Dialogue Transcripts
Christine Howes | Matthew Purver | Rose McCabe | Patrick G. T. Healey | Mary Lavelle

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Reinforcement Learning of Question-Answering Dialogue Policies for Virtual Museum Guides
Teruhisa Misu | Kallirroi Georgila | Anton Leuski | David Traum

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From Strangers to Partners: Examining Convergence within a Longitudinal Study of Task-Oriented Dialogue
Christopher M. Mitchell | Kristy Elizabeth Boyer | James C. Lester

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The Structure and Generality of Spoken Route Instructions
Aasish Pappu | Alexander Rudnicky

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Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Through Feature Set Optimization
Joonsuk Park | Claire Cardie

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A Temporal Simulator for Developing Turn-Taking Methods for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Ethan O. Selfridge | Peter A. Heeman

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Dialogue Act Recognition using Reweighted Speaker Adaptation
Congkai Sun | Louis-Philippe Morency

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Estimating Adaptation of Dialogue Partners with Different Verbal Intelligence
Kseniya Zablotskaya | Fernando Fernández-Martínez | Wolfgang Minker

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A Demonstration of Incremental Speech Understanding and Confidence Estimation in a Virtual Human Dialogue System
David DeVault | David Traum

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Integrating Location, Visibility, and Question-Answering in a Spoken Dialogue System for Pedestrian City Exploration
Srinivasan Janarthanam | Oliver Lemon | Xingkun Liu | Phil Bartie | William Mackaness | Tiphaine Dalmas | Jana Goetze

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A Mixed-Initiative Conversational Dialogue System for Healthcare
Fabrizio Morbini | Eric Forbell | David DeVault | Kenji Sagae | David Traum | Albert Rizzo

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Towards Mediating Shared Perceptual Basis in Situated Dialogue
Changsong Liu | Rui Fang | Joyce Chai

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Global Features for Shallow Discourse Parsing
Sucheta Ghosh | Giuseppe Riccardi | Richard Johansson

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A Reranking Model for Discourse Segmentation using Subtree Features
Ngo Xuan Bach | Nguyen Le Minh | Akira Shimazu

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Landmark-Based Location Belief Tracking in a Spoken Dialog System
Yi Ma | Antoine Raux | Deepak Ramachandran | Rakesh Gupta

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Probabilistic Dialogue Models with Prior Domain Knowledge
Pierre Lison

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Exploiting Machine-Transcribed Dialog Corpus to Improve Multiple Dialog States Tracking Methods
Sungjin Lee | Maxine Eskenazi

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Cohesion, Entrainment and Task Success in Educational Dialog
Diane Litman

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A Bottom-Up Exploration of the Dimensions of Dialog State in Spoken Interaction
Nigel G. Ward | Alejandro Vega

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Using Group History to Identify Character-Directed Utterances in Multi-Child Interactions
Hannaneh Hajishirzi | Jill F. Lehman | Jessica K. Hodgins

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Adapting to Multiple Affective States in Spoken Dialogue
Kate Forbes-Riley | Diane Litman

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Dialog System Using Real-Time Crowdsourcing and Twitter Large-Scale Corpus
Fumihiro Bessho | Tatsuya Harada | Yasuo Kuniyoshi

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Automatically Acquiring Fine-Grained Information Status Distinctions in German
Aoife Cahill | Arndt Riester

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A Unified Probabilistic Approach to Referring Expressions
Kotaro Funakoshi | Mikio Nakano | Takenobu Tokunaga | Ryu Iida

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Combining Verbal and Nonverbal Features to Overcome the “Information Gap” in Task-Oriented Dialogue
Eun Young Ha | Joseph F. Grafsgaard | Christopher Mitchell | Kristy Elizabeth Boyer | James C. Lester

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Semantic Specificity in Spoken Dialogue Requests
Ben Hixon | Rebecca J. Passonneau | Susan L. Epstein

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Contingency and Comparison Relation Labeling and Structure Prediction in Chinese Sentences
Hen-Hsen Huang | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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A Study in How NLU Performance Can Affect the Choice of Dialogue System Architecture
Anton Leuski | David DeVault

