Add new lint check to detect practices that could inhibit ART optimization
Bug contains context.
Bug: 141326133
Test: gw lintDebug
Change-Id: I1a4340e48ad11d8bc11e1f9c9be87ba7a6e9befa
diff --git a/activity/activity/lint-baseline.xml b/activity/activity/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..194adfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activity/activity/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts.GetMultipleContents is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ClipData clipData = intent.getClipData();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/activity/result/contract/"
+ line="495"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" decor.cancelPendingInputEvents();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/activity/"
+ line="243"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/appcompat/appcompat-resources/lint-baseline.xml b/appcompat/appcompat-resources/lint-baseline.xml
index 4ad0055..5bce133 100644
--- a/appcompat/appcompat-resources/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/appcompat/appcompat-resources/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -123,6 +123,281 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" anim.setAutoCancel(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="401"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" state.mChangingConfigurations |= a.getChangingConfigurations();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="452"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" dr = Drawable.createFromXmlInner(resources, parser, attrs, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="541"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" dr = Drawable.createFromXmlInner(resources, parser, attrs, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="591"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getColorStateList(resId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/content/res/"
+ line="69"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mCurrDrawable.getOutline(outline);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="132"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" d.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="518"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" d.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="518"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" d.setAutoMirrored(mDrawableContainerState.mAutoMirrored);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="521"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" d.setHotspotBounds(hotspotBounds.left,,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="525"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" child.setLayoutDirection(mLayoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="813"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" childChanged = drawables[i].setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="859"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (drawables[i] != null && drawables[i].canApplyTheme()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="898"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawables[i].applyTheme(theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="899"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" updateDensity(theme.getResources());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="904"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (d.canApplyTheme()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="916"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (future != null && future.canApplyTheme()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="921"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.DrawableUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" final insets = drawable.getOpticalInsets();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="74"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ResourceManagerInternal.DrawableDelegate is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.inflate(context.getResources(), parser, attrs, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="562"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ResourcesWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mResources.getDrawable(id, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="137"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ResourcesWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return mResources.getDrawableForDensity(id, density);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="144"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ResourcesWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mResources.getDrawableForDensity(id, density, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="150"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ResourcesWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" mResources.getValueForDensity(id, density, outValue, resolveRefs);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="221"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" state.mChangingConfigurations |= a.getChangingConfigurations();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="159"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" dr = Drawable.createFromXmlInner(r, parser, attrs, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="218"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="The getter return type (`Theme`) and setter parameter type (`int`) getter and setter methods for property `theme` should have exactly the same type to allow be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public Resources.Theme getTheme() {"
diff --git a/appcompat/appcompat/lint-baseline.xml b/appcompat/appcompat/lint-baseline.xml
index 58988e2..400234c 100644
--- a/appcompat/appcompat/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/appcompat/appcompat/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -112,6 +112,864 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarBackgroundDrawable is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mContainer.mSplitBackground.getOutline(outline);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="70"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarBackgroundDrawable is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mContainer.mBackground.getOutline(outline);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="75"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarContainer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" invalidateOutline();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="106"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarContainer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" invalidateOutline();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="127"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarContainer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" invalidateOutline();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="147"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBar.setHomeAsUpIndicator(themeImage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="557"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBar.setHomeActionContentDescription(contentDescRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="558"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBar.setHomeActionContentDescription(contentDescRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="573"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .getSystemService(UiModeManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="2426"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPowerManager.isPowerSaveMode() ? MODE_NIGHT_YES : MODE_NIGHT_NO;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="3281"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=", getTextAlignment());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="608"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=", getTextAlignment());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="608"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" vto.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="641"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DropDownAdapter is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (themedAdapter.getDropDownViewTheme() != dropDownTheme) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="715"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DropDownAdapter is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" themedAdapter.setDropDownViewTheme(dropDownTheme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="716"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DialogPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" listView.setTextDirection(textDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="905"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DialogPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" listView.setTextAlignment(textAlignment);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="906"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DropdownPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" listView.setTextDirection(textDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1054"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner.DropdownPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" listView.setTextAlignment(textAlignment);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1055"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextClassifierHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextView.getContext().getSystemService(TextClassificationManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="64"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextClassifierHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return tcm.getTextClassifier();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="66"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setFontVariationSettings(fontVariation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="232"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setTextLocales(LocaleList.forLanguageTags(localeListString));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="236"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setTextLocales(LocaleList.forLanguageTags(localeListString));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="236"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setTextLocale(Locale.forLanguageTag(firstLanTag));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="240"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setTextLocale(Locale.forLanguageTag(firstLanTag));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="240"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mView.getAutoSizeStepGranularity() != AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="253"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="256"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="262"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" typeface = Typeface.create(typeface, fontWeight,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="364"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mFontTypeface = Typeface.create("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="382"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mFontTypeface = Typeface.create("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="401"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setFontVariationSettings(fontVariation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="492"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final Drawable[] compoundDrawables = mView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="520"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final Drawable[] existingRel = mView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="660"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="661"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final Drawable[] existingRel = mView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="671"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="673"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" isInLayout = mTextView.isInLayout();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="662"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" final int maxLines = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16 ? mTextView.getMaxLines() : -1;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="751"
+ column="70"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" final StaticLayout.Builder layoutBuilder = StaticLayout.Builder.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="777"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" layoutBuilder.setAlignment(alignment)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="780"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLineSpacing("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="781"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextView.getLineSpacingExtra(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="782"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextView.getLineSpacingMultiplier())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="783"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIncludePad(mTextView.getIncludeFontPadding())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="784"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIncludePad(mTextView.getIncludeFontPadding())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="784"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBreakStrategy(mTextView.getBreakStrategy())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="785"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBreakStrategy(mTextView.getBreakStrategy())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="785"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHyphenationFrequency(mTextView.getHyphenationFrequency())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="786"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHyphenationFrequency(mTextView.getHyphenationFrequency())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="786"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMaxLines(maxLines == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxLines);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="787"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="797"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" final float lineSpacingMultiplier = mTextView.getLineSpacingMultiplier();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="803"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" final float lineSpacingAdd = mTextView.getLineSpacingExtra();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="804"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextViewAutoSizeHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" final boolean includePad = mTextView.getIncludeFontPadding();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="805"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final Context resContext = createConfigurationContext(mOverrideConfiguration);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/"
+ line="117"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.DropDownListView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawableHotspotChanged(x, y);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="648"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.DropDownListView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" child.drawableHotspotChanged(childX, childY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="671"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ListPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mPopup.setEpicenterBounds(mEpicenterBounds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="752"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ListPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mPopup.setIsClippedToScreen(clip);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1440"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.ListPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPopup.getMaxAvailableHeight(anchor, yOffset, ignoreBottomDecorations);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1457"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" display.getRealSize(displaySize);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/menu/"
+ line="231"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.MenuPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPopup.setEnterTransition((Transition) enterTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="87"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.MenuPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPopup.setExitTransition((Transition) exitTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="93"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.MenuPopupWindow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mPopup.setTouchModal(touchModal);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="115"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.MenuPopupWindow.MenuDropDownListView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" && ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL == config.getLayoutDirection()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="152"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" unthemedEntries.clear();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/app/"
+ line="205"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.SearchView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mSearchSrcTextView.refreshAutoCompleteResults();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1698"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.SearchView.SearchAutoComplete is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" setInputMethodMode(INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="2026"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.SwitchCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mPositionAnimator.setAutoCancel(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="1053"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.TintTypedArray is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getType(index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="229"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.TintTypedArray is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getChangingConfigurations();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="257"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.widget.TooltipCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTooltipText(tooltipText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/widget/"
+ line="42"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.view.WindowCallbackWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.onSearchRequested(searchEvent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/"
+ line="145"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.view.WindowCallbackWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.onWindowStartingActionMode(callback, type);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/"
+ line="161"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.view.WindowCallbackWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrapped.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts(data, menu, deviceId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/"
+ line="178"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.appcompat.view.WindowCallbackWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrapped.onPointerCaptureChanged(hasCapture);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/appcompat/view/"
+ line="184"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="The getter return type (`View`) and setter parameter type (`ScrollingTabContainerView`) getter and setter methods for property `tabContainer` should have exactly the same type to allow be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public View getTabContainer() {"
diff --git a/arch/core-runtime/lint-baseline.xml b/arch/core-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
index 564832a..dc22b69 100644
--- a/arch/core-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/arch/core-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.arch.core.executor.DefaultTaskExecutor is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return Handler.createAsync(looper);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/arch/core/executor/"
+ line="82"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void executeOnDiskIO(Runnable runnable) {"
diff --git a/autofill/autofill/lint-baseline.xml b/autofill/autofill/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d14981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autofill/autofill/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Style is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" singleIconChipView.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="374"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Style is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" chipView.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="408"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" for (SliceItem sliceItem : slice.getItems()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="679"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mTitle = sliceItem.getText().toString();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="686"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSubtitle = sliceItem.getText().toString();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="689"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mStartIcon = sliceItem.getIcon();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="692"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mEndIcon = sliceItem.getIcon();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="695"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mAttributionIntent = sliceItem.getAction();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="698"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mContentDescription = sliceItem.getText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="701"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" switch (sliceItem.getFormat()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="773"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sliceItem.getIcon() == null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="775"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sliceItem.getHints().contains(HINT_INLINE_START_ICON)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="778"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (sliceItem.getHints().contains(HINT_INLINE_END_ICON)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="780"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sliceItem.getText())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="785"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sliceItem.getHints().contains(HINT_INLINE_TITLE)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="788"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (sliceItem.getHints().contains(HINT_INLINE_SUBTITLE)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="790"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (sliceItem.getHints().contains(HINT_INLINE_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="792"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sliceItem.getAction() != null && sliceItem.getHints().contains("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="797"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sliceItem.getAction() != null && sliceItem.getHints().contains("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="797"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addIcon(mStartIcon, null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="930"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addText(mTitle, null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="934"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addText(mSubtitle, null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="938"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addIcon(mEndIcon, null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="942"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addAction(mAttributionIntent, new Slice.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="946"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addAction(mAttributionIntent, new Slice.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="946"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder).addHints("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="947"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Collections.singletonList(HINT_INLINE_ATTRIBUTION_INTENT)).build(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="948"
+ column="88"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addText(mContentDescription, null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="952"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder.addHints(mHints);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="956"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.v1.InlineSuggestionUi.Content.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Content(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/v1/"
+ line="958"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.common.SlicedContent.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder = new Slice.Builder(INLINE_SLICE_URI, new SliceSpec(version, 1));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/common/"
+ line="107"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.autofill.inline.common.SlicedContent.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mSliceBuilder = new Slice.Builder(INLINE_SLICE_URI, new SliceSpec(version, 1));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/autofill/inline/common/"
+ line="107"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/benchmark/common/lint-baseline.xml b/benchmark/common/lint-baseline.xml
index c9cfbda..d51639b 100644
--- a/benchmark/common/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/benchmark/common/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -45,4 +45,81 @@
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.benchmark.Errors is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29 && !context.applicationInfo.isProfileableByShell"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/Errors.kt"
+ line="198"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.benchmark.IsolationActivity.Companion is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" powerManager.isSustainedPerformanceModeSupported"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/IsolationActivity.kt"
+ line="162"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.window.setSustainedPerformanceMode(true)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/IsolationActivity.kt"
+ line="171"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" keyguardManager.requestDismissKeyguard(activity, null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/IsolationActivity.kt"
+ line="178"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 27, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 27. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(27) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(27)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.setShowWhenLocked(true)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/IsolationActivity.kt"
+ line="179"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 27, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 27. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(27) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(27)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.setTurnScreenOn(true)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/IsolationActivity.kt"
+ line="180"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.benchmark.ProfilerKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Debug.startMethodTracingSampling(path, bufferSize, Arguments.profilerSampleFrequency)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/Profiler.kt"
+ line="99"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/biometric/biometric/lint-baseline.xml b/biometric/biometric/lint-baseline.xml
index 24cd1b4..4b736bf 100644
--- a/biometric/biometric/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/biometric/biometric/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -1,114 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<issues format="5" by="lint 4.1.0-alpha08" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.1.0-alpha08">
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" ? CryptoObjectUtils.unwrapFromBiometricPrompt(result.getCryptoObject())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
- line="165"
- column="5"/>
+ line="229"
+ column="82"/>
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.biometric.BiometricFragment is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" Objects.requireNonNull(CryptoObjectUtils.wrapForBiometricPrompt(crypto));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
- line="852"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="885"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="1011"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="1028"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="152"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="96"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="179"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="424"
- column="5"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass"
- message="Utility class with non private constructor"
- errorLine1=" /**"
- errorLine2=" ^">
- <location
- file="src/main/java/androidx/biometric/"
- line="437"
- column="5"/>
+ line="469"
+ column="29"/>
diff --git a/browser/browser/lint-baseline.xml b/browser/browser/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2d182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/browser/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.browser.browseractions.BrowserActionsIntent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return pendingIntent.getCreatorPackage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/browseractions/"
+ line="469"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForM is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return manager.getActiveNotifications();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="46"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" NotificationChannel channel = manager.getNotificationChannel(channelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="41"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return channel == null || channel.getImportance() != NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="43"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" manager.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel(channelId,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="51"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" manager.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel(channelId,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="51"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (manager.getNotificationChannel(channelId).getImportance()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="55"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (manager.getNotificationChannel(channelId).getImportance()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="55"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification.Builder builder = Notification.Builder.recoverBuilder(context, notification);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="61"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.browser.trusted.NotificationApiHelperForO is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setChannelId(channelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/browser/trusted/"
+ line="62"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/LintConfiguration.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/LintConfiguration.kt
index 1d80f59..6932225 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/LintConfiguration.kt
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/LintConfiguration.kt
@@ -147,6 +147,12 @@
+ val lintTask = tasks.named("lint")
+ lintTask.configure {
+ it.doFirst {
+ lintBaseline.delete()
+ }
+ }
System.setProperty(LINT_BASELINE_CONTINUE, "true")
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/dependencies/Dependencies.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/dependencies/Dependencies.kt
index 7e162a1..72964f7 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/dependencies/Dependencies.kt
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/dependencies/Dependencies.kt
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
const val LINT_API_MIN = "$lintMinVersion"
val LINT_API_LATEST get() = "$lintVersion"
+val LINT_CHECKS_LATEST get() = "$lintVersion"
val LINT_CORE get() = "$lintVersion"
val LINT_TESTS get() = "$lintVersion"
diff --git a/camera/camera-camera2-pipe/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/camera-camera2-pipe/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5abc72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera/camera-camera2-pipe/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSession("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="157"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="175"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="192"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSessionByConfigurations("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="210"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" InputConfiguration(inputConfig.width, inputConfig.height, inputConfig.format),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="211"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" val sessionConfig = SessionConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="220"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" sessionConfig.inputConfiguration = InputConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" sessionConfig.inputConfiguration = InputConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" sessionConfig.inputConfiguration = InputConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" sessionConfig.sessionParameters ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="248"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createCaptureSession(sessionConfig)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="250"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraDevice.createReprocessCaptureRequest(inputResult)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CameraDevice.kt"
+ line="262"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" characteristics.physicalCameraIds.orEmpty().map { CameraId(it) }.toSet()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/CameraMetadataImpl.kt"
+ line="100"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" characteristics.availablePhysicalCameraRequestKeys.orEmpty().toSet()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/CameraMetadataImpl.kt"
+ line="114"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" characteristics.availableSessionKeys.orEmpty().toSet()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/CameraMetadataImpl.kt"
+ line="128"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return cameraCaptureSession.isReprocessable"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CaptureSession.kt"
+ line="296"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return cameraCaptureSession.inputSurface"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CaptureSession.kt"
+ line="305"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" cameraCaptureSession.finalizeOutputConfigurations( { it.unwrap() })"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/CaptureSession.kt"
+ line="321"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" OutputConfiguration(surfaceGroupId, surface)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="144"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" OutputConfiguration(surface)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="146"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" configuration = OutputConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="160"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" configuration.maxSharedSurfaceCount"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="187"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" this.enableSurfaceSharing()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="198"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" this.setPhysicalCameraId(physicalCameraId.value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="205"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return output.surfaces"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="214"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" output.addSurface(surface)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="226"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" output.removeSurface(surface)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/wrapper/Configuration.kt"
+ line="233"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" val physicalResults = totalCaptureResult.physicalCameraResults"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/FrameMetadata.kt"
+ line="105"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.CAMERA) == PERMISSION_GRANTED"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/Permissions.kt"
+ line="53"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" InputConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ^">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/SessionFactory.kt"
+ line="129"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" instance.openCamera("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/VirtualCameraManager.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" manager.registerAvailabilityCallback(threads.defaultExecutor, availabilityCallback)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/pipe/impl/VirtualCameraManager.kt"
+ line="318"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/camera/camera-camera2/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/camera-camera2/lint-baseline.xml
index 93db88f..d136fc7 100644
--- a/camera/camera-camera2/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/camera/camera-camera2/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,127 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" callback.onCaptureBufferLost(session, request, surface, frame);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="125"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" callback.onCaptureBufferLost(session, request, surface, frame);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="57"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrappedCallback.onCaptureBufferLost(session, request, target, frameNumber);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/compat/"
+ line="400"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrappedCallback.onCaptureQueueEmpty(session);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/compat/"
+ line="468"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrappedCallback.onSurfacePrepared(session, surface);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/compat/"
+ line="493"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" callback.onCaptureQueueEmpty(session);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="144"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" callback.onSurfacePrepared(session, surface);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="153"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrappedCallback.onCameraAccessPrioritiesChanged();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/compat/"
+ line="264"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" OutputConfiguration deferredConfig = new OutputConfiguration(surfaceSize, klass);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/compat/params/"
+ line="94"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mCameraCaptureSessionStateCallback.onSurfacePrepared("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="117"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mCameraCaptureSessionStateCallback.onCaptureQueueEmpty("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/camera2/internal/"
+ line="136"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This folder configuration (`v21`) is unnecessary; `minSdkVersion` is 21. Merge all the resources in this folder into `values`.">
diff --git a/camera/camera-core/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/camera-core/lint-baseline.xml
index af37d4a..4f94b4a 100644
--- a/camera/camera-core/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/camera/camera-core/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -475,6 +475,17 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mediaMuxer = new MediaMuxer(mParcelFileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/core/"
+ line="948"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This getter should be public such that `useRepeatingSurface` can be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" boolean isUseRepeatingSurface() {"
diff --git a/camera/camera-testing/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/camera-testing/lint-baseline.xml
index 3bf2c97..7e0dc8e 100644
--- a/camera/camera-testing/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/camera/camera-testing/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return looper.getQueue();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/testing/compat/"
+ line="31"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public static CameraManager getCameraManager() {"
diff --git a/camera/camera-view/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/camera-view/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52dd67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera/camera-view/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" saveAttributeDataForStyleable(context, R.styleable.PreviewView, attrs, attributes,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/view/"
+ line="199"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" PixelCopy.request(mSurfaceView, bitmap, copyResult -> {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/view/"
+ line="125"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/camera/integration-tests/extensionstestlib/lint-baseline.xml b/camera/integration-tests/extensionstestlib/lint-baseline.xml
index 7404c85..b073621 100644
--- a/camera/integration-tests/extensionstestlib/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/camera/integration-tests/extensionstestlib/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,171 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(surface, 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="93"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Image image = mImageWriter.dequeueInputImage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="109"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter.queueInputImage(image);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="121"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(surface, 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="98"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Image image = mImageWriter.dequeueInputImage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="114"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter.queueInputImage(image);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="126"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(surface, 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="93"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Image image = mImageWriter.dequeueInputImage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="110"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter.queueInputImage(image);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="122"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(surface, 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="104"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Image outputImage = mImageWriter.dequeueInputImage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="140"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter.queueInputImage(outputImage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="200"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(surface, 1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="93"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Image image = mImageWriter.dequeueInputImage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="109"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mImageWriter.queueInputImage(image);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/extensions/impl/"
+ line="121"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void init(String cameraId, CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics) {"
diff --git a/compose/runtime/runtime/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/runtime/runtime/lint-baseline.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd5e4f..0000000
--- a/compose/runtime/runtime/lint-baseline.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<issues format="5" by="lint 4.0.0-alpha01" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.0.0-alpha01">
- <issue
- id="UnnecessaryLambdaCreation"
- message="Creating an unnecessary lambda to emit a captured lambda"
- errorLine1="/*inline*/ fun <T> memo(calculation: () -> T) = remember { calculation() }"
- errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
- <location
- file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/Remember.kt"
- line="99"
- column="60"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="UnnecessaryLambdaCreation"
- message="Creating an unnecessary lambda to emit a captured lambda"
- errorLine1=") = remember(v1) { calculation() }"
- errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
- <location
- file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/Remember.kt"
- line="117"
- column="20"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="UnnecessaryLambdaCreation"
- message="Creating an unnecessary lambda to emit a captured lambda"
- errorLine1=") = remember(v1, v2) { calculation() }"
- errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
- <location
- file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/Remember.kt"
- line="137"
- column="24"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="UnnecessaryLambdaCreation"
- message="Creating an unnecessary lambda to emit a captured lambda"
- errorLine1="fun <T> memo(vararg inputs: Any?, calculation: () -> T) = remember(*inputs) { calculation() }"
- errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
- <location
- file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/Remember.kt"
- line="152"
- column="79"/>
- </issue>
diff --git a/compose/test-utils/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/test-utils/lint-baseline.xml
index 68c1ec5..ed9d9af 100644
--- a/compose/test-utils/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/compose/test-utils/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -12,4 +12,147 @@
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(picture)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="265"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" private val renderNode = RenderNode("Test")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="338"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.setPosition(0, 0, width, height)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="341"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return renderNode.beginRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="342"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.endRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/AndroidComposeTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="346"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" private val renderNode = RenderNode("Test")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/android/AndroidTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="161"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.setPosition(0, 0, width, height)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/android/AndroidTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="164"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return renderNode.beginRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/android/AndroidTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="165"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.endRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/android/AndroidTestCaseRunner.kt"
+ line="169"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.benchmark.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" private val renderNode = RenderNode("Test")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/BenchmarkHelpers.kt"
+ line="44"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.benchmark.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.setPosition(0, 0, width, height)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/BenchmarkHelpers.kt"
+ line="47"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.benchmark.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return Canvas(renderNode.beginRecording())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/BenchmarkHelpers.kt"
+ line="48"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.testutils.benchmark.RenderNodeCapture is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.endRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/testutils/benchmark/BenchmarkHelpers.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bdf126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="58"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap.colorSpace?.toComposeColorSpace() ?: ColorSpaces.Srgb"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="101"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="222"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="230"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="232"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="234"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="236"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="238"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="240"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="242"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="244"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="246"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="248"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="250"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="252"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="254"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="256"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="258"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" this.blendMode = mode.toAndroidBlendMode()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidPaint.kt"
+ line="124"
+ column="14"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.enableZ()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/CanvasUtils.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.disableZ()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/CanvasUtils.kt"
+ line="41"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31fbebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" oldTypeface.weight"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontSpan.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" (weight != 0 && weight != oldTypeface?.weight)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="67"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" oldTypeface?.weight ?: FontStyle.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="79"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" textPaint.typeface = Typeface.create(oldTypeface, newWeight, newItalic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" textPaint.typeface = Typeface.create(oldTypeface, newWeight, newItalic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Builder.obtain(text, start, end, paint, width)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="108"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setTextDirection(textDir)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="110"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setAlignment(alignment)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="111"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setMaxLines(maxLines)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="112"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setEllipsize(ellipsize)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="113"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setEllipsizedWidth(ellipsizedWidth)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="114"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setLineSpacing(lineSpacingExtra, lineSpacingMultiplier)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="115"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setJustificationMode(justificationMode)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="117"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setIncludePad(includePadding)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="119"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" setUseLineSpacingFromFallbacks(fallbackLineSpacing)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="121"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setBreakStrategy(breakStrategy)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="123"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setHyphenationFrequency(hyphenationFrequency)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="124"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setIndents(leftIndents, rightIndents)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="125"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" }.build()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="126"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-text/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/ui/ui-text/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6fc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-text/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.AndroidDefaultTypeface is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, fontWeight.weight, fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidDefaultTypeface.kt"
+ line="43"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.AndroidGenericFontFamilyTypeface is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Typeface.create(nativeTypeface, fontWeight.weight, fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidGenericFontFamilyTypeface.kt"
+ line="73"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.extensions.LocaleExtensionsKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" android.os.LocaleList(*map { it.toJavaLocale() }.toTypedArray())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/extensions/LocaleExtensions.kt"
