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The androidx.webkit library is a static library you can add to your Android application in order to use android.webkit APIs that are not available for older platform versions.
If you're trying to modify the androidx.webkit library, or apply local changes to the library, you can do so like so:
cd frameworks/support/ # Build the library/compile changes ./gradlew :webkit:webkit:assembleDebug # Run integration tests with the WebView installed on the device ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:instrumentation:connectedAndroidTest # Update API files (only necessary if you changed public APIs) ./gradlew :webkit:webkit:updateApi
For more a detailed developer guide, Googlers should read http://go/wvsl-contribute.
The instrumentation tests for androidx.webkit
are located in the :webkit:integration-tests:instrumentation
project. The tests have been split out into a separate project to facilitate testing against different targetSdk versions.
Any new tests should be added to that project. To run the test, use the command above.
We also maintain a demo app (demo code, developer guide) to demonstrate how to properly use the latest androidx.webkit APIs in your Android app.