[go: nahoru, domu]

Improve TouchSlopExceededGestureFilter.

Actually remove it and replace it with
DragSlopExceededGestureFilter which fires
its callback when the averge change in
pointers exceedes the slop.

Fixes: 157057157
Test: ./gradlew ui:ui-core:test

Change-Id: Ia68c1c8ade9020021f3480f9d6f3c055a9cc5b40
diff --git a/ui/ui-core/src/test/java/androidx/ui/core/gesture/DragSlopExceededGestureFilterTest.kt b/ui/ui-core/src/test/java/androidx/ui/core/gesture/DragSlopExceededGestureFilterTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e83ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-core/src/test/java/androidx/ui/core/gesture/DragSlopExceededGestureFilterTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package androidx.ui.core.gesture
+import androidx.ui.core.Direction
+import androidx.ui.core.PointerEventPass
+import androidx.ui.core.consumeDownChange
+import androidx.ui.testutils.consume
+import androidx.ui.testutils.down
+import androidx.ui.testutils.invokeOverAllPasses
+import androidx.ui.testutils.invokeOverPasses
+import androidx.ui.testutils.moveBy
+import androidx.ui.testutils.moveTo
+import androidx.ui.testutils.up
+import androidx.ui.unit.Duration
+import androidx.ui.unit.milliseconds
+import androidx.ui.unit.px
+import com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat
+import org.junit.Before
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+// TODO(shepshapard): Write the following tests.
+// Verify correct shape of slop area (should it be a square or circle)?
+// Test for cases with more than one pointer
+// Test for cases where things are reset when last pointer goes up
+// Verify all methods called during onPostUp
+// Verify default behavior when no callback provided for filter or canDrag
+// Changing this value will break tests that expect the value to be 10.
+private const val TestTouchSlop = 10
+class DragSlopExceededGestureFilterTest {
+    private val onDragSlopExceeded: () -> Unit = { onDragSlopExceededCallCount++ }
+    private val canDrag: (Direction) -> Boolean = { direction ->
+        canDragDirections.add(direction)
+        canDragReturn
+    }
+    private var onDragSlopExceededCallCount: Int = 0
+    private var canDragReturn = false
+    private var canDragDirections: MutableList<Direction> = mutableListOf()
+    private lateinit var filter: DragSlopExceededGestureFilter
+    private val TinyNum = .01f
+    @Before
+    fun setup() {
+        >
+        canDragReturn = true
+        canDragDirections.clear()
+        filter =
+            DragSlopExceededGestureFilter(TestTouchSlop.px)
+        filter.canDrag = canDrag
+        filter.>
+    }
+    // Verify the circumstances under which canDrag should not be called.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_down_canDragNotCalled() {
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down(0))
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).isEmpty()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downUp_canDragNotCalled() {
+        val down = down(0, duration = 0.milliseconds)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val up = down.up(10.milliseconds)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(up)
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).isEmpty()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMoveFullyConsumed_canDragNotCalled() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 3f, 5f).consume(3f, 5f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).isEmpty()
+    }
+    // Verify the circumstances under which canDrag should be called.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMove1Dimension_canDragCalledOnce() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 3f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Twice because while under touch slop, TouchSlopExceededGestureDetector checks during PostUp and PostDown
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(2)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMove2Dimensions_canDragCalledTwice() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 3f, 5f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // 4 times because while under touch slop, TouchSlopExceededGestureDetector checks during PostUp and
+        // PostDown
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(4)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMoveOneDimensionPartiallyConsumed_canDragCalledOnce() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, 5f).consume(0f, 4f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Twice because while under touch slop, DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and
+        // PostDown
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(2)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMoveTwoDimensionPartiallyConsumed_canDragCalledTwice() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 3f, 5f).consume(2f, 4f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // 4 times because while under touch slop, DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and
+        // PostDown
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(4)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_dragPastTouchSlopOneDimensionAndDrag3MoreTimes_canDragCalledOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        var move = down.moveTo(10.milliseconds, 0f, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        repeat(3) {
+            move = move.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, 1f)
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        }
+        // Once because although DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and PostDown, slop is
+        // surpassed during PostUp, and thus isn't checked again.