+ line="28"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.extensions.SpannableExtensionsKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" LocaleSpan(it.toAndroidLocaleList())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/extensions/SpannableExtensions.kt"
+ line="280"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.extensions.TextPaintExtensionsKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" textLocales = style.localeList.toAndroidLocaleList()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/extensions/TextPaintExtensions.kt"
+ line="62"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.TypefaceAdapter.Companion is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Typeface.create(typeface, finalFontWeight, finalFontStyle)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/TypefaceAdapter.kt"
+ line="100"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.TypefaceAdapter is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Typeface.create("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/TypefaceAdapter.kt"
+ line="214"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui/lint-baseline.xml b/compose/ui/ui/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f375a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" var index = root.addChildCount(autofillTree.children.count())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="70"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" root.newChild(index)?.apply {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="73"
+ column="14"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setAutofillId(root.autofillId!!, id)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="74"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setAutofillId(root.autofillId!!, id)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="74"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setId(id, view.context.packageName, null, null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="75"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setAutofillType(View.AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="76"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setAutofillHints( { it.androidType }.toTypedArray())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="77"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setDimens(left, top, 0, 0, width(), height()) }"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" value.isText -> autofillTree.performAutofill(itemId, value.textValue.toString())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="104"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" value.isText -> autofillTree.performAutofill(itemId, value.textValue.toString())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="104"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" value.isDate -> TODO("b/138604541: Add onFill() callback for date")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="105"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" value.isList -> TODO("b/138604541: Add onFill() callback for list")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="106"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" value.isToggle -> TODO("b/138604541: Add onFill() callback for toggle")"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofill.kt"
+ line="107"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillDebugUtilsKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" autofillManager.registerCallback(AutofillCallback)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofillDebugUtils.kt"
+ line="63"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillDebugUtilsKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" autofillManager.unregisterCallback(AutofillCallback)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/autofill/AndroidAutofillDebugUtils.kt"
+ line="71"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" focusable = View.FOCUSABLE"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidComposeView.kt"
+ line="237"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" defaultFocusHighlightEnabled = false"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidComposeView.kt"
+ line="239"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" info.unwrap().availableExtraData = listOf(EXTRA_DATA_TEXT_CHARACTER_LOCATION_KEY)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.kt"
+ line="290"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidTextToolbar is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" actionMode = view.startActionMode("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidTextToolbar.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.res.ColorResourcesKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Color(context.resources.getColor(id, context.theme))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/res/ColorResources.kt"
+ line="35"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.actionmodecallback.FloatingTextActionModeCallback is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=") : ActionMode.Callback2() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/actionmodecallback/FloatingTextActionModeCallback.kt"
+ line="30"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" private val renderNode = RenderNode(null).apply {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="62"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" setHasOverlappingRendering(true)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="63"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" get() = renderNode.uniqueId"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="67"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" val wasClippingManually = renderNode.clipToOutline && outlineResolver.clipPath != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="79"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.scaleX = modifier.scaleX"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="80"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.scaleY = modifier.scaleY"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="81"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.alpha = modifier.alpha"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="82"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.translationX = modifier.translationX"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="83"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.translationY = modifier.translationY"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="84"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.elevation = modifier.shadowElevation"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="85"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.rotationZ = modifier.rotationZ"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="86"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.rotationX = modifier.rotationX"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="87"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.rotationY = modifier.rotationY"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotX = transformOrigin.pivotFractionX * renderNode.width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotX = transformOrigin.pivotFractionX * renderNode.width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotX = transformOrigin.pivotFractionX * renderNode.width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotY = transformOrigin.pivotFractionY * renderNode.height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="90"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotY = transformOrigin.pivotFractionY * renderNode.height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="90"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotY = transformOrigin.pivotFractionY * renderNode.height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="90"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.clipToOutline = clip && shape !== RectangleShape"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="93"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.clipToBounds = clip && shape === RectangleShape"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="94"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.alpha,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="97"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.clipToOutline,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="98"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.elevation"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="99"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.setOutline(outlineResolver.outline)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="101"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" val isClippingManually = renderNode.clipToOutline && outlineResolver.clipPath != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="102"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!drawnWithZ && renderNode.elevation > 0f) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="108"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotX = transformOrigin.pivotFractionX * width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="116"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.pivotY = transformOrigin.pivotFractionY * height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="117"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (renderNode.setPosition("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="118"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.left,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="119"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=","
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="120"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.left + width,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="121"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" + height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="122"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.setOutline(outlineResolver.outline)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="125"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" val oldLeft = renderNode.left"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="131"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" val oldTop ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="132"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.offsetLeftAndRight(newLeft - oldLeft)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="136"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.offsetTopAndBottom(newTop - oldTop)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="137"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" ownerView.parent?.onDescendantInvalidated(ownerView, ownerView)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="156"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" drawnWithZ = renderNode.elevation > 0f"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="163"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" androidCanvas.drawRenderNode(renderNode)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="167"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (isDirty || !renderNode.hasDisplayList()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="178"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvasHolder.drawInto(renderNode.beginRecording()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="179"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" val manuallyClip = renderNode.clipToOutline && clipPath != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="181"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.endRecording()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="193"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.RenderNodeLayer is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" renderNode.getMatrix(androidMatrix)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/RenderNodeLayer.kt"
+ line="207"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.compose.ui.platform.WrapperKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" owner.view.attributeSourceResourceMap.isNotEmpty()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/Wrapper.kt"
+ line="329"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/contentpager/contentpager/lint-baseline.xml b/contentpager/contentpager/lint-baseline.xml
index 84ed07c..8595188 100644
--- a/contentpager/contentpager/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/contentpager/contentpager/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,61 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.contentpager.content.ContentPager is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" extras = extras.deepCopy();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/contentpager/content/"
+ line="500"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.contentpager.content.Query is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return resolver.query("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/contentpager/content/"
+ line="116"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.contentpager.content.Query is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return resolver.query("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/contentpager/content/"
+ line="125"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.contentpager.content.Query is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mCancellationSignal != null && !mCancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/contentpager/content/"
+ line="145"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.contentpager.content.Query is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mCancellationSignal.cancel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/contentpager/content/"
+ line="149"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public ContentPager(ContentResolver resolver, QueryRunner queryRunner) {"
diff --git a/core/core-animation/lint-baseline.xml b/core/core-animation/lint-baseline.xml
index f1b7cb3..dc0710e 100644
--- a/core/core-animation/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/core/core-animation/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.animation.PathUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return path.approximate(precision);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/animation/"
+ line="34"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="The getter return type (`PropertyValuesHolder[]`) and setter parameter type (`PropertyValuesHolder...`) getter and setter methods for property `values` should have exactly the same type to allow be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public PropertyValuesHolder[] getValues() {"
diff --git a/core/core-ktx/lint-baseline.xml b/core/core-ktx/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4beed8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-ktx/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1478 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.animation.AnimatorKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" addPauseListener(listener)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/animation/Animator.kt"
+ line="112"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.util.AtomicFileKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" val stream = startWrite()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/AtomicFile.kt"
+ line="32"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.util.AtomicFileKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" finishWrite(stream)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/AtomicFile.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.util.AtomicFileKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" failWrite(stream)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/AtomicFile.kt"
+ line="41"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.util.AtomicFileKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun AtomicFile.readBytes(): ByteArray = readFully()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/AtomicFile.kt"
+ line="71"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.util.AtomicFileKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return readFully().toString(charset)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/AtomicFile.kt"
+ line="80"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" colorSpace: ColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Bitmap.kt"
+ line="112"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config, hasAlpha, colorSpace)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Bitmap.kt"
+ line="114"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.os.BundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" putBinder(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/Bundle.kt"
+ line="92"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.BundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" putSize(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/Bundle.kt"
+ line="94"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.BundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" putSizeF(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/Bundle.kt"
+ line="96"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Color.component1() = getComponent(0)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Color.component2() = getComponent(1)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="53"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Color.component3() = getComponent(2)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="67"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Color.component4() = getComponent(3)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="81"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorInt Int.luminance get() = Color.luminance(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="199"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.toColor(): Color = Color.valueOf(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="206"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.toColorLong() = Color.pack(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="214"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.component1() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="228"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.component2() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="242"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.component3() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="256"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.component4() = Color.alpha(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="270"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong Long.alpha get() = Color.alpha(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="279"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong get() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="288"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong get() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="297"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong get() ="
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="306"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong Long.luminance get() = Color.luminance(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="313"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.toColor(): Color = Color.valueOf(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="319"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun @receiver:ColorLong Long.toColorInt() = Color.toArgb(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="326"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong Long.isSrgb get() = Color.isSrgb(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="333"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong Long.isWideGamut get() = Color.isWideGamut(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="339"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline val @receiver:ColorLong Long.colorSpace: ColorSpace get() = Color.colorSpace(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="345"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="357"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="357"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, colorSpace)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="369"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="381"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="381"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color.convert(this, colorSpace)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="393"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline infix fun Color.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace.Named) = convert(ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="403"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline infix fun Color.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace.Named) = convert(ColorSpace.get(colorSpace))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="403"
+ column="85"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline infix fun Color.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace) = convert(colorSpace)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Color.kt"
+ line="413"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun Color.toDrawable() = ColorDrawable(toArgb())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/ColorDrawable.kt"
+ line="31"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.util.HalfKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun @receiver:HalfFloat Short.toHalf(): Half = Half.valueOf(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Half.kt"
+ line="33"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.util.HalfKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun Float.toHalf(): Half = Half.valueOf(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Half.kt"
+ line="41"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.util.HalfKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun String.toHalf(): Half = Half.valueOf(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Half.kt"
+ line="57"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun Bitmap.toAdaptiveIcon(): Icon = Icon.createWithAdaptiveBitmap(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/Icon.kt"
+ line="32"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun Bitmap.toIcon(): Icon = Icon.createWithBitmap(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/Icon.kt"
+ line="40"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun Uri.toIcon(): Icon = Icon.createWithContentUri(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/Icon.kt"
+ line="48"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun ByteArray.toIcon(): Icon = Icon.createWithData(this, 0, size)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/Icon.kt"
+ line="56"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ImageDecoder.decodeBitmap(this) { decoder, info, source ->"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/ImageDecoder.kt"
+ line="35"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(this) { decoder, info, source ->"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/ImageDecoder.kt"
+ line="49"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.LocaleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" get() = TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(this)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/Locale.kt"
+ line="30"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline val <T> LongSparseArray<T>.size get() = size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="26"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.contains(key: Long) = indexOfKey(key) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="30"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.set(key: Long, value: T) = put(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="34"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = LongSparseArray<T>(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = LongSparseArray<T>(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = LongSparseArray<T>(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.containsKey(key: Long) = indexOfKey(key) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="47"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.containsValue(value: T) = indexOfValue(value) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="51"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" get(key) ?: defaultValue"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="56"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" get(key) ?: defaultValue()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="61"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.isEmpty() = size() == 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="65"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun <T> LongSparseArray<T>.isNotEmpty() = size() != 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="69"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" val index = indexOfKey(key)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="74"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (index >= 0 && value == valueAt(index)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="75"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" removeAt(index)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="76"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" for (index in 0 until size()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" action(keyAt(index), valueAt(index))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="90"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.util.LongSparseArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" action(keyAt(index), valueAt(index))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="90"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun hasNext() = index < size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="98"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun nextLong() = keyAt(index++)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="99"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun hasNext() = index < size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="106"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun next() = valueAt(index++)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/LongSparseArray.kt"
+ line="107"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" op(p, Path.Op.UNION)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Path.kt"
+ line="42"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" op(p, Path.Op.DIFFERENCE)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Path.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" op(this@and, p, Path.Op.INTERSECT)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Path.kt"
+ line="69"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" op(p, Path.Op.XOR)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/Path.kt"
+ line="79"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="fun persistableBundleOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>) = PersistableBundle(pairs.size).apply {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="29"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" null -> putString(key, null) // Any nullable type will suffice."
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="32"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" putBoolean(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="37"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is Double -> putDouble(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="42"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is Int -> putInt(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="43"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is Long -> putLong(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="44"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is String -> putString(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="47"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" putBooleanArray(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is DoubleArray -> putDoubleArray(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="57"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is IntArray -> putIntArray(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="58"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" is LongArray -> putLongArray(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="59"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.PersistableBundleKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" putStringArray(key, value as Array<String>)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/PersistableBundle.kt"
+ line="67"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.RangeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> T.rangeTo(that: T): Range<T> = Range(this, that)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="30"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.RangeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun <T : Comparable<T>> Range<T>.plus(value: T): Range<T> = extend(value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="34"
+ column="77"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.RangeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun <T : Comparable<T>> Range<T>.plus(other: Range<T>): Range<T> = extend(other)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="38"
+ column="84"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.RangeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Range<T>.and(other: Range<T>): Range<T> = intersect(other)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="46"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" override val endInclusive get() = upper"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="51"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" override val start get() = lower"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.RangeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="fun <T : Comparable<T>> ClosedRange<T>.toRange(): Range<T> = Range(start, endInclusive)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Range.kt"
+ line="57"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SizeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Size.component1() = width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Size.kt"
+ line="35"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SizeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun Size.component2() = height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Size.kt"
+ line="47"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SizeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun SizeF.component1() = width"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Size.kt"
+ line="59"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SizeKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun SizeF.component2() = height"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/Size.kt"
+ line="71"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline val SparseLongArray.size get() = size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="26"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun SparseLongArray.contains(key: Int) = indexOfKey(key) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="30"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline operator fun SparseLongArray.set(key: Int, value: Long) = put(key, value)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="34"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = SparseLongArray(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = SparseLongArray(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" val new = SparseLongArray(size() + other.size())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun SparseLongArray.containsKey(key: Int) = indexOfKey(key) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="47"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun SparseLongArray.containsValue(value: Long) = indexOfValue(value) >= 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="51"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun SparseLongArray.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: Long) = get(key, defaultValue)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="55"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" indexOfKey(key).let { if (it >= 0) valueAt(it) else defaultValue() }"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="60"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" indexOfKey(key).let { if (it >= 0) valueAt(it) else defaultValue() }"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="60"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun SparseLongArray.isEmpty() = size() == 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="64"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1="inline fun SparseLongArray.isNotEmpty() = size() != 0"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="68"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" val index = indexOfKey(key)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="73"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" if (index >= 0 && value == valueAt(index)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="74"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" removeAt(index)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="75"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" for (index in 0 until size()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" action(keyAt(index), valueAt(index))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.util.SparseLongArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" action(keyAt(index), valueAt(index))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="89"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun hasNext() = index < size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="97"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun nextInt() = keyAt(index++)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="98"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun hasNext() = index < size()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="105"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" override fun nextLong() = valueAt(index++)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/SparseLongArray.kt"
+ line="106"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.transition.TransitionKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" addListener(listener)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/transition/Transition.kt"
+ line="75"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.TypedArrayKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return getFont(index)!!"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/TypedArray.kt"
+ line="146"
+ column="12"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" @Px start: Int = paddingStart,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/View.kt"
+ line="140"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" @Px end: Int = paddingEnd,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/View.kt"
+ line="142"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" setPaddingRelative(start, top, end, bottom)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/View.kt"
+ line="145"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" postOnAnimationDelayed(runnable, delayInMillis)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/View.kt"
+ line="208"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" @Px start: Int = marginStart,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/ViewGroup.kt"
+ line="137"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" @Px end: Int = marginEnd,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/ViewGroup.kt"
+ line="139"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" marginStart = start"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/ViewGroup.kt"
+ line="142"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" marginEnd = end"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/ViewGroup.kt"
+ line="144"
+ column="5"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/core/core/lint-baseline.xml b/core/core/lint-baseline.xml
index 337b1e8..3d4580b 100644
--- a/core/core/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/core/core/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -145,6 +145,11710 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Object provider = mOriginalDelegate.getAccessibilityNodeProvider(host);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="320"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" success = mOriginalDelegate.performAccessibilityAction(host, action, args);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="355"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" event.setContentChangeTypes(changeTypes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="323"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return event.getContentChangeTypes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="344"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" event.setMovementGranularity(granularity);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="359"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return event.getMovementGranularity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="370"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" event.setAction(action);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="395"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return event.getAction();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="406"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return manager.addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="172"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return manager.removeTouchExplorationStateChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="191"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mAction = new AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction(id, label);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="641"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction) mAction).getId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="655"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction) mAction).getLabel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="669"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="780"
+ column="86"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="783"
+ column="86"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="802"
+ column="86"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo) mInfo).getColumnCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="820"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo) mInfo).getRowCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="833"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo) mInfo).isHierarchical();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="846"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo) mInfo).getSelectionMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="864"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionItemInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="901"
+ column="94"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionItemInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="904"
+ column="94"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CollectionItemInfoCompat(AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo.obtain("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="926"
+ column="94"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).getColumnIndex();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="944"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).getColumnSpan();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="957"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).getRowIndex();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="970"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).getRowSpan();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="983"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).isHeading();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1000"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo) mInfo).isSelected();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1013"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo.obtain(type, min, max, current));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1043"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo) mInfo).getCurrent();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1062"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo) mInfo).getMax();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1075"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo) mInfo).getMin();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1088"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo) mInfo).getType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1105"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.TouchDelegateInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo = new TouchDelegateInfo(targetMap);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1125"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.TouchDelegateInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getRegionCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1147"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.TouchDelegateInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getRegionAt(index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1166"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.TouchDelegateInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo info = mInfo.getTargetForRegion(region);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1194"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo.obtain(root, virtualDescendantId));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1755"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setSource(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1817"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.findFocus(focus));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1834"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.focusSearch(direction));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1856"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.addChild(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1928"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.removeChild(child);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1948"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.removeChild(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="1966"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ArrayList<Integer> list = mInfo.getExtras()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2004"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putIntegerArrayList(key, list);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2008"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.addAction((AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction) action.mAction);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2031"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.removeAction((AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction) action.mAction);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2056"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.performAction(action, arguments);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2093"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setMovementGranularities(granularities);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2113"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getMovementGranularities();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2124"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setParent(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2210"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isVisibleToUser();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2380"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setVisibleToUser(visibleToUser);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2400"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isAccessibilityFocused();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2411"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setAccessibilityFocused(focused);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2431"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isImportantForAccessibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2589"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setImportantForAccessibility(important);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2608"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().remove(SPANS_START_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2767"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().remove(SPANS_END_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2768"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().remove(SPANS_FLAGS_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2769"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().remove(SPANS_ID_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2770"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras().getCharSequence(STATE_DESCRIPTION_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2815"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putCharSequence(STATE_DESCRIPTION_KEY, stateDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2850"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setViewIdResourceName(viewId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2878"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getViewIdResourceName();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2896"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getLiveRegion();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2922"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setLiveRegion(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2942"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getDrawingOrder();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2959"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setDrawingOrder(drawingOrderInParent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2978"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo info = mInfo.getCollectionInfo();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="2990"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setCollectionInfo((collectionInfo == null) ? null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3000"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setCollectionItemInfo((collectionItemInfo == null) ? null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3009"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo info = mInfo.getCollectionItemInfo();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3023"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo info = mInfo.getRangeInfo();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3038"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setRangeInfo((AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo) rangeInfo.mInfo);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3058"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" actions = (List<Object>) (List<?>) mInfo.getActionList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3076"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setContentInvalid(contentInvalid);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3104"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isContentInvalid();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3116"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isContextClickable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3129"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setContextClickable(contextClickable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3148"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getHintText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3159"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras().getCharSequence(HINT_TEXT_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3161"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setHintText(hintText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3181"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putCharSequence(HINT_TEXT_KEY, hintText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3183"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setError(error);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3202"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getError();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3213"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setLabelFor(labeled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3227"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setLabelFor(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3247"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.getLabelFor());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3264"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setLabeledBy(label);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3278"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setLabeledBy(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3303"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.getLabeledBy());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3320"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.canOpenPopup();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3333"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setCanOpenPopup(opensPopup);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3351"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> nodes = mInfo.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId(viewId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3379"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3405"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getInputType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3418"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setInputType(inputType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3439"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setMaxTextLength(max);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3460"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getMaxTextLength();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3472"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTextSelection(start, end);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3493"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getTextSelectionStart();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3504"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getTextSelectionEnd();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3517"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.getTraversalBefore());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3534"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTraversalBefore(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3556"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTraversalBefore(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3583"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.getTraversalAfter());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3599"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTraversalAfter(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3621"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTraversalAfter(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3647"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat.wrapNonNullInstance(mInfo.getWindow());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3660"
+ column="76"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isDismissable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3673"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setDismissable(dismissable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3691"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isEditable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3702"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setEditable(editable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3722"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isMultiLine();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3733"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setMultiLine(multiLine);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3751"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getTooltipText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3763"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras().getCharSequence(TOOLTIP_TEXT_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3765"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTooltipText(tooltipText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3785"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putCharSequence(TOOLTIP_TEXT_KEY, tooltipText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3787"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setPaneTitle(paneTitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3805"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putCharSequence(PANE_TITLE_KEY, paneTitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3807"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getPaneTitle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3819"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras().getCharSequence(PANE_TITLE_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3821"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isScreenReaderFocusable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3838"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setScreenReaderFocusable(screenReaderFocusable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3857"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isShowingHintText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3872"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setShowingHintText(showingHintText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3892"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isHeading();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3909"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setHeading(isHeading);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3929"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.isTextEntryKey();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3942"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTextEntryKey(isTextEntryKey);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3960"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.refresh();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3977"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mInfo.getExtras().getCharSequence(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_KEY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="3989"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.getExtras().putCharSequence(ROLE_DESCRIPTION_KEY, roleDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="4021"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" TouchDelegateInfo delegateInfo = mInfo.getTouchDelegateInfo();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="4043"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.setTouchDelegateInfo(delegatedInfo.mInfo);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="4070"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" record.setSource(root, virtualDescendantId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="140"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return record.getMaxScrollX();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="483"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" record.setMaxScrollX(maxScrollX);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="509"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return record.getMaxScrollY();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="533"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" record.setMaxScrollY(maxScrollY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="559"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return info.loadDescription(packageManager);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/accessibilityservice/"
