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Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2005)


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Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’05)

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Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’05)
Kevin Knight | Hwee Tou Ng | Kemal Oflazer

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A High-Performance Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Text Chunking
Rie Ando | Tong Zhang

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Scaling Conditional Random Fields Using Error-Correcting Codes
Trevor Cohn | Andrew Smith | Miles Osborne

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Logarithmic Opinion Pools for Conditional Random Fields
Andrew Smith | Trevor Cohn | Miles Osborne

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Supersense Tagging of Unknown Nouns Using Semantic Similarity
James Curran

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Learning Semantic Classes for Word Sense Disambiguation
Upali Sathyajith Kohomban | Wee Sun Lee

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The Role of Semantic Roles in Disambiguating Verb Senses
Hoa Trang Dang | Martha Palmer

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Aggregation Improves Learning: Experiments in Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Barbara Di Eugenio | Davide Fossati | Dan Yu | Susan Haller | Michael Glass

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Empirically-based Control of Natural Language Generation
Daniel S. Paiva | Roger Evans

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Towards Developing Generation Algorithms for Text-to-Text Applications
Radu Soricut | Daniel Marcu

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Probabilistic CFG with Latent Annotations
Takuya Matsuzaki | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Probabilistic Disambiguation Models for Wide-Coverage HPSG Parsing
Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers
Ryan McDonald | Koby Crammer | Fernando Pereira

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Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing
Joakim Nivre | Jens Nilsson

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The Distributional Inclusion Hypotheses and Lexical Entailment
Maayan Geffet | Ido Dagan

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Seeing Stars: Exploiting Class Relationships for Sentiment Categorization with Respect to Rating Scales
Bo Pang | Lillian Lee

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Inducing Ontological Co-occurrence Vectors
Patrick Pantel

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Extracting Semantic Orientations of Words using Spin Model
Hiroya Takamura | Takashi Inui | Manabu Okumura

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Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach
Regina Barzilay | Mirella Lapata

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Modelling the Substitutability of Discourse Connectives
Ben Hutchinson

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Machine Learning for Coreference Resolution: From Local Classification to Global Ranking
Vincent Ng

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Improving Pronoun Resolution Using Statistics-Based Semantic Compatibility Information
Xiaofeng Yang | Jian Su | Chew Lim Tan

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Coarse-to-Fine n-Best Parsing and MaxEnt Discriminative Reranking
Eugene Charniak | Mark Johnson

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Data-Defined Kernels for Parse Reranking Derived from Probabilistic Models
James Henderson | Ivan Titov

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Boosting-based Parse Reranking with Subtree Features
Taku Kudo | Jun Suzuki | Hideki Isozaki

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Automatic Measurement of Syntactic Development in Child Language
Kenji Sagae | Alon Lavie | Brian MacWhinney

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Experiments with Interactive Question-Answering
Sanda Harabagiu | Andrew Hickl | John Lehmann | Dan Moldovan

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Question Answering as Question-Biased Term Extraction: A New Approach toward Multilingual QA
Yutaka Sasaki

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Exploring and Exploiting the Limited Utility of Captions in Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics
Stephanie Elzer | Sandra Carberry | Daniel Chester | Seniz Demir | Nancy Green | Ingrid Zukerman | Keith Trnka

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Scaling up from Dialogue to Multilogue: Some Principles and Benchmarks
Jonathan Ginzburg | Raquel Fernández

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Implications for Generating Clarification Requests in Task-Oriented Dialogues
Verena Rieser | Johanna Moore

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Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments—Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue
David Schlangen

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Scaling Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation to Larger Corpora and Longer Phrases
Chris Callison-Burch | Colin Bannard | Josh Schroeder

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A Hierarchical Phrase-Based Model for Statistical Machine Translation
David Chiang

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Dependency Treelet Translation: Syntactically Informed Phrasal SMT
Chris Quirk | Arul Menezes | Colin Cherry

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QARLA: A Framework for the Evaluation of Text Summarization Systems
Enrique Amigó | Julio Gonzalo | Anselmo Peñas | Felisa Verdejo

