[go: nahoru, domu]

Module root

Compose Material 3

Package androidx.compose.material3

Build Jetpack Compose UIs with Material Design 3, the next evolution of Material Design. Material 3 includes updated theming and components and Material You personalization features like dynamic color, and is designed to be cohesive with the new Android 12 visual style and system UI.

Material You image

In this page, you'll find documentation for types, properties, and functions available in the androidx.compose.material3 package.

For more information, check out Material Design 3 in Compose.



Material Theming[MaterialTheme]M3 theme
Color scheme[ColorScheme]M3 color scheme
[lightColorScheme]M3 light color scheme
[darkColorScheme]M3 dark color scheme
Dynamic color[dynamicLightColorScheme]M3 dynamic light color scheme
[dynamicDarkColorScheme]M3 dynamic dark color scheme
Typography[Typography]M3 typography
Shape[Shapes]M3 shape


Badge[Badge]M3 badge
[BadgedBox]M3 badged box
Bottom app bar[BottomAppBar]M3 bottom app bar
Buttons[Button]M3 filled button
[ElevatedButton]M3 elevated button
[FilledTonalButton]M3 filled tonal button
[OutlinedButton]M3 outlined button
[TextButton]M3 text button
Cards[Card]M3 filled card
[ElevatedCard]M3 elevated card
[OutlinedCard]M3 outlined card
Checkbox[Checkbox]M3 checkbox
[TriStateCheckbox]M3 indeterminate checkbox
Chips[AssistChip]M3 assist chip
[ElevatedAssistChip]M3 elevated assist chip
[FilterChip]M3 filter chip
[ElevatedFilterChip]M3 elevated filter chip
[InputChip]M3 input chip
[SuggestionChip]M3 suggestion chip
[ElevatedSuggestionChip]M3 elevated suggestion chip
Dialogs[AlertDialog]M3 basic dialog
Dividers[Divider]M3 divider
Extended FAB[ExtendedFloatingActionButton]M3 extended FAB
FAB[FloatingActionButton]M3 FAB
[SmallFloatingActionButton]M3 small FAB
[LargeFloatingActionButton]M3 large FAB
Icon button[IconButton]M3 standard icon button
[IconToggleButton]M3 standard icon toggle button
[FilledIconButton]M3 filled icon button
[FilledIconToggleButton]M3 filled icon toggle button
[FilledTonalIconButton]M3 filled tonal icon button
[FilledTonalIconToggleButton]M3 filled tonal icon toggle button
[OutlinedIconButton]M3 outlined icon button
[OutlinedIconToggleButton]M3 outlined icon toggle button
Lists[ListItem]M3 list item
Menus[DropdownMenu]M3 menu
[DropdownMenuItem]M3 menu item
[ExposedDropdownMenuBox]M3 exposed dropdown menu
Navigation bar[NavigationBar]M3 navigation bar
[NavigationBarItem]M3 navigation bar item
Navigation drawer[ModalNavigationDrawer]M3 modal navigation drawer
[ModalDrawerSheet]M3 modal drawer sheet
[PermanentNavigationDrawer]M3 permanent standard navigation drawer
[PermanentDrawerSheet]M3 permanent standard drawer sheet
[DismissibleNavigationDrawer]M3 dismissible standard navigation drawer
[DismissibleDrawerSheet]M3 dismissible standard drawer sheet
[NavigationDrawerItem]M3 navigation drawer item
Navigation rail[NavigationRail]M3 navigation rail
[NavigationRailItem]M3 navigation rail item
Progress indicators[LinearProgressIndicator]M3 linear progress indicator
[CircularProgressIndicator]M3 circular progress indicator
Radio button[RadioButton]M3 radio button
Sliders[Slider]M3 slider
[RangeSlider]M3 range slider
Snackbars[Snackbar]M3 snackbar
Switch[Switch]M3 switch
Tabs[Tab]M3 tab
[LeadingIconTab]M3 leading icon tab
[TabRow]M3 tab row
[ScrollableTabRow]M3 scrollable tab row
Text fields[TextField]M3 filled text field
[OutlinedTextField]M3 outlined text field
Top app bar[TopAppBar]M3 small top app bar
[CenterAlignedTopAppBar]M3 center-aligned top app bar
[MediumTopAppBar]M3 medium top app bar
[LargeTopAppBar]M3 large top app bar

Surfaces and layout

Surfaces[Surface]M3 surface
Scaffold[Scaffold]M3 layout

Icons and text

Icon[Icon]M3 icon
Text[Text]M3 text

Also check out the androidx.compose.material.icons package.