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Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (1994)


bib (full) 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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Discourse Obligations in Dialogue Processing
David R. Traum | James F. Allen

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Multi-Paragraph Segmentation Expository Text
Marti A. Hearst

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Priority Union and Generalization in Discourse Grammars
Claire Grover | Chris Brew | Suresh Manandhar | Marc Moens

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Hidden Understanding Models of Natural Language
Scott Miller | Robert Bobrow | Robert Ingria | Richard Schwartz

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From Strings to Trees to Strings to Trees ... (Abstract)
Aravind K. Joshi

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Intentions and Information in Discourse
Nicholas Asher | Alex Lascarides

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Generating Precondition Expressions in Instructional Text
Keith Vander Linden

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Common Topics and Coherent Situations: Interpreting Ellipsis in the Context of Discourse Inference
Andrew Kehler

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A Hybrid Reasoning Model for Indirect Answers
Nancy Green | Sandra Carberry

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A Stochastic Finite-State Word-Segmentation Algorithm for Chinese
Richard Sproat | Chilin Shih | William Gale | Nancy Chang

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Precise N-Gram Probabilities From Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
Andreas Stolcke | Jonathan Segal

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Aligning a Parallel English-Chinese Corpus Statistically With Lexical Criteria
Dekai Wu

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DECISION LISTS FOR LEXICAL AMBIGUITY RESOLUTION: Application to Accent Restoration in Spanish and French
David Yarowsky

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An Empirical Model of Acknowledgment for Spoken-Language Systems
David G. Novick | Stephen Sutton

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Speech Dialogue With Facial Displays: Multimodal Human-Computer Conversation
Katashi Nagao | Akikazu Takeuchi

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Interleaving Syntax and Semantics in an Efficient Bottom-Up Parser
John Dowding | Robert Moore | Francois Andry | Douglas Moran

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An Optimal Tabular Parsing Algorithm
Mark-Jan Nederhof

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A Psycholinguistically Motivated Parser for CCG
Michael Niv

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Verb Semantics and Lexical Selection
Zhibiao Wu | Martha Palmer

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Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Decomposable Models
Rebecca Bruce | Janyce Wiebe

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Constraint-Based Categorial Grammar
Gosse Bouma | Gertjan van Noord

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Capturing CFLs with Tree Adjoining Grammars
James Rogers

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On Determining the Consistency of Partial Descriptions of Trees
Thomas L. Cornell

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A Markov Language Learning Model for Finite Parameter Spaces
Partha Niyogi | Robert C. Berwick

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Part-of-Speech Tagging Using a Variable Memory Markov Model
Hinrich Schuetze | Yoram Singer

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Grammar Specialization Through Entropy Thresholds
Christer Samuelsson

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Optimizing the Computational Lexicalization of Large Grammars
Christian Jacquemin

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Compact Representations by Finite-State Transducers
Mehryar Mohri

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An Extended Theory of Head-Driven Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof | Giorgio Satta

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Generalized Chart Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure for Cost-Based Abduction
Yasuharu Den

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Tricolor DAGs for Machine Translation
Koichi Takeda

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Extracting Noun Phrases from Large-Scale Texts: A Hybrid Approach and Its Automatic Evaluation
Kuang-hua Chen | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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A Corpus-based Approach to Automatic Compound Extraction
Keh-Yih Su | Ming-Wen Wu | Jing-Shin Chang

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An Automatic Treebank Conversion Algorithm for Corpus Sharing
Jong-Nae Wang | Jing-Shin Chang | Keh-Yih Su

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An Attributive Logic of Set Descriptions and Set Operations
Suresh Manandhar

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Multiset-Valued Linear Index Grammars: Imposing Dominance Constraints on Derivations
Owen Rambow

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Optimality Theory: Universal Grammar, Learning and Parsing Algorithms, and Connectionist Foundations (Abstract)
Paul Smolensky | Bruce Tesar

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Similarity-Based Estimation of Word Cooccurrence Probabilities
Ido Dagan | Fernando Pereira | Lillian Lee

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Acquiring Receptive Morphology: A Connectionist Model
Michael Gasser

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Relating Complexity to Practical Performance in Parsing With Wide-Coverage Unification Grammars
John Carroll

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Detecting and Correcting Speech Repairs
Peter Heeman | James Allen

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A Computational View of the Cognitive Semantics of Spatial Prepositions
Patrick Olivier | Jun-ichi Tsujii

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Reaping the Benefits of Interactive Syntax and Semantics
Kavi Mahesh

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Graded Unification: A Framework for Interactive Processing
Albert Kim

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An Integrated Heuristic Scheme for Partial Parse Evaluation
Alon Lavie

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Temporal Relations: Reference or Discourse Coherence?
Andrew Kehler

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Simulating Children’s Null Subjects: An Early Language Generation Model
Carole T. Boster

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Dual-Coding Theory and Connectionist Lexical Selection
Ye-Yi Wang

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Integration Of Visual Inter-word Constraints And Linguistic Knowledge In Degraded Text Recognition
Tao Hong

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An Automatic Method of Finding Topic Boundaries
Jeffrey C. Reynar

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Automatic Alignment in Parallel Corpora
Harris Papageorgiou | Lambros Cranias | Stelios Piperidis

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Conceptual Association for Compound Noun Analysis
Mark Lauer