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Integrating Incremental Speech Recognition and POMDP-Based Dialogue Systems
Ethan O. Selfridge | Iker Arizmendi | Peter A. Heeman | Jason D. Williams

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A Regression-based Approach to Modeling Addressee Backchannels
Allison Terrell | Bilge Mutlu

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Improving Sentence Completion in Dialogues with Multi-Modal Features
Anruo Wang | Barbara Di Eugenio | Lin Chen

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Combining Incremental Language Generation and Incremental Speech Synthesis for Adaptive Information Presentation
Hendrik Buschmeier | Timo Baumann | Benjamin Dosch | Stefan Kopp | David Schlangen

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Focused Meeting Summarization via Unsupervised Relation Extraction
Lu Wang | Claire Cardie

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Markov Logic Networks for Situated Incremental Natural Language Understanding
Casey Kennington | David Schlangen


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Proceedings of the Second CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Second CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

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QA: from Turing Test to Intelligent Information Service
Xiaoyan Zhu

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Linguistic foundation for NLP
Guodong Zhou

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A Language Modeling Approach to Identifying Code-Switched Sentences and Words
Liang-Chih Yu | Wei-Cheng He | Wei-Nan Chien

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Semi-automatic Annotation of Chinese Word Structure
Jianqiang Ma | Chunyu Kit | Dale Gerdemann

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Building a Chinese Lexical Taxonomy
Xiaopeng Bai | Nianwen Xue

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Extending and Scaling up the Chinese Treebank Annotation
Xiuhong Zhang | Nianwen Xue

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The CIPS-SIGHAN CLP 2012 ChineseWord Segmentation onMicroBlog Corpora Bakeoff
Huiming Duan | Zhifang Sui | Ye Tian | Wenjie Li

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Word Segmentation on Chinese Mirco-Blog Data with a Linear-Time Incremental Model
Kaixu Zhang | Maosong Sun | Changle Zhou

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Soochow University Word Segmenter for SIGHAN 2012 Bakeoff
Yan Fang | Zhongqing Wang | Shoushan Li | Zhongguo Li | Richen Xu | Leixin Cai

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CRFs-Based Chinese Word Segmentation for Micro-Blog with Small-Scale Data
Longyue Wang | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao | Junwen Xing

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A Cascaded Approach for CIPS-SIGHAN Micro-Blog Word Segmentation Bakeoff 2012
Bei Shi | Xianpei Han | Le Sun

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Adapting Conventional Chinese Word Segmenter for Segmenting Micro-blog Text: Combining Rule-based and Statistic-based Approaches
Ning Xi | Bin Li | Guangchao Tang | Shujian Huang | Yinggong Zhao | Hao Zhou | Xinyu Dai | Jiajun Chen

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Cascaded Chinese Weibo Segmentation Based on CRFs
Keli Zhong | Xue Zhou | Hangyu Li | Caixia Yuan

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Rules-based Chinese Word Segmentation on MicroBlog for CIPS-SIGHAN on CLP2012
Jing Zhang | Degen Huang | Xia Han | Wei Wang

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Semi-supervised Chinese Word Segmentation for CLP2012
Saike He | Nan He | Songxiang Cen | Jun Lu

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Micro blogs Oriented Word Segmentation System
Yijia Liu | Meishan Zhang | Wanxiang Che | Ting Liu | Yihe Deng

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Rules Design in Word Segmentation of Chinese Micro-Blog
Hao Zong | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao

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A Comparison of Chinese Word Segmentation on News and Microblog Corpora with a Lexicon Based Method
Yuxiang Jia | Hongying Zan | Ming Fan | Zhimin Wang

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A MMSM-based Hybrid Method for Chinese MicroBlog Word Segmentation
Xiao Sun | Chengcheng Li | Chenyi Tang | Jiaqi Ye

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Chinese Tweets Segmentation based on Morphemes
Chaoyue Wang | Guohong Fu