+ line="199"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return info.getCapabilities();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/accessibilityservice/"
+ line="288"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="100"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getLayer();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="114"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getRoot());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="128"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return wrapNonNullInstance(((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getParent());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="141"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="154"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getBoundsInScreen(outBounds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="167"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).isActive();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="180"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).isFocused();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="193"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).isAccessibilityFocused();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="206"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getChildCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="219"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return wrapNonNullInstance(((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getChild(index));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="233"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getTitle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="247"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).getAnchor());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="261"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return wrapNonNullInstance(AccessibilityWindowInfo.obtain());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="275"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityWindowInfo.obtain((AccessibilityWindowInfo) info.mInfo));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="294"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AccessibilityWindowInfo) mInfo).recycle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/accessibility/"
+ line="310"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode, options);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="237"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.startIntentSenderForResult(intent, requestCode, fillInIntent, flagsMask,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="274"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.finishAffinity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="291"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.finishAfterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="308"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return activity.getReferrer();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="333"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return activity.requireViewById(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="366"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.setEnterSharedElementCallback(frameworkCallback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="390"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.setExitSharedElementCallback(frameworkCallback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="409"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.postponeEnterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="415"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.startPostponedEnterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="421"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.requestPermissions(permissions, requestCode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="516"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return activity.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(permission);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="553"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" listener.onSharedElementsReady();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="680"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return activityManager.isLowRamDevice();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="41"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(context,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="69"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeScaleUpAnimation("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="99"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeClipRevealAnimation("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="123"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeThumbnailScaleUpAnimation("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="152"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="180"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(activity, pairs));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="217"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeTaskLaunchBehind());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="235"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ActivityOptionsCompatImpl(ActivityOptions.makeBasic());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="247"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mActivityOptions.requestUsageTimeReport(receiver);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="277"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mActivityOptions.setLaunchBounds(screenSpacePixelRect));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="288"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mActivityOptions.getLaunchBounds();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="296"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setAlarmClock(new AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo(triggerTime, showIntent),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="60"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setAlarmClock(new AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo(triggerTime, showIntent),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="60"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setAndAllowWhileIdle(type, triggerAtMillis, operation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="118"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setExact(type, triggerAtMillis, operation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="163"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle(type, triggerAtMillis, operation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="223"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return AppOpsManager.permissionToOp(permission);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="76"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return appOpsManager.noteOp(op, uid, packageName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="107"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return appOpsManager.noteOpNoThrow(op, uid, packageName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="127"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" AppOpsManager appOpsManager = context.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="157"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return appOpsManager.noteProxyOp(op, proxiedPackageName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="158"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" AppOpsManager appOpsManager = context.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="176"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return appOpsManager.noteProxyOpNoThrow(op, proxiedPackageName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="177"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return bitmap.hasMipMap();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="29"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap.setHasMipMap(hasMipMap);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="36"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return bitmap.getAllocationByteCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="49"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" ? new BlendModeColorFilter(color, blendMode) : null;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="45"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return bundle.getBinder(key);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="106"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.putBinder(key, binder);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="122"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.os.CancellationSignal is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((android.os.CancellationSignal) obj).cancel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="84"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.os.CancellationSignal is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mCancellationSignalObj = new android.os.CancellationSignal();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="143"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.os.CancellationSignal is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((android.os.CancellationSignal) mCancellationSignalObj).cancel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="145"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Objects.equals(foreground.getModel(), background.getModel())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="92"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Objects.equals(foreground.getModel(), background.getModel())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="92"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Objects.equals(foreground.getModel(), background.getModel())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="92"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" "Color models must match (" + foreground.getModel() + " vs. ""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="94"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" + background.getModel() + ")");"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="95"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" Color s = Objects.equals(background.getColorSpace(), foreground.getColorSpace())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="98"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color s = Objects.equals(background.getColorSpace(), foreground.getColorSpace())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="98"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Color s = Objects.equals(background.getColorSpace(), foreground.getColorSpace())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="98"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" : foreground.convert(background.getColorSpace());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="100"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" : foreground.convert(background.getColorSpace());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="100"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" float[] src = s.getComponents();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="102"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" float[] dst = background.getComponents();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="103"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" float sa = s.alpha();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="105"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" float da = background.alpha() * (1.0f - sa);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="107"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" int ai = background.getComponentCount() - 1;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="111"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return Color.valueOf(dst, background.getColorSpace());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="127"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return Color.valueOf(dst, background.getColorSpace());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="127"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.CompoundButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" button.setButtonTintList(tint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="58"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.CompoundButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return button.getButtonTintList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="72"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.CompoundButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" button.setButtonTintMode(tintMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="94"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.CompoundButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return button.getButtonTintMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="108"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.CompoundButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return button.getButtonDrawable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="124"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.os.ConfigurationCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return LocaleListCompat.wrap(configuration.getLocales());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="42"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return cm.isActiveNetworkMetered();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/net/"
+ line="101"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return cm.getRestrictBackgroundStatus();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/net/"
+ line="160"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContentResolverCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return resolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="81"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" context.startActivities(intents, options);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="224"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" context.startActivity(intent, options);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="251"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getDataDir();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="275"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getObbDirs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="328"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getExternalFilesDirs(type);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="381"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getExternalCacheDirs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="434"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getDrawable(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="455"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getColorStateList(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="494"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getColor(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="517"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getNoBackupFilesDir();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="558"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getCodeCacheDir();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="582"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.createDeviceProtectedStorageContext();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="637"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.isDeviceProtectedStorage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="651"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getMainExecutor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="664"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" context.startForegroundService(intent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="696"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(serviceClass);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="716"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.ContextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemServiceName(serviceClass);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="736"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.database.CursorWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CursorWindow(name, windowSizeBytes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/database/"
+ line="43"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.database.CursorWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CursorWindow(name);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/database/"
+ line="45"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return dialog.requireViewById(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="56"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Display.Mode[] supportedModes = display.getSupportedModes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="68"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return (mode.getPhysicalWidth() == size.x && mode.getPhysicalHeight() == size.y)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="143"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return (mode.getPhysicalWidth() == size.x && mode.getPhysicalHeight() == size.y)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="143"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" || (mode.getPhysicalWidth() == size.y && mode.getPhysicalHeight() == size.x);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="144"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" || (mode.getPhysicalWidth() == size.y && mode.getPhysicalHeight() == size.x);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="144"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Display.Mode mode = display.getMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="215"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" displaySize.x = mode.getPhysicalWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="216"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" displaySize.y = mode.getPhysicalHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="217"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" display.getRealSize(displaySize);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="219"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat.ModeCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPhysicalDisplaySize = new Point(mode.getPhysicalWidth(), mode.getPhysicalHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="276"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCompat.ModeCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPhysicalDisplaySize = new Point(mode.getPhysicalWidth(), mode.getPhysicalHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="276"
+ column="76"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" this(SDK_INT >= 28 ? new DisplayCutout(safeInsets, boundingRects) : null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="56"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new DisplayCutout(safeInsets.toPlatformInsets(), boundLeft,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="88"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new DisplayCutout(safeInsetRect, boundingRects);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="106"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((DisplayCutout) mDisplayCutout).getSafeInsetTop();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="119"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((DisplayCutout) mDisplayCutout).getSafeInsetBottom();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="128"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((DisplayCutout) mDisplayCutout).getSafeInsetLeft();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="137"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((DisplayCutout) mDisplayCutout).getSafeInsetRight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="146"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DisplayCutoutCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((DisplayCutout) mDisplayCutout).getBoundingRects();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="164"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.display.DisplayManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDisplay(displayId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/display/"
+ line="86"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.display.DisplayManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDisplays();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/display/"
+ line="106"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.display.DisplayManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDisplays(category);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/display/"
+ line="135"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DragAndDropPermissionsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.requestDragAndDropPermissions(dragEvent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="52"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.DragAndDropPermissionsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" ((DragAndDropPermissions) mDragAndDropPermissions).release();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="65"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setAutoMirrored(mirrored);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="79"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.isAutoMirrored();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="96"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setHotspot(x, y);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="111"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setHotspotBounds(left, top, right, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="124"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setTint(tint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="136"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setTintList(tint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="150"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setTintMode(tintMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="164"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.getAlpha();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="178"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.applyTheme(theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="189"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.canApplyTheme();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="198"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.getColorFilter();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="211"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" clearColorFilter(((InsetDrawable) drawable).getDrawable());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="232"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" child = state.getChild(i);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="242"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.inflate(res, parser, attrs, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="269"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="355"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return drawable.getLayoutDirection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="392"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.EdgeEffectCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" edgeEffect.onPull(deltaDistance, displacement);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="153"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.EnvironmentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return Environment.getExternalStorageState(path);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="60"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.os.EnvironmentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return Environment.getStorageState(path);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="62"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.FileProvider is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" File[] externalMediaDirs = context.getExternalMediaDirs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="646"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return (fp != null) && fp.hasEnrolledFingerprints();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="68"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return (fp != null) && fp.isHardwareDetected();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="83"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" fp.authenticate("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="113"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="127"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="130"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getCipher());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="141"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getSignature());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="143"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getMac());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="145"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (cryptoObject.getCipher() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="155"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getCipher());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="156"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (cryptoObject.getSignature() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="157"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getSignature());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="158"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" } else if (cryptoObject.getMac() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="159"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getMac());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="160"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" unwrapCryptoObject(result.getCryptoObject())));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/"
+ line="183"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return typedArray.getType(index);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="231"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.provider.FontsContractCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/provider/"
+ line="836"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric(android.view.FrameMetrics.TOTAL_DURATION));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="355"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="359"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="364"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric(android.view.FrameMetrics.DRAW_DURATION));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="369"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric(android.view.FrameMetrics.SYNC_DURATION));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="373"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="377"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="382"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="387"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameMetrics.getMetric("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="392"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.location.GnssStatusWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.hasCarrierFrequencyHz(satelliteIndex);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="89"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.location.GnssStatusWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getCarrierFrequencyHz(satelliteIndex);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="98"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.GravityCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" Gravity.apply(gravity, w, h, container, outRect, layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="65"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.GravityCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" Gravity.apply(gravity, w, h, container, xAdj, yAdj, outRect, layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="99"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.GravityCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" Gravity.applyDisplay(gravity, display, inoutObj, layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="127"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.os.HandlerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return Handler.createAsync(looper);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="53"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.os.HandlerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return Handler.createAsync(looper, callback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="94"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.os.HandlerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return handler.postDelayed(r, token, delayMillis);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="145"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Html.fromHtml(source, flags);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="148"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Html.fromHtml(source, flags, imageGetter, tagHandler);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="163"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Html.toHtml(text, options);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="176"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.ICUCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" ULocale uLocale = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(ULocale.forLocale(locale));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="90"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.ICUCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" ULocale uLocale = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(ULocale.forLocale(locale));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="90"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.ICUCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return uLocale.getScript();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="91"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.ICUCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((Locale) sAddLikelySubtagsMethod.invoke(null, args)).getScript();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="95"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.ICUCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return locale.getScript();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="101"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithBitmap((Bitmap) mObj1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="533"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithAdaptiveBitmap((Bitmap) mObj1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="537"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithBitmap("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="539"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithResource(getResPackage(), mInt1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="544"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithData((byte[]) mObj1, mInt1, mInt2);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="547"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithContentUri((String) mObj1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="550"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithAdaptiveBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="567"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = Icon.createWithBitmap(createLegacyIconFromAdaptiveIcon("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="569"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon.setTintList(mTintList);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="577"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" icon.setTintMode(mTintMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="580"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return toIcon(context).loadDrawable(context);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="628"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return new AdaptiveIconDrawable(null,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="681"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return icon.getType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="1088"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return icon.getResPackage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="1116"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return icon.getResId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="1145"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return icon.getUri();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="1173"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getImageTintList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="38"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setImageTintList(tintList);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="51"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if ((imageViewDrawable != null) && (view.getImageTintList() != null)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="57"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getImageTintMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="75"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setImageTintMode(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="89"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ImageViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if ((imageViewDrawable != null) && (view.getImageTintList() != null)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="95"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class androidx.core.view.inputmethod.InputConnectionCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return inputConnection.commitContent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/inputmethod/"
+ line="145"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return, top, right, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="196"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.content.IntentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return Intent.makeMainSelectorActivity(selectorAction, selectorCategory);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/"
+ line="108"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mJobWork.getIntent();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="260"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mParams.completeWork(mJobWork);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="267"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.util.LinkifyCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, defaultScheme, schemes, matchFilter, transformFilter);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/util/"
+ line="260"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.util.LinkifyCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Linkify.addLinks(spannable, pattern, defaultScheme, schemes, matchFilter,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/util/"
+ line="336"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ListPopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return listPopupWindow.createDragToOpenListener(src);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="98"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ListViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" listView.scrollListBy(y);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="39"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.ListViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return listView.canScrollList(direction);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="69"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.os.LocaleListCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return wrap(new LocaleList(localeList));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="74"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.LocaleListCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ? Locale.forLanguageTag(tags[i])"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="165"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.os.LocaleListCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return LocaleListCompat.wrap(LocaleList.getAdjustedDefault());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="206"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.os.LocaleListCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return LocaleListCompat.wrap(LocaleList.getDefault());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="226"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.os.LocaleListCompatWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final String script = locale.getScript();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="161"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.location.LocationManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return locationManager.isLocationEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="60"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.location.LocationManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (locationManager.registerGnssStatusCallback(transport, baseHandler)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="158"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.location.LocationManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" locationManager.unregisterGnssStatusCallback(transport);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="223"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.location.LocationManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" locationManager.unregisterGnssStatusCallback(transport);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/location/"
+ line="232"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return lp.getMarginStart();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="43"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return lp.getMarginEnd();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="62"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" lp.setMarginStart(marginStart);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="81"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" lp.setMarginEnd(marginEnd);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="100"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return lp.isMarginRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="113"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" result = lp.getLayoutDirection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="128"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" lp.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="151"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MarginLayoutParamsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" lp.resolveLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="162"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" LocaleList localeList = context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="60"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" int numLanguagesSupportedByService = serviceInfo.getNamedContentLocales().size();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="62"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" for (Locale l : serviceInfo.getNamedContentLocales()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="69"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" supportedLanguages[i] = l.toLanguageTag();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="70"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Locale bestLocale = localeList.getFirstMatch(supportedLanguages);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="74"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.telephony.mbms.MbmsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return bestLocale == null ? null : serviceInfo.getNameForLocale(bestLocale);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/telephony/mbms/"
+ line="75"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" menu.setGroupDividerEnabled(enabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="51"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setContentDescription(contentDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="325"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getContentDescription();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="339"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setTooltipText(tooltipText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="354"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getTooltipText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="368"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setShortcut(numericChar, alphaChar, numericModifiers, alphaModifiers);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="401"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setNumericShortcut(numericChar, numericModifiers);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="421"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getNumericModifiers();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="440"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setAlphabeticShortcut(alphaChar, alphaModifiers);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="466"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getAlphabeticModifiers();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="485"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setIconTintList(tint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="506"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getIconTintList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="519"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setIconTintMode(tintMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="537"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.MenuItemCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return item.getIconTintMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="552"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.MessageCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" message.setAsynchronous(async);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="72"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.MessageCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" message.setAsynchronous(async);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="79"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.MessageCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return message.isAsynchronous();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="98"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class androidx.core.os.MessageCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return message.isAsynchronous();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="104"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return sourceActivity.shouldUpRecreateTask(targetIntent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="61"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" sourceActivity.navigateUpTo(upIntent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="109"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Intent result = sourceActivity.getParentActivityIntent();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="132"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP || getClipToPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="2007"
+ column="77"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && getClipToPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="2011"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP || getClipToPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="2028"
+ column="77"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && getClipToPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="2032"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" this(channel.getId(), channel.getImportance());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="284"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" this(channel.getId(), channel.getImportance());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="284"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mName = channel.getName();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="286"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mDescription = channel.getDescription();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="287"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mGroupId = channel.getGroup();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="288"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mShowBadge = channel.canShowBadge();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="289"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mSound = channel.getSound();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="290"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mAudioAttributes = channel.getAudioAttributes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="291"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mLights = channel.shouldShowLights();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="292"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mLightColor = channel.getLightColor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="293"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mVibrationEnabled = channel.shouldVibrate();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="294"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mVibrationPattern = channel.getVibrationPattern();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="295"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mBypassDnd = channel.canBypassDnd();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="301"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mLockscreenVisibility = channel.getLockscreenVisibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="302"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mCanBubble = channel.canBubble();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="304"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(mId, mName, mImportance);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="320"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setDescription(mDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="321"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setGroup(mGroupId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="322"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setShowBadge(mShowBadge);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="323"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setSound(mSound, mAudioAttributes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="324"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.enableLights(mLights);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="325"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setLightColor(mLightColor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="326"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.setVibrationPattern(mVibrationPattern);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="327"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" channel.enableVibration(mVibrationEnabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="328"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" this(group.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="115"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mName = group.getName();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="117"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mDescription = group.getDescription();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="119"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mBlocked = group.isBlocked();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="123"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mChannels = getChannelsCompat(group.getChannels());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="124"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mId.equals(channel.getGroup())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="136"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" NotificationChannelGroup group = new NotificationChannelGroup(mId, mName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="152"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" group.setDescription(mDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="154"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" this.mSmallIcon = notification.getSmallIcon();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="940"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotification.audioAttributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1447"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1448"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_NOTIFICATION)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1449"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1450"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotification.audioAttributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1476"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1477"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLegacyStreamType(streamType)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1478"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="1479"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Notification.Builder.recoverBuilder(mContext, notification)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2029"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .createContentView();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2030"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return Notification.Builder.recoverBuilder(mContext, notification)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2063"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .createBigContentView();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2064"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification.Builder.recoverBuilder(mContext, notification);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2098"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return platformBuilder.createHeadsUpContentView();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2099"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" contentView.setTextViewTextSize(, TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2737"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" contentView.setViewPadding(, 0, 0, 0, 0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2741"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" contentView.setChronometerCountDown(,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2752"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" outerView.setViewPadding(,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2833"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" new Notification.BigPictureStyle(builder.getBuilder())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2938"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBigContentTitle(mBigContentTitle)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2939"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .bigPicture(mPicture);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2940"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" style.bigLargeIcon(mBigLargeIcon);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2942"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" style.setSummaryText(mSummaryText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="2945"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" new Notification.BigTextStyle(builder.getBuilder())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3058"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBigContentTitle(mBigContentTitle)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3059"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .bigText(mBigText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3060"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" style.setSummaryText(mSummaryText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3062"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle = new Notification.MessagingStyle(mUser.toAndroidPerson());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3391"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle = new Notification.MessagingStyle(mUser.getName());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3393"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle.addMessage(message.toAndroidMessage());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3397"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle.addHistoricMessage(historicMessage.toAndroidMessage());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3402"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle.setConversationTitle(mConversationTitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3414"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle.setGroupConversation(mIsGroupConversation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3420"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkStyle.setBuilder(builder.getBuilder());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3422"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" new Notification.BigTextStyle(builder.getBuilder())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3455"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBigContentTitle(null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3456"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .bigText(completeMessage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3457"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkMessage = new Notification.MessagingStyle.Message("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3843"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkMessage = new Notification.MessagingStyle.Message("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3847"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" frameworkMessage.setData(getDataMimeType(), getDataUri());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3853"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" new Notification.InboxStyle(builder.getBuilder())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3931"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBigContentTitle(mBigContentTitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3932"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" style.setSummaryText(mSummaryText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3934"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" style.addLine(text);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="3937"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.getBuilder().setStyle(new Notification.DecoratedCustomViewStyle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4030"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.getBuilder().setStyle(new Notification.DecoratedCustomViewStyle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4030"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" button.setContentDescription(, action.title);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4148"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && action.getIcon() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4432"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" IconCompat iconCompat = IconCompat.createFromIcon(action.getIcon());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4433"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1="[] remoteInputs = action.getRemoteInputs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4441"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.mAllowGeneratedReplies = action.getAllowGeneratedReplies();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4449"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setSemanticAction(action.getSemanticAction());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4452"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setContextual(action.isContextual());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="4455"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder = new Notification.Action.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5290"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder = new Notification.Action.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5299"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.setAllowGeneratedReplies(actionCompat.getAllowGeneratedReplies());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5311"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.addExtras(actionExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5313"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.addRemoteInput(remoteInput);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5318"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="5321"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" ? new RemoteInput(remoteInput.getResultKey(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6067"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteInput.getLabel(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6068"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteInput.getChoices(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6069"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteInput.getAllowFreeFormInput(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6070"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" ? remoteInput.getEditChoicesBeforeSending()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6072"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteInput.getExtras(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6074"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" new"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6100"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLabel(remoteInputCompat.getLabel())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6101"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setChoices(remoteInputCompat.getChoices())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6102"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAllowFreeFormInput(remoteInputCompat.getAllowFreeFormInput())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6103"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .addExtras(remoteInputCompat.getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6104"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6105"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" new"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6533"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAutoExpandBubble(compatMetadata.getAutoExpandBubble())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6534"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDeleteIntent(compatMetadata.getDeleteIntent())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6535"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIcon(compatMetadata.getIcon().toIcon())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6536"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIntent(compatMetadata.getIntent())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6537"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setSuppressNotification("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6538"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" platformMetadataBuilder.setDesiredHeight(compatMetadata.getDesiredHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6542"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" platformMetadataBuilder.setDesiredHeightResId("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6546"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6550"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAutoExpandBubble(platformMetadata.getAutoExpandBubble())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6569"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDeleteIntent(platformMetadata.getDeleteIntent())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6570"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIcon(IconCompat.createFromIcon(platformMetadata.getIcon()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6571"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIntent(platformMetadata.getIntent())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6572"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" platformMetadata.isNotificationSuppressed());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6574"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (platformMetadata.getDesiredHeight() != 0) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6576"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" compatBuilder.setDesiredHeight(platformMetadata.getDesiredHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6577"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (platformMetadata.getDesiredHeightResId() != 0) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6580"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" compatBuilder.setDesiredHeightResId(platformMetadata.getDesiredHeightResId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6581"
