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by Matt Springfield | March 28, 2024

What is EDI for Inventory Management? All You Need to Know

What is EDI for Inventory

Modern businesses understand the importance of moving away from manual inventory management. It's a time-consuming, error-prone process – often characterized by outdated information, human errors, and inefficiencies that can lead to overstocking, shortages, and missed opportunities. These issues not only strain internal operations but also negatively impact customer satisfaction and relationships with suppliers. In an age where agility and accuracy are paramount, relying on manual processes can significantly hinder a business's growth and operational efficiency.

This is where Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) steps in, automating the exchange of business documents and data between systems. EDI enables real-time or near-real-time communication and data exchange, eliminating manual data entry errors and delays. This automation leads to more accurate inventory tracking, improved demand forecasting, and enhanced supplier collaboration.

By transitioning to an EDI-enabled inventory management system, businesses can overcome the limitations of manual processes, reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, and ultimately delivering better service to their customers.

This blog provides an overview of the EDI details involved in inventory management, as well as a brief discussion about how tools like CData Arc can make the process of implementing automated EDI exchange faster and more accessible.

What is an EDI 846?

An EDI 846 is a type of digital business document called the Inventory Inquiry/Advice. It plays a pivotal role in the ecosystem of EDI transactions within inventory management. It standardizes the format of an electronic message that businesses use to communicate inventory levels, whether to inquire about the inventory status of a supplier or to advise a customer or partner about product availability. This document type facilitates a transparent, efficient exchange of inventory information, enabling businesses to manage their stock levels more effectively and make informed purchasing and sales decisions.

The EDI 846 document contains detailed information such as item identification numbers, descriptions, quantities available, and the location of goods. This level of detail allows for a comprehensive view of inventory across multiple locations or partners, making it an indispensable tool for businesses operating in environments where inventory levels fluctuate rapidly and where shortages cause cascading problems.

By automating the exchange of inventory information, the EDI 846 eliminates the need for manual inventory checks and updates, significantly reducing the potential for errors and discrepancies that can lead to stock issues or fulfillment delays.

Like all EDI documents, 846 Inventory Inquiries are designed to be easily interpretable by software systems that exchange data with external parties. Once configured, EDI integration solutions can automate the exchange of EDI 846 documents with trading partners while ensuring that external communication is seamlessly incorporated into internal data systems like databases, enterprise applications, and file folders.

The components of an EDI 846 document

The EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice document encompasses a range of information critical for effective inventory management. Here's a closer look at some of the key elements it contains:

  1. Inquiry date and time: This element specifies when the inquiry or advice regarding inventory levels was made. It's essential for maintaining the accuracy of inventory data, as it helps businesses track changes over time and respond to inventory inquiries with the most current information.
  2. ID information: The ID information refers to unique identifiers for the sender and receiver of the document. This could include the manufacturer's ID, retailer's ID, or any other relevant business identification numbers. It ensures that the document reaches the correct party and facilitates accurate record-keeping.
  3. Product identifiers: Product identifiers are critical for distinguishing between items. They might include manufacturer part numbers, UPC codes, or SKU numbers. These identifiers ensure that inventory levels are accurately reported and understood for each specific product, reducing confusion and errors in inventory management.
  4. Units of measure: Units of measure indicate how inventory quantities are being counted, whether in pieces, boxes, pallets, or other units. This information is crucial for understanding inventory levels in a uniform manner across different items and suppliers.
  5. Inventory quantities: This element details the current available quantities of each item. It is fundamental to inventory management, allowing businesses to know exactly how much stock is on hand at any given time and make purchasing decisions accordingly.
  6. Forecasted restocking dates: Forecasted restocking dates provide estimates of when out-of-stock items will be replenished. This information helps businesses plan for future inventory availability and make adjustments to their sales strategies or purchasing plans based on expected stock levels.
  7. Inventory reporting by location: Inventory reporting by location details the availability of items across different warehouses or retail locations. This is particularly valuable for businesses with multiple inventory sites, enabling them to manage stock distribution more effectively and fulfill orders from locations with sufficient stock, thus optimizing shipping times and costs.

CData Arc: Easy X12 EDI 846 mapping & translation

EDI integration platforms like CData Arc dramatically simplify the process of automating EDI 846 exchange and moving away from manual inventory management. By automating the exchange of inventory information, your business can eliminate manual data entry errors, reduce processing times, and ensure that their inventory data is accurate and up-to-date.

Arc provides no-code EDI translation and mapping into other data formats like files, databases, ERP systems, and more – all without needing a dedicated EDI team or specialized knowledge. Whether it's converting EDI formats to match in-house database schemas or aggregating inventory data from multiple sources, CData Arc's intuitive interface and extensive customization options empower businesses to tailor their EDI processes to their specific needs.

By building out custom EDI integration workflows in Arc, you can leverage EDI 846 Inventory Inquiries to their fullest potential, enhancing efficiency and maintaining data flow at the rapid pace of modern business.