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The Task 2 of CIPS-SIGHAN 2012 Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in Chinese Bakeoff
Zhengyan He | Houfeng Wang | Sujian Li

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SIR-NERD: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation System using a Two-Stage Method
Zehuan Peng | Le Sun | Xianpei Han

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A Template Based Hybrid Model for Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation
Hao Zong | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao

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Attribute based Chinese Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
Wei Han | Guang Liu | Yuzhao Mao | Zhenni Huang

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Chinese Name Disambiguation Based on Adaptive Clustering with the Attribute Features
Wei Tian | Xiao Pan | Zhengtao Yu | Yantuan Xian | Xiuzhen Yang

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Explore Chinese Encyclopedic Knowledge to Disambiguate Person Names
Jie Liu | Ruifeng Xu | Qin Lu | Jian Xu

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A Joint Chinese Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation System
Longyue Wang | Shuo Li | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao

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Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Vector Space Model
Qing-hu Fan | Hong-ying Zan | Yu-mei Chai | Yu-xiang Jia | Gui-ling Niu

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Evaluation Reportof the third Chinese Parsing Evaluation: CIPS-SIGHAN-ParsEval-2012
Qiang Zhou

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Multiple TreeBanks Integration for Chinese Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing Using Bagging
Meishan Zhang | Wanxiang Che | Ting Liu

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Parsing TCT with Split Conjunction Categories
Dongchen Li | Xihong Wu

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Parsing Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese with Sentence Structure Grammar
Xiangli Wang

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A Simplified Chinese Parser with Factored Model
Qiuping Huang | Liangye He | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao

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Parsing TCT with a Coarse-to-fine Approach
Dongchen Li | Xihong Wu

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Traditional Chinese Parsing Evaluation at SIGHAN Bake-offs 2012
Yuen-Hsien Tseng | Lung-Hao Lee | Liang-Chih Yu

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NEU Systems in SIGHAN Bakeoff 2012
Ji Ma | LongFei Bai | Zhuo Liu | Ao Zhang | Jingbo Zhu

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Adapting Multilingual Parsing Models to Sinica Treebank
Liangye He | Derek F. Wong | Lidia S. Chao

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Improving PCFG Chinese Parsing with Context-Dependent Probability Re-estimation
Yu-Ming Hsieh | Ming-Hong Bai | Jason S. Chang | Keh-Jiann Chen

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Sentence Parsing with Double Sequential Labeling in Traditional Chinese Parsing Task
Shih-Hung Wu | Hsien-You Hsieh | Liang-Pu Chen

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A Conditional Random Field-based Traditional Chinese Base Phrase Parser for SIGHAN Bake-off 2012 Evaluation
Yih-Ru Wang | Yuan-Fu Liao

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Hierarchical Maximum Pattern Matching with Rule Induction Approach for Sentence Parsing
Yi-Syun Tan | Yuan-Cheng Chu | Jui-Feng Yeh


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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Jan Alexandersson | Peter Ljunglöf | Kathleen F. McCoy | Brian Roark | Annalu Waller

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A free and open-source tool that reads movie subtitles aloud
Peter Ljunglöf | Sandra Derbring | Maria Olsson

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WinkTalk: a demonstration of a multimodal speech synthesis platform linking facial expressions to expressive synthetic voices
Éva Székely | Zeeshan Ahmed | João P. Cabral | Julie Carson-Berndsen

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Discourse-Based Modeling for AAC
Margaret Mitchell | Richard Sproat

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Applying Prediction Techniques to Phoneme-based AAC Systems
Ha Trinh | Annalu Waller | Keith Vertanen | Per Ola Kristensson | Vicki L. Hanson

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Non-Syntactic Word Prediction for AAC
Karl Wiegand | Rupal Patel

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Assisting Social Conversation between Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and their Conversational Partners
Nancy Green | Curry Guinn | Ronnie Smith

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Communication strategies for a computerized caregiver for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
Frank Rudzicz | Rozanne Wilson | Alex Mihailidis | Elizabeth Rochon | Carol Leonard

