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Machine Translation Summit (2015)


bib (full) Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XV: Papers

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Patent claim translation based on sublanguage-specific sentence structure
Masaru Fuji | Atsushi Fujita | Masao Utiyama | Eiichiro Sumita | Yuji Matsumoto

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Japanese news simplification: tak design, data set construction, and analysis of simplified text
Isao Goto | Hideki Tanaka | Tadashi Kumano

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Learning bilingual distributed phrase represenations for statistical machine translation
Chaochao Wang | Deyi Xiong | Min Zhang | Chunyu Kit

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Learning bilingual phrase representations with recurrent neural networks
Hideya Mino | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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A pilot study towards end-to-end MT training
Feifei Zhai | Liang Huang

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Automatic detection of antecedents of Japanese zero pronouns using a Japanese-English bilingual corpus
Dong Zhan | Hiromi Nakaiwa

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METEOR for multiple target languages using DBnary
Zied Elloumi | Hervé Blanchon | Gilles Serasset | Laurent Besacier

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Japanese controlled language rules to improve machine translatability of municipal documents
Rei Miyata | Anthony Hartley | Cécile Paris | Midori Tatsumi | Kyo Kageura

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Morphological constraints for phrase pivot statistical machine translation
Ahmed El Kholy | Nizar Habash

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Using joint models or domain adaptation in statistical machine translation
Nadir Durrani | Hassan Sajjad | Shafiq Joty | Ahmed Abdelali | Stephan Vogel

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Machine translation evaluation made fuzzier: a study on post-editing productivity and evaluation metrics in commercial settings
Carla Parra Escartín | Manuel Arcedillo

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A distributed inflection model for translating into morphologically rich languages
Ke Tran | Arianna Bisazza | Christof Monz

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Bandit structured prediction for learning from partial feedback in statistical machine translation
Artem Sokolov | Stefan Riezler | Tanguy Urvoy

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An empirical study of segment prioritization for incrementally retrained post-editing-based SMT
Jinhua Du | Ankit Srivastava | Andy Way | Alfredo Maldonado-Guerra | David Lewis

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Effects of word alignment visualization on post-editing quality & speed
Lane Schwartz | Isabel Lacruz | Tatyana Bystrova

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A systematic evaluation of MBOT in statistical machine translation
Nina Seemann | Fabienne Braune | Andreas Maletti

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Register-based machine translation evaluation with text classification techniques
Mihaela Vela | Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski

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Error-tolerant speech-to-speech translation
Rohit Kumar | Sanjika Hewavitharana | Nina Zinovieva | Matthew E. Roy | Edward Pattison-Gordon

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Mixed domain vs. multi-domain statistical machine translation
Matthias Huck | Alexandra Birch | Barry Haddow

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Korean-Chinese word translation using Chinese character knowledge
Yuanmei Lu | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Sadao Kurohashi

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Topic adaptation for machine translation of e-commerce content
Prashant Mathur | Marcello Federico | Selçuk Köprü | Sharam Khadivi | Hassan Sawaf

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Machine translation with source-predicted target morphology
Joachim Daiber | Khalil Sima’an

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Improved beam search with constrained softmax for NMT
Xiaoguang Hu | Wei Li | Xiang Lan | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang

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Bilingual distributed phrase representations for statistical machin translation
Peyman Passban | Chris Hokamp | Qun Li

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Improved search strategy for interactive predictions in computer-assisted translation
Fatemeh Azadi | Shahram Khadivi

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Improving semantic SMT via soft semantic role label constraints on ITG alignmens
Meriem Beloucif | Markus Saers | Dekai Wu

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Wiktionary-based word embeddings
Gerard de Melo


bib (full) Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XV: User Track

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MT at NetApp – this is how we do it
Edith Bendermacher | Pablo Vázquez

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Machine translation in mobile games: augmenting social media text normalization with incentivized feedback
Nikhil Bojja | Arun Nedunchezhian | Pidong Wang

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Why are we (still) waiting? What premium translators need to use MT effectively
Robin Bonthrone | Konstantin Lakshin

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Machine translation and terminology management [abstract]
Jennifer DeCamp

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MT quality estimation for e-commerce data
José G. C. de Souza | Marcello Federico | Hassan Sawaf

Yandex.Translate approach to the translation of Turkic languages [abstract
Irina Galinskaya | Farkhat Aminov

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Solving specific content challenges with flexible machine translation
Quinn Lam

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Quality evaluation of four translations of a kidney document: focus on reliability
Alan K. Melby

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A survey of usage environment of machine translation by professional translators
Tomoki Nagase | Tatsuhiro Kudoh | Katsunori Kotani | Wenjun ye | Takeshi Mori | Yoshiyuki Sakamoto | Nobutoshi Hatanaka | Takamitsu Takeda | Shu Hirata | Hiromi Nakaiwa

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Machine translation for enterprise technical communications – a journey of discovery
Morgan O’Brien | Ana Duarte

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MT quality evaluations: from test environment to production
Elaine O’Curran

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Enterprise application of MT: progress and challenges
Craig Plesco | Nestor Rychtyckyj

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Machine translation quality estimation: a linguist’s approach
Juan Rowda

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Industry shared metrics with the TAUS dynamic quality dashboard and API
Achim Ruopp

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Accurately predicting post-editing time & labor for cost management
Carla Schelfhout

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Beyond rext, machine translation and NLP for e-discovery [abstract]
Jean Sennellart | Denis Gachot | Joshua Johanson

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Designing user experience for machine translated conversations
Tanvi Surti

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How much cake is enough: the case for domain-specific engines
Alex Yanishevsky

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Productivity promotion strategies for collaborative translation on huge volume technical documents
Guiping Zhang | Na Ye | Fang Cai | Chuang Wu | Xiangkui Sun | Jinfu Yuan | Dongfeng Cai

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A machine-assisted human translation system for technical documents
Vishwajeet Kumar | Ashish Kulkarni | Pankaj Singh | Ganesh Ramakrishnan | Ganesh Arnaal