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Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Sentence Compression
Jenine Turner | Eugene Charniak

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Digesting Virtual “Geek” Culture: The Summarization of Technical Internet Relay Chats
Liang Zhou | Eduard Hovy

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Lexicalization in Crosslinguistic Probabilistic Parsing: The Case of French
Abhishek Arun | Frank Keller

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What to Do When Lexicalization Fails: Parsing German with Suffix Analysis and Smoothing
Amit Dubey

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Detecting Errors in Discontinuous Structural Annotation
Markus Dickinson | W. Detmar Meurers

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High Precision Treebanking—Blazing Useful Trees Using POS Information
Takaaki Tanaka | Francis Bond | Stephan Oepen | Sanae Fujita

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A Dynamic Bayesian Framework to Model Context and Memory in Edit Distance Learning: An Application to Pronunciation Classification
Karim Filali | Jeff Bilmes

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Learning Stochastic OT Grammars: A Bayesian Approach using Data Augmentation and Gibbs Sampling
Ying Lin

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Contrastive Estimation: Training Log-Linear Models on Unlabeled Data
Noah A. Smith | Jason Eisner

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Incorporating Non-local Information into Information Extraction Systems by Gibbs Sampling
Jenny Rose Finkel | Trond Grenager | Christopher Manning

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Unsupervised Learning of Field Segmentation Models for Information Extraction
Trond Grenager | Dan Klein | Christopher Manning

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A Semantic Approach to IE Pattern Induction
Mark Stevenson | Mark Greenwood

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Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Statistical Machine Translation
Marine Carpuat | Dekai Wu

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Word Sense Disambiguation Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning
Zheng-Yu Niu | Dong-Hong Ji | Chew Lim Tan

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Domain Kernels for Word Sense Disambiguation
Alfio Gliozzo | Claudio Giuliano | Carlo Strapparava

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Improving Name Tagging by Reference Resolution and Relation Detection
Heng Ji | Ralph Grishman

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Extracting Relations with Integrated Information Using Kernel Methods
Shubin Zhao | Ralph Grishman

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Exploring Various Knowledge in Relation Extraction
GuoDong Zhou | Jian Su | Jie Zhang | Min Zhang

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A Quantitative Analysis of Lexical Differences Between Genders in Telephone Conversations
Constantinos Boulis | Mari Ostendorf

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Position Specific Posterior Lattices for Indexing Speech
Ciprian Chelba | Alex Acero

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Using Conditional Random Fields for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
Yang Liu | Andreas Stolcke | Elizabeth Shriberg | Mary Harper

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Log-Linear Models for Word Alignment
Yang Liu | Qun Liu | Shouxun Lin

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Alignment Model Adaptation for Domain-Specific Word Alignment
Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang | Zhanyi Liu

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Stochastic Lexicalized Inversion Transduction Grammar for Alignment
Hao Zhang | Daniel Gildea

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Multi-Field Information Extraction and Cross-Document Fusion
Gideon Mann | David Yarowsky

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Simple Algorithms for Complex Relation Extraction with Applications to Biomedical IE
Ryan McDonald | Fernando Pereira | Seth Kulick | Scott Winters | Yang Jin | Pete White

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Resume Information Extraction with Cascaded Hybrid Model
Kun Yu | Gang Guan | Ming Zhou

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Discriminative Syntactic Language Modeling for Speech Recognition
Michael Collins | Brian Roark | Murat Saraclar

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A Phonotactic Language Model for Spoken Language Identification
Haizhou Li | Bin Ma

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Reading Level Assessment Using Support Vector Machines and Statistical Language Models
Sarah Schwarm | Mari Ostendorf

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Clause Restructuring for Statistical Machine Translation
Michael Collins | Philipp Koehn | Ivona Kučerová

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Machine Translation Using Probabilistic Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars
Yuan Ding | Martha Palmer

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Context-Dependent SMT Model using Bilingual Verb-Noun Collocation
Young-Sook Hwang | Yutaka Sasaki

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A Localized Prediction Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Christoph Tillmann | Tong Zhang