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Generating Situated Assisting Utterances to Facilitate Tactile-Map Understanding: A Prototype System
Kris Lohmann | Ole Eichhorn | Timo Baumann

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Learning a Vector-Based Model of American Sign Language Inflecting Verbs from Motion-Capture Data
Pengfei Lu | Matt Huenerfauth

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A Hybrid System for Spanish Text Simplification
Stefan Bott | Horacio Saggion | David Figueroa


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Proceedings of the ACL 2012 Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages

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Proceedings of the ACL 2012 Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages
Marianna Apidianaki | Ido Dagan | Jennifer Foster | Yuval Marton | Djamé Seddah | Reut Tsarfaty

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Probabilistic Lexical Generalization for French Dependency Parsing
Enrique Henestroza Anguiano | Marie Candito

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Supervised Learning of German Qualia Relations
Yannick Versley

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Building an Arabic Multiword Expressions Repository
Abdelati Hawwari | Kfir Bar | Mona Diab

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Unsupervised frame based Semantic Role Induction: application to French and English
Alejandra Lorenzo | Christophe Cerisara

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Using Synthetic Compounds for Word Sense Discrimination
Yannick Versley | Verena Henrich

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Machine Learning of Syntactic Attachment from Morphosyntactic and Semantic Co-occurrence Statistics
Szymon Acedański | Adam Slaski | Adam Przepiórkowski

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Combining Rule-Based and Statistical Syntactic Analyzers
Iakes Goenaga | Koldobika Gojenola | María Jesús Aranzabe | Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza | Kepa Bengoetxea

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Statistical Parsing of Spanish and Data Driven Lemmatization
Joseph Le Roux | Benoît Sagot | Djamé Seddah

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Assigning Deep Lexical Types Using Structured Classifier Features for Grammatical Dependencies
João Silva | António Branco

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Using an SVM Ensemble System for Improved Tamil Dependency Parsing
Nathan Green | Loganathan Ramasamy | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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Korean Treebank Transformation for Parser Training
DongHyun Choi | Jungyeul Park | Key-Sun Choi

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Generative Constituent Parsing and Discriminative Dependency Reranking: Experiments on English and French
Joseph Le Roux | Benoît Favre | Alexis Nasr | Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel


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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation

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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Marine Carpuat | Lucia Specia | Dekai Wu

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WSD for n-best reranking and local language modeling in SMT
Marianna Apidianaki | Guillaume Wisniewski | Artem Sokolov | Aurélien Max | François Yvon

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Linguistically-Enriched Models for Bulgarian-to-English Machine Translation
Rui Wang | Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov

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Enriching Parallel Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Negation Rephrasing
Dominikus Wetzel | Francis Bond

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Towards a Predicate-Argument Evaluation for MT
Ondřej Bojar | Dekai Wu

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Using Parallel Features in Parsing of Machine-Translated Sentences for Correction of Grammatical Errors
Rudolf Rosa | Ondřej Dušek | David Mareček | Martin Popel

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Unsupervised vs. supervised weight estimation for semantic MT evaluation metrics
Chi-kiu Lo | Dekai Wu

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Head Finalization Reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese Machine Translation
Dan Han | Katsuhito Sudoh | Xianchao Wu | Kevin Duh | Hajime Tsukada | Masaaki Nagata

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Extracting Semantic Transfer Rules from Parallel Corpora with SMT Phrase Aligners
Petter Haugereid | Francis Bond

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Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures
Daniel Quernheim | Kevin Knight

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Using Domain-specific and Collaborative Resources for Term Translation
Mihael Arcan | Christian Federmann | Paul Buitelaar

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Improving Statistical Machine Translation through co-joining parts of verbal constructs in English-Hindi translation
Karunesh Kumar Arora | R Mahesh K Sinha

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Application of Clause Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation
Svetla Koeva | Svetlozara Leseva | Ivelina Stoyanova | Rositsa Dekova | Angel Genov | Borislav Rizov | Tsvetana Dimitrova | Ekaterina Tarpomanova | Hristina Kukova