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMoveUnderSlop3Times_canDragCalled3Times() {
+        val thirdSlop = TestTouchSlop / 3
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        var move = down
+        repeat(3) {
+            move = move.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, thirdSlop.toFloat())
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        }
+        // 6 times because while under touch slop, DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and
+        // PostDown
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(6)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveBeyondSlopThenIntoTouchSlopAreaAndOutAgain_canDragCalledOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var event = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Out of touch slop region
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Back into touch slop region
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, -beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Out of touch slop region again
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Once because although DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and PostDown, slop is
+        // surpassed during PostUp, and thus isn't checked again.
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(1)
+    }
+    // Verification of correctness of values passed to canDrag.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection() {
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            -1f, 0f, arrayOf(Direction.LEFT)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            0f, -1f, arrayOf(Direction.UP)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            1f, 0f, arrayOf(Direction.RIGHT)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            0f, 1f, arrayOf(Direction.DOWN)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            -1f, -1f, arrayOf(Direction.LEFT, Direction.UP)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            -1f, 1f, arrayOf(Direction.LEFT, Direction.DOWN)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            1f, -1f, arrayOf(Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP)
+        )
+        onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+            1f, 1f, arrayOf(Direction.RIGHT, Direction.DOWN)
+        )
+    }
+    private fun onPointerInputChanges_canDragCalledWithCorrectDirection(
+        dx: Float,
+        dy: Float,
+        expectedDirections: Array<Direction>
+    ) {
+        canDragDirections.clear()
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), dx, dy)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Everything here is twice because DragGestureDetector checks during PostUp and PostDown.
+        assertThat(canDragDirections).hasSize(expectedDirections.size * 2)
+        expectedDirections.forEach { direction ->
+            assertThat(canDragDirections.count { it == direction })
+                .isEqualTo(2)
+        }
+    }
+    // Verify the circumstances under which onTouchSlopExceeded should not be called.
+    // TODO(b/129701831): This test assumes that if a pointer moves by slop in both x and y, we are
+    // still under slop even though sqrt(slop^2 + slop^2) > slop.  This may be inaccurate and this
+    // test may therefore need to be updated.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downMoveWithinSlop_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 10),
+            TestTouchSlop.toFloat(),
+            TestTouchSlop.toFloat()
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveBeyondSlopInUnsupportedDirection_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        canDragReturn = false
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 10),
+            beyondSlop,
+            beyondSlop
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveBeyondSlopButConsumeUnder_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, TestTouchSlop + TinyNum, 0f).consume(dx = 1f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveUnderToPostUpThenModOverInOppDir_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, TestTouchSlop.toFloat(), 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            listOf(move),
+            listOf(
+                PointerEventPass.InitialDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PreUp,
+                PointerEventPass.PreDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PostUp
+            )
+        )
+        val move2 = move.consume(dx = (TestTouchSlop * 2f + TinyNum))
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            move2,
+            PointerEventPass.PostDown
+        )
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    // TODO(b/129701831): This test assumes that if a pointer moves by slop in both x and y, we are
+    // still under slop even though sqrt(slop^2 + slop^2) > slop.  This may be inaccurate and this
+    // test may therefore need to be updated.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveAroundWithinSlop_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val slop = TestTouchSlop.toFloat()
+        var change = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // Go around the border of the touch slop area
+        // To top left
+        change = change.moveTo(10.milliseconds, -slop, -slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // To bottom left
+        change = change.moveTo(20.milliseconds, -slop, slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // To bottom right
+        change = change.moveTo(30.milliseconds, slop, slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // To top right
+        change = change.moveTo(40.milliseconds, slop, -slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // Jump from corner to opposite corner and back
+        // To bottom left
+        change = change.moveTo(50.milliseconds, -slop, slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // To top right
+        change = change.moveTo(60.milliseconds, slop, -slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // Move the other diagonal
+        // To top left
+        change = change.moveTo(70.milliseconds, -slop, -slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // Jump from corner to opposite corner and back
+        // To bottom right
+        change = change.moveTo(80.milliseconds, slop, slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        // To top left
+        change = change.moveTo(90.milliseconds, -slop, -slop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    // Verify the circumstances under which onTouchSlopExceeded should be called.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_movePassedSlop_onTouchSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+            beyondSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_movePassedSlopIn2Events_onTouchSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+            TestTouchSlop.toFloat(),
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        val move2 = down.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+            1f,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move2)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_passSlopThenInSlopAreaThenOut_onTouchSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var event = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Out of touch slop region
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Back into touch slop region
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, -beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        // Out of touch slop region again
+        event = event.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 10), 0f, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(event)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_downConsumedMovePassedSlop_onTouchSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0).consumeDownChange()
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(Duration(milliseconds = 100), beyondSlop, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_beyondInUnsupportThenBeyondInSupport_onTouchSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var change = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        canDragReturn = false
+        change = change.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 10),
+            0f,
+            beyondSlop
+        )
+        // Sanity check that onTouchSlopExceeded has not been called.