+ column="70"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return BubbleMetadata.fromPlatform(notification.getBubbleMetadata());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6842"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" final[] srcArray = action.getRemoteInputs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6852"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" src.getResultKey(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6860"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" src.getLabel(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6861"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" src.getChoices(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6862"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" src.getAllowFreeFormInput(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6863"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" ? src.getEditChoicesBeforeSending()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6865"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" src.getExtras(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6867"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" allowGeneratedReplies = action.getExtras().getBoolean("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6874"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" || action.getAllowGeneratedReplies();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6876"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" allowGeneratedReplies = action.getExtras().getBoolean("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6878"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" action.getExtras().getBoolean(Action.EXTRA_SHOWS_USER_INTERFACE, true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6883"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" semanticAction = action.getSemanticAction();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6887"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" semanticAction = action.getExtras().getInt("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6889"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" final boolean isContextual = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29 ? action.isContextual() : false;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6893"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (action.getIcon() == null && action.icon != 0) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6896"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" action.getExtras(), remoteInputs, null, allowGeneratedReplies,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6898"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" IconCompat icon = action.getIcon() == null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6901"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" ? null : IconCompat.createFromIconOrNullIfZeroResId(action.getIcon());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6902"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Action(icon, action.title, action.actionIntent, action.getExtras(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6903"
+ column="79"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Action(action.icon, action.title, action.actionIntent, action.getExtras(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="6907"
+ column="86"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getGroup();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7023"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getSortKey();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7131"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getChannelId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7147"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getTimeoutAfter();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7159"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getBadgeIconType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7172"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getShortcutId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7184"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getSettingsText();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7195"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" LocusId locusId = notification.getLocusId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7211"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getGroupAlertBehavior();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7226"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return notification.getAllowSystemGeneratedContextualActions();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="7239"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder = new Notification.Builder(b.mContext, b.mChannelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="69"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setSubText(b.mSubText)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="98"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUsesChronometer(b.mUseChronometer)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="99"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .setPriority(b.mPriority);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="100"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setShowWhen(b.mShowWhen);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="130"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setLocalOnly(b.mLocalOnly)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="142"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setGroup(b.mGroupKey)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="143"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setGroupSummary(b.mGroupSummary)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="144"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setSortKey(b.mSortKey);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="145"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setCategory(b.mCategory)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="150"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setColor(b.mColor)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="151"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setVisibility(b.mVisibility)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="152"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setPublicVersion(b.mPublicVersion)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="153"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setSound(n.sound, n.audioAttributes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="154"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.addPerson(person);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="165"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setSmallIcon(b.mSmallIcon);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="199"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setExtras(b.mExtras)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="203"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .setRemoteInputHistory(b.mRemoteInputHistory);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="204"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setCustomContentView(b.mContentView);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="206"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setCustomBigContentView(b.mBigContentView);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="209"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setCustomHeadsUpContentView(b.mHeadsUpContentView);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="212"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setBadgeIconType(b.mBadgeIcon)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="216"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setSettingsText(b.mSettingsText)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="217"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setShortcutId(b.mShortcutId)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="218"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTimeoutAfter(b.mTimeout)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="219"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setGroupAlertBehavior(b.mGroupAlertBehavior);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="220"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setColorized(b.mColorized);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="222"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.addPerson(p.toAndroidPerson());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="234"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setAllowSystemGeneratedContextualActions("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="238"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setBubbleMetadata("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="241"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setLocusId(b.mLocusId.toLocusId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="244"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setGroup(NotificationCompat.GROUP_KEY_SILENT);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="263"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setGroupAlertBehavior(mGroupAlertBehavior);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="265"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder = new Notification.Action.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="346"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder = new Notification.Action.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="351"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.addRemoteInput(remoteInput);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="359"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.setAllowGeneratedReplies(action.getAllowGeneratedReplies());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="371"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.setSemanticAction(action.getSemanticAction());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="377"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.setContextual(action.isContextual());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="381"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" actionBuilder.addExtras(actionExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="386"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.addAction(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="387"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.addAction(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="387"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="397"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification notification =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="399"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="403"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="409"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="418"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification notification =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="419"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="432"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="438"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="446"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification notification =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="447"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="457"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (notification.getGroup() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="463"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mBuilder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="479"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification notification =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="480"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" Notification notification =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="489"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.areNotificationsEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="232"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.getImportance();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="263"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannel(channel);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="291"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannelGroup(group);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="330"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannels(channels);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="357"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannels(platformChannels);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="376"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannelGroups(groups);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="390"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannelGroups(platformGroups);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="409"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(channelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="424"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.deleteNotificationChannelGroup(groupId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="436"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" for (NotificationChannel channel : mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannels()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="451"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (channelIds.contains(channel.getId())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="452"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(channel.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="459"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(channel.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="459"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannel(channelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="472"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannelGroup(channelGroupId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="538"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (group.getId().equals(channelGroupId)) return group;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="542"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannels();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="580"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannelGroups();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="611"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.util.ObjectsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return Objects.equals(a, b);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/"
+ line="51"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.util.ObjectsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return Objects.hash(values);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/util/"
+ line="93"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return info.getLongVersionCode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="36"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return paint.hasGlyph(string);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="52"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" paint.setBlendMode(blendMode != null ? obtainBlendModeFromCompat(blendMode) : null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="127"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PathInterpolator(path);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/animation/"
+ line="49"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PathInterpolator(controlX, controlY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/animation/"
+ line="64"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PathInterpolator(controlX1, controlY1, controlX2, controlY2);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/animation/"
+ line="82"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" float[] pathData = path.approximate(error);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="60"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return permissionInfo.getProtection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="75"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return permissionInfo.getProtectionFlags();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="89"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setName(bundle.getString(NAME_KEY))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="71"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUri(bundle.getString(URI_KEY))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="72"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .setKey(bundle.getString(KEY_KEY))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="73"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBot(bundle.getBoolean(IS_BOT_KEY))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="74"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" .setImportant(bundle.getBoolean(IS_IMPORTANT_KEY))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="75"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setName(person.getName())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="89"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" (person.getIcon() != null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="91"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" ? IconCompat.createFromIcon(person.getIcon())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="92"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUri(person.getUri())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="94"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setKey(person.getKey())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="95"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBot(person.isBot())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="96"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setImportant(person.isImportant())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="97"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" PersistableBundle result = new PersistableBundle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="151"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" result.putString(NAME_KEY, mName != null ? mName.toString() : null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="152"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" result.putString(URI_KEY, mUri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="153"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" result.putString(KEY_KEY, mKey);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="154"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" result.putBoolean(IS_BOT_KEY, mIsBot);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="155"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" result.putBoolean(IS_IMPORTANT_KEY, mIsImportant);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="156"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="175"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setName(getName())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="176"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIcon((getIcon() != null) ? getIcon().toIcon() : null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="177"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUri(getUri())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="178"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setKey(getKey())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="179"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBot(isBot())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="180"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setImportant(isImportant())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="181"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="182"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.PointerIconCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PointerIconCompat(PointerIcon.getSystemIcon(context, style));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="131"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.PointerIconCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PointerIconCompat(PointerIcon.create(bitmap, hotSpotX, hotSpotY));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="152"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.PointerIconCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PointerIconCompat(PointerIcon.load(resources, resourceId));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="181"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupMenuCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((PopupMenu) popupMenu).getDragToOpenListener();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="56"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" popup.showAsDropDown(anchor, xoff, yoff, gravity);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="69"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" popupWindow.setOverlapAnchor(overlapAnchor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="91"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return popupWindow.getOverlapAnchor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="120"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" popupWindow.setWindowLayoutType(layoutType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="154"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return popupWindow.getWindowLayoutType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="184"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mWrapped = new PrecomputedText.Params.Builder(paint)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="199"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBreakStrategy(strategy)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="200"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHyphenationFrequency(frequency)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="201"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTextDirection(textDir)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="202"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="203"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint = wrapped.getTextPaint();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="215"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextDir = wrapped.getTextDirection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="216"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mBreakStrategy = wrapped.getBreakStrategy();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="217"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mHyphenationFrequency = wrapped.getHyphenationFrequency();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="218"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mPaint.getLetterSpacing() != other.getTextPaint().getLetterSpacing()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="294"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mPaint.getLetterSpacing() != other.getTextPaint().getLetterSpacing()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="294"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!TextUtils.equals(mPaint.getFontFeatureSettings(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="297"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" other.getTextPaint().getFontFeatureSettings())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="298"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!mPaint.getTextLocales().equals(other.getTextPaint().getTextLocales())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="306"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!mPaint.getTextLocales().equals(other.getTextPaint().getTextLocales())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="306"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!mPaint.getTextLocale().equals(other.getTextPaint().getTextLocale())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="310"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!mPaint.getTextLocale().equals(other.getTextPaint().getTextLocale())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="310"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextSkewX(), mPaint.getLetterSpacing(), mPaint.getFlags(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="354"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextLocales(), mPaint.getTypeface(), mPaint.isElegantTextHeight(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="355"
+ column="79"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextLocales(), mPaint.getTypeface(), mPaint.isElegantTextHeight(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="355"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextSkewX(), mPaint.getLetterSpacing(), mPaint.getFlags(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="359"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextLocale(), mPaint.getTypeface(), mPaint.isElegantTextHeight(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="360"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextLocale(), mPaint.getTypeface(), mPaint.isElegantTextHeight(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="360"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextSkewX(), mPaint.getFlags(), mPaint.getTextLocale(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="364"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mPaint.getTextSkewX(), mPaint.getFlags(), mPaint.getTextLocale(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="368"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" sb.append(", letterSpacing=" + mPaint.getLetterSpacing());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="384"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" sb.append(", elegantTextHeight=" + mPaint.isElegantTextHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="385"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" sb.append(", textLocale=" + mPaint.getTextLocales());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="388"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" sb.append(", textLocale=" + mPaint.getTextLocale());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="390"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat.Params is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" sb.append(", variationSettings=" + mPaint.getFontVariationSettings());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="394"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" PrecomputedText.create(text, params.mWrapped), params);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="440"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(text, 0, text.length(), params.getTextPaint(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="468"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBreakStrategy(params.getBreakStrategy())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="470"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHyphenationFrequency(params.getHyphenationFrequency())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="471"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTextDirection(params.getTextDirection())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="472"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="473"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getParagraphCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="532"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getParagraphStart(paraIndex);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="545"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.text.PrecomputedTextCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mWrapped.getParagraphEnd(paraIndex);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="558"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" IconCompat.createFromIcon(remoteAction.getIcon()), remoteAction.getTitle(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="117"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" IconCompat.createFromIcon(remoteAction.getIcon()), remoteAction.getTitle(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="117"
+ column="81"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteAction.getContentDescription(), remoteAction.getActionIntent());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="118"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteAction.getContentDescription(), remoteAction.getActionIntent());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="118"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" action.setEnabled(remoteAction.isEnabled());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="119"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" action.setShouldShowIcon(remoteAction.shouldShowIcon());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="121"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" RemoteAction action = new RemoteAction(mIcon.toIcon(), mTitle, mContentDescription,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="190"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" action.setEnabled(isEnabled());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="192"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" action.setShouldShowIcon(shouldShowIcon());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="194"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return, remoteInputResultKey);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="339"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="377"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=", intent, results);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="403"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="426"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RemoteInput.RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipDataIntent));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="452"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=", intent, results);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="467"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RemoteInput.RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipDataIntent));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="487"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=", source);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="506"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipDataIntent));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="513"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="531"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" new"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="562"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLabel(src.getLabel())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="563"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setChoices(src.getChoices())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="564"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAllowFreeFormInput(src.getAllowFreeFormInput())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="565"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .addExtras(src.getExtras());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="566"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEditChoicesBeforeSending(src.getEditChoicesBeforeSending());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="568"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="570"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" new RemoteInput.Builder(src.getResultKey())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="576"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLabel(src.getLabel())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="577"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setChoices(src.getChoices())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="578"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAllowFreeFormInput(src.getAllowFreeFormInput())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="579"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" .addExtras(src.getExtras());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="580"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEditChoicesBeforeSending(src.getEditChoicesBeforeSending());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="582"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ClipData clipData = intent.getClipData();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="589"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return res.getDrawable(id, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="94"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return res.getDrawableForDensity(id, density, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="127"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return res.getDrawableForDensity(id, density);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="129"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return res.getColor(id, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="157"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return res.getColorStateList(id, theme);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/res/"
+ line="187"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" cursor.setFillWindowForwardOnly(fillWindowForwardOnly);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/database/sqlite/"
+ line="46"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ScaleGestureDetectorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" scaleGestureDetector.setQuickScaleEnabled(enabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="54"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ScaleGestureDetectorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return scaleGestureDetector.isQuickScaleEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="79"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" service.stopForeground(flags);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="99"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" result = Html.escapeHtml(text);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="828"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" ShortcutInfo.Builder builder = new ShortcutInfo.Builder(mContext, mId)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="101"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" .setShortLabel(mLabel)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="102"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIntents(mIntents);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="103"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setIcon(mIcon.toIcon(mContext));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="105"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setLongLabel(mLongLabel);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="108"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setDisabledMessage(mDisabledMessage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="111"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setActivity(mActivity);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="114"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setCategories(mCategories);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="117"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setRank(mRank);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="119"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="121"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setPersons(persons);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="129"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setLocusId(mLocusId.toLocusId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="132"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setLongLived(mIsLongLived);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="134"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setExtras(buildLegacyExtrasBundle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="139"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="141"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mExtras = new PersistableBundle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="151"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mExtras.putInt(EXTRA_PERSON_COUNT, mPersons.length);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="154"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mExtras.putPersistableBundle(EXTRA_PERSON_ + (i + 1),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="156"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mExtras.putString(EXTRA_LOCUS_ID, mLocusId.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="161"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mExtras.putBoolean(EXTRA_LONG_LIVED, mIsLongLived);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="163"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (bundle == null || !bundle.containsKey(EXTRA_PERSON_COUNT)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="330"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int personsLength = bundle.getInt(EXTRA_PERSON_COUNT);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="334"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.getPersistableBundle(EXTRA_PERSON_ + (i + 1)));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="338"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (bundle == null || !bundle.containsKey(EXTRA_LONG_LIVED)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="350"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" return bundle.getBoolean(EXTRA_LONG_LIVED);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="353"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" if (shortcutInfo.getLocusId() == null) return null;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="467"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return LocusIdCompat.toLocusIdCompat(shortcutInfo.getLocusId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="468"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return getLocusIdFromExtra(shortcutInfo.getExtras());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="470"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final String locusId = bundle.getString(EXTRA_LOCUS_ID);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="482"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mId = shortcutInfo.getId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="548"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mPackageName = shortcutInfo.getPackage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="549"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" Intent[] intents = shortcutInfo.getIntents();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="550"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mActivity = shortcutInfo.getActivity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="552"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mLabel = shortcutInfo.getShortLabel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="553"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mLongLabel = shortcutInfo.getLongLabel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="554"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mDisabledMessage = shortcutInfo.getDisabledMessage();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="555"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mDisabledReason = shortcutInfo.getDisabledReason();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="557"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mDisabledReason = shortcutInfo.isEnabled()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="559"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mCategories = shortcutInfo.getCategories();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="563"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mPersons = ShortcutInfoCompat.getPersonsFromExtra(shortcutInfo.getExtras());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="564"
+ column="82"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mUser = shortcutInfo.getUserHandle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="565"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mLastChangedTimestamp = shortcutInfo.getLastChangedTimestamp();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="566"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mIsDynamic = shortcutInfo.isDynamic();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="570"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mIsPinned = shortcutInfo.isPinned();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="571"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mIsDeclaredInManifest = shortcutInfo.isDeclaredInManifest();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="572"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mIsImmutable = shortcutInfo.isImmutable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="573"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mIsEnabled = shortcutInfo.isEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="574"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mHasKeyFieldsOnly = shortcutInfo.hasKeyFieldsOnly();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="575"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mRank = shortcutInfo.getRank();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="577"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" mInfo.mExtras = shortcutInfo.getExtras();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="578"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).isRequestPinShortcutSupported();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="137"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).isRequestPinShortcutSupported();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="137"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).requestPinShortcut("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="174"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).requestPinShortcut("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="174"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" result = context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="218"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .createShortcutResultIntent(shortcut.toShortcutInfo());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="219"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getShortcuts(matchFlags);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="259"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" final ShortcutManager manager = context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="262"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" shortcuts.addAll(manager.getManifestShortcuts());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="265"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" shortcuts.addAll(manager.getDynamicShortcuts());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="268"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" shortcuts.addAll(manager.getPinnedShortcuts());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="271"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).addDynamicShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="307"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).addDynamicShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="307"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getMaxShortcutCountPerActivity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="323"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getMaxShortcutCountPerActivity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="323"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).isRateLimitingActive();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="340"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).isRateLimitingActive();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="340"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getIconMaxWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="360"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getIconMaxWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="360"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getIconMaxHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="371"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).getIconMaxHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="371"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).reportShortcutUsed(shortcutId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="398"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).reportShortcutUsed(shortcutId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="398"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).setDynamicShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="432"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).setDynamicShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="432"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" List<ShortcutInfo> shortcuts = context.getSystemService("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="451"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" ShortcutManager.class).getDynamicShortcuts();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="452"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).updateShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="490"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).updateShortcuts(shortcuts)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="490"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="550"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" .disableShortcuts(shortcutIds, disabledMessage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="551"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).enableShortcuts(shortcutIds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="578"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).enableShortcuts(shortcutIds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="578"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).removeDynamicShortcuts(shortcutIds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="590"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).removeDynamicShortcuts(shortcutIds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="590"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).removeAllDynamicShortcuts();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="601"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).removeAllDynamicShortcuts();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="601"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).removeLongLivedShortcuts(shortcutIds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="625"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class).pushDynamicShortcut("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="675"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" final ShortcutManager sm = context.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="678"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" if (sm.isRateLimitingActive()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="679"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" final List<ShortcutInfo> shortcuts = sm.getDynamicShortcuts();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="682"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" sm.removeDynamicShortcuts(Arrays.asList("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="684"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 25, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 25. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(25) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(25)."