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Zero Pronoun Resolution can Improve the Quality of J-E Translation
Hirotoshi Taira | Katsuhito Sudoh | Masaaki Nagata


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Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)

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Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)
Giorgio Satta | Chung-Hye Han

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Delayed Tree-Locality, Set-locality, and Clitic Climbing
Joan Chen-Main | Tonia Bleam | Aravind Joshi

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Deriving syntax-semantics mappings: node linking, type shifting and scope ambiguity
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko | Robert Frank

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Tree Adjunction as Minimalist Lowering
Thomas Graf

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A Frame-Based Semantics of Locative Alternation in LTAG
Yulia Zinova | Laura Kallmeyer

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A Logical Characterization of Extended TAGs
Uwe Mönnich

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Synchronous Tree Unification Grammar
Timm Lichte

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Synchronous Context-Free Tree Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof | Heiko Vogler

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Incremental Neo-Davidsonian semantic construction for TAG
Asad Sayeed | Vera Demberg

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Representing Focus in LTAG
Kata Balogh

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Describing São Tomense Using a Tree-Adjoining Meta-Grammar
Emmanuel Schang | Denys Duchier | Brunelle Magnana Ekoukou | Yannick Parmentier | Simon Petitjean

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An Attempt Towards Learning Semantics: Distributional Learning of IO Context-Free Tree Grammars
Ryo Yoshinaka

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Delayed Tree Locality and the Status of Derivation Structure
Joan Chen-Main

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A Formal Model for Plausible Dependencies in Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar
Laura Kallmeyer | Marco Kuhlmann

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Using FB-LTAG Derivation Trees to Generate Transformation-Based Grammar Exercises
Claire Gardent | Laura Perez-Beltrachini

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PLCFRS Parsing Revisited: Restricting the Fan-Out to Two
Wolfgang Maier | Miriam Kaeshammer | Laura Kallmeyer

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Decomposing TAG Algorithms Using Simple Algebraizations
Alexander Koller | Marco Kuhlmann

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Practical Parsing of Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars
Peter Ljunglöf

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Idioms and extended transducers
Gregory M. Kobele

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Creating a Tree Adjoining Grammar from a Multilayer Treebank
Rajesh Bhatt | Owen Rambow | Fei Xia

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Search Space Properties for Learning a Class of Constraint-based Grammars
Smaranda Muresan

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State-Split for Hypergraphs with an Application to Tree Adjoining Grammars
Johannes Osterholzer | Torsten Stüber

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Is Syntactic Binding Rational?
Thomas Graf | Natasha Abner

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Incremental Derivations in CCG
Vera Demberg

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On the Form-Meaning Relations Definable by CoTAGs
Gregory M. Kobele | Jens Michaelis

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A linguistically-motivated 2-stage Tree to Graph Transformation
Corentin Ribeyre | Djamé Seddah | Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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Scope Economy and TAG Locality
Michael Freedman

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The Shape of Elementary Trees and Scope Possibilities in STAG
Robert Frank | Dennis Ryan Storoshenko


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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop in Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop in Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis
Alexandra Balahur | Andres Montoyo | Patricio Martinez Barco | Ester Boldrini

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Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Rada Mihalcea

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Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation
Janyce Wiebe

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Random Walk Weighting over SentiWordNet for Sentiment Polarity Detection on Twitter
Arturo Montejo-Ráez | Eugenio Martínez-Cámara | M. Teresa Martín-Valdivia | L. Alfonso Ureña-López

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Mining Sentiments from Tweets
Akshat Bakliwal | Piyush Arora | Senthil Madhappan | Nikhil Kapre | Mukesh Singh | Vasudeva Varma

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SAMAR: A System for Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Social Media
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Sandra Kuebler | Mona Diab

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Opinum: statistical sentiment analysis for opinion classification
Boyan Bonev | Gema Ramírez-Sánchez | Sergio Ortiz Rojas

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Sentimantics: Conceptual Spaces for Lexical Sentiment Polarity Representation with Contextuality
Amitava Das | Björn Gambäck

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Analysis of Travel Review Data from Reader’s Point of View
Maya Ando | Shun Ishizaki