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Instance-based Sentence Boundary Determination by Optimization for Natural Language Generation
Shimei Pan | James Shaw

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Arabic Tokenization, Part-of-Speech Tagging and Morphological Disambiguation in One Fell Swoop
Nizar Habash | Owen Rambow

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Semantic Role Labeling Using Different Syntactic Views
Sameer Pradhan | Wayne Ward | Kadri Hacioglu | James Martin | Daniel Jurafsky

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Joint Learning Improves Semantic Role Labeling
Kristina Toutanova | Aria Haghighi | Christopher Manning

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Paraphrasing with Bilingual Parallel Corpora
Colin Bannard | Chris Callison-Burch

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A Nonparametric Method for Extraction of Candidate Phrasal Terms
Paul Deane

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Automatic Acquisition of Adjectival Subcategorization from Corpora
Jeremy Yallop | Anna Korhonen | Ted Briscoe

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Randomized Algorithms and NLP: Using Locality Sensitive Hash Functions for High Speed Noun Clustering
Deepak Ravichandran | Patrick Pantel | Eduard Hovy


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Proceedings of the ACL Student Research Workshop

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Proceedings of the ACL Student Research Workshop
Chris Callison-Burch | Stephen Wan

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Hybrid Methods for POS Guessing of Chinese Unknown Words
Xiaofei Lu

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Understanding the Thematic Structure of the Qur’an: An Exploratory Multivariate Approach
Naglaa Thabet

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An Extensive Empirical Study of Collocation Extraction Methods
Pavel Pecina

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Jointly Labeling Multiple Sequences: A Factorial HMM Approach
Kevin Duh

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Exploiting Named Entity Taggers in a Second Language
Thamar Solorio

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Automatic Discovery of Intentions in Text and its Application to Question Answering
Marta Tatu

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American Sign Language Generation: Multimodal NLG with Multiple Linguistic Channels
Matt Huenerfauth

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Using Emoticons to Reduce Dependency in Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Classification
Jonathon Read

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Learning Meronyms from Biomedical Text
Angus Roberts

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Using Readers to Identify Lexical Cohesive Structures in Texts
Beata Beigman Klebanov

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Towards an Optimal Lexicalization in a Natural-Sounding Portable Natural Language Generator for Dialog Systems
Inge M. R. De Bleecker

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Phrase Linguistic Classification and Generalization for Improving Statistical Machine Translation
Adrià de Gispert

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Automatic Induction of a CCG Grammar for Turkish
Ruken Çakıcı

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Dialogue Act Tagging for Instant Messaging Chat Sessions
Edward Ivanovic

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Learning Strategies for Open-Domain Natural Language Question Answering
Eugene Grois

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Dependency-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Heidi Fox

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Minimalist Parsing of Subjects Displaced from Embedded Clauses in Free Word Order Languages
Asad B. Sayeed

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Centrality Measures in Text Mining: Prediction of Noun Phrases that Appear in Abstracts
Zhuli Xie

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A Corpus-Based Approach to Topic in Danish dialog
Philip Diderichsen | Jakob Elming

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Learning Information Structure in the Prague Treebank
Oana Postolache

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Speech Recognition of Czech—Inclusion of Rare Words Helps
Petr Podveský | Pavel Machek

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Using Bilingual Dependencies to Align Words in English/French Parallel Corpora
Sylwia Ozdowska

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An Unsupervised System for Identifying English Inclusions in German Text
Beatrice Alex

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Corpus-Oriented Development of Japanese HPSG Parsers
Kazuhiro Yoshida

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Unsupervised Discrimination and Labeling of Ambiguous Names
Anagha Kulkarni

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A Domain-Specific Statistical Surface Realizer
Jeffrey Russell


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Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions

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Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions
Masaaki Nagata | Ted Pedersen

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An Information-State Approach to Collaborative Reference
David DeVault | Natalia Kariaeva | Anubha Kothari | Iris Oved | Matthew Stone

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Accessing GermaNet Data and Computing Semantic Relatedness
Iryna Gurevych | Hendrik Niederlich