+ errorLine1=" sm.addDynamicShortcuts(Arrays.asList(shortcut.toShortcutInfo()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="687"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19 || am == null || am.isLowRamDevice();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/content/pm/"
+ line="727"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return PendingIntent.getActivities(mSourceContext, requestCode, intents, flags,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/app/"
+ line="341"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.text.TextUtilsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(locale);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/text/"
+ line="91"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelative(start, top, end, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="152"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="154"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="179"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="181"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="211"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="213"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getMaxLines();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="227"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getMinLines();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="253"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setTextAppearance(resId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="284"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="296"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="299"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(autoSizeTextType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="327"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="362"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(presetSizes, unit);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="388"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getAutoSizeTextType();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="407"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getAutoSizeStepGranularity();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="423"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getAutoSizeMinTextSize();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="440"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getAutoSizeMaxTextSize();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="457"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="474"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setFirstBaselineToTopHeight(firstBaselineToTopHeight);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="695"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" || textView.getIncludeFontPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="704"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" || textView.getIncludeFontPadding()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="745"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new PrecomputedTextCompat.Params(textView.getTextMetricsParams());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="816"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setBreakStrategy(textView.getBreakStrategy());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="821"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setHyphenationFrequency(textView.getHyphenationFrequency());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="822"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setTextDirection(getTextDirection(params.getTextDirection()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="843"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setBreakStrategy(params.getBreakStrategy());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="866"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setHyphenationFrequency(params.getHyphenationFrequency());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="867"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(textView.getTextLocale());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="919"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(textView.getTextLocale());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="919"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" final String zero = symbols.getDigitStrings()[0];"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="920"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" final boolean defaultIsRtl = (textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="935"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" switch (textView.getTextDirection()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="938"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setCompoundDrawableTintList(tint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="995"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getCompoundDrawableTintList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="1011"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.setCompoundDrawableTintMode(tintMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="1029"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return textView.getCompoundDrawableTintMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="1046"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.widget.TextViewRichContentReceiverCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" paste = clip.getItemAt(i).coerceToStyledText(context);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/widget/"
+ line="82"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return Trace.isEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="78"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" Trace.beginSection(sectionName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="104"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" Trace.endSection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="117"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" Trace.beginAsyncSection(methodName, cookie);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="133"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" Trace.endAsyncSection(methodName, cookie);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="153"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.os.TraceCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" Trace.setCounter(counterName, counterValue);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="172"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" TrafficStats.tagDatagramSocket(socket);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/net/"
+ line="138"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" TrafficStats.untagDatagramSocket(socket);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/net/"
+ line="155"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = resolver.openFileDescriptor(uri, "r", cancellationSignal)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/"
+ line="104"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.os.UserManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(UserManager.class).isUserUnlocked();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="42"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.os.UserManagerCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(UserManager.class).isUserUnlocked();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/os/"
+ line="42"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" v.setAutofillHints(autofillHints);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="753"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return v.getImportantForAutofill();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="774"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" v.setImportantForAutofill(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="818"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return v.isImportantForAutofill();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="887"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return v.getAccessibilityDelegate();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="937"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.hasTransientState();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="980"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setHasTransientState(hasTransientState);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="994"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.postInvalidateOnAnimation();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1009"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.postInvalidateOnAnimation(left, top, right, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1031"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.postOnAnimation(action);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1049"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.postOnAnimationDelayed(action, delayMillis);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1071"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getImportantForAccessibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1093"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setImportantForAccessibility(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1120"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setImportantForAccessibility(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1129"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isImportantForAccessibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1171"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1193"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = view.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1428"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getLabelFor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1523"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setLabelFor(labeledId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1537"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setLayerPaint(paint);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1573"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getLayoutDirection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1596"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1620"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getParentForAccessibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1634"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.requireViewById(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1657"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getAccessibilityLiveRegion();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1774"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setAccessibilityLiveRegion(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1810"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getPaddingStart();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1825"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getPaddingEnd();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1841"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setPaddingRelative(start, top, end, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1862"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" view.dispatchStartTemporaryDetach();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1885"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" view.dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1908"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getMinimumWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="1985"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getMinimumHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2019"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setElevation(elevation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2326"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getElevation();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2337"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTranslationZ(translationZ);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2347"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getTranslationZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2358"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTransitionName(transitionName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2372"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getTransitionName();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2394"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getWindowSystemUiVisibility();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2407"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" view.requestApplyInsets();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2418"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.requestFitSystemWindows();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2420"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return v.getFitsSystemWindows();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2463"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" v.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2503"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" v.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(new View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2507"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" WindowInsets result = view.onApplyWindowInsets(unwrapped);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2537"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" final WindowInsets result = view.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(unwrapped);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2565"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setSystemGestureExclusionRects(rects);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2589"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getSystemGestureExclusionRects();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2604"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.hasOverlappingRendering();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2691"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isPaddingRelative();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2704"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setBackground(background);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2717"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getBackgroundTintList();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2731"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setBackgroundTintList(tintList);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2747"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean hasTint = (view.getBackgroundTintList() != null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2753"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" || (view.getBackgroundTintMode() != null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2754"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setBackground(background);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2759"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getBackgroundTintMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2776"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setBackgroundTintMode(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2794"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean hasTint = (view.getBackgroundTintList() != null)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2800"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" || (view.getBackgroundTintMode() != null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2801"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setBackground(background);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2806"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setNestedScrollingEnabled(enabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2832"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isNestedScrollingEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2855"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.startNestedScroll(axes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2877"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.stopNestedScroll();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2896"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.hasNestedScrollingParent();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2913"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.dispatchNestedScroll(dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2942"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.dispatchNestedPreScroll(dx, dy, consumed, offsetInWindow);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="2973"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.dispatchNestedFling(velocityX, velocityY, consumed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3197"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.dispatchNestedPreFling(velocityX, velocityY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3240"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isInLayout();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3262"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isLaidOut();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3273"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isLayoutDirectionResolved();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3290"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3304"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setZ(z);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3323"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setClipBounds(clipBounds);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3442"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getClipBounds();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3457"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isAttachedToWindow();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3467"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.hasOnClickListeners();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3479"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setScrollIndicators(indicators);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3497"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setScrollIndicators(indicators, mask);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3531"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getScrollIndicators();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3549"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setPointerIcon((PointerIcon) (pointerIcon != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3560"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getDisplay();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3579"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTooltipText(tooltipText);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3599"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return v.startDragAndDrop(data, shadowBuilder, localState, flags);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3609"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" v.cancelDragAndDrop();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3620"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" v.updateDragShadow(shadowBuilder);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3629"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getNextClusterForwardId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3641"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setNextClusterForwardId(nextClusterForwardId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3655"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isKeyboardNavigationCluster();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3667"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setKeyboardNavigationCluster(isCluster);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3681"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isFocusedByDefault();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3696"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setFocusedByDefault(isFocusedByDefault);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3715"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.keyboardNavigationClusterSearch(currentCluster, direction);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3733"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" view.addKeyboardNavigationClusters(views, direction);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3749"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.restoreDefaultFocus();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3763"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.hasExplicitFocusable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3785"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return View.generateViewId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3798"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isScreenReaderFocusable();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3990"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setScreenReaderFocusable(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="3996"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getAccessibilityPaneTitle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4062"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setAccessibilityPaneTitle(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4068"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.isAccessibilityHeading();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4142"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setAccessibilityHeading(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4148"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" event.setContentChangeTypes(changeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4243"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" event.setContentChangeTypes(changeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4253"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" view.getParent().notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged(view, view, changeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4260"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat.AccessibilityPaneVisibilityManager is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (pane.isAttachedToWindow()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4320"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewCompat.AccessibilityPaneVisibilityManager is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="4351"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewConfigurationCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return config.getScaledHorizontalScrollFactor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="82"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewConfigurationCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return config.getScaledVerticalScrollFactor();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="99"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewConfigurationCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return config.getScaledHoverSlop();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="129"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewConfigurationCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return config.shouldShowMenuShortcutsWhenKeyboardPresent();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="142"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return group.getLayoutMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="115"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" group.setLayoutMode(mode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="131"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" group.setTransitionGroup(isTransitionGroup);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="145"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return group.isTransitionGroup();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="158"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewGroupCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return group.getNestedScrollAxes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="182"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return parent.onStartNestedScroll(child, target, nestedScrollAxes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="215"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.onNestedScrollAccepted(child, target, nestedScrollAxes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="256"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.onStopNestedScroll(target);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="289"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.onNestedScroll(target, dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="346"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.onNestedPreScroll(target, dx, dy, consumed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="391"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return parent.onNestedFling(target, velocityX, velocityY, consumed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="426"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return parent.onNestedPreFling(target, velocityX, velocityY);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="463"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewParentCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged(child, source, changeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="493"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().withEndAction(runnable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="218"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return (Interpolator) view.animate().getInterpolator();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="269"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().translationZBy(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="572"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().translationZ(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="591"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().z(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="610"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().zBy(value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="629"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().withLayer();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="682"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().withStartAction(runnable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="710"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animate().setUpdateListener(wrapped);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="787"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.core.view.WindowCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.requireViewById(id);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="87"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (view != null && view.isAttachedToWindow()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/view/"
+ line="177"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mDrawable.setAutoMirrored(mirrored);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="198"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return mDrawable.isAutoMirrored();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="204"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="The getter return type (`AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat`) and setter parameter type (`View`) getter and setter methods for property `parent` should have exactly the same type to allow be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat getParent() {"
diff --git a/datastore/datastore-core/lint-baseline.xml b/datastore/datastore-core/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5aa55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/datastore/datastore-core/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.datastore.migrations.SharedPreferencesMigration is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!context.deleteSharedPreferences(name)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/datastore/migrations/SharedPreferencesMigration.kt"
+ line="114"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/documentfile/documentfile/lint-baseline.xml b/documentfile/documentfile/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52accf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentfile/documentfile/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" String documentId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(treeUri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/documentfile/provider/"
+ line="136"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, treeUri)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/documentfile/provider/"
+ line="137"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" documentId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(treeUri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/documentfile/provider/"
+ line="138"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(treeUri,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/documentfile/provider/"
+ line="141"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/documentfile/provider/"
+ line="154"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/drawerlayout/drawerlayout/lint-baseline.xml b/drawerlayout/drawerlayout/lint-baseline.xml
index 1f3b34f..48d5753 100644
--- a/drawerlayout/drawerlayout/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/drawerlayout/drawerlayout/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" WindowInsets rootInsets = getRootWindowInsets();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/drawerlayout/widget/"
+ line="1334"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) {"
diff --git a/dynamic-animation/dynamic-animation/lint-baseline.xml b/dynamic-animation/dynamic-animation/lint-baseline.xml
index b27b439..81b5021 100644
--- a/dynamic-animation/dynamic-animation/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/dynamic-animation/dynamic-animation/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" property.setValue(object, value);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/dynamicanimation/animation/"
+ line="66"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public T setStartValue(float startValue) {"
diff --git a/emoji/core/lint-baseline.xml b/emoji/core/lint-baseline.xml
index e83ff72..6b81f8c 100644
--- a/emoji/core/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/emoji/core/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,116 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiButton is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="58"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiEditText is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="65"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiExtractEditText is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="74"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiExtractTextLayout is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="99"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiInputFilter.InitCallbackImpl is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (textView != null && textView.isAttachedToWindow()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="110"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.emoji.text.EmojiProcessor.CodepointIndexFinder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Character.isSurrogate(c)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/text/"
+ line="713"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.emoji.text.EmojiProcessor.CodepointIndexFinder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Character.isSurrogate(c)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/text/"
+ line="770"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiTextView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="58"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.EmojiTextWatcher.InitCallbackImpl is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (editText != null && editText.isAttachedToWindow()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="121"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.emoji.widget.ExtractButtonCompat is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/emoji/widget/"
+ line="53"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="The getter return type (`int`) and setter parameter type (`boolean`) getter and setter methods for property `hasGlyph` should have exactly the same type to allow be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public int getHasGlyph() {"
diff --git a/exifinterface/exifinterface/lint-baseline.xml b/exifinterface/exifinterface/lint-baseline.xml
index ceebab0..8644ccd 100644
--- a/exifinterface/exifinterface/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/exifinterface/exifinterface/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,94 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" fileDescriptor = Os.dup(fileDescriptor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="3950"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.lseek(fd, 0, OsConstants.SEEK_CUR);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="4610"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.lseek(mSeekableFileDescriptor, 0, OsConstants.SEEK_SET);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="4687"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.lseek(mSeekableFileDescriptor, 0, OsConstants.SEEK_SET);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="4709"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" newFileDescriptor = Os.dup(mSeekableFileDescriptor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="4797"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.lseek(newFileDescriptor, 0, OsConstants.SEEK_SET);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="4798"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" retriever.setDataSource(new MediaDataSource() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="5748"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.close(fd);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/exifinterface/media/"
+ line="7989"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public boolean getLatLong(float output[]) {"
diff --git a/fragment/fragment/lint-baseline.xml b/fragment/fragment/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cc14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fragment/fragment/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mView.cancelPendingInputEvents();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="2927"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" child.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(insets));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="211"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" child.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(insets));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="211"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" transition.removeListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="155"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" transition.addListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="156"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" transition.removeListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="161"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" transition.removeListener(this);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/"
+ line="241"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/leanback/leanback/lint-baseline.xml b/leanback/leanback/lint-baseline.xml
index 9677005..4e4b515 100644
--- a/leanback/leanback/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/leanback/leanback/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,897 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.BackgroundHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" drawable.setAlpha(view.getBackground().getAlpha());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="35"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.picker.DatePicker is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" yearPattern = android.text.format.DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(mConstant.locale,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/picker/"
+ line="142"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Rect center = t.getEpicenter();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="api21/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="114"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Rect center = getEpicenter();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="api21/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="144"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.ForegroundHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getForeground();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="17"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.ForegroundHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setForeground(drawable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="25"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return fragment.getContext();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="25"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mTitleView.setAutofillHints(action.getAutofillHints());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="690"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mTitleView.setAutofillHints((String[]) null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="692"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mTitleView.setImportantForAutofill(View.IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="696"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mDescriptionView.setAutofillHints(action.getAutofillHints());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="711"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mDescriptionView.setAutofillHints((String[]) null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="713"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.GuidedActionsStylist is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" vh.mTitleView.setImportantForAutofill(View.IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="717"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ft.addSharedElement(subView, transitionName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="562"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setEnterTransition((android.transition.Transition) enterTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="903"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setSharedElementEnterTransition((android.transition.Transition) sharedElementTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="912"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setEnterTransition((android.transition.Transition) enterTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="925"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setEnterTransition((android.transition.Transition) enterTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="932"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setSharedElementEnterTransition(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="935"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setEnterTransition(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="938"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setSharedElementEnterTransition(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="940"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setExitTransition((android.transition.Transition) exitTransition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="947"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.LeanbackTransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" slide.setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="40"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.LeanbackTransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" slide.addTarget(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="42"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.LeanbackTransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" slide.setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="53"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.LeanbackTransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" slide.addTarget(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="55"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" fragment.requestPermissions(permissions, requestCode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/app/"
+ line="33"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ? !mProgressBar.isAccessibilityFocused() : true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="320"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.RoundedRectHelperApi21.RoundedRectOutlineProvider is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" outline.setRoundRect(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight(), mRadius);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="39"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.RoundedRectHelperApi21.RoundedRectOutlineProvider is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" outline.setAlpha(1f);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="40"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.system.Settings is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mOutlineClippingDisabled = activityManager.isLowRamDevice();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/system/"
+ line="132"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" outline.setRect(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="34"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" outline.setAlpha(1.0f);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="35"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.StaticShadowHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" parent.setLayoutMode(ViewGroup.LAYOUT_MODE_OPTICAL_BOUNDS);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="38"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.StaticShadowHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" shadowContainer.setLayoutMode(ViewGroup.LAYOUT_MODE_OPTICAL_BOUNDS);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/"
+ line="44"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.leanback.widget.picker.TimePicker is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" hourPattern = DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(mConstant.locale, mIs24hFormat ? "Hma""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/widget/picker/"
+ line="157"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getSharedElementEnterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="66"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" window.setSharedElementEnterTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="73"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getSharedElementReturnTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="79"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" window.setSharedElementReturnTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="86"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getSharedElementExitTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="92"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getSharedElementReenterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="99"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getEnterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="106"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" window.setEnterTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="113"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getReturnTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="119"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" window.setReturnTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="126"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getExitTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="132"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return window.getReenterTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="139"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" Scene scene = new Scene(sceneRoot);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="146"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" scene.setEnterAction(r);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="147"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" changeBounds.setReparent(reparent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="156"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ChangeTransform();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="164"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" TransitionSet set = new TransitionSet();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="196"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" set.setOrdering(sequential ? TransitionSet.ORDERING_SEQUENTIAL"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="197"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ChangeTransform();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="215"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((TransitionSet) transitionSet).addTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="225"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).excludeTarget(targetId, exclude);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="231"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).excludeTarget(targetView, exclude);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="237"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).excludeChildren(targetId, exclude);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="243"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).excludeChildren(targetView, exclude);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="249"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).addTarget(targetId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="255"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).addTarget(targetView);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="261"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).setStartDelay(startDelay);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="267"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).setDuration(duration);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="273"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new AutoTransition();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="279"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Fade(fadeMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="286"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" t.addListener((Transition.TransitionListener) listener.mImpl);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="323"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" t.removeListener((Transition.TransitionListener) listener.mImpl);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="339"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" TransitionManager.go((Scene) scene, (Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="351"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).setInterpolator((TimeInterpolator) timeInterpolator);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="373"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).addTarget(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="379"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return TransitionInflater.from(context).inflateTransition(resId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="393"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return TransitionInflater.from(context).inflateTransition(resId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="393"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" fragment.setEnterTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="401"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" fragment.setExitTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="408"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" fragment.setSharedElementEnterTransition((Transition) transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="416"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ft.addSharedElement(view, transitionName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="424"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(sceneRoot, transition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="447"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" viewGroup.setTransitionGroup(transitionGroup);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="453"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).setEpicenterCallback(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="461"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.leanback.transition.TransitionHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Transition) transition).setEpicenterCallback(new Transition.EpicenterCallback() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/leanback/transition/"
+ line="463"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This method should be called `getHasMediaRowSeparator` such that `hasMediaRowSeparator` can be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public boolean hasMediaRowSeparator() {"
diff --git a/lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/lint-baseline.xml b/lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc93235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.lifecycle.CoroutineLiveDataKt is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="): LiveData<T> = CoroutineLiveData(context, timeout.toMillis(), block)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/lifecycle/CoroutineLiveData.kt"
+ line="458"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.lifecycle.FlowLiveDataConversions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1="): LiveData<T> = asLiveData(context, timeout.toMillis())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/lifecycle/FlowLiveData.kt"
+ line="138"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/lifecycle/lifecycle-process/lint-baseline.xml b/lifecycle/lifecycle-process/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e81c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lifecycle/lifecycle-process/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new EmptyActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/lifecycle/"
+ line="174"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/lint-checks/build.gradle b/lint-checks/build.gradle
index 6f14782..ac4973a 100644
--- a/lint-checks/build.gradle
+++ b/lint-checks/build.gradle
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
dependencies {
testImplementation KOTLIN_STDLIB
diff --git a/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/AndroidXIssueRegistry.kt b/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/AndroidXIssueRegistry.kt
index 420d922..bd875bd 100644
--- a/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/AndroidXIssueRegistry.kt
+++ b/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/AndroidXIssueRegistry.kt
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
+ MetadataTagInsideApplicationTagDetector.ISSUE,
- MetadataTagInsideApplicationTagDetector.ISSUE
+ UnsafeNewApiCallsDetector.ISSUE
diff --git a/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/UnsafeNewApiCallsDetector.kt b/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/UnsafeNewApiCallsDetector.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fdf9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lint-checks/src/main/java/androidx/build/lint/UnsafeNewApiCallsDetector.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiAnonymousClass
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiClass
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiClassType
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiCompiledElement
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifierListOwner
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiSuperExpression
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiType
+import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
+import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
+import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
+import org.jetbrains.uast.UInstanceExpression
+import org.jetbrains.uast.USuperExpression
+import org.jetbrains.uast.UThisExpression
+import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingUClass
+import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingUMethod
+import org.jetbrains.uast.util.isConstructorCall
+import org.jetbrains.uast.util.isMethodCall
+ * This detects usages of a platform api that are not within a class annotated with RequiresApi(x)
+ * where x is equal or higher to that api. It is to encourage developers to move calls to apis
+ * higher than minSdk to be within a specialized annotated class (classes with names
+ * traditionally ending with ....ApiXImpl.
+ */
+class UnsafeNewApiCallsDetector : Detector(), SourceCodeScanner {
+ private var apiDatabase: ApiLookup? = null
+ override fun beforeCheckEachProject(context: Context) {
+ apiDatabase = ApiLookup.get(context.client, context.project.buildTarget)
+ }
+ override fun afterCheckEachProject(context: Context) {
+ apiDatabase = null
+ }
+ override fun createUastHandler(context: JavaContext): UElementHandler? {
+ if (apiDatabase == null) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return ApiVisitor(context)
+ }
+ override fun getApplicableUastTypes() = listOf(
+ // Consider making this a top class and pass in apiDatabase explicitly.