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Multilingual Sentiment Analysis using Machine Translation?
Alexandra Balahur | Marco Turchi

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Unifying Local and Global Agreement and Disagreement Classification in Online Debates
Jie Yin | Nalin Narang | Paul Thomas | Cecile Paris

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Prior versus Contextual Emotion of a Word in a Sentence
Diman Ghazi | Diana Inkpen | Stan Szpakowicz

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Cross-discourse Development of Supervised Sentiment Analysis in the Clinical Domain
Phillip Smith | Mark Lee

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POLITICAL-ADS: An annotated corpus for modeling event-level evaluativity
Kevin Reschke | Pranav Anand

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Automatically Annotating A Five-Billion-Word Corpus of Japanese Blogs for Affect and Sentiment Analysis
Michal Ptaszynski | Rafal Rzepka | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi

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How to Evaluate Opinionated Keyphrase Extraction?
Gábor Berend | Veronika Vincze

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Semantic frames as an anchor representation for sentiment analysis
Josef Ruppenhofer | Ines Rehbein

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On the Impact of Sentiment and Emotion Based Features in Detecting Online Sexual Predators
Dasha Bogdanova | Paolo Rosso | Thamar Solorio


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Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Chris Callison-Burch | Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz | Matt Post | Radu Soricut | Lucia Specia

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Putting Human Assessments of Machine Translation Systems in Order
Adam Lopez

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Findings of the 2012 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Chris Callison-Burch | Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz | Matt Post | Radu Soricut | Lucia Specia

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Semantic Textual Similarity for MT evaluation
Julio Castillo | Paula Estrella

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Improving AMBER, an MT Evaluation Metric
Boxing Chen | Roland Kuhn | George Foster

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TerrorCat: a Translation Error Categorization-based MT Quality Metric
Mark Fishel | Rico Sennrich | Maja Popović | Ondřej Bojar

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Class error rates for evaluation of machine translation output
Maja Popović

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SPEDE: Probabilistic Edit Distance Metrics for MT Evaluation
Mengqiu Wang | Christopher Manning

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Quality estimation for Machine Translation output using linguistic analysis and decoding features
Eleftherios Avramidis

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Black Box Features for the WMT 2012 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Christian Buck

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Linguistic Features for Quality Estimation
Mariano Felice | Lucia Specia

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PRHLT Submission to the WMT12 Quality Estimation Task
Jesús González Rubio | Alberto Sanchis | Francisco Casacuberta

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Tree Kernels for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Christian Hardmeier | Joakim Nivre | Jörg Tiedemann

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LORIA System for the WMT12 Quality Estimation Shared Task
David Langlois | Sylvain Raybaud | Kamel Smaïli

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Quality Estimation: an experimental study using unsupervised similarity measures
Erwan Moreau | Carl Vogel

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The UPC Submission to the WMT 2012 Shared Task on Quality Estimation
Daniele Pighin | Meritxell González | Lluís Màrquez

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Morpheme- and POS-based IBM1 and language model scores for translation quality estimation
Maja Popović

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DCU-Symantec Submission for the WMT 2012 Quality Estimation Task
Raphael Rubino | Jennifer Foster | Joachim Wagner | Johann Roturier | Rasul Samad Zadeh Kaljahi | Fred Hollowood

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The SDL Language Weaver Systems in the WMT12 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Radu Soricut | Nguyen Bach | Ziyuan Wang

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Regression with Phrase Indicators for Estimating MT Quality
Chunyang Wu | Hai Zhao

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Non-Linear Models for Confidence Estimation
Yong Zhuang | Guillaume Wisniewski | François Yvon

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Combining Quality Prediction and System Selection for Improved Automatic Translation Output
Radu Soricut | Sushant Narsale

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Match without a Referee: Evaluating MT Adequacy without Reference Translations
Yashar Mehdad | Matteo Negri | Marcello Federico

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Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations
Maarit Koponen