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+        canDragReturn = true
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        change = change.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 10),
+            0f,
+            -beyondSlop
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(change)
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_2PointsMoveInOpposite_onTouchSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var pointer1 = down(1)
+        var pointer2 = down(2)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Act
+        pointer1 = pointer1.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+            beyondSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        pointer2 = pointer2.moveBy(
+            Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+            -beyondSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_3PointsMoveAverage0_onDragSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val pointers = arrayOf(down(0), down(1), down(2))
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(*pointers)
+        // Act
+        // These movements average to no movement.
+        pointers[0] =
+            pointers[0].moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                beyondSlop * -1,
+                beyondSlop * -1
+            )
+        pointers[1] =
+            pointers[1].moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                beyondSlop * 1,
+                beyondSlop * -1
+            )
+        pointers[2] =
+            pointers[2].moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                0f,
+                beyondSlop * 2
+            )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(*pointers)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_2Points1MoveJustBeyondSlop_onDragSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var pointer1 = down(0)
+        var pointer2 = down(1)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Act
+        // These movements average to no movement.
+        pointer1 =
+            pointer1.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                0f,
+                0f
+            )
+        pointer2 =
+            pointer2.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                beyondSlop * -1,
+                0f
+            )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_2Points1MoveJustUnderTwiceSlop_onDragSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var pointer1 = down(0)
+        var pointer2 = down(1)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Act
+        // These movements average to no movement.
+        pointer1 =
+            pointer1.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                0f,
+                0f
+            )
+        pointer2 =
+            pointer2.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                beyondSlop * 2 - 1,
+                0f
+            )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_2Points1MoveToTwiceSlop_onDragSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var pointer1 = down(0)
+        var pointer2 = down(1)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Act
+        // These movements average to no movement.
+        pointer1 =
+            pointer1.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                0f,
+                0f
+            )
+        pointer2 =
+            pointer2.moveBy(
+                Duration(milliseconds = 100),
+                beyondSlop * 2,
+                0f
+            )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer1, pointer2)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1PointMovesBeyondSlopAndThenManyTimes_onDragSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        // Arrange
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        var pointer = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        // Act
+        repeat(5) {
+            pointer = pointer.moveBy(100.milliseconds, beyondSlop, beyondSlop)
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        }
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1ModifiedToMoveBeyondSlopBeforePostUp_onDragSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, 0f, 0f).consume(dx = beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            listOf(move),
+            listOf(
+                PointerEventPass.InitialDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PreUp,
+                PointerEventPass.PreDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PostUp
+            )
+        )
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1ModedToMoveBeyondSlopBeforePostDown_onDragSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, 0f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            listOf(move),
+            listOf(
+                PointerEventPass.InitialDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PreUp,
+                PointerEventPass.PreDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PostUp
+            )
+        )
+        val moveConsumed = move.consume(dx = beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            moveConsumed,
+            PointerEventPass.PostDown
+        )
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveUnderToPostUpThenModOverToPostDown_onDragSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val halfSlop = TestTouchSlop / 2
+        val restOfSlopAndBeyond = TestTouchSlop - halfSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, halfSlop.toFloat(), 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            listOf(move),
+            listOf(
+                PointerEventPass.InitialDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PreUp,