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Efficient Solving and Exploration of Scope Ambiguities
Alexander Koller | Stefan Thater

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CL Research’s Knowledge Management System
Kenneth C. Litkowski

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Dynamically Generating a Protein Entity Dictionary Using Online Resources
Hongfang Liu | Zhangzhi Hu | Cathy Wu

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Descriptive Question Answering in Encyclopedia
Hyo-Jung O. Lee | Hyeon-Jin Kim | Myung-Gil Jang

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High Throughput Modularized NLP System for Clinical Text
Serguei Pakhomov | James Buntrock | Patrick Duffy

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A Voice Enabled Procedure Browser for the International Space Station
Manny Rayner | Beth A. Hockey | Nikos Chatzichrisafis | Kim Farrell | Jean-Michel Renders

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The Linguist’s Search Engine: An Overview
Philip Resnik | Aaron Elkiss

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Learning Source-Target Surface Patterns for Web-based Terminology Translation
Jian-Cheng Wu | Tracy Lin | Jason S. Chang

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SPEECH OGLE: Indexing Uncertainty for Spoken Document Search
Ciprian Chelba | Alex Acero

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Multimodal Generation in the COMIC Dialogue System
Mary E. Foster | Michael White | Andrea Setzer | Roberta Catizone

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Language Independent Extractive Summarization
Rada Mihalcea

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SenseLearner: Word Sense Disambiguation for All Words in Unrestricted Text
Rada Mihalcea | Andras Csomai

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Syntax-based Semi-Supervised Named Entity Tagging
Behrang Mohit | Rebecca Hwa

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Portable Translator Capable of Recognizing Characters on Signboard and Menu Captured by its Built-in Camera
Hideharu Nakajima | Yoshihiro Matsuo | Masaaki Nagata | Kuniko Saito

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Supporting Annotation Layers for Natural Language Processing
Preslav Nakov | Ariel Schwartz | Brian Wolf | Marti Hearst

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Word Alignment and Cross-Lingual Resource Acquisition
Carol Nichols | Rebecca Hwa

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SenseRelate::TargetWord—A Generalized Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation
Siddharth Patwardhan | Satanjeev Banerjee | Ted Pedersen

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A Practical Solution to the Problem of Automatic Part-of-Speech Induction from Text
Reinhard Rapp

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Automating Temporal Annotation with TARSQI
Marc Verhagen | Inderjeet Mani | Roser Sauri | Jessica Littman | Robert Knippen | Seok B. Jang | Anna Rumshisky | John Phillips | James Pustejovsky

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Two Diverse Systems Built using Generic Components for Spoken Dialogue (Recent Progress on TRIPS)
James Allen | George Ferguson | Amanda Stent | Scott Stoness | Mary Swift | Lucian Galescu | Nathan Chambers | Ellen Campana | Gregory Aist

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Transonics: A Practical Speech-to-Speech Translator for English-Farsi Medical Dialogs
Robert Belvin | Emil Ettelaie | Sudeep Gandhe | Panayiotis Georgiou | Kevin Knight | Daniel Marcu | Scott Millward | Shrikanth Narayanan | Howard Neely | David Traum

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The Wild Thing
Ken Church | Bo Thiesson

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Interactively Exploring a Machine Translation Model
Steve DeNeefe | Kevin Knight | Hayward H. Chan

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Multi-Engine Machine Translation Guided by Explicit Word Matching
Shyamsundar Jayaraman | Alon Lavie

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SenseClusters: Unsupervised Clustering and Labeling of Similar Contexts
Anagha Kulkarni | Ted Pedersen

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A Flexible Stand-Off Data Model with Query Language for Multi-Level Annotation
Christoph Mueller

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HAHAcronym: A Computational Humor System
Oliviero Stock | Carlo Strapparava

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Organizing English Reading Materials for Vocabulary Learning
Masao Utiyama | Midori Tanimura | Hitoshi Isahara

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Reformatting Web Documents via Header Trees
Minoru Yoshida | Hiroshi Nakagawa