[go: nahoru, domu]

{ "app" : "Boop" , "version" : 1.0 , "open_source" : true , "tags" : [ "application" , "developer" , "tool" ] } {"app": "Boop", "version": 1.0, "open_source": true, "tags": ["application", "developer", "tool"]} {"app": "Boop", "version": 1.0, "open_source": true, "tags": ["application", "developer", "tool"]} }];touq&loot;touq& ,;touq&repoleved;touq& ,;touq&noitacilppa;touq&[ :;touq&sgat;touq& ,eurt :;touq&ecruos_nepo;touq& ,0.1 :;touq&noisrev;touq& ,;touq&pooB;touq& :;touq&ppa;touq&{ %7D%5D%3Btouq%26loot%3Btouq%26%20%2C%3Btouq%26repoleved%3Btouq%26%20%2C%3Btouq%26noitacilppa%3Btouq%26%5B%20%3A%3Btouq%26sgat%3Btouq%26%20%2Ceurt%20%3A%3Btouq%26ecruos_nepo%3Btouq%26%20%2C0.1%20%3A%3Btouq%26noisrev%3Btouq%26%20%2C%3Btouq%26pooB%3Btouq%26%20%3A%3Btouq%26ppa%3Btouq%26%7B JTdEJTVEJTNCdG91cSUyNmxvb3QlM0J0b3VxJTI2JTIwJTJDJTNCdG91cSUyNnJlcG9sZXZlZCUzQnRvdXElMjYlMjAlMkMlM0J0b3VxJTI2bm9pdGFjaWxwcGElM0J0b3VxJTI2JTVCJTIwJTNBJTNCdG91cSUyNnNnYXQlM0J0b3VxJTI2JTIwJTJDZXVydCUyMCUzQSUzQnRvdXElMjZlY3J1b3NfbmVwbyUzQnRvdXElMjYlMjAlMkMwLjElMjAlM0ElM0J0b3VxJTI2bm9pc3JldiUzQnRvdXElMjYlMjAlMkMlM0J0b3VxJTI2cG9vQiUzQnRvdXElMjYlMjAlM0ElM0J0b3VxJTI2cHBhJTNCdG91cSUyNiU3Qg== 23 45678910 1 Start typing... HTML Decode Decodes HTML entities in your text HTML Encode Encodes HTML entities in your text Base64 Decode Decodes your text from Base 64 Base 64 Encode Encodes your text to Base 64 URL Encode Encodes URL entities in your text URL Decode Decodes URL entities in your text Remove Slashes Unescapes your text MD5 Checksum Computes the checksum of your text HTML Decode Decodes HTML entities in your text HTML Encode Encodes HTML entities in your text Format XML Cleans and formats XML/HTML documents Reverse String !seod ti tahw sseuG Remove Slashes Unescapes your text Format JSON Cleans and formats JSON documents b ba

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Stop pasting company secrets into random websites.

Listen, we've all been there. Sometimes you need to do something, and it's just way easier to Google something like "json formatter online" and paste your data into whatever the first result is. It's not your fault Xcode prints out escaped strings. And who knows how to get the character count in Terminal? I mean why would that access token be URL encoded? Speaking of, does that JWT look base 64 encoded to you? Also that JSON response is one big line it's really hard to read. Oh boy, that XML document is just a complete mess. I wonder what the MD5 for the password I use everywhere is? Oh, here we go, md5generator dot com, you're my savior!

Just boop it

It doesn't take a lot of text to tell you what Boop is. But here is a substantial amount of text anyway. It's a place for you to paste plain text and transform it if need be. It's what some of you use TextEdit, or maybe Notes, or maybe a blank unsaved .html file because that's what your editor defaults to when pressing ⌘+N and it's easier to do that than pick the proper file type, right? It's not like you needed syntax highlighting anyway.

bring your own

Boop lets you add custom scripts to perform whichever actions you heart desires. All you need to do is dream. If dreaming is not your strong suit, Boop comes preloaded with a multitude actions. Except the Poopificator. You'll have to import that yourself.

        "description":"Swaps random words with poop emojis.",

const poopFactor = 0.2 

function main(state) {
    var all = state.fullText.split(" ") 
    state.fullText = all.map(x => r() ? x : "💩").join(" ")

function r() {
    return Math.random() >= poopFactor

Native AF.

Putting web apps outside of a browser is one of the worst ideas ever. That's why Boop is built with Apple's Swift, with none of that webpage-on-desktop nonsense. Embedding Javascript code in a native shell is one of the least efficient ways to build an application and only a fool would want that.

Powered by Javascript.

Putting web apps outside of a browser is one of the best ideas ever. That's why Boop is built with javascript, with all of that webpage-on-desktop goodness. Embedding Javascript code in a native shell is one of the most efficient ways to build an application and only a fool wouldn't want that.

Free and
open source.

You know what, dealing with income tax is already complicated as it is and I don't really want to face the reality of nobody wanting to pay money for something you can do with macros in most editors anyway. So just go and take it, and maybe pay it forward or something?

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