All Classes and Interfaces

A node that represents a bytecode instruction.
A MethodVisitor to insert before, after and around advices in methods and constructors.
Analyzer<V extends Value>
A semantic bytecode analyzer.
A MethodVisitor that keeps track of stack map frame changes between AnalyzerAdapter.visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) calls.
An exception thrown if a problem occurs during the analysis of a method.
A node that represents an annotation.
An AnnotationVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
A Printer that prints the ASM code to generate the classes it visits.
An Attribute that can generate the ASM code to create an equivalent attribute.
A non standard class, field, method or Code attribute, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
An Interpreter for BasicValue values.
A Value that is represented with its type in a seven types type system.
An extended BasicInterpreter that checks that bytecode instructions are correctly used.
A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
An AnnotationVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A ClassVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A FieldVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A MethodVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A ModuleVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A RecordComponentVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A SignatureVisitor that checks that its methods are properly used.
A node that represents a class.
A parser to make a ClassVisitor visit a ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
A ClassVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
Exception thrown when the constant pool of a class produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java class.
A ClassVisitor that generates a corresponding ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
A MethodVisitor that approximates the size of the methods it visits.
A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
A node that represents a field instruction.
A node that represents a field.
A FieldVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
A visitor to visit a Java field.
Frame<V extends Value>
A symbolic execution stack frame.
A node that represents a stack map frame.
A MethodVisitor with convenient methods to generate code.
A reference to a field or a method.
A node that represents an IINC instruction.
A node that represents an inner class.
A doubly linked list of AbstractInsnNode objects.
A node that represents a zero operand instruction.
A MethodVisitor providing a more detailed API to generate and transform instructions.
A semantic bytecode interpreter.
A node that represents an instruction with a single int operand.
A node that represents an invokedynamic instruction.
A MethodVisitor that removes JSR instructions and inlines the referenced subroutines.
A node that represents a jump instruction.
A position in the bytecode of a method.
An AbstractInsnNode that encapsulates a Label.
A node that represents an LDC instruction.
A node that represents a line number declaration.
A node that represents a type annotation on a local or resource variable.
A node that represents a local variable declaration.
A MethodVisitor that renumbers local variables in their order of appearance.
A node that represents a LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
A named method descriptor.
A node that represents a method instruction.
A node that represents a method.
A MethodVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
Exception thrown when the Code attribute of a method produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java method.
A node that represents an exported package with its name and the module that can access to it.
A ModuleHashes attribute.
A node that represents a module declaration.
A node that represents an opened package with its name and the module that can access it.
A node that represents a service and its implementation provided by the current module.
A ModuleVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
A node that represents a required module with its name and access of a module descriptor.
A ModuleResolution attribute.
A ModuleTarget attribute.
A visitor to visit a Java module.
A node that represents a MULTIANEWARRAY instruction.
The JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
A node that represents a parameter of a method.
An abstract converter from visit events to text.
A node that represents a record component.
A RecordComponentVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
A visitor to visit a record component.
A class responsible for remapping types and names.
A ClassVisitor that adds a serial version unique identifier to a class if missing.
A parser for signature literals, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS), to visit them with a SignatureVisitor.
A SignatureVisitor that remaps types with a Remapper.
A visitor to visit a generic signature.
A SignatureVisitor that generates signature literals, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
A Remapper using a Map to define its mapping.
An extended BasicVerifier that performs more precise verifications.
An Interpreter for SourceValue values.
A Value which keeps track of the bytecode instructions that can produce it.
A ClassVisitor that merges <clinit> methods into a single one.
A code generator for switch statements.
A node that represents a TABLESWITCH instruction.
A Printer that prints a disassembled view of the classes it visits.
An Attribute that can print a readable representation of itself.
An AnnotationVisitor that prints the annotations it visits with a Printer.
A ClassVisitor that prints the classes it visits with a Printer.
A FieldVisitor that prints the fields it visits with a Printer.
A MethodVisitor that prints the methods it visits with a Printer.
A ModuleVisitor that prints the fields it visits with a Printer.
A RecordComponentVisitor that prints the record components it visits with a Printer.
A SignatureVisitor that builds the Java generic type declaration corresponding to the signature it visits.
A node that represents a try catch block.
A MethodVisitor adapter to sort the exception handlers.
A Java field or method type.
A node that represents a type annotation.
A node that represents a type instruction.
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
Exception thrown in AnnotationNode.check(int), ClassNode.check(int), FieldNode.check(int) and MethodNode.check(int) when these nodes (or their children, recursively) contain elements that were introduced in more recent versions of the ASM API than version passed to these methods.
An immutable symbolic value for the semantic interpretation of bytecode.
A node that represents a local variable instruction.