+ private inner class ApiVisitor(private val context: JavaContext) : UElementHandler() {
+ override fun visitCallExpression(node: UCallExpression) {
+ val method = node.resolve()
+ if (method != null) {
+ visitCall(method, node, node)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun visitCall(
+ method: PsiMethod,
+ call: UCallExpression?,
+ reference: UElement
+ ) {
+ if (call == null) {
+ return
+ }
+ val apiDatabase = apiDatabase ?: return
+ val containingClass = method.containingClass ?: return
+ val evaluator = context.evaluator
+ val owner = evaluator.getQualifiedName(containingClass)
+ ?: return // Couldn't resolve type
+ if (!apiDatabase.containsClass(owner)) {
+ return
+ }
+ val name = getInternalMethodName(method)
+ val desc = evaluator.getMethodDescription(
+ method,
+ false,
+ false
+ ) // Couldn't compute description of method for some reason; probably
+ // failure to resolve parameter types
+ ?: return
+ var api = apiDatabase.getMethodVersion(owner, name, desc)
+ if (api == NO_API_REQUIREMENT) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (api <= context.project.minSdk) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (call.isMethodCall()) {
+ val qualifier = call.receiver
+ if (qualifier != null &&
+ qualifier !is UThisExpression &&
+ qualifier !is PsiSuperExpression
+ ) {
+ val receiverType = qualifier.getExpressionType()
+ if (receiverType is PsiClassType) {
+ val containingType = context.evaluator.getClassType(containingClass)
+ val inheritanceChain =
+ getInheritanceChain(receiverType, containingType)
+ if (inheritanceChain != null) {
+ for (type in inheritanceChain) {
+ val expressionOwner = evaluator.getQualifiedName(type)
+ if (expressionOwner != null && expressionOwner != owner) {
+ val specificApi = apiDatabase.getMethodVersion(
+ expressionOwner, name, desc
+ )
+ if (specificApi == NO_API_REQUIREMENT) {
+ if (apiDatabase.isRelevantOwner(expressionOwner)) {
+ return
+ }
+ } else if (specificApi <= context.project.minSdk) {
+ return
+ } else {
+ // For example, for Bundle#getString(String,String) the
+ // API level is 12, whereas for BaseBundle#getString
+ // (String,String) the API level is 21. If the code
+ // specified a Bundle instead of a BaseBundle, reported
+ // the Bundle level in the error message instead.
+ if (specificApi < api) {
+ api = specificApi
+ }
+ api = Math.min(specificApi, api)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Unqualified call; need to search in our super hierarchy
+ // Unfortunately, expression.getReceiverType() does not work correctly
+ // in Java; it returns the type of the static binding of the call
+ // instead of giving the virtual dispatch type, as described in
+ // (and covered by
+ // for example ApiDetectorTest#testListView). Therefore, we continue
+ // to use the workaround method for Java (which isn't correct, and is
+ // particularly broken in Kotlin where the dispatch needs to take into
+ // account top level functions and extension methods), and then we use
+ // the correct receiver type in Kotlin.
+ var cls: PsiClass? = null
+ if (context.file.path.endsWith(DOT_JAVA)) {
+ cls = call.getContainingUClass()?.javaPsi
+ } else {
+ val receiverType = call.receiverType
+ if (receiverType is PsiClassType) {
+ cls = receiverType.resolve()
+ }
+ }
+ if (qualifier is UThisExpression || qualifier is USuperExpression) {
+ val pte = qualifier as UInstanceExpression
+ val resolved = pte.resolve()
+ if (resolved is PsiClass) {
+ cls = resolved
+ }
+ }
+ while (cls != null) {
+ if (cls is PsiAnonymousClass) {
+ // If it's an unqualified call in an anonymous class, we need to
+ // rely on the resolve method to find out whether the method is
+ // picked up from the anonymous class chain or any outer classes
+ var found = false
+ val anonymousBaseType = cls.baseClassType
+ val anonymousBase = anonymousBaseType.resolve()
+ if (anonymousBase != null && anonymousBase.isInheritor(
+ containingClass,
+ true
+ )
+ ) {
+ cls = anonymousBase
+ found = true
+ } else {
+ val surroundingBaseType =
+ PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(cls,, true)
+ if (surroundingBaseType != null && surroundingBaseType.isInheritor(
+ containingClass,
+ true
+ )
+ ) {
+ cls = surroundingBaseType
+ found = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ val expressionOwner = evaluator.getQualifiedName(cls)
+ if (expressionOwner == null || equivalentName(
+ expressionOwner,
+ "java/lang/Object"
+ )
+ ) {
+ break
+ }
+ val specificApi =
+ apiDatabase.getMethodVersion(expressionOwner, name, desc)
+ if (specificApi == NO_API_REQUIREMENT) {
+ if (apiDatabase.isRelevantOwner(expressionOwner)) {
+ break
+ }
+ } else if (specificApi <= context.project.minSdk) {
+ return
+ } else {
+ if (specificApi < api) {
+ api = specificApi
+ }
+ api = Math.min(specificApi, api)
+ break
+ }
+ cls = cls.superClass
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (call.isMethodCall()) {
+ val receiver = call.receiver
+ var target: PsiClass? = null
+ if (!method.isConstructor) {
+ if (receiver != null) {
+ val type = receiver.getExpressionType()
+ if (type is PsiClassType) {
+ target = type.resolve()
+ }
+ } else {
+ target = call.getContainingUClass()?.javaPsi
+ }
+ }
+ // Look to see if there's a possible local receiver
+ if (target != null) {
+ val methods = target.findMethodsBySignature(method, true)
+ if (methods.size > 1) {
+ for (m in methods) {
+ if (method != m) {
+ val provider = m.containingClass
+ if (provider != null) {
+ val methodOwner = evaluator.getQualifiedName(provider)
+ if (methodOwner != null) {
+ val methodApi = apiDatabase.getMethodVersion(
+ methodOwner, name, desc
+ )
+ if (methodApi == NO_API_REQUIREMENT ||
+ methodApi <= context.project.minSdk) {
+ // Yes, we found another call that doesn't have an
+ // API requirement
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If you're simply calling super.X from method X, even if method X is in a higher
+ // API level than the minSdk, we're generally safe; that method should only be
+ // called by the framework on the right API levels. (There is a danger of somebody
+ // calling that method locally in other contexts, but this is hopefully unlikely.)
+ if (receiver is USuperExpression) {
+ val containingMethod = call.getContainingUMethod()?.javaPsi
+ if (containingMethod != null &&
+ name == &&
+ evaluator.areSignaturesEqual(method, containingMethod) &&
+ // We specifically exclude constructors from this check, because we
+ // do want to flag constructors requiring the new API level; it's
+ // highly likely that the constructor is called by local code so
+ // you should specifically investigate this as a developer
+ !method.isConstructor
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // If it's a method we have source for, obviously it shouldn't be a
+ // violation, happens in androidx (appcompat?)
+ if (method !is PsiCompiledElement) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Desugar rewrites compare calls (see b/36390874)
+ if (name == "compare" &&
+ api == 19 &&
+ startsWithEquivalentPrefix(owner, "java/lang/") &&
+ desc.length == 4 &&
+ context.project.isDesugaring(Desugaring.LONG_COMPARE) &&
+ (desc == "(JJ)" ||
+ desc == "(ZZ)" ||
+ desc == "(BB)" ||
+ desc == "(CC)" ||
+ desc == "(II)" ||
+ desc == "(SS)")
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ // Desugar rewrites Objects.requireNonNull calls (see b/32446315)
+ if (name == "requireNonNull" &&
+ api == 19 &&
+ owner == "java.util.Objects" &&
+ desc == "(Ljava.lang.Object;)" &&
+ context.project.isDesugaring(Desugaring.OBJECTS_REQUIRE_NON_NULL)
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (name == "addSuppressed" &&
+ api == 19 &&
+ owner == "java.lang.Throwable" &&
+ desc == "(Ljava.lang.Throwable;)" &&
+ context.project.isDesugaring(Desugaring.TRY_WITH_RESOURCES)
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ val nameIdentifier = call.methodIdentifier
+ val location = if (call.isConstructorCall() &&
+ call.classReference != null
+ ) {
+ context.getRangeLocation(call, 0, call.classReference!!, 0)
+ } else if (nameIdentifier != null) {
+ context.getLocation(nameIdentifier)
+ } else {
+ context.getLocation(reference)
+ }
+ if (call.getContainingUClass() == null) {
+ // Can't verify if containing class is annotated with @RequiresApi
+ return
+ }
+ val potentialRequiresApiVersion = getRequiresApiFromAnnotations(call
+ .getContainingUClass()!!.javaPsi)
+ if (potentialRequiresApiVersion == NO_API_REQUIREMENT ||
+ api > potentialRequiresApiVersion) {
+ val containingClassName = call.getContainingUClass()!!.qualifiedName.toString()
+, reference, location,
+ "This call is to a method from API $api, the call containing " +
+ "class $containingClassName is not annotated with " +
+ "@RequiresApi(x) where x is at least $api. Either annotate the " +
+ "containing class with at least @RequiresApi($api) or move the " +
+ "call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at " +
+ "least @RequiresApi($api).")
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getInheritanceChain(
+ derivedClass: PsiClassType,
+ baseClass: PsiClassType?
+ ): List<PsiClassType>? {
+ if (derivedClass == baseClass) {
+ return emptyList()
+ }
+ val chain = getInheritanceChain(derivedClass, baseClass, HashSet(), 0)
+ chain?.reverse()
+ return chain
+ }
+ private fun getInheritanceChain(
+ derivedClass: PsiClassType,
+ baseClass: PsiClassType?,
+ visited: HashSet<PsiType>,
+ depth: Int
+ ): MutableList<PsiClassType>? {
+ if (derivedClass == baseClass) {
+ return ArrayList(depth)
+ }
+ for (type in derivedClass.superTypes) {
+ if (visited.add(type) && type is PsiClassType) {
+ val chain = getInheritanceChain(type, baseClass, visited, depth + 1)
+ if (chain != null) {
+ chain.add(derivedClass)
+ return chain
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ private fun getRequiresApiFromAnnotations(modifierListOwner: PsiModifierListOwner): Int {
+ for (annotation in context.evaluator.getAllAnnotations(modifierListOwner, false)) {
+ val qualifiedName = annotation.qualifiedName
+ if (REQUIRES_API_ANNOTATION.isEquals(qualifiedName)) {
+ val wrapped = JavaUAnnotation.wrap(annotation)
+ var api = getLongAttribute(context, wrapped,
+ if (api <= 1) {
+ // @RequiresApi has two aliasing attributes: api and value
+ api = getLongAttribute(context, wrapped, "api", NO_API_REQUIREMENT.toLong())
+ .toInt()
+ }
+ return api
+ } else if (qualifiedName == null) {
+ // Work around UAST type resolution problems
+ // Work around bugs in UAST type resolution for file annotations:
+ // parse the source string instead.
+ if (annotation is PsiCompiledElement) {
+ continue
+ }
+ val text = annotation.text
+ if (text.contains("RequiresApi(")) {
+ val start = text.indexOf('(')
+ val end = text.indexOf(')', start + 1)
+ if (end != -1) {
+ var name = text.substring(start + 1, end)
+ // Strip off attribute name and qualifiers, e.g.
+ // @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION.O) -> O
+ var index = name.indexOf('=')
+ if (index != -1) {
+ name = name.substring(index + 1).trim()
+ }
+ index = name.indexOf('.')
+ if (index != -1) {
+ name = name.substring(index + 1)
+ }
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ if (name[0].isDigit()) {
+ val api = Integer.parseInt(name)
+ if (api > 0) {
+ return api
+ }
+ } else {
+ return codeNameToApi(name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ companion object {
+ const val NO_API_REQUIREMENT = -1
+ val ISSUE = Issue.create("UnsafeNewApiCall",
+ "Calling method with API level higher than minSdk outside a " +
+ "@RequiresApi class or with insufficient required API.",
+ """
+ Even though wrapping a call to a method from an API above minSdk
+ inside an SDK_INT check makes it runtime safe, it is not optimal. When
+ ART tries to optimize a class, it will do so regardless of the execution
+ path, and will fail if it tries to resolve a method at a higher API if
+ that method is being referenced
+ somewhere in the class, even if that method would never be called at runtime
+ due to the SDK_INT check. ART will however only try to optimize a class the
+ first time it's referenced at runtime, this means if we wrap our above
+ minSdk method calls inside classes that are only referenced at runtime at
+ the appropriate API level, then we guarantee the ablity to resolve all the
+ methods. To enforce this we require that all references to methods above
+ minSdk are made inside classes that are annotated with RequiresApi(x) where
+ x is at least the api at which the methods becomes available.
+ For example if our minSdk is 14, and framework method a.x(params...) is
+ available starting sdk 16, then creating the following example class is
+ considered good practice:
+ @RequiresApi(16)
+ private static class Api16Impl{
+ static void callX(params...) {
+ a.x(params...);
+ }
+ }
+ The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).
+ Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it's on the execution
+ path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.
+ In addition, shrinkers like r8/proguard may inline the method in the separate
+ class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you may have to disable
+ inlining the class by using a proguard rule. The following is an example of how to
+ disable inlining methods from Impl classes inside the WindowInsetsCompat class:
+ -keepclassmembernames,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class
+ androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsCompat${'$'}*Impl* {
+ <methods>;
+ }
+ This will still allow them to be removed, buf if they are kept, they will not be
+ inlined.
+ Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation.
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ Category.CORRECTNESS, 5, Severity.ERROR,
+ Implementation(, Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE)
+ ).setAndroidSpecific(true)
+ }
diff --git a/media/media/lint-baseline.xml b/media/media/lint-baseline.xml
index 8afb115..3ddbf73 100644
--- a/media/media/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media/media/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,1172 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder = new AudioAttributes.Builder();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="133"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder = new AudioAttributes.Builder((AudioAttributes) aa);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="137"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new AudioAttributesImplApi21(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="143"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder.setUsage(usage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="153"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder.setContentType(contentType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="160"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder.setFlags(flags);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="167"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder.setLegacyStreamType(streamType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="174"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new AudioAttributesImplApi26(;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="65"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mFwkBuilder.setUsage(usage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="71"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" new AudioFocusRequest.Builder(mFocusGain)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="84"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAudioAttributes(getAudioAttributes())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="85"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setWillPauseWhenDucked(mPauseOnDuck)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="86"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setOnAudioFocusChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="87"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="89"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return audioManager.requestAudioFocus(focusRequest.getAudioFocusRequest());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="91"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return audioManager.abandonAudioFocusRequest(focusRequest.getAudioFocusRequest());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="120"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return audioManager.getStreamMinVolume(streamType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="148"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int flags = itemFwk.getFlags();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="499"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" MediaDescriptionCompat.fromMediaDescription(itemFwk.getDescription());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="501"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mServiceFwk.setSessionToken((MediaSession.Token) token.getToken());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="335"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return browserRootCompat == null ? null : new MediaBrowserService.BrowserRoot("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="506"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" context.startForegroundService(intent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/session/"
+ line="294"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" controllerFwk = new MediaController(activity, (MediaSession.Token) sessionTokenObj);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="168"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.setMediaController(controllerFwk);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="170"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" MediaController controllerFwk = activity.getMediaController();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="191"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" MediaSession.Token sessionTokenFwk = controllerFwk.getSessionToken();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="195"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mSessionInfo = mControllerFwk.getSessionInfo();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2263"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.prepare();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2387"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.prepareFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2396"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.prepareFromSearch(query, extras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2408"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.prepareFromUri(uri, extras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2420"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.setPlaybackSpeed(speed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2488"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mControlsFwk.playFromUri(uri, extras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2530"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" MediaDescription.Builder bob = new MediaDescription.Builder();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="339"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setMediaId(mMediaId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="340"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setTitle(mTitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="341"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setSubtitle(mSubtitle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="342"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setDescription(mDescription);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="343"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setIconBitmap(mIcon);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="344"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setIconUri(mIconUri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="345"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setExtras(extras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="358"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setMediaUri(mMediaUri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="360"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mDescriptionFwk =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="362"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setMediaId(description.getMediaId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="383"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setTitle(description.getTitle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="384"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setSubtitle(description.getSubtitle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="385"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setDescription(description.getDescription());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="386"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setIconBitmap(description.getIconBitmap());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="387"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setIconUri(description.getIconUri());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="388"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Bundle extras = description.getExtras();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="389"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" bob.setMediaUri(description.getMediaUri());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="415"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new MediaSession(context, tag, sessionInfo);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="602"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new MediaSession(context, tag);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="604"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mItemFwk = new MediaSession.QueueItem("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2219"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Object descriptionObj = queueItemObj.getDescription();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2240"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" long id = queueItemObj.getQueueId();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="2243"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" mSessionFwk.setRatingType(type);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="3948"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mObject = new"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="68"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" super(remoteUserInfo.getPackageName(), remoteUserInfo.getPid(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="74"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" super(remoteUserInfo.getPackageName(), remoteUserInfo.getPid(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="74"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" remoteUserInfo.getUid());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="75"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.getBuilder().setStyle("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="211"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" fillInMediaStyle(new Notification.MediaStyle()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="212"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" style.setShowActionsInCompactView(mActionsToShowInCompact);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="221"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" style.setMediaSession((MediaSession.Token) mToken.getToken());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="224"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 15, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 15. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(15) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(15)."
