[go: nahoru, domu]

Final migration of material size tests.

Also removes the old sizes testing infra.

It turned out that having a utility that sets a content and returns it
for measuring in a safe way (by using parent) is quite less error prone
and requires less code so I have kept that patten but hooked it to the
new APIs.

I couldn't migrate for instance text position tests as that would
require access to unmerged semantics. But I still at least fixed the
positions used, so it won't cause issues on cutouts anymore.

Bug: b/157657482
Test: N/A
Relnote: Removed obsolete size testing APIs.
Change-Id: Iba0a086e8c88cf44684cba56766792614201ba30
diff --git a/ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/DrawerTest.kt b/ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/DrawerTest.kt
index 2f2da2f..510382b 100644
--- a/ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/DrawerTest.kt
+++ b/ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/DrawerTest.kt
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
 import androidx.ui.graphics.Color
 import androidx.ui.layout.fillMaxSize
 import androidx.ui.layout.rtl
+import androidx.ui.test.assertIsEqualTo
+import androidx.ui.test.assertLeftPositionInRootIsEqualTo
+import androidx.ui.test.assertTopPositionInRootIsEqualTo
+import androidx.ui.test.assertWidthIsEqualTo
 import androidx.ui.test.createComposeRule
 import androidx.ui.test.doGesture
 import androidx.ui.test.findByTag
@@ -42,7 +46,6 @@
 import androidx.ui.test.sendSwipeLeft
 import androidx.ui.test.sendSwipeRight
 import androidx.ui.test.sendSwipeUp
-import androidx.ui.unit.IntSize
 import androidx.ui.unit.dp
 import androidx.ui.unit.height
 import androidx.ui.unit.width
@@ -65,17 +68,14 @@
     fun modalDrawer_testOffset_whenOpened() {
-        var position: Offset? = null
         composeTestRule.setMaterialContent {
             ModalDrawerLayout(DrawerState.Opened, {}, drawerContent = {
-                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().onPositioned { coords: LayoutCoordinates ->
-                    position = coords.localToGlobal(Offset.Zero)
-                })
+                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().testTag("content"))
             }, bodyContent = emptyContent())
-        runOnIdleCompose {
-            assertThat(position!!.x).isEqualTo(0f)
-        }
+        findByTag("content")
+            .assertLeftPositionInRootIsEqualTo(0.dp)
@@ -84,52 +84,42 @@
         composeTestRule.setMaterialContent {
             ModalDrawerLayout(DrawerState.Closed, {}, drawerContent = {
                 Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().onPositioned { coords: LayoutCoordinates ->
-                    position = coords.localToGlobal(Offset.Zero)
+                    position = coords.localToRoot(Offset.Zero)
             }, bodyContent = emptyContent())
-        val width = composeTestRule.displayMetrics.widthPixels
-        runOnIdleCompose {
-            assertThat(position!!.x.roundToInt()).isEqualTo(-width)
+        val width = rootWidth()
+        composeTestRule.runOnIdleComposeWithDensity {
+            position!!.x.toDp().assertIsEqualTo(-width)
     fun modalDrawer_testEndPadding_whenOpened() {
-        var size: IntSize? = null
         composeTestRule.setMaterialContent {
             ModalDrawerLayout(DrawerState.Opened, {}, drawerContent = {
-                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().onPositioned { coords: LayoutCoordinates ->
-                    size = coords.size
-                })
+                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().testTag("content"))
             }, bodyContent = emptyContent())
-        val width = composeTestRule.displayMetrics.widthPixels
-        composeTestRule.runOnIdleComposeWithDensity {
-            assertThat(size!!.width)
-                .isEqualTo(width - 56.dp.toPx().roundToInt())
-        }
+        findByTag("content")
+            .assertWidthIsEqualTo(rootWidth() - 56.dp)
     fun bottomDrawer_testOffset_whenOpened() {
-        var position: Offset? = null
         composeTestRule.setMaterialContent {
             BottomDrawerLayout(DrawerState.Opened, {}, drawerContent = {
-                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().onPositioned { coords: LayoutCoordinates ->
-                    position = coords.localToGlobal(Offset.Zero)
-                })
+                Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().testTag("content"))
             }, bodyContent = emptyContent())
-        val width = composeTestRule.displayMetrics.widthPixels
-        val height = composeTestRule.displayMetrics.heightPixels
-        // temporary calculation of landscape screen
-        val expectedHeight = if (width > height) 0 else (height / 2f).roundToInt()
-        runOnIdleCompose {
-            assertThat(position!!.y.roundToInt()).isEqualTo(expectedHeight)
-        }
+        val width = rootWidth()
+        val height = rootHeight()
+        val expectedHeight = if (width > height) 0.dp else (height / 2)
+        findByTag("content")
+            .assertTopPositionInRootIsEqualTo(expectedHeight)
@@ -138,13 +128,14 @@
         composeTestRule.setMaterialContent {
             BottomDrawerLayout(DrawerState.Closed, {}, drawerContent = {
                 Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().onPositioned { coords: LayoutCoordinates ->
-                    position = coords.localToGlobal(Offset.Zero)
+                    position = coords.localToRoot(Offset.Zero)
             }, bodyContent = emptyContent())
-        val height = composeTestRule.displayMetrics.heightPixels
-        runOnIdleCompose {
-            assertThat(position!!.y.roundToInt()).isEqualTo(height)
+        val height = rootHeight()
+        composeTestRule.runOnIdleComposeWithDensity {
+            position!!.y.toDp().assertIsEqualTo(height)