+                PointerEventPass.PreDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PostUp
+            )
+        )
+        val moveConsumed = move.consume(dx = -restOfSlopAndBeyond)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            moveConsumed,
+            PointerEventPass.PostDown
+        )
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_moveBeyondSlopAllPassesUpToPostUp_onDragSlopExceededCallOnce() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, beyondSlop, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverPasses(
+            listOf(move),
+            listOf(
+                PointerEventPass.InitialDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PreUp,
+                PointerEventPass.PreDown,
+                PointerEventPass.PostUp
+            )
+        )
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(1)
+    }
+    // Verification that TouchSlopExceededGestureDetector does not consume any changes.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1Down_nothingConsumed() {
+        val result = filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down(0))
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(result.consumed.downChange).isFalse()
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.x).isEqualTo(0.px)
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.y).isEqualTo(0.px)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1MoveUnderSlop_nothingConsumed() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, TestTouchSlop.toFloat(), TestTouchSlop.toFloat())
+        val result = filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(result.consumed.downChange).isFalse()
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.x).isEqualTo(0.px)
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.y).isEqualTo(0.px)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1MoveUnderSlopThenUp_nothingConsumed() {
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, TestTouchSlop.toFloat(), TestTouchSlop.toFloat())
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        val up = move.up(20.milliseconds)
+        val result = filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(up)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(result.consumed.downChange).isFalse()
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.x).isEqualTo(0.px)
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.y).isEqualTo(0.px)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1MoveOverSlop_nothingConsumed() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, beyondSlop, beyondSlop)
+        val result = filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(result.consumed.downChange).isFalse()
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.x).isEqualTo(0.px)
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.y).isEqualTo(0.px)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_1MoveOverSlopThenUp_nothingConsumed() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        val down = down(0)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+        val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, beyondSlop, beyondSlop)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+        val up = move.up(20.milliseconds)
+        val result = filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(up)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(result.consumed.downChange).isFalse()
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.x).isEqualTo(0.px)
+        assertThat(result.consumed.positionChange.y).isEqualTo(0.px)
+    }
+    // Verification that TouchSlopExceededGestureDetector resets after up correctly.
+    @Test
+    fun onPointerInputChanges_MoveBeyondUpDownMoveBeyond_onDragSlopExceededCalledTwice() {
+        val beyondSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        repeat(2) {
+            val down = down(0)
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(down)
+            val move = down.moveBy(10.milliseconds, beyondSlop, 0f)
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(move)
+            val up = move.up(20.milliseconds)
+            filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(up)
+        }
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(2)
+    }
+    // Verification that cancellation behavior is correct.
+    @Test
+    fun onCancel_underSlopCancelUnderSlop_onDragSlopExceededNotCalled() {
+        val underSlop = TestTouchSlop - TinyNum
+        // Arrange
+        var pointer = down(0, 0.milliseconds, 0f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        pointer = pointer.moveTo(
+            10.milliseconds,
+            underSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        // Act
+        filter.onCancel()
+        pointer = down(0, 0.milliseconds, 0f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        pointer = pointer.moveTo(
+            10.milliseconds,
+            underSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(0)
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun onCancel_pastSlopCancelPastSlop_onScaleSlopExceededCalledTwice() {
+        val overSlop = TestTouchSlop + TinyNum
+        // Arrange
+        var pointer = down(0, 0.milliseconds, 0f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        pointer = pointer.moveTo(
+            10.milliseconds,
+            overSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        // Act
+        filter.onCancel()
+        pointer = down(0, 0.milliseconds, 0f, 0f)
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        pointer = pointer.moveTo(
+            10.milliseconds,
+            overSlop,
+            0f
+        )
+        filter::onPointerInput.invokeOverAllPasses(pointer)
+        // Assert
+        assertThat(onDragSlopExceededCallCount).isEqualTo(2)
+    }
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