+ errorLine1=" button.setContentDescription(, action.getTitle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="288"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.getBuilder().setStyle("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="389"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" fillInMediaStyle(new Notification.DecoratedMediaCustomViewStyle()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/app/"
+ line="390"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" List<PlaybackState.CustomAction> customActionFwks = stateFwk.getCustomActions();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="800"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" extras = stateFwk.getExtras();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="810"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getState(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="816"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getPosition(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="817"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getBufferedPosition(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="818"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getPlaybackSpeed(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="819"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getActions(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="820"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getErrorMessage(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="822"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getLastPositionUpdateTime(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="823"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" stateFwk.getActiveQueueItemId(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="825"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" PlaybackState.Builder builder = new PlaybackState.Builder();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="844"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setState(mState, mPosition, mSpeed, mUpdateTime);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="845"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setBufferedPosition(mBufferedPosition);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="846"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setActions(mActions);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="847"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setErrorMessage(mErrorMessage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="848"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addCustomAction("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="850"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setActiveQueueItemId(mActiveItemId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="853"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 22, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 22. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(22) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(22)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="855"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mStateFwk =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="857"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Bundle extras = customActionFwk.getExtras();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="936"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" customActionFwk.getAction(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="940"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" customActionFwk.getName(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="941"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" customActionFwk.getIcon(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="942"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" PlaybackState.CustomAction.Builder builder = new PlaybackState.CustomAction.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="963"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setExtras(mExtras);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="965"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/session/"
+ line="966"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" final int ratingStyle = ((Rating) ratingObj).getRatingStyle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="334"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (((Rating) ratingObj).isRated()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="336"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" rating = newHeartRating(((Rating) ratingObj).hasHeart());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="339"
+ column="70"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" rating = newThumbRating(((Rating) ratingObj).isThumbUp());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="342"
+ column="70"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Rating) ratingObj).getStarRating());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="348"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" ((Rating) ratingObj).getPercentRating());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="352"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mRatingObj = Rating.newHeartRating(hasHeart());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="380"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mRatingObj = Rating.newThumbRating(isThumbUp());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="383"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mRatingObj = Rating.newStarRating(mRatingStyle,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="388"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mRatingObj = Rating.newPercentageRating(getPercentRating());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="392"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mRatingObj = Rating.newUnratedRating(mRatingStyle);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/android/support/v4/media/"
+ line="398"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" volumeProviderFwk.setCurrentVolume(currentVolume);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media/"
+ line="146"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "listener", in should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" @NonNull OnAudioFocusChangeListener listener, @NonNull Handler handler) {"
diff --git a/media2/common/lint-baseline.xml b/media2/common/lint-baseline.xml
index c817f51..cc6d1b9 100644
--- a/media2/common/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media2/common/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.common.MediaMetadata.BitmapEntry is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return bitmap.getAllocationByteCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/common/"
+ line="1299"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This method should be called `getMediaItem` such that `mediaItem` can be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public abstract MediaItem getCurrentMediaItem();"
diff --git a/media2/player/lint-baseline.xml b/media2/player/lint-baseline.xml
index b942e75..8fe0e51 100644
--- a/media2/player/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media2/player/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,226 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.ExoPlayerWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" PersistableBundle bundle = new PersistableBundle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="401"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.ExoPlayerWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.putString(MediaPlayer2.MetricsConstants.MIME_TYPE_VIDEO, primaryVideoMimeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="403"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.ExoPlayerWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.putString(MediaPlayer2.MetricsConstants.MIME_TYPE_AUDIO, primaryAudioMimeType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="406"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.ExoPlayerWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.putLong(MediaPlayer2.MetricsConstants.DURATION,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="408"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.ExoPlayerWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" bundle.putLong(MediaPlayer2.MetricsConstants.PLAYING, playingTimeMs);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="410"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.FileDescriptorUtil is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return Os.dup(fileDescriptor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="84"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.FileDescriptorUtil is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.lseek(fileDescriptor, position, /* whence= */ OsConstants.SEEK_SET);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="109"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.FileDescriptorUtil is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" Os.close(fileDescriptor);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="134"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.MediaTimestamp is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mMediaTimeUs = timestamp.getAnchorMediaTimeUs();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="84"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.MediaTimestamp is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mNanoTime = timestamp.getAnchorSytemNanoTime();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="85"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.MediaTimestamp is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mClockRate = timestamp.getMediaClockRate();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="86"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPlaybackParams.getAudioFallbackMode();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="115"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPlaybackParams.getPitch();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="130"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPlaybackParams.getSpeed();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="145"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlaybackParams = new;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="188"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlaybackParams.setAudioFallbackMode(audioFallbackMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="224"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlaybackParams.setPitch(pitch);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="246"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.PlaybackParams.Builder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlaybackParams.setSpeed(speed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="268"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.TimedMetaData is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mTimestampUs = timedMetaData.getTimestamp();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="46"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.player.TimedMetaData is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mMetaData = timedMetaData.getMetaData();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/player/"
+ line="47"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" void onPrepared(MediaItem mediaItem);"
diff --git a/media2/session/lint-baseline.xml b/media2/session/lint-baseline.xml
index fcf8d68..f1a68a7 100644
--- a/media2/session/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media2/session/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,105 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaControllerImplLegacy is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mHandlerThread.quitSafely();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="199"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaNotificationHandler is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return PendingIntent.getForegroundService("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="207"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaNotificationHandler is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" || mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="217"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaNotificationHandler is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="221"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaNotificationHandler is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannel(channel);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="223"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaSessionImplBase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mMediaButtonIntent = PendingIntent.getForegroundService(mContext, 0, intent, 0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="219"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaSessionImplBase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21 && mAudioManager.isVolumeFixed()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="314"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.MediaSessionImplBase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mHandlerThread.quitSafely();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="378"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.media2.session.SessionToken is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" thread.quitSafely();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/session/"
+ line="349"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void setTimeDiff(Long timeDiff) {"
diff --git a/media2/session/version-compat-tests/common/lint-baseline.xml b/media2/session/version-compat-tests/common/lint-baseline.xml
index 11f0665..ccc18c6 100644
--- a/media2/session/version-compat-tests/common/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media2/session/version-compat-tests/common/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.test.common.TestUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return Objects.equals(a, b);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/test/common/"
+ line="77"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public static void waitFor(final PollingCheckCondition condition) {"
diff --git a/media2/widget/lint-baseline.xml b/media2/widget/lint-baseline.xml
index dcbb31d..98c2254 100644
--- a/media2/widget/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/media2/widget/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -68,6 +68,226 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.CaptionStyle is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" captionStyle.getTypeface());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="109"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.Cea708CaptionRenderer.Cea708CCWidget.CCWindowLayout is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mFontScale = captioningManager.getFontScale();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="794"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.Cea708CaptionRenderer.Cea708CCWidget.CCWindowLayout is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" setCaptionStyle(new CaptionStyle(captioningManager.getUserStyle()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="795"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.ClosedCaptionWidget is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mCaptionStyle = new CaptionStyle(mManager.getUserStyle());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="86"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.ClosedCaptionWidget is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" fontScale = mManager.getFontScale();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="87"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.ClosedCaptionWidget is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" final boolean needsListener = isAttachedToWindow() && getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="160"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.ClosedCaptionWidget is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mManager.addCaptioningChangeListener(mCaptioningListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="165"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.ClosedCaptionWidget is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mManager.removeCaptioningChangeListener(mCaptioningListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="167"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SelectiveLayout is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" final Drawable drawable = getForeground();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="97"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mCaptioningManager.removeCaptioningChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="124"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" Locale selectedLocale = VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19 ? mCaptioningManager.getLocale() : null;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="231"
+ column="76"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" boolean selectForced = VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19 ? !mCaptioningManager.isEnabled() : true;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="236"
+ column="76"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19 ? mCaptioningManager.isEnabled() : false;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="304"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mCaptioningManager.removeCaptioningChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="339"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mCaptioningManager.addCaptioningChangeListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="359"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(mText, 0, mText.length(), mTextPaint, maxWidth)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="227"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAlignment(mAlignment)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="228"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="229"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setUseLineSpacingFromFallbacks(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="231"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.media2.widget.SubtitleView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mLayout =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/media2/widget/"
+ line="233"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {"
diff --git a/mediarouter/mediarouter/lint-baseline.xml b/mediarouter/mediarouter/lint-baseline.xml
index e4e498d..357c53e 100644
--- a/mediarouter/mediarouter/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/mediarouter/mediarouter/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,534 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" ScriptIntrinsicBlur blurScript = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/app/"
+ line="659"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" blurScript.setRadius(radius);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/app/"
+ line="660"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" blurScript.setInput(allocation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/app/"
+ line="661"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" blurScript.forEach(blurAllocation);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/app/"
+ line="662"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="api24/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="25"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="124"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="128"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="132"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="136"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="140"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="144"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="148"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="152"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="156"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="160"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="164"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="168"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="172"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="176"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="180"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" final int count = group.getRouteCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="196"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" out.add(group.getRouteAt(i));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="199"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="210"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="214"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="218"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="222"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="226"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="230"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="234"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="238"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" (("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="242"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" (("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="247"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="257"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="263"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="268"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="272"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" int routeTypes = route.getSupportedTypes();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="318"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" router.selectRoute(types, route);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="344"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return router.getRouteAt(0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="379"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean-mr1/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="42"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean-mr1/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="49"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean-mr2/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="34"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" return ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean-mr2/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="38"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" ((;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="jellybean-mr2/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="47"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return mPackageManager.queryIntentServices(intent, 0).stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="163"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(resolveInfo -> resolveInfo.serviceInfo).collect(Collectors.toList());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="164"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(resolveInfo -> resolveInfo.serviceInfo).collect(Collectors.toList());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="164"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(resolveInfo -> resolveInfo.serviceInfo).collect(Collectors.toList());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/mediarouter/media/"
+ line="164"
+ column="81"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public Bundle getExtras() {"
diff --git a/preference/preference/lint-baseline.xml b/preference/preference/lint-baseline.xml
index 0f5739b..e335d1f 100644
--- a/preference/preference/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/preference/preference/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.preference.PreferenceCategory is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" holder.itemView.setAccessibilityHeading(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/preference/"
+ line="73"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This getter should be public such that `onBindEditTextListener` can be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" @Nullable OnBindEditTextListener getOnBindEditTextListener() {"
diff --git a/print/print/lint-baseline.xml b/print/print/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8375a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/print/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintAttributes attr = new PrintAttributes.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="271"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMediaSize(mediaSize)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="272"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setColorMode(mColorMode)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="273"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="274"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" printManager.print(jobName,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="276"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintAttributes.Builder builder = new PrintAttributes.Builder();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="366"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setColorMode(mColorMode);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="367"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setMediaSize(PrintAttributes.MediaSize.UNKNOWN_LANDSCAPE);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="370"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setMediaSize(PrintAttributes.MediaSize.UNKNOWN_PORTRAIT);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="372"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintAttributes attr =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="374"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" printManager.print(jobName, printDocumentAdapter, attr);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="376"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" cancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="430"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mediaSize = mAttributes.getMediaSize();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="461"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mediaSize.isPortrait() != isPortrait(bitmap)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="465"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintDocumentInfo info = new PrintDocumentInfo.Builder(mJobName)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="478"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setContentType(PrintDocumentInfo.CONTENT_TYPE_PHOTO)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="479"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setPageCount(1)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="480"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="481"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" layoutResultCallback.onLayoutFinished(info, changed);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="485"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" layoutResultCallback.onLayoutFailed(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="488"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" layoutResultCallback.onLayoutCancelled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="496"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintAttributes.Builder b = new PrintAttributes.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="560"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMediaSize(other.getMediaSize())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="561"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMediaSize(other.getMediaSize())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="561"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setResolution(other.getResolution())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="562"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setResolution(other.getResolution())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="562"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMinMargins(other.getMinMargins());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="563"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMinMargins(other.getMinMargins());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="563"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (other.getColorMode() != 0) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="565"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" b.setColorMode(other.getColorMode());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="566"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" b.setColorMode(other.getColorMode());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="566"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (other.getDuplexMode() != 0) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="570"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" b.setDuplexMode(other.getDuplexMode());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="571"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" b.setDuplexMode(other.getDuplexMode());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="571"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMinMargins(new PrintAttributes.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0)).build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="634"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMinMargins(new PrintAttributes.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0)).build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="634"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMinMargins(new PrintAttributes.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0)).build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="634"
+ column="77"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="641"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintedPdfDocument pdfDocument = new PrintedPdfDocument(mContext,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="645"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" pdfAttributes.getColorMode());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="649"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="651"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PdfDocument.Page page = pdfDocument.startPage(1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="656"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" contentRect = new RectF(page.getInfo().getContentRect());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="660"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" contentRect = new RectF(page.getInfo().getContentRect());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="660"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PrintedPdfDocument dummyDocument = new PrintedPdfDocument(mContext,"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="664"
+ column="64"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" PdfDocument.Page dummyPage = dummyDocument.startPage(1);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="666"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" contentRect = new RectF(dummyPage.getInfo().getContentRect());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="667"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" contentRect = new RectF(dummyPage.getInfo().getContentRect());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="667"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" dummyDocument.finishPage(dummyPage);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="668"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" dummyDocument.close();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="669"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" page.getCanvas().clipRect(contentRect);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="684"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" page.getCanvas().drawBitmap(maybeGrayscale, matrix, null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="688"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" pdfDocument.finishPage(page);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="691"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="693"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" pdfDocument.writeTo("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="698"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" pdfDocument.close();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="702"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" if (cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="723"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" writeResultCallback.onWriteCancelled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="725"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" writeResultCallback.onWriteFinished("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="728"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" writeResultCallback.onWriteFailed(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="733"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.print.PrintHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mDecodeOptions.inPreferredColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/print/"
+ line="783"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/room/guava/lint-baseline.xml b/room/guava/lint-baseline.xml
index 4572c21..cc07fb7 100644
--- a/room/guava/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/room/guava/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" cancellationSignal.cancel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/room/guava/"
+ line="125"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "callable", in should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" final boolean releaseQuery) {"
diff --git a/room/ktx/lint-baseline.xml b/room/ktx/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..459d845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/room/ktx/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" cancellationSignal.cancel()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/room/CoroutinesRoom.kt"
+ line="91"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" cancellationSignal.cancel()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/room/CoroutinesRoom.kt"
+ line="91"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/room/runtime/lint-baseline.xml b/room/runtime/lint-baseline.xml
index aad1489..420df20 100644
--- a/room/runtime/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/room/runtime/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -68,6 +68,28 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return new CancellationSignal();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/room/util/"
+ line="168"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" return activityManager.isLowRamDevice();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/room/"
+ line="529"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 3, "sqliteOpenHelperFactory", in should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" @Nullable Set<Integer> migrationNotRequiredFrom) {"
diff --git a/security/crypto/lint-baseline.xml b/security/crypto/lint-baseline.xml
index 4dd9777f..7dc9247 100644
--- a/security/crypto/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/security/crypto/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -23,4 +23,334 @@
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return mKeyGenParameterSpec != null && mKeyGenParameterSpec.isUserAuthenticationRequired();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="119"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mKeyGenParameterSpec.getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="136"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return mKeyGenParameterSpec.isStrongBoxBacked();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="146"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!mKeyAlias.equals(keyGenParameterSpec.getKeystoreAlias())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="297"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" + keyGenParameterSpec.getKeystoreAlias());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="300"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder builder = new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="329"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBlockModes(KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_GCM)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="332"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setEncryptionPaddings(KeyProperties.ENCRYPTION_PADDING_NONE)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="333"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setKeySize(DEFAULT_AES_GCM_MASTER_KEY_SIZE);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="334"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="337"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="338"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setIsStrongBoxBacked(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="345"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mKeyGenParameterSpec =;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="349"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder builder = new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="72"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setBlockModes(KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_GCM)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="75"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setEncryptionPaddings(KeyProperties.ENCRYPTION_PADDING_NONE)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="76"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" .setKeySize(KEY_SIZE);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="77"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="78"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!MasterKeys.keyExists(keyGenParameterSpec.getKeystoreAlias())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="96"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return keyGenParameterSpec.getKeystoreAlias();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="99"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (spec.getKeySize() != KEY_SIZE) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="105"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" "invalid key size, want " + KEY_SIZE + " bits got " + spec.getKeySize()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="107"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Arrays.equals(spec.getBlockModes(), new String[]{KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_GCM})) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="110"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" + Arrays.toString(spec.getBlockModes()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="113"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (spec.getPurposes() != (KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="115"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" + spec.getPurposes());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="118"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Arrays.equals(spec.getEncryptionPaddings(), new String[]"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="120"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" + Arrays.toString(spec.getEncryptionPaddings()));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="124"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (spec.isUserAuthenticationRequired()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="126"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" && spec.getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds() < 1) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/security/crypto/"
+ line="127"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/slices/builders/lint-baseline.xml b/slices/builders/lint-baseline.xml
index 5afd8e7..b327d7a2 100644
--- a/slices/builders/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/slices/builders/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,28 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setTtl(ttl == null ? INFINITY : ttl.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/builders/impl/"
+ line="227"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setTtl(ttl == null ? INFINITY : ttl.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/builders/impl/"
+ line="281"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public SliceAction getPrimaryAction() {"
diff --git a/slices/core/lint-baseline.xml b/slices/core/lint-baseline.xml
index 44d2df6..eb1bc6b 100644
--- a/slices/core/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/slices/core/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,50 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.slice.compat.CompatPermissionManager.PermissionState is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!Objects.equals(path[i], prefix[i])) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/compat/"
+ line="197"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.slice.Slice is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return SliceConvert.wrap(context.getSystemService(SliceManager.class)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/"
+ line="638"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.slice.Slice is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .bindSlice(uri, unwrap(supportedSpecs)), context);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/"
+ line="639"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.slice.compat.SliceProviderCompat.ProviderHolder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mProvider.close();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/compat/"
+ line="709"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "action", in androidx.slice.Slice.Builder.addAction) should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" @NonNull Slice s, @Nullable String subType) {"
diff --git a/slices/view/lint-baseline.xml b/slices/view/lint-baseline.xml
index 623383b..48f2e59 100644
--- a/slices/view/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/slices/view/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,105 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.ActionRow is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" if (input.getRemoteInput().getAllowFreeFormInput()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="161"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.GridRowView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mForeground.getBackground().setHotspot(x, y);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="555"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" view.performAccessibilityAction(ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="51"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.LocationBasedViewTracker is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (child.isAccessibilityFocused()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="140"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.RemoteInputView.RemoteEditText is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return isTemporarilyDetached();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="329"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.RemoteInputView.RemoteEditText is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" setBackground(mBackground);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="414"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.RemoteInputView.RemoteEditText is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" setBackground(null);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="416"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.SliceView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="203"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.slice.widget.TemplateView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mForeground.getBackground().setHotspot(x, y);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/slice/widget/"
+ line="109"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public ActionRow(Context context, boolean fullActions) {"
diff --git a/sqlite/sqlite-framework/lint-baseline.xml b/sqlite/sqlite-framework/lint-baseline.xml
index 884a4d6..3b001c2 100644
--- a/sqlite/sqlite-framework/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/sqlite/sqlite-framework/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -34,4 +34,81 @@
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteDatabase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mDelegate.rawQueryWithFactory(new SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="175"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteDatabase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mDelegate.setForeignKeyConstraintsEnabled(enable);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="283"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteDatabase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mDelegate.disableWriteAheadLogging();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="294"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteDatabase is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" return mDelegate.isWriteAheadLoggingEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="300"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" File file = new File(mContext.getNoBackupFilesDir(), mName);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="75"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mDelegate.setWriteAheadLoggingEnabled(mWriteAheadLoggingEnabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="81"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.framework.FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" mDelegate.setWriteAheadLoggingEnabled(enabled);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/framework/"
+ line="98"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/sqlite/sqlite/lint-baseline.xml b/sqlite/sqlite/lint-baseline.xml
index 51df956..8461ad8 100644
--- a/sqlite/sqlite/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/sqlite/sqlite/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Callback is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" SQLiteDatabase.deleteDatabase(new File(fileName));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/sqlite/db/"
+ line="284"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public SimpleSQLiteQuery(String query, @Nullable Object[] bindArgs) {"
diff --git a/testutils/testutils-runtime/lint-baseline.xml b/testutils/testutils-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
index 659eb6a..fcfdbe0 100644
--- a/testutils/testutils-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/testutils/testutils-runtime/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,39 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.testutils.LocaleTestUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" newConfig.setLocales(locales.unwrap() as LocaleList)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/testutils/LocaleTestUtils.kt"
+ line="200"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.testutils.LocaleTestUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" newConfig.setLocale(locales.get(0))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/testutils/LocaleTestUtils.kt"
+ line="202"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" check(!requireActivity().isDestroyed)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/fragment/app/StrictFragment.kt"
+ line="57"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "owner", in androidx.testutils.LifecycleOwnerUtils.waitUntilState) should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" final @NonNull Lifecycle.State state) throws Throwable {"
diff --git a/textclassifier/textclassifier/lint-baseline.xml b/textclassifier/textclassifier/lint-baseline.xml
index 259aa7f..5c54cd1 100644
--- a/textclassifier/textclassifier/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/textclassifier/textclassifier/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,2503 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.BundleUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return bundle.deepCopy();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="46"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.ConversationAction.Builder(getType())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="223"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setAction("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="224"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setConfidenceScore(getConfidenceScore())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="228"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTextReply(getTextReply())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="229"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="230"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="231"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new ConversationAction.Builder(conversationAction.getType())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="254"
+ column="66"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" conversationAction.getAction() == null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="256"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" conversationAction.getAction()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="259"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setConfidenceScore(conversationAction.getConfidenceScore())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="260"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTextReply(conversationAction.getTextReply())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="261"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationAction is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(conversationAction.getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="262"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" conversationActions.getConversationActions().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="115"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" conversationActions.getConversationActions().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="115"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(ConversationAction::fromPlatform)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="116"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="117"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="117"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" conversationActions.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="118"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.ConversationActions("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="123"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" getConversationActions().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="124"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(ConversationAction::toPlatform)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="125"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="126"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="126"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="243"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setText(getText())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="245"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setReferenceTime(ConvertUtils.createZonedDateTimeFromUtc(getReferenceTime()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="246"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="247"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="248"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" Person.fromAndroidPerson(message.getAuthor()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="259"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setText(message.getText())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="260"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setReferenceTime(ConvertUtils.zonedDateTimeToUtcMs(message.getReferenceTime()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="261"
+ column="81"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Message is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(message.getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="262"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" new android.view.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="456"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" getConversation().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="457"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(msg -> msg.toPlatform())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="458"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="459"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="459"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHints(getHints())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="460"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="461"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setTypeConfig(getTypeConfig().toPlatform());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="462"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setMaxSuggestions(getMaxSuggestions());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="467"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="470"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getConversation().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="481"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getConversation().stream()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="481"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .map(Message::fromPlatform)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="482"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="483"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" .collect(Collectors.toList()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="483"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHints(request.getHints())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="484"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setMaxSuggestions(request.getMaxSuggestions())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="485"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExtras(request.getExtras())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="486"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConversationActions.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" TextClassifier.EntityConfig.fromPlatform(request.getTypeConfig()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="488"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeInMs), ZoneOffset.UTC);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="84"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeInMs), ZoneOffset.UTC);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="84"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" final int entityCount = textLink.getEntityCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="93"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" String entity = textLink.getEntity(i);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="96"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" floatMap.put(entity, textLink.getConfidenceScore(entity));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="97"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return zonedDateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="122"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.ConvertUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return zonedDateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="122"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDrawable(R.drawable.ft_avd_tooverflow, mContext.getTheme());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="505"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mArrow.setAutoMirrored(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="506"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDrawable(R.drawable.ft_avd_toarrow, mContext.getTheme());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="508"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflow.setAutoMirrored(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="509"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDrawable(R.drawable.ft_avd_toarrow_animation, mContext.getTheme());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="511"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mToArrow.setAutoMirrored(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="512"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" .getDrawable(R.drawable.ft_avd_tooverflow_animation, mContext.getTheme());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="514"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" mToOverflow.setAutoMirrored(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="515"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int targetWidth = mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="813"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int targetHeight = mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="814"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .alpha(0).withLayer()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="882"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int targetWidth = mMainPanelSize.getWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="890"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int targetHeight = mMainPanelSize.getHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="915"
+ column="53"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .alpha(1).withLayer()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="957"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" .alpha(0).withLayer()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="962"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowButton.setX(containerSize.getWidth()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="992"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth()); // align right"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="993"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - containerSize.getWidth() - mMarginHorizontal); // align right"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="997"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanel.setY(containerSize.getHeight()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1006"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowButton.setY(containerSize.getHeight()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1008"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight()); // align bottom"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1009"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setY(mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight()); // align bottom"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1016"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - containerSize.getWidth() - mMarginHorizontal); // align right"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1039"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowButton.setX(containerSize.getWidth()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1041"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth()); // align right"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1042"
+ column="55"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setX(containerSize.getWidth()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1043"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth()); // align right"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1044"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" + mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() - containerSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1051"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" + mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() - containerSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1051"
+ column="82"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setY(containerSize.getHeight()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1054"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight()); // align bottom"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1055"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setY(mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight()); // align bottom"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1061"
+ column="65"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int maxItemSize = (suggestedHeight - mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1075"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() != newHeight) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1078"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanelSize = new Size(mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth(), newHeight);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1079"
+ column="42"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanelSize = new Size(mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth(), newHeight);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1079"
+ column="70"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" final int deltaHeight = mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() - newHeight;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1085"
+ column="68"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" width = Math.max(width, mMainPanelSize.getWidth());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1100"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" height = Math.max(height, mMainPanelSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1101"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" width = Math.max(width, mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1104"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" height = Math.max(height, mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1105"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" .getLayoutDirection();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1132"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanel.setPaddingRelative(0, 0, 0, 0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1166"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" menuItemButton.setPaddingRelative("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1189"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" (int) (1.5 * menuItemButton.getPaddingStart()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1190"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" menuItemButton.getPaddingEnd(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1192"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" menuItemButton.setPaddingRelative("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1199"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" menuItemButton.getPaddingStart(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1200"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" (int) (1.5 * menuItemButton.getPaddingEnd()),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1202"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" menuItemButtonWidth <= availableWidth - mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1212"
+ column="85"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanel.setPaddingRelative(0, 0, mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth(), 0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1238"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanel.setPaddingRelative(0, 0, mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth(), 0);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1238"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setY(mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1258"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int width = Math.max(getOverflowWidth(), mOverflowButtonSize.getWidth());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1261"
+ column="74"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanelSize = new Size(width, height);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1263"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanel.setY(mContentContainer.getHeight() - mMainPanelSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1311"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mOverflowPanel.setY(mContentContainer.getHeight() - mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1313"
+ column="88"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" + mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1342"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int w = mMainPanelSize.getWidth() - mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1368"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int w = mMainPanelSize.getWidth() - mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1368"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int h = mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() - mMainPanelSize.getHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1369"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int h = mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight() - mMainPanelSize.getHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1369"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mMainPanelSize.getWidth(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1384"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" getItem(position), mOverflowPanelSize.getWidth(), convertView);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1433"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Size(view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1499"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setSize(view, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1513"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" setSize(view, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1513"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 16, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup.OverflowPanel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 16. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(16) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(16)."