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Review of Hypothesis Alignment Algorithms for MT System Combination via Confusion Network Decoding
Antti-Veikko Rosti | Xiaodong He | Damianos Karakos | Gregor Leusch | Yuan Cao | Markus Freitag | Spyros Matsoukas | Hermann Ney | Jason Smith | Bing Zhang

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On Hierarchical Re-ordering and Permutation Parsing for Phrase-based Decoding
Colin Cherry | Robert C. Moore | Chris Quirk

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CCG Syntactic Reordering Models for Phrase-based Machine Translation
Dennis Nolan Mehay | Christopher Hardie Brew

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Using Categorial Grammar to Label Translation Rules
Jonathan Weese | Chris Callison-Burch | Adam Lopez

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Using Syntactic Head Information in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
Junhui Li | Zhaopeng Tu | Guodong Zhou | Josef van Genabith

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Fully Automatic Semantic MT Evaluation
Chi-kiu Lo | Anand Karthik Tumuluru | Dekai Wu

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Probes in a Taxonomy of Factored Phrase-Based Models
Ondřej Bojar | Bushra Jawaid | Amir Kamran

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The CMU-Avenue French-English Translation System
Michael Denkowski | Greg Hanneman | Alon Lavie

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Formemes in English-Czech Deep Syntactic MT
Ondřej Dušek | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Martin Popel | Martin Majliš | Michal Novák | David Mareček

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The TALP-UPC phrase-based translation systems for WMT12: Morphology simplification and domain adaptation
Lluís Formiga | Carlos A. Henríquez Q. | Adolfo Hernández | José B. Mariño | Enric Monte | José A. R. Fonollosa

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Joshua 4.0: Packing, PRO, and Paraphrases
Juri Ganitkevitch | Yuan Cao | Jonathan Weese | Matt Post | Chris Callison-Burch

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Syntax-aware Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation: System Description
Ulrich Germann

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QCRI at WMT12: Experiments in Spanish-English and German-English Machine Translation of News Text
Francisco Guzmán | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Thabet | Stephan Vogel

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The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2012
Matthias Huck | Stephan Peitz | Markus Freitag | Malte Nuhn | Hermann Ney

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Machine Learning for Hybrid Machine Translation
Sabine Hunsicker | Yu Chen | Christian Federmann

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Towards Effective Use of Training Data in Statistical Machine Translation
Philipp Koehn | Barry Haddow

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Joint WMT 2012 Submission of the QUAERO Project
Markus Freitag | Stephan Peitz | Matthias Huck | Hermann Ney | Jan Niehues | Teresa Herrmann | Alex Waibel | Hai-son Le | Thomas Lavergne | Alexandre Allauzen | Bianka Buschbeck | Josep Maria Crego | Jean Senellart

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Hai-Son Le | Thomas Lavergne | Alexandre Allauzen | Marianna Apidianaki | Li Gong | Aurélien Max | Artem Sokolov | Guillaume Wisniewski | François Yvon

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UPM system for WMT 2012
Verónica López-Ludeña | Rubén San-Segundo | Juan M. Montero

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PROMT DeepHybrid system for WMT12 shared translation task
Alexander Molchanov

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The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2012
Jan Niehues | Yuqi Zhang | Mohammed Mediani | Teresa Herrmann | Eunah Cho | Alex Waibel

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Kriya - The SFU System for Translation Task at WMT-12
Majid Razmara | Baskaran Sankaran | Ann Clifton | Anoop Sarkar

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DEPFIX: A System for Automatic Correction of Czech MT Outputs
Rudolf Rosa | David Mareček | Ondřej Dušek

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LIUM’s SMT Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2012
Christophe Servan | Patrik Lambert | Anthony Rousseau | Holger Schwenk | Loïc Barrault

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Selecting Data for English-to-Czech Machine Translation
Aleš Tamchyna | Petra Galuščáková | Amir Kamran | Miloš Stanojević | Ondřej Bojar

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DFKI’s SMT System for WMT 2012
David Vilar

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GHKM Rule Extraction and Scope-3 Parsing in Moses
Philip Williams | Philipp Koehn

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Data Issues of the Multilingual Translation Matrix
Daniel Zeman

