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UI Kitten 5.3

A React Native framework for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications. Design system-based, UI Kitten brings your product from an MVP to the final product version. Forever open source and free!

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UI Kitten for business

If you use UI Kitten for business, we'd like to offer you:

  • A custom template development;
  • Developers, designers, analytics, QAs, PMs & marketing specialists to join your team;
  • UI Kitten customization services;
  • The review of your project.

What is UI Kitten

UI Kitten is a React Native implementation of the Eva Design System. The framework contains a set of general-purpose UI components styled in a similar way. The most awesome thing about Ui Kitten is that the themes can be changed in the runtime without reloading the application. This way, you may easily focus on business logic, while UI Kitten takes care of the visual appearance of your product.

How to use
the UI Kitten?

Start App creation
1. Install the UI Kitten package from the NPM
npm i react-native-ui-kitten @eva-design/eva
2. Import the component and use it in your project
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-native-ui-kitten';
export const AwesomeButton = () => (

Multi Theming

Unlock the true power of the theming system by switching between Light and Dark themes in the runtime. Drive diversity by creating as many themes as needed without changing the source code of the components.


Eva Design System

Construct stunning and consistent interfaces using atomic components by following the Eva Design System specifications.

Learn more about Eva Design System


Kitten Tricks

To see UI Kitten in action, download a live demo published on both App Store and Google Play or run it by cloning a GitHub repo. You can use it as a starter kit for your next mobile app for any domain: e-commerce, social, fitness, etc. Compose the application from available screens, add backend integration, and you will end up with an A-grade cross-platform mobile application.

Kitten Lovers

This is just awesome. Very useful and can be easily implementented on native apps like. Thanks to these guys. Saved a lot of effort.

Hey @akveo_inc, react-native-ui-kitten is amazing. FeatureRequest: Add a component for popup/dialog box in the theme and demo in app.

Nice UI/UX. Looking forward to trying it on next project.

Great jod with the UI. It’s a nice looking app, can’t wait to check it out on another system.

Bring your creative ideas to life

With UI Kitten

Start App creation
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Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.