+ errorLine1=" setScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade(ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() * 3);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1553"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup.OverflowPanel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setScrollIndicators(View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP | View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1554"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup.OverflowPanel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" int height = mPopup.mOverflowPanelSize.getHeight()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1561"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.FloatingToolbar.FloatingToolbarPopup.OverflowPanel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" - mPopup.mOverflowButtonSize.getHeight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="1562"
+ column="54"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.LegacyTextClassifier.MatchMakerImpl is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" ? ((UserManager) userManager).getUserRestrictions() : new Bundle();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="208"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.PlatformTextClassifierWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlatformTextClassifier.suggestSelection("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="70"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.PlatformTextClassifierWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlatformTextClassifier.classifyText("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="91"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.PlatformTextClassifierWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return TextLinks.fromPlatform(mPlatformTextClassifier.generateLinks("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="112"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.PlatformTextClassifierWrapper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" mPlatformTextClassifier.suggestConversationActions("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="126"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionStartedEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="749"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionModifiedEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="755"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionModifiedEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="773"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionModifiedEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="780"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionActionEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="795"
+ column="63"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.SelectionEvent is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.SelectionEvent.createSelectionActionEvent("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="803"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setText(textClassification.getText());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="236"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setId(textClassification.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="239"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" final int entityCount = textClassification.getEntityCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="242"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" String entity = textClassification.getEntity(i);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="244"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEntityType(entity, textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entity));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="245"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" List<RemoteAction> actions = textClassification.getActions();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="249"
+ column="61"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" if (textClassification.getIntent() != null"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="254"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" && !TextUtils.isEmpty(textClassification.getLabel())) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="255"
+ column="62"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textClassification.getText().hashCode(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="275"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textClassification.getIntent(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="276"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" Drawable drawable = textClassification.getIcon();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="279"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" CharSequence label = textClassification.getLabel();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="280"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" icon = ConvertUtils.createIconFromDrawable(textClassification.getIcon());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="286"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" new android.view.textclassifier.TextClassification.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="306"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setText(getText() == null ? null : getText().toString());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="307"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setId(getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="310"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEntityType(entity, getConfidenceScore(entity));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="316"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addAction(action.toRemoteAction());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="322"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setLabel(firstAction.getTitle().toString())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="328"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIcon(firstAction.getIcon().loadDrawable(context))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="329"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" .setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="330"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="342"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="531"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="531"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="531"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setReferenceTime(ConvertUtils.zonedDateTimeToUtcMs(request.getReferenceTime()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="532"
+ column="81"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(ConvertUtils.wrapLocalList(request.getDefaultLocales()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="533"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="544"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(ConvertUtils.unwrapLocalListCompat(getDefaultLocales()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="546"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setReferenceTime(ConvertUtils.createZonedDateTimeFromUtc(mReferenceTime))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="547"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassification.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="548"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassificationContext is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.TextClassificationContext.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="163"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassificationContext is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mPackageName, mWidgetType).setWidgetVersion(mWidgetVersion).build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="164"
+ column="44"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassificationContext is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" mPackageName, mWidgetType).setWidgetVersion(mWidgetVersion).build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="164"
+ column="77"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassificationManager is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textClassificationManager.setTextClassifier(platformTextClassifier);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="128"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig.create("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="393"
+ column="80"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .createWithExplicitEntityList(new ArrayList<>(entitiesSet));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="402"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig.Builder()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="407"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setIncludedTypes(mIncludedTypes)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="408"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setExcludedTypes(mExcludedTypes)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="409"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .setHints(mHints)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="410"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .includeTypesFromTextClassifier(mIncludeTypesFromTextClassifier)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="411"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityConfig is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="412"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request.Builder(getText())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="522"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(unwrapLocalListCompat(getDefaultLocales()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="523"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setEntityConfig(toPlatformEntityConfig(getEntityConfig()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="524"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="525"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new TextLinks.Request.Builder(request.getText())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="534"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(ConvertUtils.wrapLocalList(request.getDefaultLocales()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="535"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" TextClassifier.EntityConfig.fromPlatform(request.getEntityConfig()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="537"
+ column="78"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.DefaultTextLinkSpan is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return ConvertUtils.wrapLocalList(textView.getTextLocales());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="755"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks.DefaultTextLinkSpan is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" return LocaleListCompat.create(textView.getTextLocale());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="757"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" Collection<android.view.textclassifier.TextLinks.TextLink> links = textLinks.getLinks();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="845"
+ column="86"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addLink(link.getStart(), link.getEnd(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="848"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addLink(link.getStart(), link.getEnd(),"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="848"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" new android.view.textclassifier.TextLinks.Builder((String) getText());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="860"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addLink("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="862"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextLinks is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="867"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textSelection.getSelectionStartIndex(), textSelection.getSelectionEndIndex());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="183"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" textSelection.getSelectionStartIndex(), textSelection.getSelectionEndIndex());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="183"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setId(textSelection.getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="186"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" final int entityCount = textSelection.getEntityCount();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="189"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" String entity = textSelection.getEntity(i);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="191"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEntityType(entity, textSelection.getConfidenceScore(entity));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="192"
+ column="57"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" new android.view.textclassifier.TextSelection.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="207"
+ column="17"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setId(getId());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="211"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setEntityType(entity, getConfidenceScore(entity));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="217"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return;"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="219"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="375"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="375"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" request.getText(), request.getStartIndex(), request.getEndIndex())"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="375"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(ConvertUtils.wrapLocalList(request.getDefaultLocales()))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="376"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return new android.view.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request.Builder("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="387"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .setDefaultLocales(ConvertUtils.unwrapLocalListCompat(mDefaultLocales))"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="389"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.TextSelection.Request is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" .build();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/"
+ line="390"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" item.setContentDescription(action.getContentDescription());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="277"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" textView.getContext().getSystemService(ClipboardManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="321"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.ActionModeCallback is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (actionMode.getType() == ActionMode.TYPE_FLOATING) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="468"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.ActionModeCallback is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" ((ActionMode.Callback2) mOriginalCallback).onGetContentRect(mode, view, outRect);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="514"
+ column="60"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mObserver.addOnWindowFocusChangeListener(mTextViewListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="543"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mObserver.addOnWindowAttachListener(mTextViewListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="545"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mObserver.removeOnWindowFocusChangeListener(mTextViewListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="550"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" mObserver.removeOnWindowAttachListener(mTextViewListener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="552"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextView.setCustomInsertionActionModeCallback(mInsertionCallback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="557"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" if (mInsertionCallback == mTextView.getCustomInsertionActionModeCallback()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="565"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.textclassifier.widget.ToolbarController.OnToolbarDismissListener is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" mTextView.setCustomInsertionActionModeCallback("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/widget/"
+ line="566"
+ column="27"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public float getConfidenceScore(@EntityType String entity) {"
diff --git a/tracing/tracing/lint-baseline.xml b/tracing/tracing/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29332a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracing/tracing/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.tracing.Trace is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return android.os.Trace.isEnabled();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tracing/"
+ line="62"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/transition/transition/lint-baseline.xml b/transition/transition/lint-baseline.xml
index 3edb5b1..1af8218 100644
--- a/transition/transition/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/transition/transition/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,336 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.transition.AnimatorUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" animator.addPauseListener(listener);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="32"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.transition.AnimatorUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" animator.pause();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="38"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.transition.AnimatorUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" animator.resume();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="54"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.CanvasUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.enableZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="45"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.CanvasUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.disableZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="47"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.GhostViewHolder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (view.getZ() != comparedWith.getZ()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="176"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.GhostViewHolder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (view.getZ() != comparedWith.getZ()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="176"
+ column="45"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.GhostViewHolder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getZ() > comparedWith.getZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="177"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.GhostViewHolder is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getZ() > comparedWith.getZ();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="177"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ImageViewUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animateTransform(matrix);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="46"
+ column="18"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ImageViewUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.animateTransform(matrix);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="92"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.ObjectAnimatorUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return ObjectAnimator.ofObject(target, property, null, path);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="29"
+ column="35"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.transition.PropertyValuesHolderUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return PropertyValuesHolder.ofObject(property, null, path);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="39"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" addToOverlay = !view.isAttachedToWindow();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="94"
+ column="34"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" sceneRootIsAttached = sceneRoot == null ? false : sceneRoot.isAttachedToWindow();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="95"
+ column="73"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" sceneRoot.getOverlay().add(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="108"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" sceneRoot.getOverlay().add(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="108"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(picture);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="127"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" sceneRoot.getOverlay().remove(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="137"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 18, the call containing class androidx.transition.TransitionUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 18. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(18) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(18)."
+ errorLine1=" sceneRoot.getOverlay().remove(view);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="137"
+ column="36"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewGroupUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" group.suppressLayout(suppress);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="57"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewGroupUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" group.suppressLayout(suppress);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="72"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewGroupUtils is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return viewGroup.getChildDrawingOrder(i);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="84"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi19 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTransitionAlpha(alpha);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="40"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi19 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" return view.getTransitionAlpha();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="56"
+ column="29"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi21 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.transformMatrixToGlobal(matrix);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="50"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi21 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.transformMatrixToLocal(matrix);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="64"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi21 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setAnimationMatrix(matrix);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="78"
+ column="22"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi22 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" v.setLeftTopRightBottom(left, top, right, bottom);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="40"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class androidx.transition.ViewUtilsApi23 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" view.setTransitionVisibility(visibility);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/transition/"
+ line="45"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public long getStartDelay(ViewGroup sceneRoot, Transition transition,"
diff --git a/tv-provider/tv-provider/lint-baseline.xml b/tv-provider/tv-provider/lint-baseline.xml
index 198463c..76d77ca 100644
--- a/tv-provider/tv-provider/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/tv-provider/tv-provider/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,72 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return TvContract.buildRecordedProgramUri(recordedProgramId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="457"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return TvContract.isChannelUri(uri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="518"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return TvContract.isChannelUriForTunerInput(uri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="529"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return TvContract.isChannelUriForPassthroughInput(uri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="540"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return TvContract.isProgramUri(uri);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="551"
+ column="31"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" TvContract.requestChannelBrowsable(context, channelId);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/tvprovider/media/tv/"
+ line="579"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public String getInternalProviderId() {"
diff --git a/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml b/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee407a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-graphics/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap("
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="59"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" bitmap.colorSpace?.toComposeColorSpace() ?: ColorSpaces.Srgb"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="102"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" return"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="223"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="229"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="231"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="233"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="235"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="237"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="239"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="241"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="243"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="245"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="247"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="249"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="251"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="253"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="255"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="257"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=""
+ errorLine2=" ~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidImageAsset.kt"
+ line="259"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" this.blendMode = mode.toAndroidBlendMode()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/AndroidPaint.kt"
+ line="124"
+ column="14"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.enableZ()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/CanvasUtils.kt"
+ line="39"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" canvas.disableZ()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/CanvasUtils.kt"
+ line="41"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/ui/ui-test/lint-baseline.xml b/ui/ui-test/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a684656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-test/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" decorView.viewTreeObserver.registerFrameCommitCallback {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/test/android/WindowCapture.kt"
+ line="57"
+ column="40"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" PixelCopy.request(windowToCapture, captureRectInWindow, destBitmap, onCopyFinished, handler)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/test/android/WindowCapture.kt"
+ line="93"
+ column="15"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml b/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31fbebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-text-android/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" oldTypeface.weight"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontSpan.kt"
+ line="52"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" (weight != 0 && weight != oldTypeface?.weight)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="67"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" oldTypeface?.weight ?: FontStyle.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="79"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" textPaint.typeface = Typeface.create(oldTypeface, newWeight, newItalic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" textPaint.typeface = Typeface.create(oldTypeface, newWeight, newItalic)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/style/FontWeightStyleSpan.kt"
+ line="88"
+ column="39"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Builder.obtain(text, start, end, paint, width)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="108"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setTextDirection(textDir)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="110"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setAlignment(alignment)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="111"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setMaxLines(maxLines)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="112"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setEllipsize(ellipsize)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="113"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setEllipsizedWidth(ellipsizedWidth)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="114"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setLineSpacing(lineSpacingExtra, lineSpacingMultiplier)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="115"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" setJustificationMode(justificationMode)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="117"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setIncludePad(includePadding)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="119"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" setUseLineSpacingFromFallbacks(fallbackLineSpacing)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="121"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setBreakStrategy(breakStrategy)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="123"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setHyphenationFrequency(hyphenationFrequency)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="124"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" setIndents(leftIndents, rightIndents)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="125"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" }.build()"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/StaticLayoutFactory.kt"
+ line="126"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/ui/ui-tooling/lint-baseline.xml b/ui/ui-tooling/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1154f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-tooling/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class androidx.ui.tooling.preview.LayoutlibFontResourceLoader is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" is ResourceFont -> context.resources.getFont(font.resId)"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/ui/tooling/preview/LayoutlibFontResourceLoader.kt"
+ line="33"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/vectordrawable/vectordrawable-animated/lint-baseline.xml b/vectordrawable/vectordrawable-animated/lint-baseline.xml
index 49daeaa..80a2b71 100644
--- a/vectordrawable/vectordrawable-animated/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/vectordrawable/vectordrawable-animated/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,50 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" return dr.unregisterAnimationCallback(callback.getPlatformCallback());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/vectordrawable/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="759"
+ column="19"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" avd.registerAnimationCallback(callback.getPlatformCallback());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/vectordrawable/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="822"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AnimatedVectorDrawable) mDelegateDrawable).clearAnimationCallbacks();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/vectordrawable/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="860"
+ column="58"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" ((AnimatedVectorDrawable) dr).clearAnimationCallbacks();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/vectordrawable/graphics/drawable/"
+ line="926"
+ column="43"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void onAnimationStart(Drawable drawable) {};"
diff --git a/versionedparcelable/versionedparcelable/lint-baseline.xml b/versionedparcelable/versionedparcelable/lint-baseline.xml
index 5a39721..1b33fef 100644
--- a/versionedparcelable/versionedparcelable/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/versionedparcelable/versionedparcelable/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,72 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" writeInt(val.getWidth());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="518"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" writeInt(val.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="519"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" writeFloat(val.getWidth());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="532"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" writeFloat(val.getHeight());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="533"
+ column="28"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new Size(width, height);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="1263"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new SizeF(width, height);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/versionedparcelable/"
+ line="1279"
+ column="20"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "val", in androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcel.writeStrongInterface) should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public void writeStrongInterface(IInterface val, int fieldId) {"
diff --git a/viewpager2/viewpager2/lint-baseline.xml b/viewpager2/viewpager2/lint-baseline.xml
index e9b1f37..8151399 100644
--- a/viewpager2/viewpager2/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/viewpager2/viewpager2/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,83 @@
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="181"
+ column="9"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2.SavedState is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" super(source, loader);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="391"
+ column="13"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" if (applied.isConsumed()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="972"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mRecyclerView.getChildAt(i).dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(applied));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="985"
+ column="41"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" mRecyclerView.getChildAt(i).dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(applied));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="985"
+ column="67"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 20, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 20. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(20) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(20)."
+ errorLine1=" return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets().consumeStableInsets();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="1008"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets().consumeStableInsets();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/viewpager2/widget/"
+ line="1008"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
errorLine1=" public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {"
diff --git a/window/window/lint-baseline.xml b/window/window/lint-baseline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9a562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/window/window/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" activity.getSystemService(android.view.WindowManager.class);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="113"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (activity.isInMultiWindowMode()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="170"
+ column="26"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" currentDisplay.getRealSize(realDisplaySize);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="187"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!activity.isInMultiWindowMode()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="189"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" && !activity.isInMultiWindowMode()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="205"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (bounds.left == displayCutout.getSafeInsetLeft()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="212"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (realDisplaySize.x - bounds.right == displayCutout.getSafeInsetRight()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="216"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" bounds.right += displayCutout.getSafeInsetRight();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="217"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if ( == displayCutout.getSafeInsetTop()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="220"
+ column="49"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" if (realDisplaySize.y - bounds.bottom == displayCutout.getSafeInsetBottom()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="224"
+ column="72"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" bounds.bottom += displayCutout.getSafeInsetBottom();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="225"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (!activity.isInMultiWindowMode()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="254"
+ column="23"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 17, the call containing class androidx.window.WindowBoundsHelper is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 17. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(17) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(17)."
+ errorLine1=" display.getRealSize(size);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/window/"
+ line="306"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
diff --git a/work/workmanager-testing/lint-baseline.xml b/work/workmanager-testing/lint-baseline.xml
index 43d3f70..e76ab76 100644
--- a/work/workmanager-testing/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/work/workmanager-testing/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<issues format="5" by="lint 4.1.0-alpha08" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.1.0-alpha08">
+<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-alpha06" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-alpha06">
diff --git a/work/workmanager/lint-baseline.xml b/work/workmanager/lint-baseline.xml
index 6d2d71f..d771912 100644
--- a/work/workmanager/lint-baseline.xml
+++ b/work/workmanager/lint-baseline.xml
@@ -79,6 +79,347 @@
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setExact(RTC_WAKEUP, triggerAtMillis, pendingIntent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemalarm/"
+ line="128"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mTriggerContentUpdateDelay = duration.toMillis();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="408"
+ column="51"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mTriggerContentMaxDelay = duration.toMillis();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="443"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 19, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 19. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(19) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(19)."
+ errorLine1=" alarmManager.setExact(RTC_WAKEUP, triggerAt, pendingIntent);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/utils/"
+ line="252"
+ column="30"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" mConnectivityManager.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(mNetworkCallback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/constraints/trackers/"
+ line="89"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" mConnectivityManager.unregisterNetworkCallback(mNetworkCallback);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/constraints/trackers/"
+ line="112"
+ column="38"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 23, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 23. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(23) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(23)."
+ errorLine1=" Network network = mConnectivityManager.getActiveNetwork();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/constraints/trackers/"
+ line="151"
+ column="52"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" NetworkCapabilities capabilities = mConnectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(network);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/constraints/trackers/"
+ line="152"
+ column="69"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" && capabilities.hasCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_VALIDATED);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/constraints/trackers/"
+ line="154"
+ column="37"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.setPeriodic(repeatInterval.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="118"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.setPeriodic(repeatInterval.toMillis(), flexInterval.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="181"
+ column="50"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.setPeriodic(repeatInterval.toMillis(), flexInterval.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="181"
+ column="75"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" return Application.getProcessName();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/utils/"
+ line="74"
+ column="32"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 29, the call containing class null is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 29. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(29) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(29)."
+ errorLine1=" startForeground(notificationId, notification, notificationType);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/foreground/"
+ line="137"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setImportantWhileForeground(true);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="102"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.addTriggerContentUri(convertContentUriTrigger(trigger));"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="109"
+ column="25"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setTriggerContentUpdateDelay(constraints.getTriggerContentUpdateDelay());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="111"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setTriggerContentMaxDelay(constraints.getTriggerMaxContentDelay());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="112"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setRequiresBatteryNotLow(constraints.requiresBatteryNotLow());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="119"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" builder.setRequiresStorageNotLow(constraints.requiresStorageNotLow());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="120"
+ column="21"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" return new JobInfo.TriggerContentUri(trigger.getUri(), flag);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="130"
+ column="16"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (params.getTriggeredContentUris() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="125"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Arrays.asList(params.getTriggeredContentUris());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="127"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (params.getTriggeredContentAuthorities() != null) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="129"
+ column="24"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" Arrays.asList(params.getTriggeredContentAuthorities());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="131"
+ column="46"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 28, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 28. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(28) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(28)."
+ errorLine1=" = params.getNetwork();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/"
+ line="134"
+ column="48"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)."
+ errorLine1=" return new File(context.getNoBackupFilesDir(), filePath);"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/"
+ line="145"
+ column="33"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 24, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 24. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(24) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(24)."
+ errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N && context.isDeviceProtectedStorage()) {"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/"
+ line="756"
+ column="71"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.setBackoffDelayDuration(duration.toMillis());"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="174"
+ column="56"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.minimumRetentionDuration = duration.toMillis();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="251"
+ column="59"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
+ id="UnsafeNewApiCall"
+ message="This call is to a method from API 26, the call containing class is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 26. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(26) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(26)."
+ errorLine1=" mWorkSpec.initialDelay = duration.toMillis();"
+ errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
+ <location
+ file="src/main/java/androidx/work/"
+ line="283"
+ column="47"/>
+ </issue>
+ <issue
message="This method should be called `getState` such that `state` can be accessed as a property from Kotlin; see"
errorLine1=" public abstract T getInitialState();"
@@ -621,7 +962,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
- line="269"
+ line="271"
@@ -632,7 +973,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
- line="269"
+ line="271"
@@ -1325,7 +1666,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~">
- line="72"
+ line="77"
@@ -1336,7 +1677,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
- line="73"
+ line="78"
@@ -1347,7 +1688,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
- line="74"
+ line="79"
@@ -1358,7 +1699,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
- line="75"
+ line="80"
@@ -1369,7 +1710,7 @@
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~">
- line="175"
+ line="180"