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Constructing Parallel Corpora for Six Indian Languages via Crowdsourcing
Matt Post | Chris Callison-Burch | Miles Osborne

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Twitter Translation using Translation-Based Cross-Lingual Retrieval
Laura Jehl | Felix Hieber | Stefan Riezler

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Analysing the Effect of Out-of-Domain Data on SMT Systems
Barry Haddow | Philipp Koehn

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Evaluating the Learning Curve of Domain Adaptive Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Nicola Bertoldi | Mauro Cettolo | Marcello Federico | Christian Buck

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The Trouble with SMT Consistency
Marine Carpuat | Michel Simard

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Phrase Model Training for Statistical Machine Translation with Word Lattices of Preprocessing Alternatives
Joern Wuebker | Hermann Ney

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Leave-One-Out Phrase Model Training for Large-Scale Deployment
Joern Wuebker | Mei-Yuh Hwang | Chris Quirk

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Direct Error Rate Minimization for Statistical Machine Translation
Tagyoung Chung | Michel Galley

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Optimization Strategies for Online Large-Margin Learning in Machine Translation
Vladimir Eidelman


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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing
Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Abbas Malik

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Computational evidence that Hindi and Urdu share a grammar but not the lexicon
K.V.S Prasad | Shafqat Mumtaz Virk

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Semantic Relation Extraction from a Cultural Database
Canasai Kruengkrai | Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Watchira Buranasing | Thatsanee Charoenporn

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Bengali Question Classification: Towards Developing QA System
Somnath Banerjee | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Morphological Analyzer for Kokborok
Khumbar Debbarma | Braja Gopal Patra | Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Comparing Different Criteria for Vietnamese Word Segmentation
Quy T. Nguyen | Ngan L.T. Nguyen | Yusuke Miyao

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A Light Weight Stemmer for Urdu Language: A Scarce Resourced Language
Sajjad Ahmad Khan | Waqas Anwar | Usama Ijaz Bajwa | Xuan Wang

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Morpheme Segmentation for Kannada Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
Suma Bhat

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Manipuri Morpheme Identification
Kishorjit Nongmeikapam | Vidya Raj RK | Nirmal Y | Sivaji B

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Domain Based Classification of Punjabi Text Documents using Ontology and Hybrid Based Approach
Nidhi Krail | Vishal Gupta

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Using English Acoustic Models for Hindi Automatic Speech Recognition
Anik Dey | Ying Li | Pascale Fung

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Tagger Voting for Urdu
Bushra Jawaid | Ondřej Bojar

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BIS Annotation Standards With Reference to Konkani Language
Madhavi Sardesai | Jyoti Pawar | Shantaram Walawalikar | Edna Vaz

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Automatic Extraction of Compound Verbs from Bangla Corpora
Sibanshu Mukhopadhayay | Tirthankar Dasgupta | Manjira Sinha | Anupam Basu

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Influences of particles on Vietnamese tonal Co-articulation
Thị Lan Nguyen | Do Dat Tran

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Toward an amazigh language processing
Fatima Zahra Nejme | Siham Boulaknadel | Driss Aboutajdine

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Bidirectional Bengali Script and Meetei Mayek Transliteration of Web Based Manipuri News Corpus
Thoudam Doren Singh

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Rule-based Machine Translation between Indonesian and Malaysian
Raymond Hendy Susanto | Septina Dian Larasati | Francis M. Tyers

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Building Multilingual Search Index using open source framework
Arjun Atreya | Swapnil Chaudhari | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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Automatic Searching for English-Vietnamese Documents on the Internet
Quoc Hung Ngo

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Error tracking in search engine development
Swapnil Chaudhari | Arjun Atreya V | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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An Efficient Database Design for IndoWordNet Development Using Hybrid Approach
Venkatesh Prabhu | Shilpa Desai | Hanumant Redkar | Neha Prabhugaonkar | Apurva Nagvenkar | Ramdas Karmali

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IndoWordNet Application Programming Interfaces
Neha Prabhugaonkar | Apurva Nagvenkar | Ramdas Karmali